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Dead Sweet: A D.I. Turnbull mystery

Page 9

by Sally O'Brien

"I understand." Vixen sighed, she was already regretting her phone call. Now she had to tell Paul she had gone against him and called the police. She knew he was going to be really angry and was not looking forward to the night ahead of her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Tuesday 9th July 2013

  16:00 hours

  Todd was finally finishing his day at work. He had nothing left to do at work as he had already handed over the day's grief to the Inspector who had relieved him of duty almost two hours before. No leads had presented themselves and Todd was very aware that each moment which passed, pushed the likelihood of finding the killer even further out of his reach. Crimewatch was calling which although a valuable tool to encourage previously quiet informants into giving over information; the promise of fame and fortune always proving a great manipulator; Todd felt like it also proclaimed 'Here are the people we can't catch. This is how incompetent the police are. Laugh at how thick we're being.' He knew that the pros definitely outweighed the cons but would always use the TV show as his last port of call. He was a firm believer in good old fashioned police work and knew if he knocked on enough doors the right person would eventually be home.

  The phone rang on Todd's desk, breaking him from his musings.

  "DI Turnbull."

  "Hello sir, this is Rani from the Coroner's office."

  "Hi Rani, how are you?"

  "Yes great thanks sir, I have some developments for you on the Amanda Thomas case."

  Todd's stomach clenched with excitement, this could be the most important information in his case.

  "OK Rani, what do we have?"

  "The samples we retrieved were taken from the vagina of Amanda Thomas and there is spermicide which is associated with most condom brands."

  "Oh, so no sperm or semen then?" Todd's initial excitement quickly dissipated.

  "There is semen also sir." Rani announced. "The condom may have split or was removed at some point, but we have a trace of semen and have managed to extract a DNA profile from that."

  "Happy days." The excitement was back, Todd mentally double locked his handcuffs.

  "DNA profile comes back to whom?" he asked.

  "No one on file I'm afraid." Rani said. Todd unlocked the handcuffs and threw them to the moon.

  "Oh that's not good."

  "At least we have I on file now if anyone new comes up in the future." Rani consoled him.

  The DNA database currently held over two million DNA profiles which had been collected when anyone committed what was known as a recordable offence. People who had never been arrested would never have been profiled and that made Todd's job even harder. It would be ideal if the UK made a law demanding DNA to be recorded at birth, but even Todd didn't agree with a Big Brother state, so wouldn't be joining any campaigns or petitions any time soon.

  "OK Rani, I appreciate the phone call, let me know if anything else come to light."

  "Sure sir, we are still working on Penny Baker."

  Todd grimaced at the image that statement produced in his head. "Thanks Rani, speak soon."

  "Yes sir, bye."

  Todd put the phone down and gathered his keys, wallet and mobile phone. He had to get a present for his niece Jasmine's birthday which was tomorrow. Todd had no idea what kind of thing to buy a seven year old; he was hoping Big Value may provide some inspiration and intended to stop on the way home, picking up a couple of bottles of red wine and some dinner to bury himself in.

  As Todd left his office he bumped into Candace seemingly leaving also as she carried her handbag over her shoulder.

  "Candy Cane, what are you still doing here? Your shift finished two hours ago."

  Candace blushed red at the bottom of her cheeks. "I was just going over the statements of witnesses in the Penny Baker case Guv," she said. Todd didn't believe that was really the reason for Candace's remaining at the office. He had a feeling she was waiting for him to leave.

  "That's very dedicated Candace, I'm impressed. Well see you on Thursday late turn as long as nothing comes up before that." He gave a little salute and began to walk along the corridor to the stairs which led down to the back door.

  "Guv," Candace called after him.

  "Candy cane."

  "There are still a lot of statements to go through," Candace waved a thick file at him. "Maybe we could go through them together; at yours?" she asked hopefully. Whilst Todd was not of a mind to take Candace home with him, he was tempted to explore the case further. He wouldn't be at work for two days and whilst there were other detectives working in his stead, it wasn't easy to switch off from the cases which were currently outstanding; Mandy Thomas and Penny Baker had families waiting for answers and Todd wanted to be able to give them the answers they were looking for.

