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Sought By The Lion: Lionhaeme (Beyond the Planes Book 2)

Page 9

by Tara Gill

  She stared at him wondering if her eyesight was misbehaving. “Oh, um, I need to use the chamber pot,” she admitted in a low voice. At home, spouses possessed separate chambers which allowed for privacy in such instances. In this world, apparently, they slept together, so she wasn’t sure what this first hygiene challenge of mating would involve.

  “Of course.” In a single powerful move, Barghurr stood and lifted her in his arms princess-style. Even though both of them were naked, it was not cold. However mellow light shining on them from orbs high up near the roof exposed her body for Barghurr’s visual exploration, which made her cringe a little. But he seemed not to notice her embarrassment, and before she could ask for a robe, he was on the move, approaching a small door that led into a well-illuminated, marbled chamber hidden below the amphitheatre seating.

  He bore her inside, explained how to use the devices and thankfully left, giving her privacy. Marvelling at the inventions, she used the toilet and bidet and washed her hands. In the mirror, she examined herself. Her hair was a tangled mess. She blushed at her love-marked body, but her gaze came to rest on the bite Barghurr had given her last night. Curiously, it had healed now. She stroked her finger over it thoughtfully. The skin around the mark felt strangely sensitive. While the heat she’d experienced the previous day was gone, she felt odd inside, as if some other entity occupied her heart, her brain alongside her.

  If she concentrated she could make out vague emotions—satisfaction, vigilance, protectiveness, a touch of desire. Was this what mating involved? An indescribable bond with another being that went beyond what human spouses could experience? If so, it was no wonder that mating was considered a more durable bond. In such a scenario, she imagined that Barghurr’s happiness would be hers and her pain his. Possibly this would make him want to do everything to keep her happy.

  But was it possible the mating bond could cause her to lose her sense of self?

  With furrowed brows, she stared at her reflection, uncomfortable at the implication. Many times, in her life when she didn’t have anyone or anything to depend on, Mia had always had herself. The strength of her mind, and even her common-sense had saved her from utter loneliness, even depression.

  Now her mind wasn’t hers anymore.

  How was she supposed to handle this mating and the mind-joining or whatever it involved?

  A question for another day, she told herself and exited the room where Barghurr waited for her, a glass of water in hand.

  At her questioning look, he smiled. “I sensed your thirst. Did you need anything else?”

  “Oh…thank you. This room, the devices in it are amazing. If only this was introduced in London, the City would be so clean. What happens to the waste that ends up there?” she asked, trying to divert her mind, which wasn’t hard at all. As ever the scientist’s daughter, her mind buzzed with practical questions.

  He guided her back to the bed, a possessive hand on her lower back. “There are chemicals which break it down, and the remains are burned.”

  She pulled on her robe and glanced around at the circular rows of benches towering high above them. Beside her, Barghurr sat, leaning back on the headboard, and tugged her to lay on him, head on his chest. His hand went inside the untied robe to her backside which he squeezed and kneaded.

  She jerked a little at the sensual touch. Yesterday, under the influence of the heat, intimacy had seemed easy and even a burning need. Now her natural inclination towards modesty was back. After a lifetime of not being touched, Mia was finding it hard to let another person enjoy free access to her body, even if that person was her mate.

  To distract herself, she asked, “What is the Aetherium? Why are we inside a place which has seats for spectators? Does the mating ceremony require an audience?”

  “Yes,” he said casually, his coarse fingers now stroking her back. “Mating ceremonies have always been watched, especially the royal ones. The lions find the pheromones that the mating pair give off very stimulating. However, my mother stopped the tradition in my family. Being a witch, she is much more modest. But other lions still have public matings which are held here in the Aetherium from time to time. With your background, I assumed you wouldn’t want to be watched and hence refused the audience.”

  She felt faint at the narrow escape she’d had. “Thank you for your thoughtfulness. I hope your people were not offended,” she managed in a weak voice. Having an audience for her mating, she thought, would have sent her screaming all the way back to London.

