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Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set

Page 43

by Lucy Wild

  When I turned round the men were gone. I could do no more so I stole back to the library to read. The Countess came in and held out two letters.

  “The gipsies gave me these,” she said. “One is from you to Peter Hawkins but the other is a vile thing and is not signed so cannot matter.” He held the letter in shorthand to the flame of the lamp until it was consumed. “The letter to Hawkins I shall send as it is yours. Your pardon that I broke the seal. Will you cover it again?” With that he held out the letter with a clean envelope. I handed it back in silence and he left, locking the door behind him.

  An hour or two passed and I began to need to pee once again. Looking at the erotic materials around me, I sought one that I might make use of with the dildo in my pocket. Finally I settled upon a work which described a woman used by a group of men in such a way that every entrance to her were filled by an appendage of theirs. I thought of the group of men outside the window and lay on the couch, thinking of them tearing my clothes from me whilst I slid the dildo into myself.

  My need to pee made my arousal all the more intense and I found myself picturing each of the men fucking me in turn, their cocks sliding into every hole available one after another whilst I could only do my best to pleasure them in however they saw fit. I moved the dildo at lightning speed deep into my pussy, my bladder screaming for relief as I reached a shuddering climax. I saw an empty vase in the corner and ran to it, pulling the dildo from me as the first trickles of pee ran down my legs. I lowered myself over the vase as the floodgates opened and piss spurted out of me, filling the vase in seconds as I sighed happily, my pussy still throbbing with the remnants of my climax.

  I had barely finished peeing when the Countess returned and sent me on to bed. I passed to my rooms and slept without dreaming.

  31 May – This morning I went to fetch papers from my bag to write again but every scrap was gone. I saw and pondered before looking in my wardrobe. My suitcase was gone as was my overcoat and rug.

  17 June – As I sat on my bed thinking hard I heard a cracking of whips and a great pair of wagons drove into the yard below. I cried out to the drivers and they looked up at me blankly. I attempted masturbating for them but the head of the gipsies appeared, pointed up at me and said something which made them laugh.

  Henceforth no erotic effort of mine would make them even look at me. When their empty boxes were unloaded they were given money by the gipsy before riding away.

  24 June – Last night the Countess left me early and locked herself in her room. Something is going on for I can hear the gipsies working nearby, hearing the sound of flushing toilets. I was at the window overlooking the Countess’s room when I saw her emerge in my travelling clothes with the bag I had seen given to the evil women. This was her scheme then, that others will see me so they think and she will leave evidence I have been seen in towns posting my own letters and wickedness achieved shall be attributed to me. It makes me rage to think this can go on and whilst I am shut up here.

  I returned to my room when I heard in the courtyard the cry of a woman. I looked out of the window and saw her, a stranger distressed with running. When she saw my face she shouted up, “Monster give me my partner!”

  She threw herself on her knees and tore at her hair before throwing herself against the door. Somewhere high above I heard the Countess call and her call was answered by the howling of wolves who poured in as a pack to the courtyard. There was no cry from the woman but I knew what had happened as the wolves slunk away licking their lips. What am I to do? How can I escape this place?

  25 June – I must take action of some sort. Last night of my post dated letters went to post, the first of that fatal series that will blot out every trace of my existence. Action is needed. I have seen her crawl from her window. Why should I not go in by the same route?

  Later – I have made the effort and come safely to this room. I must put down every detail in order. The room was empty, furnished with things which seemed to have never been used. I looked for the key but it was not in the lock. The only thing I found was a great heap of gold and money in one corner, none of it less than three hundred years old. At one corner of the room was a heavy door. It was open and led through a stone passage to a stairway which went steeply down.

  I descended minding carefully until I came to a room which shocked me to my core. For here was the most elaborate of bathrooms, the like of which I had never before encounters. Porcelain toilet bowls were laid out in individual stalls, each pristine and spotless. The walls were covered with fine mosaics and the rolls of paper were of the softest kind.

