The Great Wall

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The Great Wall Page 6

by Z. Allora

  “You haven’t been able to, you know, since you put yourself in the hospital?”

  “No.” Styx averted his gaze, not wanting to meet those all-seeing gray eyes. It was surreal. Jin discussed this topic as easy as if he were chatting about the weather.

  Jin faced the mirror, but he seemed to pose as he changed positions, almost like he teased Styx. “Good. I was afraid you might be escaping the rings. I was told it wasn’t possible, but since you haven’t asked for release I wondered if you figured a way out.”

  “No, I haven’t tried to escape.” Styx clenched his teeth. Jin sounded way too happy about Styx’s locked status. He still wanted to know how Jin was familiar with the device. Instead, he gathered his courage to boldly stare into the mirror at Jin.

  Their gazes locked.

  “Jin, come on. Please.”

  “Okay. I’ll unlock the belt.”

  Styx focused on inhaling and exhaling his breath, as the expectation of relief he anticipated would shortly wash over him. “Thank you.”

  Jin went to his dresser and retrieved the key. “Meet you in your bedroom.”

  Styx hurried across the apartment to the other side, where he slept. Jin followed, then shut the door behind him.

  The click of the door sent a shiver of anticipation through Styx. He turned and studied Jin, awaiting a cue for what to do next.

  Though the bedroom was enormous compared to those in his family’s house, it seemed tiny with Jin in it. When Styx inhaled, he caught the clean scent of Jin’s shower gel mixed with something uniquely Jin.

  “Lie down.” Jin gestured to the bed, indicating with an elegant hand that Styx should lie down.

  Styx obeyed.

  Jin set a small bottle of oil on the nightstand.

  Styx didn’t question Jin. Embarrassed as hell, he ignored his flaming-hot face, lowered his pants and underwear to reveal the plastic rings encasing his cock. Better he do it than Jin. The thought of Jin undressing him made him throb, causing the device to bite deeper into his flesh.

  He couldn’t take any more. Soon he’d resort to begging. Emotions danced close to the surface until he feared he might blurt out his feelings for Jin.

  Styx jutted his hips in silent desperation.

  “Which hand do you use?” Jin’s tone made it sound like he was talking about which market had the best price on cooking oil.

  Styx frowned. What did Jin care?

  Despite his annoyance, Styx’s cock pulsated under Jin’s intense stare. Jin made a delicious sight standing over his bed in only his underthings. They highlighted every bulging muscle rather than concealing them.

  Jin’s cock filled out the pouch of the boxer briefs, making Styx’s mouth water.

  “Which hand?” Jin repeated with the gentle patience one showed a toddler.

  Styx held out his right hand. Before he had a chance to process the question, Jin had secured his wrist to the wooden headboard with a pair of handcuffs.

  “What the hell?” He didn’t even want to contemplate why Jin had handcuffs.

  Jin shrugged. “I can’t take the chance. Afterward, you’re going right back into the belt.”

  “What?” Styx hated being secured but a peculiar calm washed over him.

  Tapping the metal bracelets, Jin softly said, “I got these just for you. I have to keep you safe.”

  Styx barely registered Jin’s whisper. His heart stopped and restarted with a jolt as the object of his fantasies touched the rings.

  Jin’s gentle fingers skimmed above the needy flesh to trace the rings.

  Groaning, Styx thrust upward for more attention.

  His tormentor inhaled deeply, as if savoring Styx’s need. Finally he opened the tiny lock and set it aside. He detached the rods that held the contraption together, and the rings slid off.

  Styx’s cock engorged the moment Jin freed it. The erection forced back his foreskin.

  Jin trailed his finger through the wetness covering the tip, making Styx see stars. The tease rubbed the stickiness around the crown until Styx forgot he shouldn’t want this to happen.

  When Jin’s finger withdrew, a breeze from the open window caressed Styx’s shaft until he groaned.

  He bit his tongue and stared at Jin. There were so many things to ask for, but he didn’t have the right words.

  “Go ahead.” Jin’s tongue swept out to moisten his lips as he waited.

  Styx wanted Jin to touch him, but he’d settle for his own hand.

