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Safe and Burning with Ecstasy [The Heroes of Silver Island 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Tonya Ramagos

  Their woman. Christ, he was already starting to think of her as if it was a done deal. It didn’t make a bit of sense, none of it did, but damn if it wasn’t happening.

  “Faith Randal,” he reluctantly told John. “I dunno where she came from or how she got here. Hell, I don’t anythin’ else about her except that she’s got this mark between her shoulder blades I ain’t seen. I felt it, though, and I think it’s a burn scar. Kalvin suspects whoever she’s runnin’ from has somethin’ to do with the fire service, maybe a husband or boyfriend that’s a firefighter.”

  The sheriff pulled out a pocket notebook and jotted down the name. “I’ll run a check when I get back to the station. I’ll be discreet and no one will have to know I did it except us.” He shoved the notebook back in his shirt pocket and held Blaze’s gaze. “Whatever or whoever it is, we’ll take care of her.”

  * * * *

  Kalvin stopped at the water’s edge, scanning the growing crowd on the beach as he wrung the saltwater from the legs of his swim trunks. It took him all of a half a second to spot her. She sat with her sexy stems stretched out on a beach towel, her arms slightly behind her, and her hands flattened to support the weight of her upper body. Large pink-rimmed shades covered her eyes and her lips were set in a contemplative line.

  He started toward her, his heart rate climbing with each step as his gaze slid from her slender ankles to her slightly knobby knees to the barely-there bottom of her bikini. As his attention locked onto the shadow between her legs, he found himself silently willing her legs to spread. He’d become next to obsessed with finding out her natural hair color. Was the bottom of her bikini scant enough to prevent even a single pubic hair from being covered?

  Obsessed about the color of her hair? Yeah, right, Fitzpatrick. You just want to see her pussy.

  Hell, yeah, he did. He wanted to see it and feel it and taste it and fuck it for hours. And, if it wasn’t shaved for him, he wanted to do that, too.

  He tore his gaze from her pussy and dragged it to her breasts. Her perfect tits spilled slightly over the edge of the matching bikini top, creating a tantalizing swell and valley between them that had his cock and balls whimpering.

  Barely three feet from her now, he saw when she spotted him. Her head angled a little to one side and the contemplative smile on her lips turned to one of unadulterated wickedly sensual heat. He could feel her gaze slowly rake down his front as he maintained his direct course toward her. The smile slowly faded, but the way her lips formed an O told him the heat hadn’t cooled a bit.

  His hadn’t either. Christ, the way he could feel her looking at him, coupled with that sexy vixen expression on her angelic face, had an inferno sparking to life in his system that threatened to burn him alive.

  “Pardon me,” he said when he reached her. “Is this seat taken?”

  The smile returned to her lips, stretching wide enough to reach her eyes behind her shades. “Holy shit,” she said in a whisper he figured probably came close to mirroring the one he’d used when they’d had the same exchange yesterday in the Karma Café.

  Kalvin chuckled. “Nice one.”

  “A little Deja vu can be fun now and then.” She scooted to the edge of her towel and patted the now-vacant space beside her.

  Kalvin lowered himself to the towel, angling his upper body so he could see her. “I wondered how long it would be before I came across you today.”

  One perfect brow inched up behind her shades. “Been looking for me, have you?”

  He grinned. “Here and there.” And everywhere. He’d been worried she’d hop on the first excursion boat back to the mainland come morning. Without knowing who or what she was running from, he couldn’t even begin to figure out how long he and Blaze had to convince her she was safe and needed to stay. He’d gone so far in his search for her today that he’d stopped by the front desk at the resort. Aiden Maxwell, a volunteer firefighter and the resort’s guest relations officer, never forgot a face or a name. Aiden had informed him that Faith hadn’t yet left her room that morning. He’d also told him she’d paid in cash for a week’s stay with an additional cash deposit for him to consult her when that week was up before reserving her suite for someone else.

  “I didn’t leave the resort until a half hour ago.” She giggled. “Can you believe I didn’t wake up until ten?”