  There was nobody about and I went around the bathroom looking in every corner when I came to the final stall, the door closed. I pushed it open and there was the Countess. She was either dead or asleep but her eyes were open and stony, the cheeks having the warmth of life but there was no sign of pulse or breathing.

  I bent over her and looked for signs of life but saw none. I turned to the toilet beside hers and sat upon it, lifting my dress and finally enjoying urinating in the correct manner for the first time since arriving at the castle. As I peed I could not help but become aroused and so I began to let my fingers play with the flow of pee, enjoying the hot wetness of it upon my hands as I stroked at my labia. But a fear overtook me from nowhere that the Countess may awaken and so I lowered my dress once more, returning to my room by the manner of again climbing the castle wall.

  29 June – Today is the date of my last letter and the Countess has taken steps to prove it was genuine for I saw him leave in my clothes once again. I walked to the library and distracted my fears by reading of a threesome between woman and two men. I read the story with great concentration, picturing myself held between two men, one sliding into my bottom, the other into my pussy, being crushed between them as they both came inside me, me solely responsible for their pleasure.

  I brought myself to a shuddering orgasm whilst thinking of their emissions spurting into my body and as my climax faded I drifted off to sleep. I was awakened by the Countess who looked at me and said, “Tomorrow we must part. You return to England, I to some work which may mean we never meet. Your letter has been despatched. All is ready for your journey. In the morning my carriage will come for you and bear you away but I hope I shall see more of you at Castle Wetula.”

  When I was in my room and about to lie down I heard a whispering at my door. “Back to your place. Tonight is mine. Tomorrow night is yours.” There was a ripple of laughter and I opened the door to see the three women running away.

  30 June – These may be the last words I write. I slept until before dawn, waking up and not needing a pee for the first time since arriving. I ran down the hall to the great door but it would not open. I scaled the walls to the Countess’s room and down to the bathroom below. There in one of the boxes brought to the castle was the Countess. She looked as if her youth had been half restored. Her white hair was dark grey, her cheeks fuller, her mouth redder than ever and on the lips were drops of urine which ran over her chin and neck. She looked as if she had simply gorged on piss.

  This was the being I was helping to transfer to London who might for centuries to come satiate her desire for urine and create a circle of others to batten on the helpless. There came the sound of a gipsy song outside and I ran from the place, listening as the great door opened and closed again. When I reached it I found it locked and as I write I hear the sound of tramping feet below me, no doubt the boxes being set down heavily and lids hammered into place.

  In the courtyard I can hear the crack of whips and I am left alone in the castle with those horrible women. I shall not remain alone here with them. I shall try to scale the castle wall further than ever. I shall take some of the gold with me lest I need it. I may yet find a way from this dreadful place. And then away for home to the quickest train. Goodbye all.

  Chapter 3

  Letter from Mina Murray to Lucy Wetenra

  9 May

  My dearest Lucy,

p; Forgive my delay in writing but I have been overwhelmed with work. The life of an assistant brothel keeper is sometimes trying. I long to be with you and by the sea where we can talk and piss together freely. I have been working very hard and practising shorthand. I have had a few lines from Jennifer in Transylvania. She is well and will return soon. I long to hear her news and taste her above my face once more. Goodbye.

  Your loving Mina

  Letter from Lucy to Mina


  My dearest Mina,

  I have nothing to interest you. Town is very pleasant I met some time ago a woman who would do for you if you were not engaged to Jennifer. She is well off and of good birth, a doctor with the most enormous breasts. She is only nine and twenty and yet has an immense lunatic asylum under her care. She has a curious habit of looking down my top at every opportunity. That is all Mina. We have told our secrets to each other since we were children. We have slept together and eaten together and laughed and cried and fucked. I am blushing as I write as my thoughts dwell upon the time we slept together before you met Jennifer.

  Do you recall the night of Mamma’s birthday when we retired late to my room as that storm raged outside. I was all a shiver due to my fear of thunder and you held me in your arms until I was still again. But you did not let go did you? Instead you raised my nightgown until my body was exposed to your gaze and then you slid down me, kissing as you went until you finally reached your goal. You made me pee in your mouth, the first time I had ever undertaken such a thing and it aroused me beyond belief to see you indulge in my emissions as if you were dying of thirst.

