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The Reluctant Alpha

Page 13

by A. K. Michaels

  His heart rate rocketing as he turned away. “I’ve got to go, Chastity is going to try and sneak out. I’ll meet her in the forest and, hopefully, talk her into coming back here.”

  Jacob’s attention left Rebecca immediately, “I’ll come with you and we should take the boys too. You shouldn’t go there on your own, Cam. This could be a trap.”

  “It’s not,” Cam said, “I don’t know why but I trust her.”

  His PI scowled, “Don’t be stupid, Cam. With everything that’s going on none of us should be going off alone. Just hold on two minutes and I’ll round up the boys.”

  Cam shrugged, then took off, jogging to where they’d left their clothes previously. Stripping quickly he stuffed his clothes in one of the plastic containers and transformed immediately. His Wolf happy to be let out again so soon, it took off at its fastest pace, running freely through the trees.

  He kept his senses on alert for any possible danger, using his magic as well as his Wolf abilities, but there appeared to be no other Wolves around. His speed increased, a longing inside of him to see the white Wolf again. Cam hoped she got to their meeting point safe and sound and his heart beat wildly at the thought of her being hurt.

  Cam knew he would rip apart anyone that harmed her and not think twice about it.

  Time flew as he ran on and on, finally coming closer to their meeting place, slowing his great paws to a slow trot as he tried to sense any danger. He felt nothing, he was alone so his beast padded quickly to the clearing. Chastity wasn’t there so his Wolf lay down beside a large bush to wait.

  It wasn’t long before he heard a beast careening towards him. The animal not taking any care to mask its approach. Cam lay still, not sure at this point whether it was Chastity or not. A minute or so later her scent came to him on the breeze, his Wolf scenting her and letting out a small growl as her scent was full of fear.

  His beast stood up, waiting on whoever had instilled that fear into her; ready to fight. As her beautiful white Wolf sped out of the trees it saw him and she stopped only long enough to change, before running forwards again. Cam changed immediately and strode towards her.

  Her feet ran over the meadow and she slammed into him, her arms reaching around his waist to hold on tight. Cam’s breath caught in his throat as her naked breasts pressed against his chest, his arms holding her to him.

  “Oh thank the Goddess, you’re here! I’ve got news, bad news. Really bad news.”

  Cam held her firmly to him as he tried to calm her, clearly hearing her heart beating as if it was about the burst. “Hey, calm down, you’re safe.”

  Chastity looked up at him, her eyes full of tears. “He killed him. He’s killed him!”

  Cam’s mind careened about trying to figure out who she was talking about. “Who? Who’s killed who?”

  She held onto him for dear life, her tears now running down her cheeks. “I heard them celebrating this morning. Cam, I think they’ve killed the Alpha.”

  Cam stiffened, proof positive that Dupont had been the one that murdered his uncle. “We know. We found him hours ago.”

  Chastity stepped back but Cam kept hold of her as she stared at him. “I’m so sorry. He’s a monster and I can’t help him anymore. I’ve tried to see good in him. I promise I’ve tried. But there is none; he’s evil and cruel.”

  “He’ll get what’s coming to him.” Cam’s jaw clenched as he fought for control. His eyes noticing the bruise on her cheek.

  “What the hell is that?” he asked, his finger trailed down her face.

  “It’s nothing, he wanted me to tell him where Silas was and didn’t believe me when I said I didn’t know. It’s almost healed now that I’ve had a chance to transform and once I go Wolf again it’ll disappear.”

  Cam couldn’t help the growl that rumbled from his chest. “He hit you?”

  Chastity said with a nod, “Yes, but I had to make up some cock and bull story ‘bout Silas doing some sort of business deal he didn’t want Philippe to know because he was going to, he was going to…”

  Chastity couldn’t go on, hiccupping as fresh tears ran down her face. Cam pulled her back against him and realized he’d forgotten to use his magic to dress himself. The feel of her body against his causing him to become aroused.

  He moved slightly to the side, not wanting her to feel his growing erection as he nodded at her to continue, “Go on, what was he going to do?”

