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Sought By The Lion: Lionhaeme (Beyond the Planes Book 2)

Page 13

by Tara Gill

  Barghurr rubbed soothing circles on her back. “I followed you when you left your house. My lion needed to be close to you. Unlike many other women of Earth, I discovered you liked to read on a wide range of subjects. It pleased me to see you have a broad and curious mind. Upon my lion’s urging, I sent you the Dreamstone so that there was a way for you to visit me in your dreams. I hoped you would choose to come to me. It pleased us very much when you did.”

  “It was strange at first, but I liked sleeping in your arms. That was my favourite part,” Mia admitted.

  His hold on her tightened. “Even though it was in your dreams, believe me, you did sleep in my arms. It was real. My lion and I were glad to hold you, heal you. You should know that you never have to see your parents again unless you choose to.”

  “I don’t think they particularly want to see me again. I was a mistake that they forgot as much as they could get away with,” she whispered.

  Barghurr pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. “I’m sorry your childhood was less than ideal. I promise that the rest of your life will be much better.”

  She pulled back and smiled up at his sincere expression. “I think I might just believe you, My Lord.” She gave a tired sigh. “Can we go home? I am hungry. After we take care of the Rogues, and dine, I think I’d rather like to make love to my mate.”

  Chapter 13

  They appeared in the hall of Barghurr’s mansion, Mia behind him just as a precaution. Immediately her ears registered the low murmur of male voices and music playing in the background. The place also smelled different, of some sort of light feminine perfume.

  “Ah,” Barghurr breathed, looking excited. As his arm tightened around her waist, a tall, lithe, black-haired woman emerged from the doorway and rushed to them, squealing. Wearing rich maroon robes and possessing strikingly youthful good looks, she threw herself at Barghurr. “Barghurr, Philomena gave us the news. We’re so happy for you!”

  Not knowing what to make of this woman embracing her mate so familiarly, Mia took a tentative step back, but Barghurr didn’t let go of his hold on her. “Mother, this is my Mia.”

  This was Barghurr’s mother?

  She looks so young! Though she could perhaps see the resemblance in the way they held their heads, it was in the angle.

  The tall woman whirled to Mia and looked her over with a smile, though her forehead held a slight frown. “I see. Yes.” She leaned closer and laid her cool forehead against Mia’s. A nervous Mia peeked at Barghurr out of the corner of her eye, but he only gave her a reassuring smile and squeezed her hand. The lion chimera winked at her and comfort flowed into her from the mating bond. Her shoulders relaxed.

  An instant later, Barghurr’s mother stepped back and said warmly, “Welcome, daughter. I hope you don’t mind that I sensed your intentions for my son. Forgive a mother for wanting to ensure that her son is blessed with a deserving mate.”

  At her words, Mia’s heart stuttered.

  Am I truly a deserving mate for a man like Barghurr?

  From what she understood, Barghurr’s parents had a loving relationship. Can I give their son the same? After all, what do I know of love?

  At least Barghurr’s mother was concerned enough to determine that her son would be happy in his mating, something her own parents hadn’t cared to ascertain. “I assure you,” Mia stammered in her sincerity. “I will try to be the best mate I can be to your son. He will have happiness and peace in his home.” It was a vow.

  The stunning woman smiled back, her black-gold eyes warm with affection. Her laugh lines crinkled as she said, “I know, child.”

  Maybe she does know, Mia thought, remembering that she was a witch. She frowned, wondering if some sort of spell had been laid on her so that her inner thoughts were now transparent. Before she could panic, Barghurr’s energy came through her mating bond and nudged away her worries.

  “Call me Beth,” Barghurr’s mother urged and turned to her son. “Your father is with the Rogues in the safe room. Mahdi and Guy are leaving. Let me take care of your bride. Go to your father, solve the problem for once and for all, my son.” Beth’s eyes pleaded with him, and they seemed to have an entire wordless conversation.

  Barghurr nodded. “Mia mine, they are waiting on me to decide on the course of action with the Rogues. Please excuse me. My mother will take care of you.” With a firm kiss to her lips, he left.