  “I can’t with you watching.” Though Styx was pretty sure he could, and Jin’s gaze on him would make it so much better, he was too flustered to tackle complex, life-changing issues with none of the blood remaining to form coherent thoughts.

  Jin made a show of looking down at Styx’s rampant cock. His lips turned up. “Sure you can. You need to stroke yourself off. Let me see you.”

  Styx gasped at the bold words.

  Jin folded his arms in a stubborn stance Styx was all too familiar with. Jin didn’t plan to move from the spot.

  Styx’s hand found his erection, his eyes slid shut, and he gave his shaft an awkward stroke. He’d never used his left hand before, but after this long without, even the wrong hand felt magnificent. He didn’t quite know how to grip it, but after a few strokes, he learned… in front of Jin.

  Styx opened his eyes. God! Jin scrutinized every stroke. “Do you mind?”

  Jin arched one haughty blond eyebrow. “Not at all.”

  He unfolded his arms and stepped closer. This wasn’t the Jin of Jun Tai’s childhood. No, this was the Jin of Styx’s fantasies.

  A gentle hand traced over Styx’s chest. He squirmed away, but Jin’s hand followed, and the handcuff wouldn’t let him evade the delicious excitement.

  Jin’s touch on Styx’s hungry skin liquefied him. He shut his eyes to cherish every sensation. The caress felt even better than the massage. “Oh,” he cried out as his nipples were plucked, increasing his need.

  His left hand squeezed his cock, rolling the skin over the top and back down again, allowing the sensation to wash over him. He gave his cock another tug. And another.

  He dared not open his eyes for fear of breaking the magical spell that wove this amazing situation into being. If he kept his eyes closed, he could enjoy Jin’s hands on him. He wouldn’t fantasize about the things he wanted to do with Jin. The knowledge of having Jin’s eyes on him set him on fire.

  “That’s right. Stroke it. You want it, don’t you?” Jin asked like it was a question. As if Styx wasn’t lying there absorbing every touch, and his body wasn’t begging for more.

  He grunted in response.

  Jin drizzled oil over Styx’s cock and issued a dirty command in a breathy voice that left Styx panting with need. “Fuck your hand.”

  Styx did what he was told. His hips sprang off the bed to push his cock through his fist.


  He’d never done this with oil. It was incredible. He couldn’t do anything but chase the luscious excitement. It was much more intense with Jin right next to him, not just in his head, but right here, encouraging him.

  “Need to come, don’t you?” Jin teased, as if he couldn’t tell how close Styx was to losing it.

  Heat licked across Styx’s body.

  Jin’s wicked fingers pinched Styx’s nipples again.

  His body froze on the edge of ecstasy. He opened his eyes.

  An approving smile from Jin was too much to take. “Come for me.”

  Styx cried out as his body thrust through his fist, shooting his long-overdue load. He shuddered as the cum gushed from his cock. His oiled hand tugged fast and hard, extending the blissful release.

  The last thing he saw before he closed his eyes was Jin’s sexy smile. Jin’s hand caressed his cheek before Styx gave in to the peaceful afterglow.

  STYX WOKE from his deep nap and stretched. Damn, his body sang. He was relaxed, refreshed, and rested. He smiled before he even opened his eyes.

  Everything that happened pour
ed back over him as he turned over to find Jin lying naked on the other side of his bed. Jin’s hand cupped his own cock. Drying semen adorned his chest, and a contented smile graced his face. Jin hadn’t even bothered to clean up or dress before falling asleep next to him. He didn’t know whether he should be shocked or disappointed he’d missed Jin’s release.

  Styx tried to escape without waking him, but Jin’s eyes opened. He grinned at Styx. The sleepy man didn’t seem self-conscious about being completely naked or having masturbated while lying next to him. No, he acted as if this were commonplace. “Hey.”

  Styx confirmed with a quick downward peek that Jin had replaced the chastity belt while Styx slept. He said nothing, but he smiled back.

  “I’m going to grab a quick shower.” Jin rose, glided over to the bathroom door, and stopped. “Oh hey, I forgot to tell you.”


  “Uncle Bao-zhi called and wanted to make sure it would be okay for two other guys to move in here.”

