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Ecstasy Claimed (The Guardians Of The Realms Series)

Page 9

by Jay, Setta

  She groaned at his heated demand. She wanted him because of the damn frenzy, but she really needed to set some ground rules, or the gorgeous ass was bound to think he could run her life. She was breathless with the effect his words had on her. Why did he have to be so magnificent? His eyes were the color of wet leaves in a forest. His brown hair held a tinge of red, and the short beard somehow made him more beautifully male; she’d seen pictures of it much longer and pointed, but she liked it like it was. He was a god to their people, and the old her would have been a little awestruck, easily submitting to his demands. She’d have accepted that this was the way of their world, but the new Alyssa was nobody’s doormat. She refused to kowtow to him. She called on the anger and hurt he’d caused and spoke. “This will be to feed the frenzy. The demands end here; do you understand me?”

  The big ass raised one dark brow at her, and she swore his lips twitched. Was he laughing at her? He unbuttoned his jeans, and her mouth went dry as she focused on what he revealed.

  “Take the suit off, or I rip it off.”

  She let out a puff of breath. He was so damn huge. Bigger than Kerr and Calder had been. His cock was hard and thick and throbbing high against his stomach.

  That voice, so deep and seductive, sent gooseflesh rippling over her skin. His eyes were on her face, tracking down to her breasts. If she didn’t like the bathing suit so much, she might have let him rip it from her body. The visual was intense. Her breathing was ragged. She was thankful as hell that she’d had some instruction. She wouldn’t be forced to follow blindly.

  While he shucked his shoes, socks and jeans, she pulled the tie behind her head and the one at her back. She’d forgotten that he’d already exposed one of her breasts. She watched his eyes track her hands as she tossed her top aside, and she felt better knowing he was just as needy as she was. The bottoms were next, revealing her newly waxed mound to his gaze. His eyes heated and then narrowed. “How many?” The words came out dangerously low.

  What was he asking? “How many what?”

  “How many have tasted your sweet bare pussy?”

  Her breath stuttered. Was he jealous? She liked the idea of that. “Three.”

  He growled as he crawled onto the bed with her. “No more. No one but me will ever touch you again; do you understand?” His hand trailed up her hip, and she lost whatever response she had. “Spread your thighs wide. I want to see every inch of smooth wet cunt. Every inch that belongs to me.”

  His deep voice rocked her to the core, and his demands made her ache for his possession. She did as he said, completely out of her own control. Her skin was oversensitive, and her womb hurt with the need he’d caused. At the island she’d learned that a lot of the races’ males were dominant and how that could play out. She had been aroused by it then, but it was on a completely different level with the big male touching her; he wasn’t just sexually dominant, he wanted to own her soul. She felt it. He may have closed his thoughts to her, but his feral possessiveness shone bright in his green eyes.

  His chest was rising and falling nearly as rapidly as hers. “You fucking smell so damn good. I want to lick up every bit of sweet honey, but you’ll need it to take my cock.” He bent low, his shoulders crowding inside her thighs. He surprised her by catching her thighs with his thick arms, bending her thighs up and back, trapping her with his chest on her stomach, leveling his lips with her nipples. His skin was hot against hers, and she was tilted so that she was slicking the muscled planes of his stomach.

  His beard abraded her skin as he nipped at a sensitive nubbin. She gasped and moaned as his tongue flicked out to dampen and soothe the sting. His hot breath wafted over her wet skin. Her back bowed, and he gave her more of his weight. “You’re so fucking wet for me, and my skin bears the mark. Fucking love it.”

  He took his time devouring her breasts. Flicking and licking them as he watched her; then he closed his eyes and sucked deep on her flesh. First one, then the other was treated to the same hot suckling that was bringing her closer to orgasm. She could feel it building as she whimpered in need. Her skin tingled as she tried to move her hips against him. She needed friction against her clit. Desperation was making her ache. Her cries became more frantic as he teased her, backing off every time she thought she’d finally come with just his scorching mouth on her breasts. His abdomen applied just enough pressure to make her throb, keeping her on edge.

