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A Little Harmless Faith

Page 2

by Melissa Schroeder

  “What does that mean?” she asked.

  “Just that they are all members of Rough ‘n Ready.”


  “You seem to look down on me for being a member.”

  “I do not.”

  He opened an eye. “Really?”

  His tone told her he didn’t believe her.

  “No. If you remember, I suggested that you look into BDSM as an outlet.”

  He sat up and opened both eyes. “So, why the judgement in your voice?”

  “I’m not judging you. I worry about you. That’s all.”

  The leather creaked as he moved closer. He was so close she could feel his body heat. The scent of his aftershave filled her senses and left her a little lightheaded. She had to fight off the shiver. “That’s it?”

  She nodded. “I’ve heard that the club is one of the best in the world. I have never, and will never, judge you for your need for Domination. I promise.”

  He stayed close a moment longer, then sighed. “Good. Because I would blame it all on you,” he said, but this time his voice was lighter, less sarcastic. He leaned back again and she breathed a sigh of relief.

  If he ever figured out she was also a member, he would never let her hear the end of it.

  Jensen was out of the car before it came to a complete stop. He needed space, away from Nic, away from it all. Mostly…her. God, he’d had to deal with the long flight over, and now this.

  He made sure to keep all of his feelings buried beneath the surface. Nic would not be happy about them. Or how many times he’d awakened with a hard-on in the last two months after a hot dream of her. More than once he’d had to fight the urge to go to her. Now, they were in romantic Hawaii and she would insist on wearing those fucking little bikinis.

  “Jensen?” He realized she’d walked past him to the front door. Marta, the housekeeper, had already opened it.

  “Sorry. Jet lag.”

  She gave him a look that told him she didn’t believe him, but she didn’t push it. One of the bad things about having his former sober companion as his personal assistant—she just didn’t put up with his shit.

  At least there would be no thigh highs here. Granted, he had never gotten proof of what she was wearing, but he was a man who knew silk stockings when he saw them. He particularly liked the back seamed ones.

  Jensen fought off a shudder. Even as he thanked the gods that he was avoiding shorts skirts and stockings, he knew she was going to be wearing short skirts to show off her tanned legs, and camisoles that bared even more of her skin.

  “Come on. Get changed and go out to Rough ‘n Ready. I’m not in the mood to deal with you anymore. Aloha, Marta. Howzit?”

  He loved the way that no matter where they were, she could slip into the local language and slang. It was her way of showing respect. He knew it came from all her travels in her skating competition days, but it had appealed to him. It made him look smarter. There was the added thrill he got when she spoke another language. Italian was a particular favorite of his.

  “Everything is good, Nicola.”

  “Great. We really don’t need you tonight. I ate on the plane and I’m heading over to my friend’s house later. Mr. Wulf is going out tonight.”

  “Of course,” Marta said as she stepped back to let both of them come into the house.

  They had never owned property on the islands before. It wasn’t a place they had any interest in until a year or two ago. Because of the frequent trips, though, the family had decided to buy another house. This one had become a particular favorite of his. It boasted an open floor plan with floor to ceiling windows that looked out on the Pacific. The light paint on the walls, along with amazing views, gave the house an airy feel.

  “Everything looks wonderful,” Nic said. “But then, that’s what I’ve come to expect.”

  Marta beamed as she followed them down the hall. Nic always knew what to say to people to let them know she appreciated their work. It was one of the things he liked about her and also one of the reasons he’d hired her as his PA.

  Today, it just made him cranky. Cranky and horny.

  Bloody hell.

  “I stocked the fridge to your specifications; plus, I found some fruit at the farmer’s market I thought you would like.”

  “You are a goddess, Marta. What would I do without you?” Nic asked.

  Again, the right thing.

  “Thank you, Marta,” he said. She smiled at him and hurried out to organize everything that had come in from the car.

  “I would suggest an ice-cold shower.”

  “What?” he asked turning on Nicola. How did she know?

  “I said, that maybe you should take an ice-cold shower. You need to cool off and calm down.”

  His phone rang before he could respond. His brother’s ring so he clicked it on.

  “Bloody hell, I just got here.”

  “I love you, too,” Jakob said.

  “What do you want?”

  “I just thought I would check and make sure everything worked out and you are there alive.”

  “You probably already talked to Frank, so why is that a problem?”

  His brother was responding when Nicola took the phone from him.

  “Hello, Jakob. Don’t try to irritate your brother. He’s already irritated and then I’ll have to deal with him.”

  She was silent for a moment or two. Jensen fought the need to grab the phone out of her hand. Lately, he’d been getting irritated how much she and Jakob talked on the phone. And in person. Every now and then, they sat next to each other at meals. That was getting really annoying.

  He rolled his eyes. Good lord. He was starting to sound like a teenager with a crush on his teacher. He was actually jealous of his brother for no other reason than he was talking to Nic.

  “I see. Well, if the Johnsons don’t want to meet with us—”

  Silence again as his brother talked.

  “Oh, okay. I got it. They want to have a meeting next week on Maui. I’ll get everything set up. Just send me the particulars. Do you want to talk to Jensen again?”