  “What? Why?” Not that Styx had a choice, since he let them live in a beautiful place right on the lake for free and even footed the utility bills. All they needed to do was pay for their food and cell phones, and keep the house in decent shape. There was nothing to be said.

  Styx tried again. “I mean, who?”

  “I’m not sure. I guess the son and a nephew of two old friends? They’re our age, maybe a little older. One has been living in Shanghai, and the other came in from the States last month.”

  “An American?”

  That would be interesting. Styx’s gaze trailed down Jin’s body and raced back to his face when he realized he eyed Jin as if he were on offer at the market.

  Jin’s grin told Styx he’d caught him in the act.

  “Yup.” Jin shifted his hips as if to show Styx all of his best parts. “I guess they got in some trouble, and they’re coming to Suzhou to avoid any problems.”

  “Hm, okay.” What else could he say? Styx tried unsuccessfully to tear his eyes off Jin’s perfect body.

  “They’ll probably take this room, so you’ll move in with me.”

  Styx’s head spun. “What?”

  The apartment was huge, but Jin’s uncle had opted for a Western-style open floor plan with only four bedrooms. In hopes of attracting expatriates with kids, one suite was set up as the master with one big bed. The suite Styx had been staying in had two twin beds and an attached bathroom. Jin’s uncle had turned another room into a study with a big, ornately carved desk and bookshelves. The last bedroom housed Jin’s guitars, equipment, and the drum set Jin had given Styx as a gift.

  “Um, I could sleep in the study room. I can throw down a mattress roll.”

  “What? Why? That’s silly. Besides, he’s got a lot of storage in there. No, you will stay with me.”

  “I can move some of the storage out of the study.” There had to be another way. “I can sleep on the floor of the music room or the living room.”

  “The floor?” Jin chuckled. “We seemed to share your tiny bed fine, so I’m sure a big one shouldn’t be a problem.”

  Jin and his sparkling eyes disappeared into the bathroom, leaving Styx with a headache of anticipation.

  Chapter 5

  “YOU GUYS don’t mind us being here?” Li Zhehao asked for the hundredth time since he and Indigo had moved into the apartment that afternoon.

  Jin’s smile lit his face. “Nah, Styx and I don’t mind sharing a room. It’s completely fine.”

  Styx wished he agreed. Okay, part of him loved the idea. Tonight he’d be sleeping next to Jin in his great big bed. Maybe he even craved the closeness, but the dutiful Jun Tai voice in his head still chanted all the reasons wanting Jin spelled disaster.

  He was positive Jin would continue their physical relationship, but he wasn’t sure how to take it beyond that, or if he should. He didn’t want to dwell on his dismal future.

  When Indigo put his arm around Jin, the move yanked Styx from his inner drama. The guy could have passed for a rock-and-roll star, dressed in all black with chains and buckles everywhere, but his arm was going to be broken if he didn’t take his paws off Jin.

  “We appreciate you guys letting us stay here.” Even though Indigo was the youngest of them all, his smile seemed too well practiced to be sincere. “Should we set some ground rules?”

  Styx picked up on a weird vibe. He wrote it off because Indigo was a foreigner—an American at that.

  Jin glanced at Styx and back to Indigo. He stepped away from the overly affectionate American to stand closer to Styx. “Sure. Like what?”

  “Well, like no sex in the living room.” Indigo said it like he requested no loud music after nine o’clock.

  Li covered his face with his hands as he groaned. “Indigo!” He ran his fingers through his highlighted hair. Styx had never seen the reddish-brown color on anyone not female, but the highlights caught the light, making the look interesting on Li.

  “What? I’m saying if we bring someone here, we shouldn’t do ’em on the sofas. It wouldn’t be fair if someone wanted to watch TV out here, and let’s admit, having sex in the living room is just a tad tacky.”

  “Of course!” Styx gasped, unable to hide his shock. He turned to Jin, expecting to find him uncomfortable, but instead he found Jin giving a smile of admiration to the straight-talking Indigo.

  Did Indigo seriously believe television-watching was the problem? The guy was from LA, but how did he talk like that? Styx had never heard someone talk directly about sex, let alone admit to having it. Certain things were simply not discussed… at least not in China.

  Styx disliked Indigo. The guy was everything Styx would never be, and Indigo grated on Styx’s already fried nerves.

