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Come Back To Me

Page 9

by Aubree Valentine

  “So, my cute little nephew is turning one and they’ll be having this big, over the top, birthday party next weekend. Any chance I could convince you to come with me?”

  “You want me to meet your family?”

  “Unless you want to sit in the car while I go to the party? I mean, why else would I invite you along?”

  “You’re a smartass. Let me see if someone can cover my shift Saturday night, and I’ll go.”

  Pulling up outside the bar, Bryce shot her a smile. “Thank you.” He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek before she hopped out of the car. “I’ll see you in a bit,” he called out as she walked away.

  Lacey tossed a wave over her shoulder as she slipped inside the bar.

  Bryce pulled his phone out of his pocket while he was still parked. Connor’s reply to his earlier text illuminated the screen.

  C: Dude WTF? TMI. Your attendance is requested at Max’s first birthday. Asshole. Better?

  B: LOL. You’re getting grumpy at your old age. RSVP for two.

  C: You’re older, remember that. I’ll see you over the weekend…old man.

  Grinning to himself, Bryce tossed his phone in the cup holder and put the car in drive. The sooner he picked up everything on Lacey’s list from Lowe’s, the sooner he could get back to the bar and closer to his woman.

  Lacey smiled when she saw him walk in. She was already popping the top off his beer as he took his usual spot at the end of the bar.

  Tyler slid past her, offering Bryce a fist pump. “You’re getting predictable, man.”

  Bryce huffed. “Whatever, not like there is much else to do in this town,” he teased. Tyler wasn’t wrong though. He’d made himself at home at the bar when Lacey was working. He’d come in before the kitchen closed, grab a bite to eat, and hang out until her shift was over. Then they’d go home together. They were living on borrowed time. He wanted to spend any time he could with Lacey before he had to deploy again.

  “It’s cool; I know you like looking at my smiling face.”

  Lacey laughed at their banter.

  “You caught me, I can’t get enough of you.” Bryce made a kissy face at him.

  Tyler tossed his arm around Lacey. “I think your man here is using you to get to me.”

  She smiled to herself, her cheeks warming at the memory of Bryce worshiping her body. There was no worry about him making a pass at Tyler. That didn’t make their teasing any less funny.

  Bryce caught her gaze. “You all right there, Lace. Looking a little flushed.” He winked.

  “And that’s my cue to leave you two alone.” Tyler made a beeline past Lacey, to the other side of the bar.

  “You’re horrible,” she groaned.

  “Not my fault you have a dirty mind.”

  “Actually, it is your fault.”

  Changing the subject, Bryce asked about the new girl they hired.

  “She’s doing good. A little timid still but she’s coming around. And, before I forget, Tyler will cover for me Saturday. So, count me in.”

  Bryce smiled widely, he’s eyes sparked with joy. “I’m looking forward to showing you off.”

  “I’m sure you are,” she grinned back at him. “Food? The usual?”

  “Did you eat? I’m not starving. What if we ordered some pizza on the way back to your place?”

  “Sounds good to me. I better get out there on the floor and take care of some of these customers. “

  Bryce nodded and watched her as she made her way around the bar and into the crowd. It was quite possible that he was smitten with this girl.

  Love Me Like You Do—Ellie Goulding

  Bryce pulled into the driveway and cut the engine. “This is it.”

  “How much time do you actually spend here?” Lacey took in the small single-family home. It was two stories tall and had a quaint front porch with a tiny patio set sitting out. Bright flowers bloomed in a tiny garden. The lawn was clearly well kept. This didn’t look like a crash pad.

  “I’ve only stayed here a few days, at most. I bought it from Connor’s wife, Lauren. Was trying to help them out, ya know, when she decided to move in with Connor at my grandparents’ old place. I pay someone to keep up with the yard. Most of it was done when Lauren still lived here.”

  Lacey let his words swirl around in her head. It never hit her that he had a space of his own to go to, until he invited her back here for his nephew’s birthday party.

  “You ok? What’s going on in your mind right now?” He quirked his brow, picking up on her dazed confusion.