  “Not without my cock.”

  “Dammit, let me come.” She was flushed and panting. She couldn’t take any more torture.

  He looked up at her. His eyes narrowed. “Have you ever taken a cock?”

  Her face heated, and she couldn’t form the words, just shook her head. His forest eyes glittered with something… triumph… but so much more intense.

  “Then, Angel, you need to be begging before you’ll be able to take me.”

  She didn’t like that his calling her ‘Angel’ sent shivers up her spine.

  He slid his body down hers, coating his stomach and chest with her desire. Her breath caught as the friction left her panting. It was so hot. He buried his face in her slick flesh. Thick fingers tunneled into her body, and she gulped in huge breaths as she writhed and pushed her hips against his face. She would surely die if he denied her again.

  “You have to let me come. I can’t take any more. I can take you.” She wasn’t entirely sure that she was telling the truth, but she just didn’t care. He was killing her.

  He added a thick digit and lapped up her cream as he held her gaze. She’d never seen such primal male satisfaction. He looked more like a godly beast than a Guardian.

  “I could spend days between your thighs. I’ve never tasted anything so sweet.” He leaned down and dipped his tongue back into her fluid as he spread his fingers inside her passage, widening her for his possession, and he tasted her juices, keeping her on a knife’s edge.

  “You’re sucking my finger, and I can feel the barrier that says you’re all fucking mine.” His shoulders heaved, and she knew in that moment that he had been torturing them both by making her wait.

  He lifted up and leaned over her, devouring her lips until they were swollen and wet, using his tongue in a way that made her writhe. She tasted her need on his lips and loved it. He sat on his knees and trailed his eyes over her body. His sinew was flexed, and his eyes were glazed with hunger. She watched through lowered lids as he grabbed his huge shaft to guide it slowly into her opening. Tendons stood out on his neck as the thick tip entered her. All she could hear was the pulsing in her head and their heavy breathing as he pushed inside. He was so damn big, but her channel stretched to accommodate him. She pushed against him, needing him deep, wanting the climax that was waiting to take her over. She felt every nerve ending tune to him.

  The odd whirling inside her body became insistent, demanding. Before the sensation had blended with her arousal, but now it pulsed inside her. She whimpered; her nails scratched at his straining forearms as she tried to pull him toward her. “More, I need more.”

  He half-groaned, half-growled at her demand, then grabbed her hips and filled her hard and fast. Her back bowed off the bed with the sheer force of his entry. She felt a sharp sting that took her breath. He paused, and the sensation was gone, leaving only the feeling of being deliciously full. Possessed. Having him deep felt right on an almost frightening level. She refused to let the fairy tale back into her life. This was nothing more than scratching a biological itch. Her stomach clenched. She couldn’t believe the intense feeling of intimacy along with the desperate need to come. She shook off all other thought but the pleasure she sought. It had to be the mating making her feel such strong emotion. Her walls stretched around his cock, cradling him deep.

  “Breathe. You can take all of me.”

  A little surprised, she looked down to where they were joined. She was sure she’d taken all there was to take; how could she fit anymore? She felt him pulse deep inside and gasped as her passage clamped down. She heard his sharp
intake of breath as she fought for her own. Her body already ached with a pleasure so deep she felt lost in it. His shoulders and every inch of his rigid torso appeared wracked with tension, and she thrilled at the sight of it. She relaxed her muscles and pushed against him.

  His cock throbbed again, caressing her so deep she moaned. Her heels dug into the soft bedding as she attempted to force him to take her harder. He stilled her hips with a hand and fierce look before slowly inching further inside until she could feel his pelvis against her bare mound. “You grasp me so damn tight. Your pussy is so hot, so fucking perfect.” His words and the potent feeling of being claimed pushed her to stir again. He growled as she fought to maneuver beneath his body.

  “I need you to move.” She growled a little.

