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Ecstasy Claimed (The Guardians Of The Realms Series)

Page 1

by Jay, Setta

  Table of Contents

  Ecstasy Claimed




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43


  Other Works by Setta Jay:

  About the Author:

  Ecstasy Claimed

  Setta Jay

  A Guardians of the Realms Novel


  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. The characters are products of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Warning – This book is intended for an adult audience. It contains explicit sex; a dirty talking, possessive alpha male; scenes of sexual exhibition; an instance of f/f; spankings and more.



  Ecstasy Claimed Copyright © 2014 Setta Jay, LLC

  All rights reserved. Federal copyright law prohibits unauthorized reproduction by any means and imposes fines up to $25,000 for violation.

  Copy-editing by: Lindy at BookBlinders Reviews

  Proofreading by: Pauline Nolet

  Back cover blurb: Lindy at BookBlinders Reviews


  A big thank you to Lindy, the best friend a girl could have. Without your encouragement, support, girl days, and brutally honest editing, my writing, and this book would not be all that it could be. You help me to be a better writer and keep me sane while doing it. I would be lost without you!

  To Kevin, my sexy husband, for your constant love and support. Thank you for understanding Willy Wednesdays on Twitter. For your willingness to sacrifice your body in the name of research. Without your dedication I might never know if certain things would line up accurately.

  Thank you for the support of my new friends Lisa Sproat and Kaylee Hurt. Love you gals! You always push me in the right direction.

  Thank you to my beta readers Laura R and Rebekah N for your love and encouragement.

  Thank you to all the bloggers who were so helpful and supportive during the release of my first book, Ecstasy Unbound. You’ve been a great group of women that have guided me through all the craziness of being a new author. I’m listing you in alphabetical order and cringing at the thought of missing anyone. I valued each and every critique and I hope that you see your mark on this book. Thank you!

  Lindy at BookBlinders Reviews

  Lana at Dirty Girl Romance Bookblog

  Marie at Marie’s Tempting Reads

  Storm at Paranormal Romance Junkies

  Donna and Cori at Reading in Pajamas

  Mistresses L & M and Eagle at S&M’s Book Obsessions

  Nina, Neda & Rachel at The SubClub Books

  Tracey at Tracey’s Vampy and Racey’s Bookblog

  Chapter 1

  Los Angeles, Earth Realm

  Gregoire lifted the short glass of amber liquid to his lips and savored the burn in the back of his throat. He loved whiskey, and it had been a long fucking day. Week. Heavy music beat in the background of the dark club. It wasn’t his usual style, but it didn’t matter. It seemed his usual was no longer working for him. He’d wanted a drink, so he’d joined his brother Guardians Conn, Dorian and Bastian. They sat drinking and watched the scantily clad females dance near their private edge of the club on the West Coast.

  Seductive looks had been steadily sent in their direction. A week ago he would have taken the female with the biggest tits, made use of her mouth and then fucked her in the alley or bathroom because things were more discreet in the clubs Conn went to.

  If it were in the clubs that he and Uri used to frequent, he would have fucked her as the other patrons watched. That, however, was not the type of place they were in now. In fact, since Uri had mated a fucking week ago, Gregoire hadn’t had any interest in fucking. That’s how he’d known the time had come.

  He took a longer pull from his drink and nodded for the dark-haired waitress to bring another.

  It was finally time to claim his little mate. He’d known it would happen at some point, and it had hit him hard after Uri’s mating. A full fucking week ago. Uri was his closest brother, and he was happy the male had found such a worthy mate, but something about the mating had set Gregoire off. It was disconcerting losing the desire to satiate his needs on anyone other than the tiny female he’d yet to claim.

  He watched the females on the floor, running their hands over each other. Their soft, supple bodies twining and tasting in order to draw attention, but he couldn’t conjure an ounce of interest. All he saw were chestnut waves and innocent, pale green eyes. That image had his cock interested. The thought of taking her sweet untried pussy made his cock ache.

  His brothers were talking over the noise of the club. He tuned them out, thinking about how quickly things had changed.

  He’d gone to his favorite club four days ago. None of the females had gained his interest enough to even fuck while pretending it was her. Imagining her face and tits had been his sick-as-fuck norm for the last five years. He could have claimed her when she’d reached her majority, but she’d seemed too young at twenty. Much too innocent and small to handle his demanding and dominant nature. Fuck, he had a huge list of reasons to allow her time.

  His life had altered twenty-five years ago. His needs had still required fulfillment, but his interest had waned. What had once been hours of screwing females had changed to screwing a single female once or twice, enough to take the edge off. He rubbed his short beard. He and Uri had always shared human females. Both had enjoyed the kink and challenge in fucking such fragile beings without harming them, but it did nothing for him any longer.

  The waitress dropped off his drink, and he scented her arousal. She’d been sending shy glances Conn’s way all night. He shook his head, humans saw them as big and dangerous, but they really had no idea who they were playing with.