  “Nothing. It’s nothing.” It was nothing, she was clearly getting ahead of herself. Wasn’t she? What difference did it make that he hadn’t invited her here sooner? She was being silly.

  If he wasn’t buying it, he didn’t let on. Instead, he led her up the steps and unlocked the front door. Holding it open for her, she stepped inside. “Connor stops by occasionally and checks on things here for me. I haven’t done a whole lot to the place since I moved in, but Lauren took really good care of it when she lived here with her boy.”

  She noticed that Bryce seemed nervous about her being in his space. He shouldn’t be though, it was clean and comfortable. It got the job done.

  “It’s cute.” Lacey attempted to break the silence that had shifted over them.

  The walls looked like they had been freshly painted in shades of green, but were void of any artwork or decorations. The living room was outfitted with a small tan couch, a recliner that looked brand new, and a flat screen TV sat on a small TV stand in the corner.

  “It’s pretty, um, sparse. Like I said, I’m rarely here, so I didn’t see the point in going all out.” He shrugged. “Maybe one day.”

  “Makes sense,” she agreed. “What more do you need, really?”

  Taking her hand, he led her through the living room and into the kitchen. The space was bigger than what she was used to at Eloise’s place. The cabinets and appliances were all newer too. There was a window over the kitchen sink that looked out onto a decent sized backyard that was fenced in. It was easy to picture little feet scampering around in the yard while she washed dishes and kept an eye on them.

  A picture she could all too easily see becoming her reality. A reality she wasn’t so sure she was ready for.

  “I don’t spend much time in here. Usually order out or eat with Connor and his family. There’s a half bath in the hallway, just before you head up the stairs. Two bedrooms and another bathroom upstairs. That’s pretty much it.”

  The air around them had become too thick. Something shifted and felt too serious.

  Somehow, they went from no strings attached, in the very beginning, to coming home to meet his family.

  Now, she was imagining living in his house, watching kids play in the backyard. All while she was doubting the fact that she was even ready to move from her grandmother’s place and give up all she’d ever known.

  Fuck. She went and did the one thing she never wanted to do. She’d fallen head over heads with Bryce.

  “Umm.” Bryce cleared his throat. “You’re doing it again. You sure you’re ok? It’s like your mind keeps wandering on me.”

  Shit. Why did everything feel so different, being in his space?

  “Yeah, I, um… I’m fine. Just thinking.”

  “I noticed.” He chuckled. “Want to talk about it?”

  No, she didn’t want to talk about it. Then again, it wasn’t doing any good keeping it inside either. Maybe she should tell him what was on her mind. “I don’t know. Does this feel different to you? Me being here, in your space?”

  Bryce sucked in a breath. “You feel it, too? Because I’ll be honest, I really didn’t give two shits what this place looked like, until we pulled up out front and I was unlocking the door to let you inside. Then I was worried it wouldn’t be enough.”

  “Enough for what, Bryce?”

  “Enough for you to see yourself here? I don’t know. Enough for you to be comfortable in my space? With me? This pla
ce is far from permanent. The Army can PCS me at any time, but for now, this is my home.” Vulnerability shined in his eyes with his words.

  “I am comfortable here. Perhaps a little too comfortable,” she admitted shyly.

  Pulling her close, Bryce squeezed her gently and kissed her forehead. “Why too comfortable? Talk to me.” He lifted her chin with his finger.

  “Where’s all this going? Why bring me here to meet your family?”

  “Somewhere, Lace. It’s going somewhere. Somewhere I’ve never quite been before. I’m bound to screw it up and piss you off at some point, but damn it, do I want this to go somewhere.”

  “This scares me,” she confessed. “We’ve been moving fast, like a freight train.”

  “Scares me too, babe, but I want this. I want you. I want to see where this road takes us.”



  “Ok, Bryce. Ok. I like you a whole lot more than I probably should. Please don’t make me regret it.”

  With a grin so wide that it lit his whole face, he scooped her up in his arms, her’s wrapping around his neck and her head nuzzling into his chest – after she let out a squeal. “I’ll never make you regret it,” he insisted, as he moved through the kitchen and headed in the direction of the steps. “Now. I want you in my bed, so I can show you just how much you won’t regret this.”