  His brother responded, which brought out a bubble of laughter from Nicola. “Okay.”

  She clicked off his phone and handed it back to him. Then she started to walk away. He grabbed hold of her arm, which was a mistake. Touching her was always a mistake.

  She glanced down at his hand, then back up to his face. “Yes?”

  “Do you want to tell me what that was all about?”

  “Meeting next week on Maui. Seems the Johnsons are going to try and play hardball. You can let go of me now.”

  He didn’t realize until that moment that his hands were still on her.

  “Sorry.” He waited one more second than was necessary and then released her arm.

  “No worries. They want us on Maui next week. A meeting of the minds.”

  Dammit. He understood it wasn’t easy to give up family land, but Wulf Industries wasn’t going to do anything with it. Well, anything else than the family had been doing. The pristine land was prime vacation land, and they had a hotel on it. Wulf Industries wanted to redo the entire resort, update it, and bring in more jobs for the locals. Still, the Johnsons had been dragging their feet for months after they had already agreed to negotiate a price with them. They were the only bidder who had been willing to keep the resort island friendly.

  “So, we are going over there next week?”

  She shrugged as she started to walk away. “It would only be for overnight, so I guess we both don’t need to go.”

  He breathed a sigh of relief. While he had enjoyed having her as a traveling companion in the past, his new attraction to her was getting out of hand. Being at a resort overnight…well, he did not want to test himself. Not right now.

  “What will you do?”

  “I might just lay out by the pool with Serenity and be a lazy tourist for a few days.”

  He blinked at the anticipation he heard in her voice. “That
doesn’t sound like you at all.”

  She stopped walking and turned around to face him. “What do you mean by that?”

  Now what did he do? She was staring at him with those ice blue eyes of hers, and she expected an answer from him. And in that one instant, he couldn’t think. Every bloody thought in his brain dissolved into visions of leaning forward and brushing his mouth over hers. She would be sweet, so sweet, with just the right amount of spice.

  “I’m waiting,” she said in the tone that told him she wasn’t happy with him.

  “Just that you never seem to settle down. I always thought taking a break for you was when you made lists.”

  She snorted. “Do you remember what I did for my last vacation?”

  “I know you went to Arizona with Serenity.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I gave you the itinerary. You should have known where we were every day.”

  “Oh, yeah.” He had ignored it. Mainly because he spent the entire week in a panic without her. Well, mildly panicked. He wasn’t accustomed to spending so much of his time alone.

  “We went to Mii Amo.”

  “You went to another resort other than ours?” he asked, irritated.

  “Yes. Everyone knows my name at the three resorts we have in the US. They don’t give me a moment’s rest or let me act like a tourist, so I went somewhere else. And, do you know what I did the entire time I was there?”

  He could not speak, so he shook his head.

  “I rested. I gorged myself on some amazing food, and I had so many body treatments I can’t even remember them all. Massages, body wraps, reiki…you name it and it was probably done to my body.”

  She closed her eyes and hummed. Good lord, she was trying to kill him. Just thinking about her naked on a table, slathered with oils and lotions, had what little blood left in his brain traveling down to his cock. Fuck.

  When she opened her eyes, she was smiling. “And I loved it. It was fantastic. In fact, we are planning another one later this year and I cannot wait. So, for your information, I do know how to relax.”

  When he said nothing, she frowned.

  “Are you okay, Jensen?”

  He nodded, but he still didn’t talk.

  “You should at least jump in the shower to wash the grime off you. You’re pretty, but I’m sure whatever sub you find tonight doesn’t want a stinky Dom.”

  He nodded again.

  “I’m going to take one myself before heading over to Serenity’s. If I don’t see you before you leave, have fun, but play safe.”

  And with that, she trotted up the stairs as if she hadn’t just given him a vivid picture of herself as she lay naked.

  “Sir?” Marta said when she walked back into the foyer.

  He shook himself out of his stupor and gave their housekeeper a smile. “No worries. Just a little jetlag. A shower will fix all that.”

  But even as he made his way to his second-floor bedroom, he knew he was lying. The only way the shower would work was if it were ice cold. He really hated when Nic was right.


  Jensen stepped out of the car and smiled at John. “Thanks. I’ll text you when I’m ready to go.”

  “Sure thing, sir.”

  Jensen was smiling when he flashed his card to the doorman and then walked into Rough ‘n Ready. Years ago, Nicola had suggested that maybe he needed to explore his need for control. He had thought she meant going to a therapist, but instead, she sent him to a Dominatrix who taught him exactly what he needed in the bedroom. His need to control his environment, and failing at that, had sent him running to drugs. Now, he had this.

  He stood at the top of the stairs and took in the crowd. It was Saturday night, so the place was packed. Of course, it was busy on the weeknights also, but Saturdays were probably their best nights. Jensen enjoyed Rough ‘n Ready. It was well-run and always packed with a good group of people. The regulars were great, but being in a vacation spot like Honolulu, he could always count on someone new to meet. The black and red interior was common in many clubs, but the layout was different. Ross and his partner Evan Chambers understood that just because you were at the club, you didn’t always want to play. Being among people who understood who you were, that was a comfort.