  Besides had Barghurr said his mother was a witch?

  He kissed her forehead, and his lips lingered against her skin. “You are welcome. Don’t worry, the vents are open. The pheromones would have spread all over Lionhaeme, and there is probably an orgy going on tonight. People will know how lusty our mating was.” Barghurr looked proud.

  “What?!” She gawked at him, horrified.

  He gave her a cocky smile, looking incredibly handsome, she thought dazedly. “Different cultures, different practices. I understand all this is out of the ordinary for you. Nevertheless, you promised that you would keep an open mind. You are now the Queen of Lionhaeme, and our subjects will look to you for leadership. It is important that you learn to be accepting of our ways,” he finished, meeting her eyes with his steady gaze.

  “Of course.” Mia rubbed her forehead. “I think I’m feeling disoriented. It will take me a while to assimilate, but I will do it. Lionhaeme…appears to be a much freer place than Earth.”

  “True enough. You might find many practices here that you will end up liking. And don’t worry, I will help you with discovering Lionhaeme. Maybe it is time you meet my lion…perhaps later in the day. For now, you need rest. You’ve had a challenging day.”

  She sighed. That was an understatement.

  He adjusted her on her side and curled himself around her, nuzzling into her neck. His purring made her smile.

  “Happy?” he asked softly as he stroked her thigh.

  “Hmm.” She loved how safe she felt in his arms and she positively preened at the physical affection he showed her. The gentle touch of his hand on her thigh was affectionate and undemanding. “Can’t you tell?”

  He was silent a moment. “You are unsure of the future, but hopeful and open to receiving my affection. I salute your courage, Mia mine and promise that your life will be rich with everything you have longed for. Maybe the mate bond is not so intense with mortals as it is with magical creatures, but one day I am confident that you will come to care for me as I do you.”

  “I… I hope so too.” Grabbing his arm, she placed a gentle kiss to the palm. He made a low sound then rolled her over on her back, taking her mouth in a slow kiss which led to more kisses and then to more lovemaking.

  Chapter 9

  A few hours later, bright sunlight shining in through vertical vents fell on Mia’s face and woke her. “Gah.” She whimpered and flung her arm over her face to avoid the rays.

  “Wake up, love. Its morning.” Barghurr leaned over the bed, fully dressed in khaki-coloured pants and white shirt, showing off his tanned vitality.

  She blinked blearily at him and complained in a husky voice, “It’s too bright in here.”

  “Lionhaeme has very few hours of darkness. The sun sets late and rises early. Come now, it is time to explore your new home.” His tone of jovial enthusiasm tugged at her, and she sat up with an effort, the sheet to her chest and stared at him, not used to gentlemen viewing her before she’d performed her morning toilette.

  He lifted an eyebrow at her drowsy state and took control. Lifting her as she was, covered in a bedsheet, he deposited her in the washroom and warned her not to take too long. When she returned, he personally dressed her, ignoring her protests. The outfit he arrayed her in was similar to what she’d seen the lionesses wear yesterday. A long, transparent dress of gold worn over white breast-bands and a small split-skirt that barely covered her bottom.

  As Barghurr brushed her hair with an ivory hairb
rush, she peered down at herself, scandalised. Everyone could see her navel. The side-slit up to her upper thigh allowed for free movement but also showed her thighs to the world.

  A light kiss was pressed to her ear, and a muscled forearm with white shirt rolled to the elbow appeared before her. “Take my hand?”

  She placed her small hand in his, and they reappeared the central room of his mansion. The disorienting sensation was missing this time. Perhaps she was getting used to this magical transportation business.

  “Let me show you where you’ll be living from now on.” He sounded eager to show her his home.

  Mia dropped his hand and walked to the middle of the hall. Built of a smooth, creamy wood-like material, Barghurr’s mansion was airy and sprawling, with scattered, colourful rugs, stunning artwork and windows and skylights of a strange, crystalline material. The vista outside showed trees with unusual blade-edged leaves in shades of yellow, red and brown. The grass was long, yellow-green and grew up to the edge of the forest. There were orbs that hung high above but were now dull. She recalled the bright orbs of last night.