  Come Home Soon—SHeDAISY

  He didn’t bother knocking when they got to his cousin Connor’s house. Instead, he walked right in. Kids were running around and squealing, but his arrival didn’t go unnoticed.

  Eliot spotted him first and shouted that he’d arrived. Bryce gave the kid a hug and moved through the house with Lacey on his arm, introducing her to everyone.

  “He’s never brought a girl home before. He’s all grown up,” Riley teased, shaking Lacey’s hand. He was the last of the gang to be introduced, since he was busy settling his kids at the table for cake and ice cream.

  Bryce and Lacey might have been a little tied up that morning and passed out after their activities, arriving just a little late to the party.

  “Fuck off, Riley,” Bryce grunted and pulled Lacey back to his side. “Ignore him, Lacey; he’s a dick.”

  Lacey elbowed Bryce in the gut. “Bryce, there are little kids here. Watch your mouth.”

  Bryce wasn’t bothered by his word choice, or Lacey’s reprimand, but Riley tipped his head back and laughed. “Oh, this is great. You are so whipped.”

  He wanted to flip off his friend, but thought better of it; kids and all. So far, everyone had been welcoming and Lacey seemed relaxed enough.

  They made it just in time to sing happy birthday to Max. When Lauren started handing out cake, Lacey jumped right in, offering to help. Bryce was just about to grab a beer from the kitchen when his phone buzzed in his back pocket. Changing his course, he pulled the phone from his pocket and answered.

  “Matheson,” he said as he slipped out the back door, where it was quiet.

  “Staff Sergeant, orders are in. We’ve got something urgent. Wheels up in 0800 hours; report to Carlisle at that time.”

  “Yes, sir.” Bryce cursed as the call disconnected. He’d been hoping that he wouldn’t have to deploy so soon, but it was the nature of the job. Running his hand over his overgrown hair, he sighed. Now to break the news to Connor, and Lacey, and get back on the road. This time, it really did suck.

  Lacey’s eyes met his as soon as he stepped back inside the door. He gave her a weak smile and asked where Connor had disappeared to.

  “Kitchen. Everything ok?”

  “Yep. I’ll be right back.” He kissed her forehead, his smile weakening again. Bryce stepped in the kitchen and found Connor propped against the counter, grinning like a fool. “Hey.”

  “What’s up, man?”

  “I gotta roll. Duty calls, and all that shit.” He grabbed the back of his neck nervously.

  “I hear ya,” Connor chuckled. “You ever gonna give it up, man?”

  Bryce looked over his shoulder to where Lacey was. They hadn’t been there more than a few minutes when she hit it off with Amy. Now, she was cuddling little Rosie like it was second nature. Bryce could imagine her soothing their children one day. For the first time in his life, he could see something outside of the Army life.

  With a shrug he answered, “Who knows? I ain’t as young as I used to be, that’s for sure,” trying to play it off like he wasn’t thinking about marriage and babies.

  “You got that right, old man.” Connor slapped him on the back.

  “Used to be easy to leave. It’s not the same anymore. Might be time to try something new.” Bryce paused. “Anyway, I’ve got to hit the road, get her back home, and get my ass over to the base. I’ll check in when I can.”

  “All right. Take it easy over there, and come home in one piece. Stay safe. Love you.” Connor hugged his cousin, telling him the same thing he did every time he left. “I’ll let Lauren know. Shit, wait, before you go. Since it might be a while until I talk to you. Lauren’s pregnant again. Top secret, but I wanted you to know.” He winked.

  “Fuck man, congratulations. Make sure you email me and keep me posted. I’m happy for you.” He slapped Connor on the back this time before making his way back to Lacey. “Hey.” He kissed her cheek. “We gotta go.”

  “Oh.” She handed the baby girl back to Amy. “So soon? I feel like we just got here.”

  “Uh, yeah. I’ve gotta go.”

  Lacey’s heart sank. “Duty calls?”

  “Duty calls.”