  “Have you eaten?” Beth magicked two plates full of food—breads, spiced meat and fruits —and goblets of juice on the small carved wooden table before them and pulled her down to sit beside her. The floral perfume she wore wafted to Mia’s nostrils. It was rather exotic but not unpleasant.

  “Not since lunch.” Which had been disturbed by the Rogues’ ambush, so it wasn’t even like she’d had time to swallow more than a few mouthfuls.

  “You must be starving! Let us refresh ourselves till the men return. What food of Lionhaeme have you tried so far?” Beth opened the conversation cheerfully, nibbling on a piece of bread.

  Mia perched on the edge of the creamy, stuffed chair and ate, unsure how to deal with this youthful looking, vibrant mother-in-law. Beth seemed to sense her apprehension and kept the conversation light, asking Mia questions about her likes, dislikes and her family which relaxed her enough that she could eat and fill her belly. By the end of the meal though, Mia realized that she’d been skilfully interrogated, and Beth had extracted Mia’s whole life story out of her without Mia even noticing. Her stomach clenched, and her discomfort increased. She glanced to the staircase which led downstairs, wiping clammy hands on her gown. Barghurr had headed that way and she wished she was with him.

  Eventually, the room grew silent, and Beth let Mia be. They both listened to the music. Apparently, it was a collection of her favourite pieces. The instrument used was one that Mia did not recognise, a combination of wind and chimes. Soft, lilting wistful tunes changed intermittently to rough, earthy beats that had Beth tapping her feet.

  Mia’s peeks towards the basement increased in frequency as she sensed frustration alongside some intense contemplation through her mate bond. Once Mia finished her wine, Beth stood with surprising alacrity. “Come, dear. I am equally curious about why they are taking so long.”

  Beth guided Mia down the carpeted staircase, along broad, curving passages at the end of which they stepped into a well-lit chamber with no windows. High-roofed, with a smooth, greenish stone floor, a circle drawn in the centre of the large room held the nine Rogue lions who lay still and unconscious, bound by the same golden ropes. There were no other noticeable barriers or bars holding them captive. Barghurr was speaking with another tall, muscular man who seemed related to him. Of Mahdi or Alex, there was no sign. When the women approached, both men turned.

  Mia’s eyes widened at the sight of the other man. Presumably this was Barghurr’s father. They appeared the image of each other, with very few differences. In fact, they did not even seem to be apart in age. But as Mia got a closer view, that impression went away. Barghurr’s father’s eyes held such a weight of experience and wisdom that for a moment it intimidated her. He grinned, eyes dancing, “Who is this beautiful girl?”

  The laugh lines on his tanned face became evident as did his slashing lips and a much firmer chin, when compared to his son. Dressed in fawn pants, boots, and white shirt, he held his arms out to Mia and pulled her into a bear hug. “Welcome, mate of my son’s heart!”

  “Thank you, My Lord.” Mia tried to smile back at him, feeling out of her depth at all this touching, though his unconditional welcome warmed her heart.

  He shook his head at her. “Uh—uh. Call me Father,” He turned to the Rogues, and his nostrils flared in anger as he gave them a contemptuous look. “I would wish Lionhaeme had given you a better welcome than this.”

  “Oh, people have been very kind. I’ve not been slighted, I assure you,” Mia protested.

  “Nonsense,” Beth snorted. “You should have had a proper mating feast. I shall arrange it
all tomorrow. Before celebrating, let us dispose of this problem. Elan, please get rid of the Rogues once and for all. They are irredeemable, as I had told you long back. I know their thoughts, their motivations. The Rogues taint Lionhaeme and Lionhaeme brings out the worst in them. Hasn’t their objectionable behaviour through all the prior generations of Rogues taught you this truth? Abid’s father was the same and now his son follows in his path.”

  Elan frowned at the floor, deep in unhappy contemplation. Beth placed a gentle hand on her mate’s arm and regarded Barghurr. “You hoped that by delineating clear boundaries of space and giving the Rogues stricter rules to follow, things would improve. And that they would grow out of their vicious nature. But nature is not changed so easily, my son, and she is not always beautiful or harmonious.”

  Barghurr grimaced, folded his arms across his chest but remained silent. So Mia ventured hesitantly, “What do you suggest then? Beth?”

