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Captivated by the Soldier (BWWM Interracial Romance)

Page 2

by Dez Burke

  “Perfect. Why don’t you go in and change into something more comfortable? I also bought a bottle of good wine if you’d like to chill with a glass while I cook. I’ll be able to get everything ready in half an hour or so.”

  “Okay,” Makayla said, trying not to look too doubtful. She couldn’t imagine what he could whip up in such a short time. He seemed confident around the kitchen though; so she was ready to be pleasantly surprised. Lord knows she was culinary-challenged – i.e., she couldn’t cook a thing. Despite herself, she was actually looking forward to seeing how well the hunky former soldier would cater to her hunger for food. Her other, equally vital appetites would have to wait.

  Chapter Four

  Makayla returned ten minutes later and Blade couldn’t help but do a double take. Face scrubbed, she looked all but nineteen, with layers of clothes taken off to reveal a banging figure that made his mouth water for something which had nothing to do with food. He blinked and quickly returned to the chicken dish he was preparing.

  No use denying it to himself, thought Blade. He was fiendishly attracted to Makayla Stiles. And not in a long time had he felt such a gravitational surge towards a woman.

  She had him wanting to do more than make her dinner. He wanted to woo her, make her his.

  “Wow, something smells fabulous,” she crooned with delight, striding into the kitchen.

  Yes, you do, was Blade’s silent thought. He didn’t know what was in that shower gel she’d used; it was all citrusy and floral and woman. There was an aura about her that drew him to her even as it warned him she was dangerous to his iron-meshed control.

  “Can I help?” Makayla asked eagerly, standing right next to him, almost too close to let him think straight.

  One would think he’d never been around a sexy, beautiful and alluring woman before. He had to keep reminding himself that she was not just Gina’s roommate, but her friend as well, and Blade had made it a rule since they were younger never to mess with his stepsister’s pals, no matter what.

  Now all he needed to do was remind his raging lust of that.

  “Yeah, that’d be great. You could grate some cheese.”

  She looked happy to be involved, even if it was just a simple task. But then, it was a one dish meal anyway; his favorite recipe of chicken covered in Dijon mustard sauce.

  It wasn’t too fancy but it was a great after-work meal and coupled with his winning bottle of wine – as well as the special little impromptu treat he had lined up after they ate – he felt sure she’d love the results.

  With a total time between prepping and cooking of just twenty minutes, they were sitting down to eat within an hour since she arrived home. An hour had never seemed to go so fast…and neither had a meal.

  Makayla was full of praise for the food which they sat to eat at the kitchen table. “It looks almost too beautiful to eat,” she joked, fork and knife already poised over her plate. “And it smells divine. In fact, the whole setting and plating of the dish feels like true fine dining.”

  “Thank you,” he said, grinning from all the praise. He liked a woman who could show sincere appreciation. It looked really easy but he had put a lot of thought into everything, after racking his brain how to make up for his blunder last night.

  Blade could only imagine her fright when she found him waiting asleep in her bed. He well remembered his state of undress when he’d toppled beneath the covers and had an idea she might have got a rude eyeful where she least expected. He couldn’t be sure though but he was glad for this chance to make her feel comfortable and safe around him.

  “I’m glad you approve,” he added after a sip of wine, his eyes dancing. “Being in the military doesn’t mean we service men have no clue about dining etiquette. During special operations training we actually had a class dedicated just to being schooled in proper table manners and such. And then we had the chance to practice the skills learned during all those unit dinners. Back then it all felt like such a waste of time and yet I now know I may never need to fire an M14 Sniper rifle again, but what I learned involving table manners will aid my enjoyment of the finer art of dining for many long years to come.”

  He saw her pause as she was about to fork some food into her mouth, before she asked curiously, “Is that what you did in the army? You were a sniper?”

  Shit! Blade thought, chewing hard on his food as he bought more time. He really, really didn’t like talking about that part of his life in Special Ops. Especially not now, when the wounds, both emotionally and even physically, were still fresh.