  With a nod, Lacey followed him around the room, saying goodbye to his friends and family.

  Sliding into the driver’s seat minutes later, he looked over at her. “I’ll swing back by my house and we can grab our stuff, and then I’ll get you back home.”

  She didn’t trust herself to speak, so she nodded again.

  “I’m sorry our weekend here had to be cut short. I feel like an ass for leaving, but I’ve only got a few hours to get my shit in order.”

  The silence continued between them as they made the quick trip to his house. Lacey tossed the few articles of clothing she’d brought back into her bag without a word. Bryce had seemingly shut down, too.

  When he pulled his Army duffle from the closet, Lacey felt her breath catch. She couldn’t stand there and watch him pack up. Slowly, she grabbed her own bag and tiptoed to the living room.

  Lonely. She felt lonely. Even with him still a room away, she felt empty inside. Her heart was breaking, her mind was filled with fear. How would she survive if he didn’t come home? Deep down, she knew she had to believe he’d come back.

  “Sooooo, I’ve got about three hours before I need to get to base.” Bryce drummed his thumbs on the steering wheel as he took the exit to Lacey’s house. “We could grab a quick bite to eat before I hit the road.”

  Lacey chewed on her bottom lip, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to fall. Breathing deep through her nose, she finally answered him. “Yeah, uh, sure. There’s a little Chinese food place near my house. Grams and I used to go there sometimes, or I’d pick up carry out.”

  “Sounds good to me. Point me in the right direction.”

  It took all her strength to keep it together while she directed him to Mr. Chen’s place.

  “This place is awesome.” Bryce grinned between bites.

  Lacey nodded.

  “Come on, Lace, you’re killing me with the silent treatment. I’m leaving in a few hours. It would be nice to have a conversation with you before I go.” He reached across the table and squeezed her hand. “Lacey. Please.”

  A lone tear rolled down her face. Letting go of Bryce’s hand, she swiped at her cheek, but it was too late. One tear turned into a downpour. “I’m not ready to tell you goodbye. I feel like we’re just getting started. I haven’t had enough time to get to know you. To…to… I don’t know… to really love you.”

  The tiniest of smiles played at Bryce’s lips. “Really lov
e me? Babe, you have all the time in the world to really love me. I’ll be back.”

  “How long?”

  Bryce hissed. “That, I don’t know. Sometimes we get a little break, around six months in. Sometimes the mission is over before then. I won’t know until I report to duty and get the full details of the assignment. Even then, I may not be able to tell you. It’s the nature of the beast.”

  “I didn’t want to fall for someone who could leave me. That’s my biggest fear, Bryce. I let myself get comfortable and as much as I fought it, I fell in love with you. It will break me if you don’t come home.”

  “I’m coming home. My record for making it back is pretty good. Good enough that you could count on it.” He was an asshole for feeding lines to her. Yeah, his track record may be good, but he knew firsthand that not every man made it home. He hoped like hell he wasn’t telling her a lie this time. “Time will fly. I’ll check in when I can. Call, write. Hell, maybe we can even Skype. Give me a chance to make this work.”

  Lacey shook her head in disagreement. “This is not the life I wanted.”

  “I get that, I do. But we can’t always help who we fall in love with, Lacey. You fell for me. And dammit, I’m pretty sure I fell for you the moment you turned me down the first time. For the first time in my fucking life, I’ve got something to live for. A reason to get my job done and get my ass back home. I’ve got someone I love. Don’t take that away from me. From us.”

  Her tear-filled eyes met his. “You love me.”

  “Yeah baby, I love you.”

  “Promise, Bryce. Promise you’ll come back to me.”

  Out of Hell - Skillet

  Kunar Provence. Afghanistan.

  Week 2. Day 3.

  Bryce tugged on his shirt collar; it was hot as hell. Today, he was out with a small platoon. The mission was a simple one: patrol an area that had previously been cleared of insurgents. In and out. They were down a few men, stuck in the Infirmary with a nasty stomach bug, so he was filling in. Most days, he wasn’t out in the field, but he enjoyed getting out there and keeping his skills sharp. Always came in handy.


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