  Her mother-in-law sighed. “The ultimate penalty, of course. We have killed Rogues in the past for being child-killers.” Beth pointed at the unconscious men, a sombre expression on her face. “If these men failed at murdering our babes, it is not because they didn’t try, it is because Barghurr and Elan succeeded in protecting our people. As long as the Rogues live in Lionhaeme, none of our children are safe. I think of Barghurr having a child, my grandchild, and I know they will try to kill the babe. So I say, no more! Please, Elan, end them for all our sakes. You know that jailing them doesn’t work. They are cunning, and they possess magic too.”

  Mia’s blood chilled at the idea of these men hunting her babies down. As she glanced at Barghurr, the fear in her gaze was visible, and he frowned. “Do you have a better plan, Mia mine?”

  She bit her lip and bent her head in thought. “Well. I may come from Earth, a rather primitive place compared to Lionhaeme as it is now. However, long ago in Earth, in older times where civilisation was even cruder, there was a place called Rome, quite advanced for its time. In Rome, criminals were made gladiators…”

  “…where they fought each other for sport.” Barghurr finished. “What does that have to do with handling the Rogues in Lionhaeme?”

  “The women at the Harem said you have the magic to create worlds. Maybe you could create a small world where these criminals, the Rogues can reside and may not leave. There would have to be an apparatus for monitoring and controlling them, of course. Excess energy which they typically direct towards mischief can be spent fighting each other. The older or weaker ones could do hard labour, construction. Away from women and children to prey on, it is possible that their energies might find other constructive outlets. And in time, if any of them show signs of redemption, mayhap… they could build lives there as gardeners, public servants and what not.”

  Elan rubbed his chin, pondering her idea. “I don’t know; this seems a worse torture than killing them.”

  Mia hesitated, but added, “That is kind of the point. It is punishment. At least they would still be alive and have a chance to salvage their soul. Also, the Rogues would no longer be in Lionhaeme to terrorise your vulnerable young. They would be trapped on a world where your magic would prevent them from coming into contact with possible victims.”

  She studied Barghurr and his mother for their reactions. Mia was impressed and grateful that they were even listening to her ideas. After all she was a novice in their world. Yet, she longed for approval, to contribute, to be valued. Maybe her suggestion wasn’t the best, but she thought it held promise. She tried not to wring her hands as she awaited their response.

  “There is that. It would be like a prison world. Perhaps other shifter criminals could also find a place there. The warden would have to be someone with strong magic, of course,” Barghurr mused.

  Mia’s heart missed a beat. Her mate sounded like he was considering her idea seriously! She could hardly believe it.

  “This certainly…is an unusual suggestion. A world for men, that too only Rogues. A Rogue world,” Beth ruminated, tapping her fingers against her thigh, a slight frown on her face.

  Mia glanced at Beth’s frowning face and bit her lip. She didn’t know her mother-in-law well, but she seemed to be pushing for the maximum punishment for the Rogues. Perhaps she thought Mia was being too soft on them?

  Her gaze fell on her father-in-law whose face suddenly seemed lined and weighed with unknown concerns. It was a big decision to make.

  Maybe she could point out that things weren’t completely hopeless?

  “Yes, it is a rather unusual solution, and harsh perhaps. But we must have faith that things will change. In Earth, Britain and other European countries send their convicts to a penal colony far away called Australia, not caring if they live or die. The convicts are considered doomed men. Yet some dare to believe that the island continent will redeem itself and become a great nation. We must hold hope for the same for your Rogue lions,” Mia said earnestly, gazing into Barghurr’s eyes, which began to shine.

  “My mate is so intelligent.” Uncaring of his audience, Barghurr tugged Mia into his arms and kissed her fiercely. Mia’s heart melted at his open appreciation though she couldn’t help but flush in embarrassment. His parents smiled warmly at them.

  He let Mia go. “You have had a strange and stressful day. Father and I have some things to do. Possibly I will come up late. Don’t wait for me. Please rest.”

  Elan nodded. “Go on, ladies. Mia’s idea is quite good, but it will require some thought on how to execute it in practice. “

  “Very well.” Beth kissed her mate, a long deep kiss that Mia averted her gaze from, blushing. “Come with me, child. I remember how easy it was to get lost in this mansion.” Beth pulled Mia away. With a meaningful glance at Barghurr, Mia followed.