  He had his fair share of medals and commendations, but there had been times when Blade had felt nothing like a hero; what with those victims that never even knew he was there, aiming to take a shot and take them down. Those poor guys never knew where or when – although some of them seemed able to tell intuitively that the end was near, that Blade was hidden and waiting. A single, clean shot – or however many it took. And never leaving until the job was done to perfection.

  No way he could tell Makayla about that. Sure though, the people he’d brought down were people who deserved no one’s pity, least of all his.

  Operation after operation, he’d had to keep up his cool-headed outlook on things. This was a job. It was what he was trained to do. No honor or glory in that; just doing what needed to be done because if he didn’t do it, someone else will.

  Like some of his other pals in the army, Blade had his share of struggles trying to find his way after leaving active duty. He knew all about PTSD and all that came with it. There was the survivor guilt – yes, he definitely had a large bout of that. Also, there was all the constant reliving of the trauma in his dreams. That too, didn’t look like it would go away soon.

  “Maybe you don’t want to talk about it,” Makayla put in wryly when the silence stretched too long. “I mean, most of what you did must be top secret anyway. I know enough about covert military operations to tell that it’s not something you can simply chat about to just anybody.”

  “No; it’s okay,” Blade said quickly, his hand shooting out to cover hers. Makayla stiffened and looked down in surprise at his hand, but didn’t pull away.

  Only when he felt her relax did Blade retrieve his hand. “You’re right; most of what I did isn’t exactly a fun conversation piece, certainly not at dinner. Suffice to say that being a soldier was the greatest experience I’ve had. It was my life for ten years. I loved every minute of it. It was all I wanted to do since I was fifteen years old. Take down the bad guys. Win battles for my homeland. I’m glad I was able to do all I set out to do, even though it came at a price.”

  Makayla frowned with concern. “Were you injured?”

  “Only here…and here,” he said, pointing to his heart and head, with a rueful smile. When she smiled back, though tentatively, Blade felt his chest swell. What was she doing to him? She had him ready to open up to her, because she looked like a woman who could handle the truth, and would understand.

  But he had no inclination to burden Makayla Stiles with his issues. He had a therapist for that.

  “I’m almost afraid to ask if you mean that figuratively or not,” she murmured, though her eyes were dancing as she tried to make light of the somewhat gloomy topic. “Maybe you’d like to know what I do? I can assure you it’s no way as exciting as your former job.”

  He chuckled, glad that she’d switched gears. It turned out his assumptions about her occupation weren’t too much off the mark. She was very much the corporate princess with her MBA from Columbia and her job in management consulting. She worked as an analyst for one of the top global professional service firms, and Blade couldn’t help but be impressed.

  “Beauty and brains,” he noted admiringly, as he lifted his glass of wine to her in salute. “A very fetching combination in a woman.”

  She smiled, though wryly. “You would think so, right? However, half of the single dudes out there are intimidated by my drive, while the other half believe that because I’m a black female
, I’d do anything to get ahead in my career. Not that I’ve ever needed to.”

  “I think the sensible men out there know a good woman when they see one. I for one cannot believe you haven’t been snapped up by some lucky guy.”

  Makayla’s eyes were dancing over the rim of the wineglass at her lips. “Maybe I’m picky,” she said at last. “I’m not about to fall for just anyone.”

  Blade nodded sagely, his own gaze equally teasing as it pinned to hers. “And with that right person, the idea of falling won’t be a bad prospect at all, will it?”

  “So true,” she murmured, placing the glass down as she imperceptibly leaned closer. It took Blade a second to realize she was simply mirroring his own gesture, his body already slanted in her direction, his face inches from hers.

  Collecting himself, he snapped back, blinking. Somewhere along the line, he’d been just about primed to close in for a kiss with Makayla. It had felt natural, seamless, to simply move his head a certain way and bring her lips in position to be claimed.

  Was he crazy? Or was he just plain reckless? His step-sister Gina trusted him or she wouldn’t have suggested he stay a few days in her home while he looked around for a place of his own. The very last thing he should be thinking of was hitting on her sexy-as-hell roommate.