  The Guardians’ curse made sure they would do no harm. Hurting a human forced them to relive the same injury tenfold. It was a deterrent set by the Creators when they’d gifted the Guardians with enhanced powers. Before the Great Beings had left the Earth, they’d instructed him and his brothers to ensure humanity evolved without interference or subjugation by more powerful beings, and that mandate had included them.

  Many centuries ago humans had bled, suffered and died for the entertainment of the Gods, the Creator’s own children. Ares and Artemis had wrought the most damage and destruction, but out of the twelve Gods only three had not turned out to be sick fucks. Thos
e had been dark times. When the Creators had learned what atrocities their sons and daughters had committed, they’d sent the Gods to sleep for their sins. They’d also exiled the Immortals to Tetartos Realm, far away from humanity, and named his eleven brethren and himself the Guardians of the four Realms; Heaven, Hell, Earth and Tetartos.

  Gregoire took a deep breath of the arousal-scented air. Immortals were sexual beings needing release like they needed to feed from the world’s energies. Guardians required more than the normal Immortal. More energy, more sex. Jacking off had never worked well. He’d always needed the feel of a hot wet cunt wrapped around him, but it seemed his body had decided the time had come to claim the one pussy that was his alone. Things had to be done first, and the situation had always been complicated.

  “I’m a little shocked that Drake let Uri connect a blow,” Conn said, chuckling as his brothers continued to discuss their training earlier. Their leader had taken Uri to the mats before they’d left. Uri had known it was coming. It was his punishment for bringing a hellhound pup into Earth, the Realm of humanity, and keeping the animal there without telling Drake. Through their many centuries, every one of them had suffered the same humiliation of fighting him. There was a reason he was the leader of the Guardians. He was stronger and faster than any of them. As the son of Aphrodite and half-Dragon warrior Ladon, Drake was fucking powerful before having been enhanced with Guardian powers. Pothos, son of Hades, was the only Guardian that actually held his own against him.

  Uri’s mate was technically Drake’s cousin, and they all liked the Demi-Goddess. Drake had likely gone easy on Uri for her sake. She’d had a rough week of it, worrying over her brother and his mate. The healer had put Erik into a sleep state after he’d rescued his mate from the fuckers that had taken and raped her. They had extended his sleep again a few days ago, attempting to postpone the mating frenzy he would suffer when he awoke.

  The clinking of glass against the wood tables mixed with the laughter and talking of the rowdy humans. It seemed overly loud mixed with the thumping music. It didn’t matter that they were seated in the back.

  “I know.” Dorian’s tanned features broke into a grin. “The best part was watching Uri’s face as Alex yelled pointers to him from the sidelines.” Gregoire’s lips tilted. It had been amusing listening to the female. It was obvious how much she cared for her mate, especially to Gregoire who had participated in their consummation ceremony. It was an honor, in their culture, to be included in something so rare. The tradition was all about bringing the female to the greatest heights of ecstasy. Alex’s fantasies had included being filled and pleasured by two males. Uri’s desires easily matched his mate’s, so Gregoire had been invited. Seeing them together, the intensity of their bond, watching as they shared minds, had caused his current craving to claim his own female.

  He rolled his neck and then drank deep. He might need a few more before he left. It took a lot of alcohol to affect an Immortal, and he enjoyed the taste. He saw Conn wink at the waitress, and her pale skin flushed pink while the scent of her arousal thickened around them. Conn’s amber eyes glittered as he smirked.

  Conn fit in with the crowd around them. He wore a black tee under his green and black flannel. Tattoos peeked from under his rolled sleeves. Gregoire knew they covered his arms, shoulders and back, all depicting wolves. His brown hair was shaggy and wild just like his animal. His eyes shone bright in the darkened bar; over one brow hung three small black rings. He grinned and drank from his dark ale as he tracked the flustered female’s movements to the next table.

  “I thought Alex was endearing,” Bastian commented, his lips tilting into a small grin. Uri’s mate acted like a hellion, his brother was still getting use to her spirit and recklessness.

  Bastian lounged back in his chair, a glass of ouzo in hand. Gregoire didn’t know how the male could drink that shit. Gregoire had trouble stomaching the scent of the licorice alcohol. His brother’s exotic, tanned features were relaxed while he tracked a trio of females on the dance floor. He sat wearing his usual black on black. His long midnight hair was pulled back at the nape of his neck. According to Brianne, the most outspoken of the three female Guardians, Bastian looked just like some actor in a funny gigolo movie. The comments always made Jax roar with laughter.

  “Alex and Vane helping save our asses with the Mageia was a solid move,” Dorian stated and then took a long pull from his beer. Alex had won them all over. The Nereid never sang the praises of any female that was not one of their sister Guardians. He didn’t trust females, but the Demi-Goddess and her brother had helped when they had been downed by corrupted Mageia. Though Mageia were no more than evolved humans able to work elemental magic, they’d amassed an impressive armory that made up for their lack of power. The fact that Alex and her brother, Vane, had found a way to help cemented them into the Guardian fold.