  “What are these?” she asked, pointing to one.

  “They are made of a type of crystal that we make in Lionhaeme. The crystal is used to store magic and will light up any dark place. They burn much brighter than candles and do not need replenishment.” he explained.


  “Do such devices use your magic?”

  “The entire realm is powered by my magic. However, many lions live on sequestered homesteads all over Lionhaeme. In their homes, they rely on their own magic for their needs. But it is true that no family collectively even comes close to matching the power of my family.”

  That sounded intimidating.

  “When will I meet your family?” she asked in some nervousness, fingering a lock of her hair and brushing it behind her ear.

  “Soon enough. They are away on a visit to friends and will be back in a day or two. I was hoping to have the mating ceremony after they returned, but events forced my hand. Shall we explore?” As Mia fought a blush knowing she was the event which forced his hand, Barghurr walked her through many lovely rooms, each one like a unique jewel, so that she was soon wide-eyed and lost in admiration. She saw telescopes that showed multiple worlds, masks that could change you into another creature, wall-murals with pictures that depicted the life of a tribe from a faraway Plane and that changed every day to show their current state, tapestries of unusual animals that were beyond her imagination, carpets that changed colour with the seasons and so many other marvels.

  “Do you like the mansion?” He studied her expression. Her answer seemed important to him.

  “I love it!” She couldn’t help beaming back at him, her usual reserve overcome by the exotic wonders she’d witnessed so far. His mansion was not only tasteful but also beautiful as if someone of great taste had decorated it, perhaps his mother, but it also shone with a welcoming warmth that made her instantly feel at home.

  He relaxed and smiled back at her, his arm sliding around her waist. As they reached the staircase, shielded at the top by a gorgeous skylight that bathed them in golden light, Barghurr stopped her. “Before I show you our chambers, there is something I have prepared for you—a mating gift.”

  “But I never got you anything!” she exclaimed in some dismay. She had saved up money to get Barghurr a wedding gift, but the money from Earth was of no use now.

  “Surprise me,” he said with a wink.

  Her eyes widened.

  Barghurr is being so…playful with me. I rather think I like it. Perhaps this mating thing isn’t so bad. He wants me to surprise him? How intriguing! Perhaps I will…

  She gave him a small curtsy. “I shall endeavour to.” A worry from the previous day nudged her mind. “My Lord…Barghurr,” she began, folding her hands before her. “My friend Fanny will be concerned about me.”

  “There is no need to worry about her. She is now in possession of substantial funds that will provide her a respectable income for the rest of her life. Your friend may now lead an independent life if she so wishes. My man of accounts spoke with her, and she understands that you are in a place where you are happy and loved. Fanny has only asked that you write to her to let her know that you are all right.”

  “Oh,” she said, surprised and relieved. “Of course. I’ll write to her once I settle down. Thank you for helping her, that was kind of you.” She gave him a grateful smile and shyly squeezed his hand, touched and beyond grateful. Her friend had many younger brothers and sisters whom she adored. Now that Fanny didn’t have to work as a governess, perhaps she could help them get a good start in life; she could even marry.

  His golden eyes flared. “I’ll have to do more things to make you look at me like that.” When she puckered her brow at him in question, he explained, “You have a lovely smile.”

  “You look handsome when you smile too,” she ventured quietly. It was the truth, and Mia was trying to be brave. Although, she was finding that it was easy to be brave with him. Unlike her parents or other acquaintances, he seemed to see her and to encourage her inquisitive brain.

  After a startled second, he chuckled, and his arm around her waist pulled her closer to him. “My mother always said she hoped I got a mate who would make me smile more. You’re off to a good start. Thank you for the compliment, love.” He pressed a kiss to the tip of Mia’s nose and tugged her on.

  Barghurr led her all the way across his mansion, before coming to a stop in front of high, double-doors that appeared to lead into a separate wing of the home. “Ready?” His eyes twinkled.