  "Do you know what Candy Cane, that is a very good idea. Let's go; how are you with Moshi Monsters?"


  "Come along Candace, all will be revealed. Where's your car?"

  "I haven't brought it with me today."

  "Cor blimey; she wants to come to my house, even wants me to drive her there." He laughed. "It better be worth my while Miss Candy; come on."


  Todd and Candace wandered slowly along the toy aisle in Big Value. Pink boxes lined the girl's section, each one holding a different doll emulating various 'real life' situations. Ballroom, ballet, Malibu, Florida, vet, nurse, horse rider - complete with plastic horse and pooping cat. Todd could not decide which doll Jasmine would like the best. Had there been a policewoman it would have been the obvious choice, but unless she wore a pink uniform with gold trimmings, Todd didn't think there would be one available any time soon.

  Candace picked up a doll which had its own IPad and mobile phone; knowing Jasmine's love for phoning him, Todd decided it was very appropriate and plonked it in his basket. They picked up two cuts of steak, some oven chips, salad, mushrooms and four bottles of red wine before heading to the congested tills of the Big Value store.

  A very short woman with very big hair which Todd supposed was an effort to make her look taller, approached Todd and Candace. Her blue shirt and dark trousers proudly displayed the Big Value logo which was emblazoned down each arm and leg of the uniform.

  "Hello sir," she engaged with Todd. "Have you tried our new self-service tills? They will cut your waiting time in half."

  "No thank you," said Todd, "I'm a bit of a technophobe. I will just wait my turn." He stood resolutely in place behind the other shoppers who were carefully avoiding eye contact with the bouffant blessed store attendant. She took him firmly by the elbow and began to guide him to the bank of self-help checkouts near the front of the store.

  "Oh I'm sure you'll be fine," she giggled, "A big lad like you. Don't be scared of change; this is the way forward and I will help you every step of the way."

  Todd glanced helplessly at Candace who followed behind, silently laughing at his fate.

  "Ok here we are." The attendant placed Todd at a touch screen unit. "The carrier bags are to your right, all you need to do is run the bar code along the red square." She said, rubbing her hand over a smaller screen lying flat on the metal panel.

  "The machine will read what it is and its price and then you place your item in the carrier bags. Now if you get into any trouble just give me a shout and I will be over here." She indicated to what Todd supposed was a control unit which stood at the head of the eight or so machines.

  "Ok thanks... I think." Todd stood in front of the touch screen which flashed a 'start' sign at him. "Candace, you take over, I haven't got a fucking clue." He said.

  "It's easy Guv, look," Candace said as she ran the toy over the red square. There was a bleep, the product got listed on the machine and Candace placed the toy in a carrier bag. "You see?" she smiled, "Simple."

  Just as she began to remove another item from the basket, Candace's phone rang. "Sorry Guv, I have to take this, I'll just be outside.

  "No worries, I can do this."

  "OK I will see y
ou outside."

  Todd removed the oven chips from the basket, found the barcode on the bag and swiped it over the square as he had seen Candace do. The machine gave another bleep, the item registered and he put it in the carrier bag. A sigh of relief escaped him as he realised it was nowhere near as hard as he'd imagined it would be. Todd gave himself a mental pat on the back for trying new technology.

  "Unexpected item in bagging area," a computerised female voice came from the unit in front of him. Todd looked at the carrier bag. It only contained the toy and the chips; nothing else was there, so he picked up the steak from his basket and swiped it across the red square then waited for the bleep.

  "Unexpected item in bagging area." Came the voice again.

  "It's nothing, don't worry about it; that always happens." Beehive bonce announced as she came to stand beside him. She ran a piece of plastic over the square, pressed the screen and turned to beam at Todd.

  "Carry on," she said, then walked back to her control port. Todd swiped the steak once more, heard the bleep and then placed it in the bag, no problems seemed to occur and Todd even managed to weight his mushrooms and place them in his bag without incident.