  “I still can’t fucking process that Uri’s mated. I’m glad he’s happy. Just, shit.” Dorian’s blond brows furrowed over his aqua eyes. He took another long drink of his beer as he stared out at the crowd. His blond hair was spiked up high with blue tips, and he was in his usual worn jeans paired with a bright orange Aquaman tee. Gregoire agreed that it was odd, not only Uri finding his mate, but Alex’s brother, Erik, and Gregoire as well. Immortals rarely found mates, it could be several decades between mating ceremonies.

  Something held him back from telling anyone about Alyssa. His beast twitched at the thought of anyone knowing about her; it had to be an ingrained protective trait. He hadn’t questioned it or told even Drake or Uri, who he was closest to.

  “It pisses me off that Cyril got away. It took fucking centuries to find him this time,” Dorian said with a hard glint in his eyes. They’d only even found their enemy because Erik’s mate had been taken. They’d searched for centuries, but Cyril had hidden his ranks well, until taking the mate of the Demi-God. They’d been lucky as shit that Erik’s power and beast made him able to track and find her, but the bastard had slipped through their fingers.

  “Cynthia has also done a good disappearing act. She has money and intelligence, so hiding among Earth’s massive human population won’t be difficult. I haven’t been able to track anything on her credit cards. Vane helped me go through the files, and we found no other possible locations for her,” Conn added. Conn was the guy that generally went through all the tech shit, and now he had some help with Alex’s other brother, who was into that shit too. They knew the Mageia, Cynthia, had been the one abducting and sending unsuspecting female Mageia from Earth, including Sam, Erik’s mate. Running had only confirmed her involvement with Cyril in Tetartos.

  A crash sounded as a drunk human knocked into a waitress’s tray. Glass crashed into the solid floor, taking his mind away from his brother’s conversation and back to his tiny mate. Gregoire had known of her since her birth. He was an Immortal created fully formed by the Creators so her tiny body had been a truly amazing sight. He’d known from that day she would be his. He’d gotten reports over the years, but from the day she’d hit her majority, he watched her from a distance. She had seemed so young, too young. So, he’d waited.

  The minute he was unable to consider feeding his needs with another, he’d known her time had come. He’d been without a female for a week now, and his body felt the lack. He’d spent centuries sating his body daily.

  He and the others sat for long moments before three scantily clad females came up next to Conn.

  “Hey, Conn,” a blonde in a barely there black dress with large manufactured breasts said as she rubbed his shoulder and winked at him. Her eyes slid to Gregoire and went half lidded. “Rider thought you and your friends might want some company.”

  “Sorry, pet, I have other plans. I won’t speak for my brothers,” Conn told her, and she turned back to his brother with a playful pout. The fact that only three had come over indicated that they were aware that Conn was not the paying kind.

  A dark-haired brunette slid onto Bastian’s lap and whisp
ered in his ear. Gregoire’s Immortal hearing picked up just what she was offering his brother. The Guardian tilted his lips as the female slid her fingers up his wide chest and onto his cheek. He leaned in and nipped at her collarbone, and the female gasped and giggled.

  Gregoire watched without any real interest.

  The blonde that had spoken to Conn slid into Gregoire’s lap. He felt nothing but the slight weight of her against his legs. He smelled sex and perfume all over her, and whereas that would never have bothered him before, he currently found it distasteful. He lifted her easily off his lap and pointed her in Dorian’s direction with a hard look that widened her eyes.

  These were the only types of female that the Nereid enjoyed, and he knew Dorian would easily make use of the goth girl in his lap as well as the blonde. His brother held a distinct distrust of females after being sold out to their enemy by one. It didn’t matter that it had happened centuries ago, Dorian had never forgotten. He avoided the hell out of Mageia and Immortal females alike. His preference was for fucking humans that he paid for.

  He heard the goth-looking girl sitting in Dorian’s lap whisper, “What do you like, sweetheart? Maybe you’d like me to suck that big cock I can feel under my hip, hmm?”

  The Nereid slid his hand under her short skirt before speaking. “Is that what you want? To suck my dick?” His hand kept moving under her skirt. “Where else do you want my cock?” She groaned, and Gregoire could smell her heat.

  She whispered back, “I can take it anywhere you wanna give it to me.”

  “Hmm, really?” Gregoire watched as Dorian pushed the human’s hand over his worn jeans. “You think you could take this anywhere?” The Nereid may have looked amusing in his bright-colored tee shirts but it was a deception. His brother had a glint about him, an undercurrent that could take down the unsuspecting. Dorian liked to walk on the dangerous side, not nearly as much as he had centuries ago, but it was still there, just beneath the surface.


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