  Forest eyes grew heavy as he clenched his jaw tight and pulled out to push back in, slowly. Too slowly. She needed something more, damn him. She wiggled, and her chest heaved as wildness assailed her. She needed him to take her hard. He paused as his intense gaze grew sharp and primal, assessing. Before she knew his intent, she was flipped to her stomach and entered forcefully from behind. She dug her hands into the soft blankets; he felt even bigger. She was so full and aching with need that she cried out for more. She tried to rear back as he began covering her with his weight. Flipping her hair to one side, he licked and nipped at her exposed skin as one big hand skimmed her hip and the side of her breast.

  His massive body settled fully on her back, blanketing every inch of her under his massive bulk, filling her impossibly full as he moved in torturously slow thrusts. She attempted to buck under his weight, fighting for more, wanting him to move so much faster, but he was too strong. She couldn’t take his measured strokes. She needed release. His hands covered hers, big warm fingers twined with her smaller ones, pushing them into the bedding at her sides, holding her immobile. Her breasts were pressed into the surface. She was trapped tight and forced to submit to whatever pace he set. His hips moved and circled behind her. Her breath sawed out as she nearly climaxed from the sheer eroticism of the experience. He held her everywhere, from big strong hands to the hot tongue against her shoulder and neck. He’d plastered his muscular torso against her bare back and bottom as his cock thrust all the way inside her pussy. She went wild beneath him. The need to come was driving her crazy. Her juices flowed around him, coating him. Her strength didn’t match his, but it didn’t matter.

  “That’s it. Fight me, fight for what you need. Fight for what my cock can give you.”

  Her mind stopped working at the words said low against her ear. Shivers ran over her flesh, and she used all of her strength and will to take him deeper, pushing and sliding under him. She bucked his hold, fought to take him further, harder until he groaned and thrust deep, finally giving her what she so desperately needed. He shifted and sank his teeth into her shoulder, and she came unglued. Crying out in pleasure, she fought him. His motions grew more and more forceful. His big body demanded more as he shafted deep, filling up every last inch of her channel until he hit a spot hidden so far inside her that it sent her soaring into ecstasy. Her vision blurred as she fought to take breath into her lungs.

  He continued to take her hard, hitting the same sensitive area. She screamed as another orgasm hit; her passage pulsed and throbbed around him as he relentlessly thrust. His hot breath on her skin and low masculine groans drove her as she wiggled beneath him. He pushed deep, and she heard a harsh moan as his warm come bathed her channel.

  The sense of rightness of the sensation was unsettling. She didn’t want to contemplate how his claiming had affected her. Didn’t dare think about how he’d made her feel while holding her down and demanding she fight for her release. Her eyes grew heavy as she allowed herself to enjoy his solid warmth against her back. Just for a moment. She was too wrung out to move.

  “Sleep now.” He spoke the words softly, then lightly kissed the side of her eye. The sensation sent tingles through her. How could he be such a demanding ass one moment and so sweet the next? She didn’t have the energy to ponder anything heavy, so she refused to think. His big body rolled to the side, taking her with him. The heavy weight of his palm settled over her breast and pulled her snugly into his warmth, and she drifted off.

  Chapter 12

  Gregoire’s Home, Tetartos Realm

  Alyssa hadn’t moved from the spot where she’d fallen asleep over an hour before. Gregoire spent a good part of that time holding her, and then he’d decided to look at her. Her little nose was cute and pert; long lashes fanned her tanned cheek. She looked so incredibly young, but so perfect. He scrubbed the side of his jaw.

  His beast ached for him to take her again, thrilling at her wild spirit mixed with the sweet innocence he’d claimed. His cock twitched remembering just how snug she was. She took him in, squeezing the entire way, and then pushed that sweet little ass back for more. Everything about her was flawless. He used the blanket to cover her skin against the chilled air, even though he had wanted to continue looking at her incredible breasts. Her little ass was also perfect, it curved just right for his hands, but those damn tits were a mouthwatering buffet. She was everything he had dreamt she would be. Even untried, she had fought him. His beast had needed to feel that struggle, that fierceness from its mate.

