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Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  Making her way into her apartment, she started putting away all of her goodies. When it was past one, she heard the knock on her door. Taking a deep breath, she held a box of cake mix, and moved to the door. Plastering on a smile on her face, she opened the door.

  “Leanna,” Strawberry said, squealing.

  The only joy in her life was this little girl, and she held her close.

  “How have you been, baby?” She held the little girl tightly to her. Strawberry was so adorable, and Leanna loved her as if she was her own.

  “Really good. I saw Daisy at the park.”

  She chuckled and handed over the cake mix. “We’ve got a whole afternoon planned.”

  Another squeal, and Leanna sent her off to wash her hands. Crazy was still inside her apartment. He’d gotten in, and closed the door while she’d been hugging his daughter.

  “Hi,” she said, folding her arms across her chest.

  “Daisy is one of the club brothers.”

  “Oh, I thought she’d seen an actual daisy at the park.”

  Crazy laughed. “Nah, he’s a brother, but he’s got a big ass daisy on his back.”

  “It’s okay. I just won’t try to talk to her about flowers.” She offered him a smile, and took a step back. It was easier to talk to him if she didn’t look at him. Turning her back toward him, she made her way into the kitchen. “Would you like a drink?”

  “Yes, I’m not in a rush.”

  Releasing a sigh, she glanced at the clock, and wished she hadn’t extended an invitation toward him.

  Chapter Two

  Crazy watched the woman he was going to have, to own, as she moved away from him. He’d been at the park with Daisy, talking when he’d gotten the call from Holly to let him know that she’d met Leanna. Holly hadn’t been happy with how shy and nervous Leanna had been. What had surprised him was the fact Holly still liked her.

  He wasn’t fucking happy, and he didn’t give a fuck what Holly had to say about her. Crazy was going to do this his way.

  “Do you want me to pay for the cake mixes?” he asked, seeing them aligned on her counter.

  “No. They didn’t cost all that much.”

  Gritting his teeth, he nodded. She wouldn’t let him in, and he was growing tired of fighting her frosty appearance. He’d done a thorough background check on her, and knew she’d been married once.

  Taking a seat at the counter, he watched as Strawberry ran into the kitchen. “Can I watch cartoons?”

  “We can get started.”

  “Go and watch cartoons,” he said, smiling at his daughter. “I’m just going to have a chat with Leanna.”

  “Okay, Daddy.”

  Strawberry left them alone, and he watched Leanna’s lips purse. She didn’t want to be alone with him. Interesting.

  “You’ve been married before.”

  She paused and glanced over at him. “You did a check on me?”

  Crazy smirked. “You take care of my kid. Of course I did a background check on you.” He’d been tiptoeing around her, and he wasn’t going to do it anymore. Crazy wasn’t known for being meek or a pussy. He was known for loving his pussy, and going after what he wanted. Suz had dampened that part of him, but now he was back, and he was going to take what he wanted, and he wanted Leanna.

  “Yes, I was married.”

  “Where is he?”

  “We divorced after a year of marriage.”

  He knew that as well. What he didn’t know was why they’d divorced.

  Tilting his head to the side, he watched as she worked in the kitchen, making them both a cup of coffee.

  “Do you still need me to take care of Strawberry today?”


  “Then why are you still here?”

  “You’re being very rude.”

  “I’m not interested in whatever is going on here.”

  “What is going on?”

  “I don’t know, Crazy. You tell me.” She folded her arms underneath her breasts, staring into his eyes. He couldn’t help but look at the rounded sweetness of her tits. They were a fucking dream, and he wanted her naked, underneath him. Her nipples were rock hard, pressing against the front of her shirt. Were her nipples red, brown, pink, large or small? His cock thickened, and he stared down the curve of her body. Leanna was a fucking beautiful woman who hid her curves under clothes that were far too big for her.

  “Go out with me.”


  He let out a sigh, standing up. Strawberry was watching cartoons, so they would have a little bit of privacy. Rounding the counter, he wasn’t surprised when she backed up until she was pressed against the sink.

  “You’re going to be difficult.”

  “I’m not going to be a babysitter for you.”

  Placing his hands on either side of her, he stared into her brown eyes. They were filled with so much pain that at first it took his breath away. Leanna was a mystery, and yet she wasn’t. She was a lonely woman that all the men in her life had looked over. Leaning in close, he breathed in the subtle scent of strawberry, and he flicked his tongue against the skin of her neck. She tasted damn good.

  “What are you doing?” She went to push him away, but he refused to budge. Being a nice guy wasn’t getting him anywhere with Leanna. He was going to have to adapt, and just be the man who always got what he wanted.

  “I’m having a little taste of the woman every other guy has overlooked.”

  “Go away, Crazy. Go and do whatever the hell it is you do, and in a couple of hours, come and pick up your daughter.”

  “Why did you get a divorce?” he asked, ignoring her instruction.

  She was making him harder than any other club whore had ever made him. He’d never sported a dick so hard. Crazy couldn’t wait until he got her naked, and he was driving deep into her tight little cunt.

  “None of your business.”

  “You keep no pictures, and you were married before college. Let me guess, the guy used you?”