  He saw Makayla’s disappointed look when he withdrew, but he stamped down any urge to grab her face and plaster those deliciously puffy and pink lips with hungry kisses.

  Clearing his throat lightly, he reached for the bottle to pour her more wine, but she shook her head, placing a hand over the glass.

  “I’d think you were trying to get me drunk, sir. But you’re too much of a gentleman for that I’m sure,” Makayla murmured with a little teasing smile. And yet Blade had heard the prickle of annoyance in her tone and he was astute enough to know what it meant. So she thought he was a gentleman? And did she think that was why he’d chosen to pull back from what had obviously been a potential kiss?

  What did Makayla Stiles want from him, Blade mused? He sure as hell couldn’t take it for granted that she felt even a percentage of what he was feeling every time she was near. He was a heartbeat away from ravishing her on the spot, but he dared not believe her attraction for him was just as fervent. Or could he?

  Chapter Five

  Makayla had positively been about to scream when the gorgeous lips of the former soldier pulled way out of her reach. Good God! This man was getting under her skin.

  Of course, he was one of those. Men who refused to take advantage of a woman even though she was practically panting for it. Couldn’t he tell? Or would she have to be less subtle?

  She’d changed into a dress after a quick, scented bath; she’d talked her head off in the belief that he was the kind of man who you needed to first stimulate through the mind.

  But Makayla was done with undercover maneuvers. Looked like she needed to take a more direct line of attack.

  She’d say this much; he sure knew how to soften a woman up through her stomach. And she loved that he didn’t go overboard with the meal. It was just right.

  He didn’t bother with dessert, instead topping off the delightful dinner with sugar cones heaped with chocolate ice cream and sprinkles. At her suggestion, he moved to the couch in the living room to eat their ice cream cones. Makayla plopped down beside him and in the process managed to topple her scoop of ice cream onto the front of his shirt.

  “Oh no!” she cried. “I’m so sorry!” she yelled, grabbing a napkin and trying in vain to clean his shirt.

  “Didn’t you learn never to play with your food?” Blade growled, lunging for her. Makayla let out a squeal in surprise and tried to skip off the couch but he was too quick, grabbing her by the waist and pinning her down against him. Her breath got hitched somewhere in between her chest and her throat as she unintentionally came in tight proximity with Blade’s hard, warm body.

  “Don’t worry about the shirt,” he said, before placing his arms across his chest and tugging the sticky shirt up. His torso spread out wide when he pulled his shirt over his head.

  Good heavens, thought Makayla with breathless delight as everything seemed to happen in slow motion. His pecs and abs stretched tautly from the motion of his arms being lifted above his head, the V at this waistline sharpening and then relaxing as his impressively muscled arms lowered. Makayla had a glimpse of sexy armpit hair before he tossed his shirt aside, his ribcage flexing.

  She couldn’t keep her eyes off him.

  Blade’s blue eyes blazed as he felt her eyes over his body.

  His gaze was assessing but at that point Makayla didn’t really care how it looked, the way she was staring at him with her jaws unhinged.

  Every etched line and muscle of his golden-skinned body took her back to that night she’d found him asleep in her bed. Now, she felt manacled by the urge to simply reach out and touch him, like he was some perfectly carved marble sculpture. The breadth of his shoulders, the curved roundness of each bicep, the eye-catching tribal tattoos inked darkly on his right breast. His washboard belly was so flat it was almost concave, and he had the most gorgeous nipples, like copper coins. Not a trace of hair, except the light trail leading down into the waistband of his jeans.

  Blade’s body had a throbbing, vibrant beauty that could bring a woman to tears. Looking at him brought her darkest, most hidden cravings to the surface and she could almost hear the tigress in her purr.


  Makayla wasn’t sure if it was a warning or a plea she heard in Blade’s tone…but she knew it had the same element of aiming to keep her from what she wanted so badly to do – and that was to touch him.