  Indigo added, “And Li and I will keep the noise down when we bring tricks home.”

  “Tricks? What are tricks?” It was stupid to ask, but he didn’t realize how idiotic until Indigo answered with a smart-assed smirk. Styx wanted to erase the grin with his fist.

  “You know, a sweet little thing willing to do anything. Tap it and curb it.” Indigo’s descriptive hand gestures aided Styx in understanding his slang. Mr. Hollywood stepped closer as he spoke. His hand reached for Styx’s face, but Jin stepped between them, deflecting the reach.

  Styx didn’t quite understand, but whatever passed between Jin and Indigo made Indigo step back. He gave Jin a nod.

  “Got it.” Before Styx could ask what he “got,” Indigo continued. “Though if either of you want to join in, let us know. Our door is always open.”

  What the hell kind of girls had Indigo been with in America? Why did he assume the girls here would be open to his advances? Chinese women weren’t inclined toward premarital relations, which had been his saving grace with Bi Yu. Hell, even after marriage many Chinese husbands typically didn’t expect much sex, at least not with their wives.

  Indigo strutted over to Li Zhehao to plant a hard kiss on his mouth.

  He just… just… just… kissed his friend on the mouth.

  After whispering something in Li’s ear, Indigo gave them a little wave and disappeared into his room, seeming completely unaware of the disturbance he’d caused.

  A hot flush went through Styx’s body. He slipped into the kitchen, grabbed a glass from the cabinet, and filled it with lukewarm water from the tap.

  Confusion swirled through Styx’s brain. The way Indigo kissed his friend…. Maybe that’s what they did in LA? Right! His heart raced at the possibility of living with two guys who liked each other.

  Two guys like….

  Styx gulped the rest of the water and nearly choked. When he returned to the living room, Li tried to smooth things over.

  “I’m sorry. He usually isn’t like this. I’d like to say it’s jet lag, but he’s been in Shanghai for about a month. That’s just him, but he’s a stand-up guy.”

  Jin grinned at Li as if he’d found a new best friend. “No worries. He’s from LA.”

  As if where he was from shou
ld explain Indigo’s outrageous behavior, Li nodded. “Exactly.”

  “By the way, I love your hair. The color shimmers in the light.” Jin reached out and touched Li’s hair.

  “Thanks. There’s a great salon in Shanghai. It takes six hours, but I like how it comes out.”

  At Styx’s frown, Jin dropped the strands and withdrew his hand from Li’s personal space.

  Li hurried over to squeeze Styx’s shoulder with a long-suffering sigh. “Styx, I’m sorry. Indigo doesn’t mean anything by it. He just…. He’s just Indigo.”

  Styx nodded. His mind flashed to the kiss Indigo planted on Li’s mouth like it wasn’t a big deal. He had trouble wrapping his mind around such affection among men given so casually.

  It was scary, confusing, and… kind of wonderful.

  Styx needed time to process, so he opted for productivity. “Um, I’m going to make some dinner. Do you guys want some?”

  “Sure. Can I help?” Li asked.

  “No, you guys just moved in. Go unpack. Relax.” Styx waved him off as he escaped into the kitchen.


  Li talked to Jin about the area as they stared out the glass doors, which opened onto a huge balcony.

  A minute later, Jin joined Styx and slid the glass kitchen doors shut. Styx’s grandmother would have loved to have a proper kitchen with doors to lock the smell and smoke of traditional cooking away from the rest of the house.

  Jin took the vegetables out of Styx’s hands to wash them. “We have to remember to use the bottled water to rinse these. My uncle said Indigo would get sick if he drinks the tap water. We need to cook with it, make ice with it, and the guy even needs to brush his teeth with it.”

  Styx handed Jin a bowl. Jin filled it with the dispenser water to wash the celery and carrots in. “Right. Forgot. Seems like such a waste.” It wasn’t like they were rolling in yuan.

  Jin shrugged. “Indigo will cover the cost. He said bottled water is cheap here compared to LA prices.”

  Styx wouldn’t know.

  Filling a cup with the cold water from the dispenser, Jin drank it down in a gulp. “You have to admit this tastes way better than what comes out of the pipes, even with the purifying system Uncle Bao-zhi installed.”


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