  She took in a startled gasp, and tears filled her eyes. “Leave me alone.”

  “It’s why you’re treating me like this. You think I’m only using you as a free babysitter.”

  “I don’t know what you think, but it’s lies. Stop trying to analyze me. You’re wrong.”

  He chuckled. “I’m not wrong, and you and I both fucking know it. I’m right, and you’re pissed that I am.” Placing his hand on her hip, she jumped at the first touch of his body. “You’re not a virgin. I bet you had a boring wedding night with that asshole that used you. The doctor, right?”

  “Please stop.”

  “No. I’m not going to stop. I’m starting to believe that everyone in your life has stopped at some point, right? The man you married, the guys you dated, they’ve all stopped because they had an agenda.”

  “You have one.”

  “You’re right, I did. I wanted a fucking woman who would spoil my daughter, but what you don’t know, Leanna, is I wanted a woman who’d happily suck and ride my dick.” When she made to push him away, he caught both of her wrists, and held them against the counter.

  “Strawberry will hear you.”

  “No, she won’t. I don’t expose my kid to what I want, and I want you, Leanna. I don’t just want a babysitter for Strawberry. I want a woman who wants my dick.”

  “Stop it, and let me go.”

  “You like what I’m saying to you. I bet you’re soaking wet now imagining what it would feel like to have my dick sliding inside you. Are you a virgin?”

  “No. I’ve been married.”

  “So the bastard used and fucked you. I can end him for you.”

  She shook her head. He was invading her senses, and with him so close, he saw she was struggling with the closeness. Crazy had found her weakness. She could push him away and ignore him, providing there was space between them. Right now, she couldn’t. She was trapped, and that was exactly how he was going to keep her.

  “You can’t talk like that.”<
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  “I am.”

  “Step back.”


  He saw her need to have space. There was no way in hell he was ever going to give her that much space. Crazy had found her weakness, and he was going to use it.

  “Has there been any guy who has just wanted you for you?” he asked.

  “You don’t want me for me. You want me for Strawberry.”

  Crazy shook his head, and tutted. “I just told you that’s not why I want you.”

  “Then prove it.”

  Tilting his head to the side, he stared into her defiant eyes. She didn’t think he’d be able to prove anything to her. Smiling, Crazy leaned in close so that the hard pressure of his dick was against her stomach.

  “I will, but first you’ve got to make me a promise.”

  “Back up.”

  “You’ve got to promise me that no matter what, you will go out with me. I’ve got to prove I’m not using you for Strawberry, I will. You’ve got to make yourself available to me, whenever I want.”

  “That’s crazy.”

  “It goes with the name, baby. Deal or not.”


  “Then how can I meet your challenge?”

  She pushed a little harder on his chest trying to get away. He wouldn’t budge.

  “Fine, I’ll meet you any time you want.”

  “Wherever I want?”

  “I’m not a child. If you want to meet somewhere illegal, you can fuck off.”

  Crazy raised a brow. “It’s the first time I heard you curse. You better not be cussing in front of my kid.”

  “I would nev—”

  He silenced her with the press of his lips. “I was teasing, babe.”

  It was only a mere kiss, a brushing of their lips together, but he wanted more.

  “I’ll arrange a babysitter tomorrow night. Be free.”

  He pulled away.

  “Wait, you can’t.”

  “I just did.”

  Crazy gave her a wink before letting himself out of the apartment. He was really looking forward to getting under her skin.


  Biting her lip, Leanna watched her door open then close, taking the man that had just left her lips tingling along with it.

  What was up with Crazy?

  She couldn’t deal with him being so close, and demanding that she stare at him. Grabbing their cups, she poured the coffee down the sink, and washed away all evidence that she’d even come close to losing it.

  He thought she was a virgin?

  No, she wasn’t a virgin. She gave that up on her wedding night, to the man she really thought she loved, but the truth was, he’d never loved her. No, no one ever loved her. They only wanted her for money.

  One of her biggest secrets was the fact she wasn’t ever worried about money. She came from a wealthy family, so wealthy she didn’t even have to work, but she did, babysitting children in the apartment building. Whenever anyone asked her about her work, she always told them she did her work online. It wasn’t that much of a lie. Whenever the family inherited company needed her, she’d deal with it online. There was no need for her input. Her grandfather had made sure that she could be a woman of leisure, without the stress of taking over a company.

  Leanna didn’t mind. She didn’t have it in her to run a company. Running fingers through her hair, she made her way toward the sitting room where Strawberry was. It had been a long running joke in her family that she would have made the perfect wife. Even at a young age nothing gave her more pleasure than being in the kitchen, cooking or baking, and taking care of others. Back then, she’d taken care of her pets. Her grandparents must have seen it, as they made sure she was taken care of.

  Her own parents hadn’t really wanted much to do with her. They were high flying, living the good life, and with a model as a mother, it hadn’t been well known that they had a daughter.

