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Ecstasy Claimed (The Guardians Of The Realms Series)

Page 15

by Jay, Setta

  “Thanks for the offer. I may end up taking you up on it, and you’ll completely regret it,” she said, smiling and getting up. “Let’s get out of here. Stop worrying. I don’t want you stressing that this is your fault, because it’s not. You know I like change. It’ll be fun to mix things up.” Rain grinned wide at her as she tossed a pillow. “But, you know what? We are technically still on vacation, and there are a ton of places around here to get drinks and have fun while we wait on your hunk of Guardian. Let’s go see what we can find. There are pools, hot tubs and little seating rooms with fully stocked bars. Conn gave me the short tour, or so he called it.” Her eyes glittered when she spoke about the Lykos Guardian with amber eyes and tattoos.

  Alyssa raised a brow. “Conn?”

  “He’s a sweetheart, and I could easily go there. He’s got some impressive pheromones, and he’s hot as hell with those tattoos… I just don’t know… I’ve been in a weird place mentally since I got here. I’m sure once I get my new path figured out, I’ll be all over him.” Rain chuckled, but Alyssa could see her friend’s heart wasn’t in it.

  “We’ll figure it out.”

  “Lis, stop worrying, I’m serious. You know how I am. I’m excited to come up with something new to do. I’ve had the shop for over five years. I really do think I’m up for the change. Don’t worry about me. Worry about that massive male of yours. Shit, I can’t believe he didn’t break you in half with his big Guardian equipment.”

  Alyssa flushed with desire, her mind instantly going to that particular portion of his anatomy.

  Her friend burst out laughing as they exited the room and walked down the hall. “I’ll take that as confirmation and start looking for a Guardian of my own to tangle in the sheets with.” Her friend started chatting about the amenities in the compound. Going on to describe how secure it was. She said she’d met a few of the staff, but the place was huge, so she was sure she’d only seen a small portion. They entered an area with cozy oversized chairs and a big window and French doors leading out to the courtyard.

  “Hi, Pela. Meet Alyssa, my best friend in the world. We’ve known each other since we were kids,” Rain said to the bright-eyed blonde cozied up in a chair by the window. She had a book in one hand, wine in the other and looked like a picture the way the light hit her.

  Alyssa smiled as they said their hellos, and Rain began opening cabinets and pouring them something to drink. Pela grinned and set her book aside, unbothered by the interruption. She was in a pretty halter dress of pale blue cotton that perfectly complemented her light hair. Alyssa enjoyed making dresses, but she preferred wearing cargo shorts and tank tops for day-to-day stuff. That was a lie, she just thought it’d be ridiculous wearing dresses while she worked, and there were rarely other occasions for her to dress up.

  Her mind wandered to how Gregoire was doing in his meeting. She looked forward to touching him again. The thrum of their life forces trying to connect was getting more distracting as they spent time apart. Was he feeling the same?

  Two other females came in a moment later, a redhead and a brunette. Pela greeted them. “These are my friends Areth and Thala. Ladies, this is Rain, she’s been living here a few days, and this is her friend Alyssa,” Pela said, pointing at each of them. It felt awkward correcting the female’s assumption, so she let it go. All three of the females were Geraki, part of the Immortal race able to change into large birds or partially shift to produce wings on their human form. Brianne was of that race. All were stunning with willowy figures and delicate features. They poured their drinks while Rain brought theirs over and sat down.

  “What do you do here?” Alyssa asked politely as she sipped the sweet drink Rain had given her. It was truly decadent, so she took a longer draw, hoping it would calm the escalating need to search out her mate.