  “Hmm, I’d take that as the result of either a very late night or a serious need for rest.”

  “The serious need fits.” She turned her head, looking out at the water. “I had dinner with your friend last night. David.”

  “No shit?” Kalvin followed her gaze to a threesome playing in the several feet from the water’s edge. One of the men scooped up their woman and tossed her to the other man who caught her in midair and took her with him as he fell back into the water.

  She gave a quiet laugh and shook her head before looking back at him. “I bet it takes some getting used to. The island, I mean. Everywhere you go, most everyone you see is in groups of threes rather than twos.”

  “It’s the way it’s supposed to be here.”

  “Is that why you and Blaze came to the island?”

  “It’s part of it,” Kalvin admitted. “We were getting tired of the politics and bullshit going on at the firehouse where we were assigned in Billings. We heard about the island, about the premise it was being built on, and the positions available at the firehouse. It sounded like a good deal, better than what we had for sure, so we jumped on board.”

  “Did the two of you jump on board with the idea of sharing a woman, too?”

  “We’ve done it before.” He let out a wry chuckle. “Over the years we’ve been friends, we’ve found ourselves attracted to the same women.”

  “So rather than going to blows over who got the girl, the two of you shared her?”

  He lifted a shoulder. “She didn’t mind.”

  Faith threw her head back and laughed. “A woman would have to be half dead to mind being shared by two men, especially ones like you and Blaze.”

  Kalvin ran his tongue along the inside of his cheek as he studied her. “You don’t look half dead to me.”

  Her laughter slowly faded and when she spoke again her voice sounded sultry and seductive and wicked as sin. “I didn’t say I minded either.”

  Score! Wanting to see her eyes, Kalvin sat straighter and eased her shades from her face. The dark lines beneath her eyes had faded, making them even more hypnotizing than they had been yesterday. She blinked twice before her gaze settled on his. “That’s really good to know.”

  Her attention dropped from his face and he watched as the heat returned to her eyes. He felt it burn a path down his chest that sizzled straight to his cock. “It’s probably something you shouldn’t know,” she said quietly as she lifted her gaze back up to his. “There’s something about you that seems to drag words out of me I don’t want to say.”

  He laced his fingers in the side of her hair and cupped her cheek. “As long as you mean whatever it is you say, I can’t apologize for it.”

  A small smile toyed with the corner of her lips. “You’re a lot of help. Thanks.”

  “Any time. Helping those in need is part of my job description.”

  That made her laugh as she pulled her head back away from his touch. “David made you and Blaze sound like the heroes to top all heroes last night at dinner.”

  “Ugh,” Kalvin groaned. “Did he bore you with stories about our days at the Billings firehouse?”

  She nodded, chewing the side of her lip. “For over an hour. I swear he worships you guys. I couldn’t get a word in edgewise. Finally, I sat back, drank my wine, and listened to anything and everything about the great lieutenants, Blaze Vardry and Kalvin Fitzpatrick.”

  “David is good man. He’s a pretty good firefighter, too.”

  She made a face. “Pretty good?”

  Kalvin lifted a shoulder. “The job isn’t for everyone. He’s got the bug, the fire bug, but…I don’t know. Blaze and I
used to notice how he got distracted real easy at a fire scene, almost as if he was mesmerized by the pretty colors and unable to focus on putting them out.”

  “ADHD?” Faith suggested.

  Kalvin nodded. “Actually, he was diagnosed with it. He takes meds for it and they seem to help. I felt bad yesterday after you left because he started talking about how the bullshit at our old firehouse has gotten worse since we left and he’s still stuck there. Like I said, he’s a good man. We were all on the same shift in Billings and he used to hang with me and Blaze all the time when we were off duty.”

  “Couldn’t he transfer to another department?”

  “He said something about that yesterday. I think he’s put in an application at one in Silver Springs.”

  “Maybe he’ll get it.” She reached for a bottle of suntan lotion, squeezed a small amount in one hand, and spread it on the opposite arm.