  After her parents’ deaths in a plane accident while flying toward the Alps for a summer vacation, Leanna had continued to live with her grandparents, as even before their accident, she’d lived with them. She’d been an only child, and her grandparents hadn’t liked her parents’ celebrity lifestyle, so they had pulled her away from the risk. Through her grandparents, she learned how to respect the money she’d inherit, and to make wise choices. Of course, her first husband had used her as a means to pay for his college education, while she stayed at home. She hadn’t known he was using her for money. The knowledge had come to her much later from one of the woman he liked to screw and tell all of his secrets to. Leanna had never been more embarrassed than when she’d been given proof of his infidelity. They had filmed each other fucking, and Leanna had been forced to watch as he mocked his pathetic fat wife.

  Swallowing past the lump in her throat, and the tears that threatened to spill over, she smiled down at Strawberry.

  “Are you ready to do those cupcakes now?”

  For the rest of the afternoon, her kitchen became a mess with flour, eggs, and mixture decorating all the counters. Strawberry kept on giggling as they finished making the cakes. The mixture wasn’t bad, and Leanna had fun. She always had a lot of fun with Crazy’s daughter. When the cakes were done and frosted, she let Strawberry eat a cake while she cleaned away all the mess. Humming to herself, she couldn’t stop thinking about Crazy, and how he invaded her space.

  She’d always been careful and avoided being close to him. The moment he was near, she struggled to think.

  What the hell have I done?

  There was no way she could go on a date, or even have anything to do with Crazy. The very thought was crazy. She needed to put a stop to it before he thought anything could happen between them.

  Sitting on the sofa, she watched while Strawberry played with the new coloring book she’d bought for her. She’d always wanted children of her own, a big family, but her wishes had never been granted. After she caught her second boyfriend stealing from her over five years ago, she’d decided against ever having another relationship. She didn’t need men to fulfill her life. Moving into this apartment had been a start of a new life for her, one she didn’t want to give up. When she’d started babysitting for Strawberry after one of their neighbors told Suz that she did so for free, it had started a need deep inside Leanna.

  A need to be the kind of woman that Crazy wanted.

  Unknowingly, she’d started to yearn for something she’d not wanted before, a man to want her.

  Crazy had awakened the need that she thought had died many years ago.

  “Leanna,” Strawberry said, crawling up onto the sofa.

  “What’s the matter, pumpkin?”

  “I don’t like pumpkins.”

  “I do. They can be awesome, and I just love pumpkin pie.” She pressed a finger to the little girl’s nose, smiling. “What did you want to know?”

  “Will you be my mommy?”

  Her heart broke. There had been no love from Suz for her daughter.

  “I can’t be your mommy, honey. You’ve already got a mommy.”

  “My mommy doesn’t like me. She says I was just a thing to get what she wanted.”

  “I don’t know why she wanted you, but your daddy loves you.”

  Strawberry’s smile widened. “I love my dad.”


  “Do you love my dad?”

  “I don’t know your dad well enough, honey. Come on, it’s time for some food.”

  She took her hand, and made her way back into the kitchen. Soon Strawberry was talking about the latest movie she wanted to see, and about Daisy playing in the park. Leanna was thankful for the distraction.

  There was no way she had any feelings for Crazy. In fact, the moment he came to pick her up tonight, she was going to tell him not to bother. Any guy like Crazy wouldn’t be worth the risk to her heart. She’d had her heart broken several times, but Crazy had the power to smash it to smithereens. Leanna didn’t want to be at the mercy of the sexy, dangerous biker.

bsp; She’d avoided anything to do with the Trojans MC. They had a reputation in town for being wild, and she’d heard several of the women bragging about their ability to fuck. Just the thought of Crazy naked, wanting to be inside her, had heat sweeping her pussy. She got wet instantly thinking about him, and what he was capable of.

  Later that night, Strawberry fell asleep on her bed, and she closed the door so nothing would wake her.

  By the time Crazy knocked on her door, she had already practiced what she was going to say to him. She would make it clear to him in no uncertain terms that there was no chance of anything happening between them.

  Rubbing her sweaty palms across her thighs, she opened the door, and gasped. He was wearing his leather jacket, his hair swept back off his face, and looking too hot for his own good. All of her excuses filled her throat causing an imaginary lump to form in her throat.

  “We can’t—”

  She didn’t get to say anything else as he pushed into her apartment. He closed the door, pressing her up against him. There was not one part of her that wasn’t touching him, and she couldn’t find the strength to push him away. She didn’t want to.

  “I knew you’d find a reason not to come out with me.”

  “It’s for the best.”

  Crazy shook his head. “It’s not for the best. You set a challenge, and I’m going to prove it to you. Holly and Mary are taking care of Strawberry tomorrow night. I’m dropping her off at the ranch, and you’re coming on a date with me.”


  “Yes. Be ready at seven or I take what I want here.”

  “You can’t do this. You can’t force me to go on a date with you.” She finally found the strength to push him away.

  It didn’t work.

  Crazy refused to budge, and it annoyed the hell out of her. She couldn’t think if he was this close, and it was frustrating her.

  “Go out with me, or tomorrow night I will come here, and I will fuck you to make you forget about all the men who’ve used you. I swear to you, baby, you’re going to go on a date with me, one way or the other. I’m done with you hiding.”


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