  “We are in charge of the female guests’ comfort mostly,” the dark-haired one, Thala, said thoughtfully before a soft almost dreamy glint came across her face. “We were even honored to have been asked to prepare Alexandra for her mating to Urian.” Their eyes lit as they spoke of the mating preparations and Alex, who, from their description, was stunning. They were obviously in awe of the Demi-Goddess, and Alyssa felt a pang of what others would think about her mating with Gregoire. She was nowhere near the level of Uri’s mate. The females’ excitement was palpable. A mating was such a rare occurrence, and it gave all the Immortals the hope that they would someday find their other half. She shook off her insecurity as best she could. Curiosity was getting the best of her. Her own romantic notions had been coming back full force in the last day, and she couldn’t help asking what they knew of the mating ceremony itself. Her parents had not shared any of the details.

  “What happens? It’s all kept so secret.” She noticed Rain’s eyes lit with curiosity as Alyssa asked her question.

  The Geraki shared a grin of pure enjoyment at being able to impart their knowledge. Thala explained, “It’s all very carnal and beautiful. In Immortal pairings like Urian and Alex’s, last week, they do the first ceremony in a hidden temple where the male gets branded with the mating mark.” Thala put her hands in balls up to her chest and her cheeks flushed as she spoke, making Alyssa all the more excited. She and Rain leaned forward in their seats. “He then takes his female off to the Temple of Consummation where they blood bond while someone watches over them; then, they spend hours consummating the bond in whatever way brings the female the most pleasure. Some males bring in several others to ensure she is pleasured until losing consciousness. It’s an honor to be invited. Gregoire was brought in for Alex and…”

  Alyssa stopped hearing anything that was said after that point. Her ears buzzed, and she felt like she might actually throw up the wine she’d consumed. It was like everything blurred into slow motion. Sounds were quieted by the pounding in her ears. She felt as if a knife had speared into her heart and was twisting slowly.

  Rain jumped up, stammering something, probably excuses; Alyssa couldn’t seem to process any of it. She took Alyssa’s glass from her weak grasp and urged her out of the room. A cold stillness came over her. A kind of blessed calm after feeling as if she’d been flayed wide open.

  Are you okay? What’s happening? Cold fury filled her at hearing his voice, but she blocked it, blocked him. Gregoire had slept with Urian’s mate a week ago. Had he just been whoring around while she was kept untried the entire five years? She’d known he would likely have seen to his needs, but a week ago? With a damned Demi-Goddess?

  She was sitting back in Rain’s room, although she remembered little of the walk there. Her friend stared down at her with worried aqua eyes. “Lis, sweetie, I’m so sorry. I should never have introduced you to those women. I had no idea that happened.”

  “He slept with his brother’s mate a week ago, Rain.” Her voice sounded dangerously low. She’d never felt pain or fury like it. If he came for her now, she wouldn’t be responsible for her actions.

  Chapter 23

  Guardian Compound, Tetartos Realm

  Gregoire stood outside of Rain’s room with Alex and Uri. They’d come with him when he’d gotten her surge of emotion at the end of the meeting. They’d wanted to meet her. All three of them stood, tense and still, in the hallway after having heard what she’d said. The door was shut, but with their hearing, it didn’t matter.

  How long have you known she was your mate? Alex asked Gregoire, using the Guardian mental link she shared with Uri. He heard the fury and saw the tensing in her muscles as they stood there.

  Twenty-five years, he responded.

  I never took you for an idiot. You better go fix the fact that she feels betrayed by your having had sex with me and any other female since finding her. And you sure as hell better tell her I did not know you had a mate. I didn’t know you were betraying her. I’m going to have to be around her, and you’ve made her hate me before we’ve even met. I could kick your ass right now, but I’ll leave that honor to your mate. She gave him a scathing look before spinning
on her heel and walking back in the other direction. He closed his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck. He was fucked.

  Uri held back a second. I don’t envy you brother. Your mate seems to be taking this more like a human than an Immortal who was raised in Tetartos. Uri gave him a sympathetic look before following after his mate. What the fuck was going on?


  She felt him, knew he was outside the door, but made no moves to open the damn thing. He could wait, but at the same time she wanted to let her fury loose. She didn’t want to do it in front of anyone else, even Rain. It was private, though the whole Realm seemed to know.