  "Only the wine to go," he muttered and crossed his fingers as he swiped the first bottle.

  "Authorisation required." The machine informed him. Todd turned to look for helmet head, expecting her to be smiling at him still; there was no sign of her.

  "Unexpected item in bagging area." The machine continued.

  "No there isn't," he said to the machine.

  "Authorisation required." The machine insisted.

  "I'm trying," Todd said, looked once more for the woman who was the cause of all this. "Excuse me," he said at the top of his voice, hoping to attract some attention. "Can anyone help me?" he looked for Candace who was standing at the store's entrance.

  "Candace," he hissed. "Candace, come and help me," She showed no signs of having heard him so he looked once more for the store attendant.

  "Please place items in bagging area." The machine asked him; showing a small cartoon of a happy person doing just that. Todd placed the bottle of wine in the carrier bag as instructed to do by the machine.

  "Authorisation required."

  "I was just trying to do that." An exasperated Todd said loudly to the machine.

  "Unexpected item in bagging area," the machine proclaimed.

  "You just told me to put it in there." Todd shouted at the machine.

  "Please seek assistance." The machine now asked him.

  "Oh fuck off." Todd plonked his wine back in his basket, gathered all his items and began to walk towards Candace so he could get her to finish off the impossible task of paying for his shopping.

  "You haven't paid for those." Big hair finally made an appearance for Todd, click clacking in her heels behind him as her short legs struggled to keep pace with his much longer limbs.

  "Sir, you haven't paid." She screeched. Todd turned to the tower haired terror.

  "I have tried to pay, I have given up. I am just going to fetch my colleague so she can do it for me."

  "I can't let you leave the store with those items sir. You have to pay for them first."

  "Oh for fucks sake," he whispered to himself. "I am not leaving with these items dear, I am going to fetch my colleague who is standing right over there." He pointed to the entrance. "I can't work your machine and I need her to help me."

  "I'm sorry but you'll have to stop walking out of the store or I will call security." The situation was pushing Todd to the limits of his patience and he was sorely tempted to produce his warrant card and tell the over-tressed trouble maker that she was obstructing a police officer. In his mind he threw the basket at the assistant's hair, knocking the brown coconut of its human shy. In reality Todd turned on the smile that always succeeded with women and stopped the assistant in her tracks.

  "I'm sorry," he said, "Look, I'll just go to a normal till and do my shopping like that."

  "Oh if you're sure." Her smile returned to its full effect. "But the self-service machines almost half your waiting time."

  Biting down on the screaming retort which shot to his lips, Todd turned away from the Kenny Keeno shop assistant and walked to the manned checkout. Five minutes and fifty quid later, Todd met Candace at the front door; his face pinker than the toy box he was the temporary custodian of.

  "You took your time." Candace said. Todd didn't bother to reply and stomped over to his car with Candace in hot pursuit.


  The wine poured into the glasses with a satisfying glug; Candace and Todd were on their third bottle of red, the first one having been downed in a quick five minutes so Todd could unwind and relieve the tension shopping in Big Value had built up in him. The second bottle had been demolished just as quickly and Todd's face was becoming flushed with the rosy warmth alcohol can bring. Candace was also feeling the effects of the alcohol and both were happily relaxed. Candace lay back on Todd's sofa, her head at an angle as she attempted to sip her wine without spilling it. Todd sat on his armchair which snugly fit the contours of his body. Although Todd had had the furniture for a few years, he rarely had a chance to sit on it and the maroon Jacquard material still looked brand new.

  Candace's eyes wandered around Todd's second floor flat. The sofa's colour did not match the grey walls and black shelving which adorned them. A flat screen television sat on more black furniture and there were grey blinds in the windows which looked over the Thames.

  "This sofa doesn't match anything in your flat you know." Candace remarked as she put her glass down on the black coffee table. "You're black, grey, black, grey and then maroon of all colours." She exclaimed.

  "It was my sisters." Todd told her. "She bought it for her house but didn't like it. I had a black leather sofa so she asked me to swap."