  “I am.” she nodded, feeling a bit excited. What gift would possibly require them coming all the way here?

  Barghurr pushed open the heavy doors. Light from the orbs blinded her for a moment, and then an enormous library met her stunned gaze. Shelves after shelves towered up for two floors, rails circling the entire circular chamber and a sliding ladder stood to one side. Tables were placed here and there with comfy stuffed armchairs, and an orb hung above every table. The wooden room had intricately carved artwork from the high roof to the pillars to the walls, which were illuminated by the strategically spaced orbs.

  Her jaw dropped in awe, and her heart soared.

  “Go on. Explore. I know how much you like libraries.” Barghurr’s gentle hand at her back urged her inside, and she wandered about in a daze. This was quite the largest collection of books she’d ever seen. Each section held bound books in various languages. She recognised Latin, French and English—with each shelf corresponding to different genres—from literature, poetry, drama, fiction to religious texts, scientific texts and so many more. There were also many other languages that she didn’t recognise.

  Someone cleared their throat. She spun around to see Barghurr suppressing a smug smile. “Do you like your wedding gift?” His voice was teasing.

  With a choked laugh, she flung herself into his arms.” Oh, beyond anything!”

  He could have given her all the riches in the world, but no other gift would have pleased her heart so much. It appeared that her mate knew her well. At the moment, she was too overwhelmed by delight to find words to thank him. She blinked back happy tears and smiled up at him. “All this is mine? I can hardly believe it. Thank you! There is so much I want to do. So much I want to know. Such as—what are all those other languages? How do I learn them?”

  He chuckled at her excitement. “This library is yours, as this home is yours and Lionhaeme is yours. As for your second question—” Barghurr patted her arm and gestured to someone behind her.

  A mild-looking man of average height entered the library from an outside door she had not noticed and neared them. Brown-haired, he appeared to be in his mid-thirties and wore a beard and to Mia’s surprise was dressed much as she would expect an accountant or secretary to be dressed back in the City.

  “Mia, this is the Archive Keeper of Lionhaeme. He maintained the records and documents related to
Lionhaeme here until I decided to expand the library in anticipation of your arrival. Mahdi, this is my Mate. Perhaps you could answer the questions she has about the library and its contents.”

  Mahdi nodded. “It will be my pleasure, Lady Mia. Let me offer my congratulations on your mating, I wish you both every happiness,” he said sincerely.

  “Thank you. Mahdi, I have many questions for you, but as it is not yet breakfast time, I will save them for later. For now, may I browse a bit?” She waved at the books enthusiastically.

  “Of course, Lady Mia. Please feel free to approach me at any time in case of questions.” Mahdi bowed and left after exchanging a look with Barghurr.

  Barghurr smiled at her indulgently, his eyes soft. “There are some things I need to take care off. I will re-join you shortly. You may look over your books but do not forget to eat before you do anything else.”

  A tray appeared on the table closest to her. It held a plate with toast, jam, and eggs, a bowl of fruit, a pot of tea with a cup and saucer beside it.

  “Enjoy your breakfast.” He pressed a firm kiss on her lips and moved away.

  “Wait!” When he turned, she asked diffidently, “What about you? Have you eaten?”

  His eyes gleamed. “I prefer to hunt my breakfast.”

  “Oh.” Mia’s eyes rounded. She glanced out of the windows to the large forested grounds which possibly held the prey he hunted. “All right then. Enjoy…your meal,” she managed awkwardly, nervous hands fisted in her gown.

  He frowned at her. “I’ll see you soon.”

  She nodded. “Thank you again for the gift.”

  He only smiled. Mia watched him leave and the doors closed behind him. It appeared that her mate was a generous man and that she now had quite a task on her hands to think of a gift to him that would match this.

  She frowned. How did he know that she liked libraries? She didn’t recall mentioning it to him before.

  Mia kept meaning to ask him about the odd sensation of being followed during the weeks after she met him but kept forgetting.


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