  The rightness of it settled deep and eased part of his soul. At the same time he felt disconcerted by all the newly raging emotions. She’d always carried the potential to unleash a part of him that he wasn’t sure should be allowed free. It was loose now, and there was no going back.

  He felt a deep pulsing inside. He knew it was their life forces mingling and pushing to meld. They needed to complete the mating. Until that happened, they would continue to feel the drive. Sex would help feed the need, and he planned to keep her in his bed for at least a couple of days.

  Gregoire leaned in and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and she moaned lightly and rubbed her face in the bedding. He was entranced by the small movement. Leaning his hands on his knees, he watched her sleepy movements. She was his. His to care for and protect, fuck. He scrubbed his hands over his cheeks.

  Drake, what did you find in Paradeisos? Is someone watching my mate’s friend?

  Rain is fine. Tynan had a suspect in mind, which made things easier on the island. It seemed one of the females sharing his bed saw and heard a conversation you had with him before the breach in Lofodes. She is in holding now. Uri and Alex are going through her memories and trying to discern if there is a way to find Elizabeth and Cyril through her. Cyril has people apparently spreading news that he is working to help atone for his father’s madness by finding a way around the Mating Curse.

  Son of a bitch. Gregoire did not like the way things were heading. This could be disastrous. If Immortals and Mageias went to Cyril for aid, they would be strengthening the bastard’s ranks.

  How is your mate?

  Asleep. I’d like you to keep her friend there. She and my mate are close. If Cyril has spies out there, he will have that information. I don’t want her harmed or taken as a way to get to Alyssa.

  I’ve already set her up in a room. I’d already come to the same conclusion after talking with Rain. It’s possible I should relocate Rain’s family. I’ll have to have Uri check their minds and make sure they are not a threat first. What of your mate’s parents?

  Adras and Ava. Gregoire waited for the boom to drop.

  I assumed from her scent. You’ve known for some time, then? Drake growled through the link. He was not one for secrets. First Uri housing a hellhound on Earth, now you hiding that you had a mate?

  Gregoire blew out a breath and put his forehead in his hands. I wanted her to grow up as normally as possible. If you had known, I would have gotten constant demands to claim her from the moment she reached majority.

  So sure that is what I would have done?

  I was too dominant a male to take an innocent just out of her majority. I could easily have taken her over. I knew my instincts would be ha
rsh because she’s mine, and they are even more intense than I’d imagined. She needed time to come into her own. Adras needed it as well. It’s one thing to be gentle when using a human to take the edge off. A mate is entirely different than a quick easy fuck.

  I understand your reasons. I even agree with them. I just wish that my warriors didn’t feel the need to hide shit from me. Drake’s mental voice reeked of irritation.

  I fucked up.

  You were just fortunate Cyril didn’t find out about her sooner, brother.

  Drake’s words grated. He and her parents had been careful, but the thought of Cyril getting his hands on Alyssa made him want to destroy something. Alyssa made a sound in her sleep that forced his attention back to her beautiful face, and the rage settled. She had such an incomprehensible effect on him.

  Get the damn Mating Ceremony done, soon, before Sirena drives me out of my fucking mind. You dropped the bomb that you were leaving to claim a fucking mate and left me with Sirena’s excited questions.

  We will finish it soon.

  Chapter 13

  Private Villa, Tetartos Realm

  Dizziness assailed Sam as her body rematerialized. She fell to her knees, fighting the urge to vomit. One moment she was in a million pieces, the next she was somewhere else. It was a different balcony, the air slightly humid instead of crisp and cool. She heard monkeys calling out and birds flitting in the trees. She smelled salty ocean air. She had definitely teleported. What the fuck?

  Taking deep breaths saved her from getting sick, but standing on her shaking legs was a chore. She felt sharp pains in her stomach and head, and it was only getting worse. Touching the door handle, she found it open and let herself inside. How did this happen; how was she able to teleport? It had to be something to do with her connection to Erik. Whatever it was, she was thankful for it, knowing deep inside that he was there.


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