  When you kissed my pussy that night I almost melted away into thin air or floated off into the heavens. Your fingers inside me were the most exquisite of things and you brought me to an orgasm the like of which I have not experienced since. I kissed you and tasted my piss and my arousal in your mouth whilst you stared happily into my eyes.

  Why do I repeat this here? Well I have fallen in love with a lady of whom I cannot stop imagining indulging in drinking her pee in the way you did mine. I think she may love me though she had not told me so. But oh I do love her Mina! I love her. There, that does me good.

  I wish I were with you, sitting by the fire and undressing so I could tell you how I feel and demonstrate what I wish she would do to me. Let me hear from you at once and tell me all that you think about it.


  Letter from Lucy to Mina

  24 May

  My dearest Mina

  Thanks and thanks again for your sweet letter. It is lovely to have your sympathy. It never rains pee but it pours piss. Here I am about to be twenty and never had a proposal and yet today I had three. One came before lunch. Dr June Seward, the lunatic asylum woman with enormous breasts and good skin. She was cool but nervous and told me how dear I was to her and how she wished I cared for her. When she saw me cry I told her there was already someone and she wished me well before planting a kiss on my lips.

  I knew not what to do nor how to react as she took me in her arms and escorted me into the garden. Once there she stripped me of every stitch of clothing upon my body before laying me down on the damp grass. She embraced every last inch of me including delving deeply between my buttocks in a way that I never realised could be so enjoyable. Her tongue dipped inside my bottom and her fingers into my pussy as she draped my legs over her shoulders.

  As she fucked me with her hand, I felt the need to pee and began to wriggle with desperation. She would not let me rise though, instead insisting that I produce upon her. I did as she wished, my heart racing as my pee dribbled down her chin and onto her waiting bosom. She revelled in my piss dear Mina, bringing me to an orgasm with her hand before I even had chance to finish urinating. My whole body shook when I came and as I lay panting for breath she moved up me, lifting her dress whilst I moved my hands to her breasts which had spilled over her top. I toyed with her nipples as she sat upon my face and returned the piss I had given her with that of her own. She peed directly into my mouth Mina and the taste was such that I thought I was dreaming, it was too pleasant to be real. As she peed, I let my tongue slide into the wet folds of her cunt and she gasped and moaned and writhed as if she wanted me to move ever deeper into her.

  She rubbed her clit as she finished peeing and soon after I brought her to a trembling climax that made her scream so loudly I could hear the neighbours call out, asking if there was an issue at hand.

  I shouted that we were fine as best I could from under her pussy and she giggled above me before helping me to my feet and bidding me farewell, hoping I would be happy.

  Number two came after lunch. This was a nice fellow from Texas in America. He looked young and fresh and yet was older than me. Mr Quincy Morris sat beside me and looked happy and jolly but nervous all the same. He took my hand in his and said, “Miss Lucy, I know I ain’t good enough to lace your boots but will you hitch up alongside me and let us go down the long road together?”

  He looked so serious that I found it hard to deny him his wish as he poured out a torrent of love making. He ripped my clothes from me in an instant and removed his own in the same moment such that we were both naked within my parlour. His appendage was so large and standing proudly that I could not help but lower myself to my knees and take him into my mouth, being desirous of the taste of his hot hardness. He filled my mouth to the back of my throat as he gripped my hair and made me fuck him with my lips, my tongue running over the length of his shaft as he stared down at me.

  Soon he felt teased enough and spun me round and bent me over the couch. He groped at my buttocks as he slid his cock between them, making my pussy damp with desire.

  “Piss on me,” he said, holding his cock directly against my labia. I let my bladder relax and hot urine did flow over his cock which seemed to become harder than ever. Whilst I continued to pee he used the juices of my arousal to lubricate himself in such a way that he could enter my bottom, making me gasp out loud at the way I stretched wide apart to allow him entry.