  She got up. “I’m going to go have a talk with my mate.” She said the last word as if she were talking about hell beast dung not a male, and Rain’s eyebrows lifted. Her friend’s eyes held concern and maybe a little respect. “Take no prisoners, and come get me if you need back-up.”

  She opened the door to see him standing right there. He looked like he was just about to open it before she’d flung it wide. “Let’s go,” she said through clenched teeth. She focused on the fury not the pain because the hurt would only tear her apart. Her heart felt bloodied and broken, but she’d be damned if he saw any of that. The anger kept her whole as they walked the halls and made it outside.

  Porting made her ache for him, and that just set her off more. She was wet, hurting and seething by the time they got inside his home. He’d been silently watching her, waiting her out.

  She turned around and used air currents to lift her up into his face. “Why is it that you could fuck the world and I was kept chaste? Hmm?” Her voice got higher pitched as she let the fury fly. “You fucked your friend’s mate while I was living a confined life with my parents. Well, screw you!” She wanted to scream at the fierce look on his face. “How the hell did you think that would make me feel? Oh, that’s right, it doesn’t matter what I feel or want. It’s all up to the big-assed Guardian to make all the decisions for my life while he gets to do whatever and whoever he wants, right? It doesn’t matter that I’ve been made to feel inferior by just about everyone in our race; let’s add to it by fucking a damn Demi-Goddess, that I could never possibly compare to, days before screwing me and acting like it meant something.” She was nearing a roar by the end, and she punctuated it by using the currents to slam his ass into the wall, shaking it around him. She’d felt her powers expanding in the last couple of days, but that held a punch she hadn’t expected. His green eyes flashed before he stalked toward her. She set back down on her feet and turned to leave the room.

  “You got to talk. Now it’s my turn.”

  She felt her cheeks get even redder at his dangerously low voice. “No, you don’t get a turn. I am going to shower, alone, and then I’m going to figure out what I want to do with my life.”

  He appeared in front of her a second later and lifted her into his arms, her own held firmly behind her back. Smart male, she wanted to do some damage, and if she could, she’d likely take a swing.

  “I already told you why I didn’t come for you, and I won’t repeat it now. I did what was best for you.”

  She narrowed her eyes at the presumptuous ass. Yes, they’d discussed this before, but it didn’t make it better now mixed with everything else.

  “I had not realized that the others of our race treated you badly and have no problem bloodying them for their stupidity. In fact I would love to do just that, but I suspect that your father may have had something to do with it because I cannot believe our race is so stupid. I can, however, see your father doing something to keep them away from you. Probably to save their lives, because if any had touched you, I would have killed them. I want to go and kill the males at the island that you allowed to touch and suck on your beautiful breasts and sweet little cunt. I may end up doing it one day if I lose control. You have too much fucking power over my beast.” Her traitorous body clenched in desire at his tone and words. He set her on the ground in front of him. His hands went to his hips and his muscles flexed as he spoke.

  “That you are small only makes you more unique. Yes, Alex is a Demi-Goddess, but I don’t care. In my mind there is no comparison between the two of you. You are my world. She is Uri’s.” He stared into her eyes.

  She didn’t know what to do with this information. She was hungry for him because of the damned frenzy, but he’d splayed her open. He’d hurt her so badly she didn’t think she could forgive him.

  He spoke low. “Yes, I was a part of Uri’s mating consummation, and yes, I had sex with her. It is an honor to be included in a mating ceremony, and Uri is my closest brother. I did not think that participating in it before claiming you would in any way hurt you. The mating consummation is all about giving the female all the pleasure you can fill her with before rendering her unconscious. Alex wanted to be taken by two males, and Uri’s proclivities ran along the same lines, so that is what they did.” He ran a hand in his hair as he stood in front of her. “That night changed things. I saw how Uri and Alex shared minds and felt their connection, and it made my craving for you nearly explode. It was a beautiful thing for them, and it was the reason I started making arrangements to come for you.