  She bit hard on her bottom lip, which got a tortured groan rippling low in his throat as he watched her mouth. Her body then moved even before she knew what she was doing, shifting sideways until she was edging against Blade’s strong, virile frame, her breasts pillowing into his rock-hard pecs.

  Bold, breathless, she lifted both hands to run them over his torso, paying attention to those oh-so-sexy nipples that made her lick her lips. She was fascinated by his textures of silk and steel. The pads of her fingers scraped against the edge of his nubs and she heard his breath snag.

  “Do you ever let go of your iron control?” Makayla mused, her eyelashes fluttering as she looked through them at him. “I’ve been waiting all night for you to make your move. You look like a man with passion – unless, perhaps I don’t inspire any.”

  He huffed, at last speaking though he kept his hands at his sides. “Trust me, Makayla, you inspire a whole lot of passion. In ways you aren’t even ready for yet.”

  She pouted, tipping her head to the side in a flirty, girly gesture. Her right palm was sliding down his six-pack and memorizing every rippled dip and swell of rock-hard muscle.

  “What makes you say that? I’ll have you know that I’m tougher than I look,” she said on a murmur. “You might be a former Army soldier, all grit and fire…but I think I can handle you.”

  As she spoke, she eased herself on her knees over him, straddling his thighs as she pushed him until he leaned against the back of the couch. She felt his hands lift and rest on her waist, and his fingers dug in so hard it made her flinch slightly. Unfazed, her hips began to undulate seductively, rubbing her smoldering sex against the wedge straining against his jeans

  “This…isn’t happening, Makayla.”

  Makayla noted the rough gravel in his tone, and smiled. He was getting harder by the second; she could feel the swell of him nudging against the crotch panel of her now very moist panties. Her arms slipped around his bare shoulders and she tilted her face to reach for those sinfully inviting lips of his.

  “Maybe that’s not your call to make, soldier,” she whispered against his mouth. Her eyes closed dreamily and she merged her lips with his.

  She kissed Blade and it was all she could do to catch her breath.

  She felt him freeze dead-still, but for her, everything around them spun. He tast
ed outrageously delicious, the feel of his lips making her want more. She tilted her head for deeper access and got a deep growl of pleasure in response as he finally thawed.

  His hold on her hips made her gasp as his fingers dug into her tender flesh. She felt a flutter in her stomach which spread and blossomed till it became a pool between her shivery thighs.

  Oh. My. A flush of warmth spread through her body.

  His mouth parted, inviting her in. Bold arousal overtook decorum as Makayla plunged her tongue in, seeking his heat and sweetness. A bolt of desire almost ripped her in half, making her moan as he responded with a passionate though subdued hunger.

  Makayla could feel him holding back, yet was just as conscious of the rapid pounding of his heart against hers. She clutched at the short, silky tufts of his hair, her teeth nipping gently into his bottom lip. Unable to help it, she rocked her hips and rubbed against the rigid tent in his jeans.

  She felt his hands close around her shoulders before he broke the kiss far enough so that their lips were mere inches apart, hot breaths mingling, tantalizing, scorching.

  “Makayla…I hope you realize this isn’t a game anymore?” Blade told her gruffly, and she blinked her eyes open to gaze down into his ferociously dark gaze. Her resolve faltered at the look of almost untamed desire in his eyes, warning her to tread carefully.

  “Who says I’m playing?” she whispered, her confidence returning as she felt the need bubbling faster in her deepest folds. Every move seductive and deliberate, she slid off his lap, making sure to bump her ass one last time over his lap before backing away on her feet. She kicked off her heeled slippers, never taking her gaze off his. Next, she divested herself of her dress in one fluid motion before tossing it to the floor.

  She felt a stab of triumph when she saw his blue eyes turn almost black with desire as he watched her, his body rigid and unmoving on the couch. Her hands slid down her unclad body, her secrets shielded only by tiny scraps of white lace.

  “This is all yours, hot shot. Only, you have to come and get it,” she told him with a wicked little smile.


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