  He slid all the way into my anus whilst his hand moved to my clit and began toying with it. I rocked back and forth upon him until I reached an orgasm so powerful I almost fell to the ground, only his tool within me keeping me upright. After I had climaxed he moved faster and began slamming into me until I heard him grunt and felt his cock spasming deep within me. A moment later hot spunk filled my bottom and the sensation of it within me sent another orgasm through my body. He spurted more cum into me before slowly withdrawing, kissing his way up my back before collapsing beside me on the couch.

  “I cannot marry you,” I said when my breathing had returned to normal. He asked if there was another and I told him straight. “There is one I love though he had not yet told me he loves me.”

  He wished me luck and gave me a final kiss before gathering up his clothes and withdrawing, leaving me to feel his emissions seep back out of me as my little clit throbbed with desire for more.

  This quite upset me and I don’t wish to tell you of number three until it can all be happy. Ever your loving


  PS Of number three I must speak. She came into my room and kissed me before I even had a chance to speak. In less than a minute I was naked for the third time this day. I don’t know what I did to deserve such pleasure but she tied me to my bed with my own stockings and made use of a beautiful smooth glass cock attached to her hips with fabric straps to fuck me whilst all the time staring into my eyes.

  She fucked me slowly until I burst with joy, my body writhing to free myself from the bonds that held me in place. I enjoyed one climax after another until she withdrew, leaving me exhausted as she leaned back and let a gushing torrent of piss escape her, spraying all over my captive body, sending me into further paroxysms of ecstasy. She then forced me to watch her fuck herself with the dildo until she came not once but thrice in quick succession, never taking her eyes from me for an instant. I must show her that I am grateful to her for being such a lover a
nd a friend. Goodbye.

  Dr Seward’s Diary

  25 May – Cannot eat, cannot rest. Since my rebuff after such a sexual encounter I have an empty feeling. As I knew the only cure would be to tease my patients I picked out once who afforded me a study of much interest. He is so quaint I am determined to understand him. He refuses to ever reach an orgasm, believing such enjoyment to be the work of the devil.

  And yet when I stood in his cell and began a striptease, his cock stiffened under his nightdress until I could resist no longer. I took hold of it with my cool hands and stroked the length of it whilst lowering my mouth to the head, licking the fluid which appeared there. He shook his head as if wishing me to stop but then took hold of my hair and drove himself into my mouth. He fucked me until I could no longer breathe, my eyes wild as he grunted deeply and spurted cum into the back of my throat. He finally let me go and I gasped for breath, wiping spunk from my chin as I stood up and withdrew to the ward.

  Letter from Quincy Morris to Anthea Holmwood

  25 May

  My dear Ant

  We’ve told yarns before and I have such a one for you about my latest conquest despite the rejection I was forced to endure afterwards. I ask you to come to my campfire tomorrow night as our friend June Seward will be there and we can mingle our sorrow to drink to the health of whomever has won the heart of our fondest friend Lucy. We promise you a hearty welcome.

  Yours as ever


  Telegram from Arthur to Quincy

  26 May

  Count me in. I bear messages to make your cunt tingle.


  Mina Murray’s Journal

  24 July – Whitby – Lucy met me at the station and drove me up to the house. This is a lovely place. Right over the town is the ruin of the abbey which was sacked by the Danes. It is a noble ruin of immense size and I walked around it for so long I was bursting to pee by the end. There were no toilets to be found and people everywhere such that I felt I might explode at any moment if I could not find a secluded spot. I walked out beside Mina as she held my hand and tried to calm me although I knew she was also aroused by the sight of my desperation. Behind the churchyard there was a hummock of grass and if kneeling we would still be visible so we both lay on the grass behind it out of sight of the populace. It is not easy to pee whilst laid down I must confess. I lifted my dress to my waist and shuffled down my knickers whilst Mina did the same and at the sight of her pussy I was reminded of those times we had copulated together in the past before her engagement to Jennifer.


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