  Wanting an excuse to touch her, he seized the opportunity and took the bottle of suntan lotion from her hand. “I’ll get your back for you.”

  “Kalvin, wait.”

  He ignored her protest as he scooted behind her, reaching with his free hand to gently push her long hair over one shoulder.

  “I don’t need—” Her protests broke off abruptly when he dragged the back of his fingers over the scar between her shoulder blades.

  Blaze had been right. She did have a mark. Kalvin knew a burn scar when he saw one, and this one had once been a very vicious second degree burn that had marred her satiny flesh for life.

  “How did it happen?”

  “It was a brush with death that should have claimed me, but it didn’t.”

  “Don’t say that. Don’t ever say anything like that. You’re where you’re supposed to be. If you don’t want to talk about it right now, I’ll understand. I wish you would…” Damn it, he still couldn’t explain the intense, magnetic attraction he’d been feeling for her since the moment he’d looked at her. He couldn’t explain to his head what his heart had already started to figure out. This wasn’t just a physical thing. It stretched way deep inside him, reaching a part of him that knew his life would never be the same without this woman.

  He shifted on the towel until he was sitting next to her, facing her, and cupped her cheek in his hand. The way she leaned into his touch filled him with hope. “I’m here when you want to talk, Faith. Whatever you want to tell me, I’m here to listen.” Something tightened in his chest at the uncertainty and fear that moved through her eyes. She didn’t pull away from his touch, but she averted her gaze and he thought he saw a glimmer of tears in her eyes before she blinked them away.

  Trust me. The words were equal parts a plea and a scream bubbling in his throat. How could he feel all of this for a woman who didn’t trust him enough to open up to him? The sensations wreaking havoc on his mind, body, and heart weren’t one-sided. He could see it deep in her eyes. It was buried beneath all the uncertainty, the anxiety, and a strong will of self-preservation, but it was there.

  “I know I just met you yesterday, but you got inside me quick, Faith.”

  “There’s so much you don’t know and I…” She shook her head almost infinitesimally and her gaze dropped to her lap.

  “If you don’t feel like you can talk to me, talk to Blaze.” The suggestion left a horrid taste in his mouth, but it was the right thing to do. Blaze was in this, too. Kalvin knew his buddy had recognized the overpowering magnetism with her from the start just as he’d done. “He’s as crazy about you as I am.”

  “The two of you just want to get me in bed.”

  “You’re damn right we do. But it’s more than that.” He inched his hand up and grazed the pad of his thumb over her temple. “You know it in here.” He pulled his hand down, skimming the backs of his fingers down the side of her face and neck and turning it when he reached her chest. He flattened his hand over her heart. “And you feel it in here.”

  She made a breathy sound that held a hint of forced amusement. “Wow. And I accused Blaze of moving too fast.”

  “Blaze and I would never do anything you don’t want. We’d never force you into anything you aren’t ready for.”

  Her gaze danced searchingly over his face. “No,” she whispered after a long moment. “I don’t think either of you would.”

  Kalvin gave her a small smile. “Good. Then I haven’t scared you off from our dinner date tonight? Blaze made reservations at Starry Skies.”

  “Arianrhod made it sound like the most romantic place on the island.”

  “When it comes to restaurants, it is.”

  She wrinkled her nose as she looked down at herself. “I can’t wear this to a classy restaurant.” She lifted a shoulder along with her gaze. “I guess that means I need to go shopping.”

  Kalvin chuckled. “You’re female. I’m sure that breaks your heart. Do you want me to come with you?”

  “Shopping?” Her brows winged up and laughter danced in her eyes. “You’re male. I know it would break your heart.”

  “I’m willing to suffer an hour or two and not complain too much.”

  “While the offer is touching, I’ll save you the suffering. What time is the reservation?”

  “Seven. We’ll pick you up at the resort about a quarter till.”

  She shook her head. “I’ll meet you at the restaurant. It’s not that long of a walk and the evening stroll will be nice.”

