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Lost Worlds (Keeper of the Emerald Book 1)

Page 16

by B. C. Harris

  As virtual models of Radwin and Frank fly above, the rest of us explore the rocks around us.

  “There it is,” Michael says.

  Michael is confidently pointing at a dark crevice.

  “Excellent,” Capurni says. “Take a closer look at it.”

  We walk towards the black crevice. The opening in the rock gets bigger as we approach it. Soon we’re at the mouth of the cave.

  “I hope no one is claustrophobic,” Michael says.

  I manage a weak grin at his comment. After all, who could really feel comfortable entering a dark cave in a creepy dangerous world?

  Drew is already starting to enter the cave.

  As the rest of us follow him, there’s a ferocious roar from inside the cave. We all jump backwards.

  Michael begins to laugh. Turning to Jamie, he says, “This is like playing a video game.”

  To me, there’s nothing funny about this.

  “Remember,” Capurni says, “you need to outsmart any creatures that you encounter on your journey. Blindly walking into a dark cave is not a very wise approach.”

  “What should we have done?” Jasmin asks.

  “We should have sent Radwin in first with his lights,” I offer. “He could have determined if there were any dangers in the cave. He could also help to light the way in the darkness for us to continue.”

  “Exactly,” Capurni says. “Your mission will depend on more than physical strength. It will also require your mental abilities. From what I have seen so far, I believe that each of you has your own strengths that can help you to be successful.”

  “We do?” Jasmin says. “How can I possibly help? I’m so terrified that my teeth are chattering.”

  “Jasmin,” Capurni says, “at the right moment, you will discover something within you that will contribute to the success of the mission.”

  Although Jasmin appears to doubt Capurni’s encouragement, I suspect that he’s correct in his assessment.

  “Look, there’s a door,” Jamie says, interrupting the conversation between Jasmin and Capurni.

  I look at Jamie. He’s pointing to the right of the cave. Yes, he’s correct. There’s a door that I don’t think was there before.

  Drew turns towards it. We follow.

  Within steps, we reach a massive door. It appears to be made out of solid metal. Or perhaps some material that we don’t have on our planet.

  There’s a picture or some writing on the door,” Jamie says.

  “There are some numbers,” Michael adds.

  Jamie reads the numbers.

  3, 1, 4, 1

  5, 9, 2, 6

  5, 3, 5, 8

  9, 7, 9, _

  The final space in the row is blank.

  “I think we have to find the missing number in the last line,” Michael says.

  “Exactly,” Capurni replies. “Any thoughts on how you can do this?”

  In my mind I’m already adding the numbers. In the first row there’s a 3, 1, 4 and another 1. I add them together to get 9. In the second row, there’s a 5, 9, 2, and 6. I add these numbers together to get 22. As I start to add the numbers in the third row, I become confused. I thought by adding the numbers in each row, there might be a pattern. Or maybe it was a puzzle like Sudoku. But I can already see that this is not the correct approach.

  Michael and Jamie are both working hard to solve the puzzle while Drew and Jasmin look bewildered.

  “Pi!” Jamie exclaims. “The numbers are the first fifteen digits of pi.”

  Drew and Jasmin are speechless, although I’m not whether the blank looks on their faces are the result of Jamie’s discovery, or whether they simply don’t know what pi is.

  “What’s the next number?” Michael asks Jamie.

  “Three,” Jamie proudly states.

  Michael touches the final blank space at the end of the numbers. The blank space immediately turns into the number one.

  Michael touches it again and it turns into the number two. As he touches it one more time, it turns into the number 3, after which he steps back.

  “That completes the sequence,” Jamie says. “These are the first sixteen numbers of pi.”

  No sooner has Jamie finished his proclamation than the door begins to open.

  Capurni coughs as if to catch our attention. “Excellent work. Each of the three doors on your journey will have a puzzle that you will have to solve to open the door. When you return back from Shade, all you will have to do is touch the door because it will remember your fingerprints and open automatically.”