  "What, and you did?" Candace asked. Todd shrugged his shoulders. "It's just furniture, I don't care what it looks like as long as I can sit on it. Besides, this is more comfortable." He said, patting the armrests of his armchair.

  "Yeah it is comfortable," Candace agreed, "But maroon."

  Todd chuckled, he enjoyed Candace's company even when she was drunk; in fact more when she was drunk as it made her unafraid to voice her opinions. There was no manager/junior divide between them once Candace had imbibed. Todd took another sip of his wine.

  "You've got a moustache," Candace laughed.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Red wine." Candace pointed to his mouth and giggled. Todd wiped his mouth with the back of his hand then burped loudly. He could taste once again the steak they had eaten earlier and he smiled remembering how much he had enjoyed it.

  "Pardon me," he said, to which Candace let out a burp of her own, even louder than Todd's.

  "Candace." he admonished.

  "What's good for the goose," she laughed. "I could do with something sweet now," she said into her wine glass as she once again put it to her mouth.

  "Please don't bring up sweets," Todd grimaced, "I was just beginning to relax."

  "Sorry Guv, oh but we were supposed to be going through those statements; that's why you brought me here after all."

  "Ah yes, I know," Todd wondered in his drunken haze whether that had been the real reason for bringing Candace home or if subconsciously he wanted Candace the way that she obviously wanted him. "I've drank a little too much to be able to concentrate now," he told her, "Maybe we should just enjoy the night and look at with fresh eyes in the morning."

  "You're the governor." Candace winked at Todd, "What shall we do instead then?"

  Todd picked up the remote control for his television. "Holby City is on," he said, "We can see how the other emergency services live their lives."


  "It's educational." Todd laughed.

  "How did you get your nick name?" Candace asked. Todd turned the television off.

  "And what nick name would that be?" he smirked.

  "Oh come on, you know
they all call you Todger," said Candace, "I heard it's because... you know," she nodded towards Todd's groin.

  "I wish," Todd shook his head. "It's actually quite embarrassing, I'm not sure I want to tell you."

  "Oh come on, if you don't, I'll tell the whole nick how you nearly got arrested for shoplifting in Big Value."

  "Don't you dare."

  "Try and stop me," Candace got up from the sofa and plonked herself on Todd's lap. He thought about pushing her off, but quite enjoyed the weight of her on his lap; the wine had made him more amenable and Candace more attractive.

  "Ok I will tell you, but it's not what you think." Candace nuzzled into Todd's neck and he put his arm around her, drawing her into his body.

  "Well I've had quite a few offers from women; for sex," he began.

  "You are a very good looking man," Candace agreed.

  "So I'm told. Normally I try to stay away from work colleagues. I wanted a promotion and I didn't want to get caught up in work romances; nothing good ever comes of them."

  "And?" Candace encouraged him, "How did you get the name?"

  "I'm getting to that. At one point it seemed to be a competition who would be the one to pull me and get me into bed. I wasn't even a sergeant then, the lads told me that the girls on team had a bet on who would get hold of me first."

  "I would have done that."

  "Cheeky mare. Anyway, it went on for months. I was always being propositioned by one girl or another; eventually on a night out, I relented and went home with one of them; Clare her name was, a nice girl and I'm only human."

  "Lucky cow," Candace moved her head so her mouth was touching Todd's shoulder.

  "She wasn't that lucky," Todd said, "I was so drunk I couldn't do anything. She tried to get me going, oh boy how she tried, but I just couldn't get it up. She thought it was her, I said no it's me, blah, blah. Anyway, she left and I thought that would be the end of it. Turns out she went back to the girls with a whole different version of the truth."

  "Which was?"

  "Well that we'd had rampant sex; all different ways and I had well and truly earned the nick name she decided to bestow on me. I think she wanted to win the bet and was too embarrassed to admit it was a complete wipe out. I wasn't going to put anyone straight, the bet was over, the other girls gave up on me and I ended up with a type of nick name that earns you a reputation whether it be true or false."


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