  “Damn. I never thought any of this would need explaining… I’m a very sexual being; all Guardians need sex often to keep at premium levels, so yes, I have screwed a lot of females. There is nothing I can do about that. You were a babe for most of that time. I kept to human females for the last twenty-five years, aside from Uri and Alex’s mating. I won’t lie to you, but I also won’t make excuses for doing what I needed to do.” His gaze was intense.

  “And if I want to be taken by two males?” She saw his whole body tense. She didn’t desire that, but what if she had? The way he answered that question would define how they moved forward. She needed to know what he was willing to do. He’d ripped her wide open whether he’d meant to or not, and she just couldn’t let it go. Those females and all of his Guardian brethren likely knew what he’d done. It still felt like a betrayal.

  “Do not ask that of me.” His words were practically growled out. Her heart lifted a little more at the words. All was far from being well, but it was a start. As possessive as he was, those words and the willingness behind them had been a sacrifice that she’d needed to know he was willing to commit. If the ceremony was all about her, as he’d said, then he would give her what she wanted. His words beat back some of the pain.

  He carried her upstairs to their bed, but it was far from over. She was sure that her body’s needs would take over, and she would let him attempt to make amends, but she needed something more from him before things would be right.

  Chapter 24

  Private Villa, Tetartos Realm

  Sam felt cherished in a way she’d never thought possible. Of course she’d never imagined Demi-Gods walked the Earth, that there were more Realms than Earth or that Immortals existed. She shook her head as she finished one of the sandwiches Vane procured for her. She set the wrapper aside and snuggled back in the bed.

  Erik was starting to even out, though they were still making love like bunnies. She was just grateful that he was able to get something to soothe the soreness of constant sex, or he would have killed her. This would not have been an enjoyable experience. They’d gone to a cave not far from the villa the day before. They’d sat in the cozy seating area with a spring, and he’d fueled his body’s needs. He’d shared energies with her, taught her how to take them in. It was a heady experience that left her feeling amazing. Unfortunately, nothing she’d said helped dispel the guilt he was constantly feeling.

  “I think we should get back to the compound. Conn was nice enough to give me access to this place and cave, but we’ve been here for days. We have the suite in the compound until we decide where to build a place of our own.” His voice was a seductive rumble against her chest. He was holding her against his chest. She felt incredible. It was like she was stronger, felt his strength inside her. His power?

  “Okay. Can I try to
teleport us?” She lifted her cheek off his warm chest and looked up at him.

  Some of the tension had left his beautiful features, but he stared at her intently before speaking. “Are you sure you feel up to it? You are wielding power that your body isn’t yet accustomed to; maybe we should stick to trying to enhance your power over metal.” His voice held a note of concern.

  “I’m sure it’s fine. I got here just fine. I was nauseated, but that was it. I really want to try again.”

  He was quiet while his hand traced circles on her back. She loved the gentle touch. They’d both been leaving their minds open during sex, and it had given her an added feeling of connection with him. He had not said he loved her. She knew he had his own struggles with guilt, and she wasn’t sure any man enjoyed spouting their love. The time between having sex was spent discussing their pasts. They’d spoken of families. The fact that hers may soon be in Tetartos. She’d passed some notes back and forth through Drake, and it looked like they were planning to relocate. They said they could easier be in hiding there or in a Realm with their daughter. She’d gotten teary eyed when she’d read that last message from her mother. Drake had put them in a safe house on Earth because the Guardians had detected that Cyril was interested in them, which was apparently not normal. They hadn’t gone after or watched any of the other girls’ families that had been taken and used in his experiments. That thought left her unsettled. Why her family?

  She shook off the worry. Her parents were safe and likely settling things in order to drastically change their lives.

  “Okay, you can port us back after you rest.” He kissed her forehead and tucked her head back to his chest. She grinned at his comment. She was wide awake; there would be no sleeping anytime soon. She wanted him. She kissed one hard nipple and felt his deep inhale. He was so big and gorgeous everywhere, she wanted to lap up every inch of him. He made a rumbling noise as she nipped at the tight brown nubbin. That vibration made her so hot.


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