  She frowned, fear, disgust and anger, flitting across her face. “He was going to let Pascall and Quincy…you know…do what they wanted to me.”

  A roar erupted from him, his anger growing by the second. “What? He was going to let two of his men rape you? Just to get you to talk?”

  She nodded and started to shiver in his arms. Cam cursed, “Fucker, he’s going to suffer for all he’s done.”

  Chastity held on even tighter. “He’s dangerous, Cam, very dangerous.”

  “So am I, little Wolf, so am I.” Cam’s thoughts filling with visions of his ripping Dupont’s throat out.

  Gentle fingers caressing his bare back bringing him out of his imagination. He looked down to see Chastity pressing a kiss to his chest. His cock hardening as his hands ran up and down her back.

  “There’s something about you, Cameron Sinclair, something I can’t quite understand. But, you make me feel…”

  Cam leaned down, one hand at the back of her neck to tilt her head up. “Hard. At this moment I’m feeling hard.”

  Chastity smirked, “I can feel it, Mr. Sinclair.”

  “Well,” Cam laughed, “I’m a Wolf. What do you expect when a gorgeous, naked woman, is in my arms?”

  “Gorgeous?” Chastity raised an eyebrow.

  “Fishing for compliments, are we?” Cam leaned down, letting his lips taste hers in a small kiss.

  “No, just curious. You really think I’m gorgeous?”

  Cam placed a hand on her bare ass, pulling her ever closer. “Yes, and if you don’t want me taking you right here and now you better get some distance between us.”

  Chastity’s hands moved, one moving up to tangle in his hair as the other reached down to fondle his own ass. “Hmm, that doesn’t sound so bad. Here in the forest with nobody around.”

  Cam’s eyes widened as her face flushed scarlet, one of her hands popping to cover her mouth. “I don’t believe I just said that!”

  He laughed as she started to breathe faster, her eyes never leaving his as he kissed her again. This time devouring her mouth as his hands discovered her body slowly. Her scent invading his mind and soul as she melded to him as if she were made by the Goddess just for him. He was desperate to be inside her, desperate to make her scream as he brought her to orgasm after orgasm. Desperate to have her beneath him as he thrust deep inside her, spilling his seed with no barrier between them.

  Cam’s head shot back, his head throbbing as he gently put a few inches distance between them. “I think we need to stop.”

  Chastity’s eyes showing her arousal as she looked at him frowning. “What’s wrong?” she asked quietly.

  “Nothing,” Cam lied, “but we’re not doing this here!”

  Cam felt panic rising inside him at what he was feeling for this woman. He’d never, not once, felt anything other than a passing sexual attraction to anyone and he wasn’t about to start now. A relationship was the last thing he wanted, or needed.

  He felt regret at the loss of her lips and at the look of confusion on her face, but he would not allow himself to be pulled in by her beauty. Her face blushing even more at his rejection as she moved away.

  “Sorry,” she muttered, “I don’t know what came over me.”

  “No need to apologize.” Cam wanted her back in his arms and almost closed the distance between them, only just managing to stay where he was.

  “I better get back.” She turned to leave and his hand shot out, grasping her shoulder to turn her around.

  “What?” he scowled at her. “What are you talking about? You’re coming wit
h me back to Clan land where you’ll be safe.”

  Chastity looked at his hand, shrugging it off. “I don’t think so.”

  “Are you mad?” Cam’s voice rose as tension crept up his spine. “He was about to hand you off to two of his men and you’re going back? What’s wrong with you?”

  A snarl escaped her lips, her expression fierce as she spat back at him, “He didn’t though and you obviously have a lot on your hands, so I’ll go home and stay in my room until it’s over.”

  Cam fought to control himself, wanting nothing more than to fling her over his shoulder and take her back to the Camp. “Seriously? You’re going back there?”

  Chastity nodded and as she did so he saw the anguish in her face. Had he put that there? He stepped towards her, “Please, come with me.” Holding a hand out and willing her to take it.

  She looked at the hand then up into his face. “I’m sorry for embarrassing you earlier.”