  In their bedchamber, she removed her clothes, slipped on a short nightgown and slid between the sheets. It had been an eventful day, and within seconds she was fast asleep.

  Hours later, in the middle of the night, Barghurr woke her with rough strokes of his hands on her skin. Tugging off her gown, he rolled a sleepy Mia on to her front. Parting her legs, ignoring her questioning murmur, he slid into her from behind, which woke her fully up. She was only slightly moist at first, but his rough tongue caressed her bitemark, arousing her. Soon her channel was dripping juices and he pounded into her with forceful thrusts that shook the bed.

  “Your parents,” she muttered half-heartedly. “They can hear us!”

  “Don’t worry, they’re all the way across the mansion in the opposite wing,” Barghurr’s hoarse, gravelly voice whispered into her ear, and then he thrust his tongue into her ear.

  Mia moaned in relief, and let herself go, arching her hips up, pushing back to meet his every thrust with enthusiasm. It felt like he occupied more than her body, like he was connected to her very soul when he gave her such pleasure. His cock nudged that secret spot inside her with his every stroke. When he slammed into her again with all his force, she collapsed with a wail, seeing stars. Roaring, he pressed deep inside her, as deep as he could go in this position and spilled his scalding seed, as her channel spasmed around him, sucking him in.

  He collapsed on her and panted. As his heavy weight crushed her into the bed, he rubbed her belly. “I think we have made a child this time, my mate,” Barghurr breathed, sounding a bit choked.

  Her heart fluttered with happiness. “Truly?” she whispered, turning her face to the side.

  He kissed her nape. “We will know soon enough.”

  Chapter 14

  Several loud bangs on their bedchamber’s doors woke them in the morning. Mia gave a plaintive moan and blinked bleary eyes. Barghurr had taken her twice more the previous night, and she’d been up until dawn.

  “Barghurr, Mia! The guests will be arriving for the feast soon. As the mated couple, you will need to be ready on time!” It was Beth.

  Beside her, Barghurr groaned and sat up, pushing his tousled hair out of his eyes. “We are awake, mother.”

  “See that
you are up and dressed. I will be up shortly to help Mia with her attire.”

  “Morning, my love.” Barghurr helped Mia up and carried her into the washroom. Dunking her into the flow of water, he ignored her splutters and washed her thoroughly. Her protests quieted when he knelt before her and threw her thigh over his shoulder. With his mouth and fingers, he made her come until she lost her mind. As she leaned limply against the wall, he lifted her, placed her on the white carpet at the centre of the room, and patted her all over with a soft cloth.

  “Ready for more?”

  “What do you mean?” she murmured, seduced by his gentle touch.

  “I’ll show you,” he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Once she was dry, he bent her over the washroom counter. Mia blushed to see their reflection but soon forgot all modesty when he pushed fully inside her wet channel and pounded her from behind in a furious ride. They came together and with a groaned ‘Mia!’ he spurted into her.

  Feeling sore, a shaky Mia tried to stand, but with a palm on her back he held her down and circled the rosette between her bottom cheeks with a light finger. She jerked. “What…why are you touching me there?”

  In a contemplative voice, Barghurr mused, “You are mine. Your body is mine to own and take care of. I’ve already taken your mouth, your woman’s channel. I will take you here today.” He tapped her rosette again.

  ‘But it…it is not hygienic,” she gasped. She had heard whispers of men, sodomites who did that buggery, but she supposed it was not impossible for women. Everything Barghurr did to her body had given her great pleasure so perhaps this would too? She had been taught that a woman should always look to her husband for guidance in such matters. So far, Barghurr had not let her down. She had grown addicted to the pleasure he lavished her with.

  But still the idea of taking him there…felt uncomfortable…

  Barghurr pulled her up to lean against him and showed her a water bag with a nozzle attached, hanging off the wall. He explained how it could be used to clean her body. With a playful slap to her bottom, he moved away to the door. “I’ll be downstairs. Father will need my help with getting the Rogues situated while we start acting on your plan.”


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