  “Okay. If that’s what you want.” He hooked a finger beneath her chin and grazed the pad of his thumb over her lips, pleased when they parted slightly. He held her gaze, letting her see his intention in his eyes as he eased his face toward hers. The warmth of her breath fanned his lips a nanosecond before he covered her mouth with his.

  He meant to kiss her softly, to coax his way into her mouth and give her a small, sweet taste of passion. Instead, something inside him snapped the instant his lips touched hers, turning the softness into a full-blown detonation of desire. He crushed his mouth to hers, pushed his tongue between her lips without waiting for any hint of an invitation, and lost his mind in the kiss.

  He tasted her surprise, felt her stiffen, and then she was melting against him as he wound an arm around her waist and dragged her closer. A soft moan escaped her throat as she flattened a hand on his bicep, skimmed it over his shoulder, and cupped his nape. He angled his head, taking the kiss the deeper, and fought the hungry demon inside him that wanted to lay her back on the towel, strip off her bikini, and taste every satiny inch of her flesh.

  He heard himself make a sound that was half moan and half growl and forced himself to end the kiss. He wrenched his mouth from hers and buried his face in her hair. “Damn. I knew that would happen.”

  “Knew what would happen?” Her breath sounded as ragged as his.

  “I knew once I got my hands on you, once I tasted you, it wouldn’t be enough.” He lifted his head, met her heavy-lidded gaze, and very nearly kissed her again before he snagged hold of a morsel of his resistance. “I better let you go shopping before I do something that will get us both arrested.”

  A dart of alarm shot through her eyes. She let go of his nape and pulled herself out of his embrace. “That’s the last thing I need. You, too, I’m sure,” she added quickly.

  “Yeah, the island is open-minded about a lot, but public nudity is prohibited unless you’re part of the nudist colony and even they have to stick to their own end of the beach.”

  Her jaw dropped. “There’s a nudist colony on Silver Island?”

  He chuckled and nodded. “Ask Blaze about it tonight. He hangs out there a lot.”

  She laughed her surprise. “No way.”

  “Way.” He leaned in and dared to brush his lips over hers for one last fleeting taste. “We’ll see you outside Starry Skies at seven.”

  “Okay.” She nodded as he forced himself back and got to his feet.

  Walking away from her at that moment proved one of the hardest things he’d probably ever done. As he headed down the beach, forcing
himself not to look back, he consoled himself with the determination that soon he wouldn’t need to walk away from her anymore.

  Chapter Four

  Things were happening too fast. One second, it never seemed to last for more than that, Delilah knew exactly what she was doing. The next, she was back to not having a fucking clue. She was shopping, for Pete’s sake. As she slowly made her way through the clothing racks of Elegant Passion, she found herself seriously considering making a break for the door. She didn’t need a new chic dress. She needed her life back.

  You could always start a new one.

  That thought stopped her cold. She stared unseeing at the clothing rack in front of her as she wondered if that could possibly be what she was subconsciously doing? She’d lingered on the beach long after Kalvin had left her, her mind reeling and her hormones in a state of hungry commotion. She’d remembered wondering, when she’d first met Kalvin, what he would taste like. After that soul-licking kiss he’d given her, she definitely knew now. Christ, the power of that kiss had nearly blown her head off! He’d tasted of passion and promises and a security she longed to feel again.

  He’d been right, too. She knew what was happening between them was more than a lusty urge to fall between the sheets. She did feel it and that fact rattled her all the way to her toes. It couldn’t be possible. How could the warm, fuzzy sensations coursing through her every time she got near him or, Jesus, even thought about him be more than a simple need-for-a-fling reaction?

  And what about Blaze?

  She might have spent less time with Blaze than she had with Kalvin so far, but the man had definitely used those precious moments to carve his own place in her mind. The men didn’t come separately. They’d made it more than clear by their words and actions that they were a package deal.

  A package of six-foot-plus temptation wrapped in pure sex appeal.


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