  Then she turned and ran, surprising him as she transformed mid-stride, her gloriously white Wolf galloping away. Cam’s first instinct was to go after her but a strong hand on his shoulder stopped him.

  Whirling around he came face to face with Jinx. “What the hell are you doing here?” Cam asked as his eyes sought, and found, the rest of his Wolves in a semi-circle around the clearing.

  “Jacob told us where you were going and, again, you don’t think I’d let you go off alone.” Jinx didn’t look happy as he went on, “You really need to rethink things, Sin. If you thought for a moment we wouldn’t follow then you’re just plain stupid.”

  “How long?” Cam looked around, seeing the twins and Mac’s Wolves but not seeing Jacob’s.

  “How long have we been here?” Jinx asked, not waiting on a reply. “Since you pushed her away and embarrassed the hell out of her.”

  “I didn’t!” Cam almost shouted as his eyes came back to land on his best friend.

  “Yeah, you did. Kinda low even for you, Sin.”

  Cam turned away, not welcoming the reproach in Jinx’s eyes. “I didn’t mean to embarrass her.”

  “Well you did and now she’s gone back to a place she might not be safe.”

  “Fuck!” Cam clenched his hands into fists, wanting to hit something. “I’m not sure what happened. She was in my arms and felt so good there and then I … shit I don’t know what I was thinking but you know me. I don’t get involved. Ever.”

  Jinx sighed, “Yes, I know you, but sometimes you act like an ass and one of those times is now.”

  “Where’s Jacob?” Cam looked again and still couldn’t see his beast.

  “He’s following her back a little, just to make sure she’s safe.”

  Cam frowned at the thought of his PI following his white Wolf. “What the hell? My white Wolf?” he thought as his heart sped up all on its own.

  “We better get back, we’re still on their land.” Jinx was looking around too, obviously checking for trouble.

  He didn’t want to go back, Cam wanted to race after Chastity and apologize but then his head went all crazy on him again. “What for? You don’t want to lead her on.” So he nodded then morphed quickly, tearing back the way he’d come as his insides felt empty. As if he’d lost something precious.

  Several times Jinx’s beast nipped at his hindquarters, obviously wanting him to stop, but he steadfastly ignored him. Running on, and eating up the miles back to Camp. Cam didn’t let up until he was back where his clothes were stored. He morphed quickly before grabbing his clothes and storming off.

  He could feel his friends’ eyes on him as he left. Their scrutiny only making him quicken his pace to leave them behind.

  He was pretty sure he’d never heard that tone from Jinx before, or seen the look on his face. Cam felt bad enough without his friend making him feel any worse but it was for the best. Chastity couldn’t get any ideas about him, no, definitely not happening.

  He’d been a lone Wolf for so long and he had no plans on changing that. He had a business to run, a lifestyle he enjoyed, a woman was not on his agenda. Never had been, never would.

  ~Chapter 12 ~

  Chastity ran as fast as she could, desperate to get far from the humiliation she felt; at her own behavior and Cam’s obvious rejection. “How could I have been so stupid and let my guard down?” she thought again and again as her beast weaved in and out of the trees in its path.

  She’d never gotten close to anyone, not once, and now she felt stupid and shame ran through her like lava burning inside. As a She-Wolf she’d had sex, every adult female had, but never had she felt anything between her and the male. Chastity knew if she’d been in human form that tears would be streaking down her face and felt grateful her Wolf couldn’t show that weakness.

  Why the hell had she acted like that? She had no clue, only knowing that both she and her beast were drawn to Cameron Sinclair like a child to candy. She thought he’d felt it too but she was obviously mistaken. He’d pushed her away as if he’d been burned and she felt mortified as she saw him staring down at her; almost panting with desire.

  “Jeez, you are an idiot!” she berated herself as she grew closer and closer to the Camp. How she ever thought that someone like Cameron Sinclair would be remotely interested in her was the dumbest thing she’d ever thought. Chastity forced her heart to close, her mind not to even think on the handsome man, or his magnificent midnight black Wolf. She would not make another mistake like that. Never again.