  While I wonder how the inhabitants of another planet know about pi, I guess that the principles of mathematics are universal from planet to planet.

  Capurni waits to see if any of us have any questions.

  There are none.

  “This has given you a taste of what you might expect on your mission,” Capurni says, “It’s time for you to begin your quest.”

  The room begins to change. The rocks, the cave, and even the door disappear.

  “From here,” Capurni instructs, “we will travel to the other side of Lattisan Once there, you will be given some food and your final instructions.”

  I notice that Capurni does not ask us if we still want to go on the mission.

  - 23 -


  After joining Radwin and Frank, we are ready to begin our mission.

  It’s early morning in the location where we’re starting our journey. The sun is rising. I wonder what day or time it will be when we arrive back on Earth after our mission is completed on Tamor.

  Although my instincts tell me to trust Capurni, there are times when my brain warns me this could be a devious plot to steal my emerald. After all, if I’m captured or even worse killed during this dangerous quest, Capurni would become the new owner of my emerald.

  Before we left Lattisan, I handed him my emerald. I hope that wasn’t a mistake.

  “Let’s get going,” I say. The others are looking to me for leadership. Regardless of my fears, I suspect I need to be calm and confident, at least on the outside. If I fall apart, my team might give up.

  Radwin is looking at a map that he’s clutching in one of his paws as he flies slightly ahead of us.

  “The map shows a cave leading to the first door,” Radwin says as he looks back at me.

  If we’re able to find Shinti, I wonder if it will have streets paved with gold, or whether this is only a legend like El Dorado.

  “Let’s find the cave,” Drew says in a manner that suggests he’s taking charge.

  I’m relieved that he’s leading us even if I think he’s trying to role-play a movie hero without considering the actual dangers we might be facing. I’m far more secure following him. Besides, he looks more like a leader than I do. He’s much stronger than any of us and he carries an attitude that suggests authority, a trait that most people associate with leadership.

  Drew is carrying a large backpack with our food, water, a first aid kit, and a map of Shade. He has the supplies we need in order to survive. I hope he has the strength to overcome the physical weaknesses of the rest of us.

  “Are you ready?” Drew challenges us in a voice that sounds like an army sergeant in a war movie.

  We nod our heads in agreement.

  I think that Jamie looks a little jealous of Drew’s physical prowess.

  We begin to walk on a path into the mountains. It is difficult walking as sometimes we have to crawl over rocks and we are constantly walking uphill which is strenuous.

  Finally we reach what appears to be a dead end. There are huge rocks in front of us, blocking the path, and preventing us from going any further.

  Radwin is already quite some distance above us. He’s signalling for us to join him. There is no way we can climb any higher, unless Frank is able to carry each of us up to Radwin.

  “Frank, you’re going to have to help us,” I say, gasping for air, tired from our struggle so far. To the others, I add, “Each of us will have t
o take a turn flying on the back of Frank. She will take us up higher until we find a path once again.”

  Sensing the apprehension of the others, I step forward to Frank, hoping to show them how adept she is at carrying passengers. “Take me to Radwin,” I say to Frank as I climb on her back.

  Once I’m on her back we begin to fly, a frightening reminder to me of my previous flight with Frank when we were attacked by a sethaurus. As I look back at my classmates, they are speechless.

  “Up here,” I hear Radwin’s voice.

  Frank and I zoom in Radwin’s direction where we discover a ledge that leads to a dark crevice in the side of the mountain. This must be the cave, I think. As Frank deposits me on the ledge, a small purple animal jumps out of a pouch on her belly.

  It’s a zakabibble.

  “Squirt,” I exclaim as I watch Frank flying back to get the next person. “What are you doing here?”

  Squirt gives me a huge silly limnit grin. He quickly jumps onto my shoulders. His presence makes me happy.

  Turning my gaze back down the mountains, Frank and Michael are already approaching.