  The private rooms were filled with the best equipment, and the open area included a bar—only for those not playing for the night—and ample seating. The best part about it was what he called the stadium. There was an opening in the floor that served as a demonstration area. While many people would assume that a BDSM club in Hawaii would be a little more than a tourist attraction, Rough ‘n Ready was so much more than that. They brought in people from all over the world for classes and demonstrations; and boasted every well-known Dom and Domme on the islands as members and/or teachers.

  He was only about halfway across the floor when he spotted Micah Ross, one of the two owners of Rough ‘n Ready. Jensen changed his direction, so he could chat up the Native American Dom. Ross would have the best idea on who was willing and able to take up for some fun for a night.

  When people thought of the quintessential Native American, Micah Ross could be the poster boy. Tall, stoic, with long, black, straight hair, he dominated any room he was in. Even as crowded as the club was, there was no doubt he drew most eyes when he walked through the gathering. It had nothing to do with him being the owner of the club, and everything to do with the man.

  “Hey, Wulf,” he said with a smile and handshake. “How’s tricks?”

  “Ross. Seems the club is hopping tonight.”

  “As usual, thankfully.”

  “It shouldn’t be a surprise to you.”

  His lips twitched. “I never take anything for granted.”

  “Indeed. I know better than most.”

  “I talked to the very attractive Ms. McCann. She didn’t say how long you’ll be here.”

  He shrugged. “At least a couple of weeks. Maybe a month”

  “Good. We have some great classes and demonstrations coming up.”

  “Indeed. Think I need to learn something, Ross?”

  “A refresher course never hurts.”


  “More than a few willing subs here tonight. Lord knows they would clamor at a chance with the Bad Boy Billionaire.”

  He winced. “Oh, God, not you too.”

  “I thought you liked the name.”

  He had at one time. It was heady being named by the press. He’d been twenty-two at the time and full of idiotic ideas.

  “I would rather just be called Jensen or Sir.”

  Ross’ lips twitched again. “I can understand that. How long have you been on the island?”

  He didn’t like the idea that Ross seemed to be so familiar with Nic. “Just a few hours ago. Tell me, Ross, how well do you know Nic?”

  The other man’s eyebrows rose. “What are you asking?”

  He didn’t want to say it because saying it would make him look like an ass. Ross was in love with his wife and never played outside the bounds of marriage. Why would he think Ross was messing around with Nic? Besides, Jensen had no say in what Nic did in her personal life.

  Micah was still watching him, and that was a dangerous thing. Jensen shrugged, then pretended interest in a group of women who walked by.

  “Nothing really. Just that you called her very attractive. I thought you hadn’t met in person.”

  “Hmm, no. Just in pictures with you, and of course in her days on the ice. Other than that, I’ve only talked to her on the phone.”

  Jensen didn’t respond. It was a stupid reaction that had been plaguing him in recent months. Jealousy. Bloody hell, he wasn’t involved with her. He had no right to her. He didn’t get jealous of his lovers. He didn’t like attachments, and usually stayed away from entanglements.

  “Don’t you think she’s hot?” Ross asked.

  He shrugged, trying to pretend disinterest. “Sure. But she’s not my type.”

  “And what type would that be?
She’s stunning.”

  She was. It was what had been keeping him up at night. “Yes, but can you see her being a sub? You’ve dealt with her on the phone.”

  Micah gave him a side eye glance. “I don’t know her that well.”

  “Now, what the bloody hell does that mean?” Jensen asked with little heat.

  “I’ve been in this business for a few years. I was a bounty hunter back in the day, so I know a little bit about human nature. People rarely show their true selves to the world.”

  “I know that. It took my family three years to know I was a heroin addict.”

  “You just proved my point.”

  Jensen chuckled. “Either way, I’m off to find someone to play with tonight.”

  “Have fun, but play safe.”

  The phrase caught his attention. It was the exact same thing that Nicola said.

  “What did you say?”

  “I said have fun.”

  “But play safe. Where did you hear that?”

  He shrugged. “I’ve said it for years.”

  “Ah, okay. See you later, Ross.”

  The club owner nodded but said nothing else. Jensen headed off in the direction of Latochia, a rather frisky sub he’d played with last time he’d been at Rough ‘n Ready. It was time to get himself back on track.

  Nicola parked her rental car just as her phone started to ring. She smiled thinking it would be Serenity calling to complain at her tardiness, but it was Jeffery Smyth, a skater she knew from her competition days.

  “Hey, you, what are you doing calling me so late?”

  “Because I talked to your mother earlier today, and she told me that you are in Hawaii, which Ben and I are too.”

  Most people would find it odd that he had a relationship with her mother, but skaters could be a very cloistered bunch. Long hours of training left them with little time for a social life outside of the rink. When his own parents turned away from him when he came out ten years earlier, her mother had welcomed him with open arms.

  “Here? In Hawaii? On Oahu?”


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