  “You only have yourself to depend on. Nobody else,” she thought again and again as her Wolf slowed its pace, dropping down and creeping along to the bottom of the tree that she’d climbed down earlier.

  She morphed quickly and started to climb, her long legs and strong arms making short work of the task. In mere moments she was climbing through her window and let out a long sigh of relief. As Chastity moved to stand upright something hit her full in the face and she fell like a stone.

  Her eyes watered, her nose and mouth hurt like a bitch, and she fought to take a breath as a booted foot kicked her in the stomach. Her Wolf howled, wanting to be let loose to protect her but then her brother’s voice entered her consciousness and she stilled, not moving as her heart beat frantically in fear.

  “What do we have here?” Philippe’s tone cordial and almost friendly as she stared up at him through her hair. “Sister, welcome home! I assume you were out meeting the other traitors?”

  Chastity sat up, her stomach hurting so much she felt she was going to puke. She grabbed a robe from the chair beside her and covered her nakedness. “What? What are you talking about, Philippe?”

  Philippe bent down, his hands on his knees as he stared into her eyes. Chastity could see the anger clearly but she could also see something else. Something that looked like pure insanity. “I’m not getting out of this alive,” she thought as she waited on him to answer.

  “Traitors, you’re not stupid, you know the meaning of the word and I’ll bet you know exactly who I’m talking ‘bout!”

  “No,” she answered and shook her head furiously. “I don’t, I promise I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Wrong answer.” Philippe lashed out, backhanding her and sending her sprawling back to the floor.

  Chastity could taste the blood from her split lip as she scrambled to get some distance between her and Philippe. “Please! Tell me who you’re talking about. I only slipped out to go for a run. You know I hate to stay inside but I didn’t meet anyone. I didn’t even see anyone!”

  Her brother raised a hand to his mouth, a finger tapping his bottom lip. “You certainly sound as if you’re telling the truth. But, you’re a good liar, aren’t you, sister dear?”

  He moved so fast she didn’t have a chance to defend herself, his fist smashing into her face before he kicked her hard, this time catching her hip. She thought she heard a loud crack but pain was blinding her senses so she couldn’t be sure. What she was sure of was the pain that lanced through her head and body from the assault. Once
again she thought, “He’s going to kill me.”

  Philippe paced back and forth, his fist hitting his thigh as he ranted and screamed down at her. “You do know! First Silas, now Pascall and Quincy. Where are they, Chastity? Tell me and tell me now or so help me you’ll never leave this room alive!”

  Chastity felt the hot tears running down her face as she realized the danger she was in. She couldn’t answer him because she had no clue where Pascall and Quincy were and she knew Philippe wouldn’t believe her. She knew without a doubt she was going to die.


  Jacob followed the white Wolf all the way back to her Camp and knew she must’ve been very upset because not once did she realize he was there. He almost yipped in a parody of laughter as he saw her climb the tree with expert ease and crawl back into, what he assumed, was her room.

  His beast relaxed slightly as he saw her get to safety and turned to make the journey back to Clan land. Jacob’s massive Wolf only taking a few steps before he heard the noise of Chastity being attacked, the sound unmistakable to him. Snarling he went back, listening carefully and his anger rose as his heart sank.

  She was in danger and it was her own brother that was inflicting the wounds. Jacob’s first instinct was to get in there and kill Dupont and he was just about to transform when he heard footsteps, seeing about a dozen guards taking their places around the Alpha’s cabin.

  Shit! He was good but probably not that good! He needed to get help, fast.

  Jacob’s beast rose to the challenge, eating up the ground at a speed he’d never achieved before. His massive heart beating wildly with the strain as he desperately ran to get help for the She-Wolf. He could hear over and over again the angry words, the thuds of punches and he was certain her brother had kicked her, more than once. Jacob heard the sounds and his anger grew as he almost flew over the ground.

  He was all the way back to the Clan Camp when he saw the others up ahead. They were all still Wolf except for Cam who was stomping away and Jacob morphed quickly, shouting loudly, “Cam, get your fucking ass back here! She’s in trouble and we need to go now!”


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