  “That was cool,” Michael replies as Frank sets him down on the ledge. “What’s that on your shoulders?” he asks.

  “This is my friend Squirt. Squirt is a zakabibble.”

  Michael takes a closer look at Squirt whose big silly grin brings a smile to his face. As I look back and forth between Michael and Squirt, I notice that their big goofy grins look similar.

  Soon, Jamie arrives. Frank goes back for Jasmin.

  Drew helps Jasmin onto the back of Frank. Although Jasmin looks a little nervous, she gives me a slight smile as Frank leaps into the air.

  Once Jasmin arrives, followed by Drew, I look at each of my team. With the exception of Drew, they look a little anxious.

  Drew is the calmest of the group. It appears that he’s beginning to adapt to the role of being our leader.

  Glancing at Jamie, I notice that he’s staring once again at Drew. I wonder if he wishes he had Drew’s size and strength.

  “Everyone, this is my friend Squirt,” I say, hoping that he will help to take some of the seriousness out of what we are doing. “Squirt is a zakabibble from another place on Tamor called the Land of Limnits. He has decided to accompany us on our journey.”

  “Journey, journey, journey,” Squirt squeaks, bringing a smile to everyone.

  “Now that we’re all here,” I say, trying to exhibit some enthusiasm, “I think that the cave is over there. I point at the crevice as I continue, “It should lead us to the first door.”

  “Let’s get going,” Drew says, taking charge once again as he starts to walk towards the crevice in the rocks.

  We quickly follow him as though he’s our protector. Frank hops at the back of our line while Radwin darts here and there in front of us.

  Although it looks like a short distance to the cave, the path is not as straight or as level as I had first thought. It’s hard work following the twisting route that dips in some places and rises in others.

  By the time we reach a ledge near the narrow cave opening, we’re exhausted.

  I don’t think I can walk another step without having a rest first. Drew is already opening the backpack. Soon we’re having a refreshing drink of water.

  As I look at the crevice that’s now only a few steps away, I begin to wonder about the creatures that Capurni warned us about. So far, we haven’t seen any animals at all.

  “Look up there,” Michael says. “That looks like another cave.”

  There appears to be a second cave. The path leading to it looks to be far more difficult than the one we took to reach the first cave.

  How can we decide which of the two caves is really the one we want?

  Looking upwards again at the new cave that Michael discovered, I don’t know if I have enough strength to reach it if the first cave proves to be the wrong one. I’m about to ask Radwin if the map shows both caves when an unfamiliar, but kind, voice says, “Hello.”

  I look around to see who has spoken, but I can’t see anyone.

  The voice once again gently repeats, “Hello.”

  As I look towards the cave, there is a big orange bear-like creature standing inside the mouth of it. I feel Squirt’s claws digging into my shoulders. He’s frightened by the unusual animal.

  “Welcome to my humble home,” the creature continues, although for some reason it is hiding its face. Perhaps the sun is in its eyes.

  “Who are you?” I ask.

  “I am Regalah,” the creature pleasantly answers, then starts to laugh. As its sides jiggle like jelly, I start to laugh as well.

  “You’re funny,” I say.

  “Funny, funny, funny,” Squirt repeats.

  “My name is Emily.”

  Am I really talking to a bear, or whatever kind of animal this is?

  “This is Drew, Jamie, Michael, Frank, Squirt, and Jasmin.”

  Radwin is not present. Looking around, I catch a glimpse of him off in the distance. It looks like he has gone to the other cave to check it out.

  “It’s a pleasure to welcome you to my home,” Regalah says. “You all look so tired. Why don’t you come with me and I will give you something to eat.”

  When Regalah finishes speaking, the smell of fresh cooking drifts out of the cave in our direction.

  “Something smells good,” Michael says. “I’m always hungry.”

  The rest of us nod in agreement. Reaching this cave has been exhausting although I’m sure that no one is more tired than Frank.

  “Come in,” Regalah says. “I happen to be the best cook in these mountains.

  Before I can react, the three boys are already walking towards the cave.

  Jasmin, Squirt and I follow.

  Although there’s a little bit of light from the sun illuminating the beginning of the cave, it quickly gets dark inside it, except for a flicker from what appears to be a fire deep in the cave.

  We continue to follow Regalah into the cave as though we’re in a trance.

  My mind is sharply brought back to reality when I hear a frantic voice behind me.

  “Emily, you’ve made a mistake. This is the wrong cave.” It’s Radwin. “The map shows both caves and this is definitely not the one we are supposed to enter.”

  I turn abruptly in the direction of Radwin’s voice. Then I hear a horrible roar. Turning back towards Regalah, I recoil in terror. The huge bear-like creature is on its hind legs. For the first time, I see its horrific face. It has one large eye like a Cyclops on its forehead with two black holes under its eye which I guess are its nostrils. Its mouth is huge with teeth like daggers flashing in the dim light.

  We’re frozen like statues as the creature moves to the other side of where we’re standing.

  “Keep walking,” the brute bellows. “If you disobey me, I will kill you.”

  I remember Capurni warning us about creatures in the mountains that might appear to be friendly, but who are really dangerous.

  Unfortunately, it’s too late to react. The Cyclops-like creature has managed to position itself so that it’s in between all of us and the cave opening. There’s no way we can escape the cave without having to get past the angry animal. Judging from its ferocious face, it’s unlikely that any of us would even consider trying to escape.

  Every menacing step forward that the beast takes forces us deeper into the cave. Soon we find ourselves beside a crackling fire with a huge bubbling pot suspended over it.

  “Sit,” the creature orders.

  We don’t dare disobey it.

  The floor of the cave is rocky and cold, although I feel the heat from the flames of the fire reaching out to touch me.

  The creature licks its lips with a long, thick tongue as it stares at me.

  “Who is going to be first?” it snarls.

  Before we know what is happening, the beast snatches Michael from the floor.

  “What a tasty snack you are going to be,” the
animal drools as it drags Michael towards the fire.

  Michael screams in terror as though he has come face to face with his worst nightmare.

  My mind races in an attempt to find a way to save him.

  As the creature approaches the fire with Michael kicking and screaming, I notice that the beast is shielding its large eye from the flames. I quickly recall that when I first saw the creature at the mouth of the cave, it appeared to be protecting its face from the sunlight. Its eye can’t handle bright lights, I think. In the same instant, I catch a glimpse of Radwin flying near me.

  “Radwin, I think the animal is frightened by bright lights.”

  Before Radwin can reply, the monster lifts Michael from the ground as though it’s going to dump him into a boiling pot hanging over the fire.

  “Help me!” Michael screams frantically.

  In a split second, Radwin dives at the face of the huge orange creature. His lights, brighter than I have ever seen before, strike directly into the single eye of the surprised animal.

  The confused beast drops Michael who scrambles on all fours away from the fire.

  “Run!” I shout.

  I race towards the mouth of the cave.

  There is a shriek behind me. I turn to see Radwin flying in circles around the mad creature’s head, constantly flashing his piercing lights into its eye.

  As I continue to run to the mouth of the cave, I realize that Michael is nowhere in sight. I stop. I frantically search for him.

  Finally, I see him standing terrified against a wall near the angry animal.

  “Michael!” I yell. “Run!”

  He doesn’t move. It’s as though he’s paralyzed.

  Before I figure out what I can possibly do to help him, Drew springs into action. He charges back to Michael.

  In one rapid movement, Drew flings Michael over his shoulder, even though he’s already carrying a heavy backpack. He turns and runs towards the opening of the cave.

  As we reach the mouth of the cave, the bright sunlight stops us in our tracks. Our eyes need a few seconds to adjust after having been in the dark cave.

  Once again I look behind me. Radwin is continuing to cause problems for the incensed animal, although it’s obvious that it’s attempting to come after us.


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