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Past Forgiven

Page 2

by Jesse Lorenzo

  That heavenly moment in time starred in every restless night’s dream since. The connection between them was hard to explain or reason away. It’s as if their bodies called out to each other, helpless against the pull; the girl was drawn to Gavin even against her will. Adelle’s stubborn resistance kept her from fully giving in to the pull, fighting against the powerful urge to be locked in his waiting arms and never let go.

  “If it’s a man you’re dreamin’ of, lass, I pray that it’s me who consumes your mind.”

  Adelle jerked out of her euphoric daydream, horrified at being caught red handed. There in the door stood the very man of her dreams, casually leaning against the door frame. Gavin had one arm stretched above him, bracing the threshold, while the other hand ran through his thick auburn spikes, an irresistible action he’d perfected over the years.

  Adelle took in the flawless perfection he displayed, no doubt, for her viewing pleasure. When her eyes finally met his, Gavin was wearing his signature cocky smirk and winked at her.

  The flushed girl realized she still held her hand over her lips from her interrupted daydream and quickly dropped it to her side.

  “Dream on, Casanova. I was having an amorous dream of my hot needy lips touching… a delicious cup of coffee.” Adelle scrunched her nose, teasing him.

  Gavin brought his tightly clenched fist over his heart and groaned. That rumbling, raspy tone gave rise to goosebumps all over Adelle’s heated flesh.

  “Ah, lass, you’re killin’ me. You ‘ave always had a way with words that could drive men wild.”

  Adelle sashayed her way toward Gavin. His eyes narrowed on the delicate fabric of her navy blue dress, the material swaying to the rhythm of her hips as she drew closer. It wrapped around her body like a perfectly wrapped gift… begging him to unwrap it and behold the treasure that lay in wait underneath.

  The erotic rhythm stirred something deep inside of him. Hyperaware, his body tingled in appreciation as she approached. The smell of her lavender and vanilla perfume sent his body into sensory overload. Chills raced their way down his spine at the very sight and smell of his crimson vixen standing statuesque before him.

  As always, the bubbly beauty wrapped her arms around his neck for a brief friendly hug and quickly stepped back. If only she knew how much that action hurt him. Gavin didn’t know whether he should rejoice at the thought of being her friend, or be devastated because that’s all she wanted to be.

  Gavin shook his head at the invading thoughts. He vowed long ago that he wouldn't quit until Adelle was his everlasting forever, and he wouldn’t stop until that dream was realized. He would prove to her that he had changed. Gavin was a one-woman man. Adelle was it for him.

  “You’ve always hated school. What brings you in ‘ere of your own free will?” Adelle’s bright smile lit up the bland room, and paired with her crimson hair, was all the color the room needed.

  Gavin cupped her chin and placed a platonic kiss on her cheek, forcing himself to hold back his emotions, and wishing deep down that it was her perfectly glossed lips he touched instead.

  “It wasnae school I hated… just the class work.” They both laughed, taking time to look over one another.

  “I came by to wish ya good luck on your first day in your very own classroom. I know the little ones will love ya.” Gavin couldn’t help himself, his voice dipping to nearly inaudible, whispering, “Just as I love you.”

  Adelle smiled at his encouraging words. “Aye, thank you. That means the world to me. I’m a wee bit nervous, but I guess they’re a young crowd, so they’d be none the wiser if I slip up every now and then, right?”

  Gavin lifted his hand, running his thumb along her still flushed cheek.

  “You’ll do great, lass. You’ve got this!”

  The temperature in the proximity around them elevated as they searched each other’s eyes, neither one admitting what they both desperately wanted to confess. His eagerness to taste her lips drew him closer.

  Gavin choked out a forced cough, breaking the spell. The heated atmosphere needed changing, lest this siren falls prey to Gavin bending the teacher over on her brand new desk. Now was not the time for this… whatever this was.

  “So, love, what time’s my favorite subject start around here?” With a playful wink and a nudge from his hip, Gavin waited for her to answer.

  Adelle lifted her manicured brow, knowing full well what he meant, and rolled her eyes.

  “Lunch starts at 12:15.”

  She could barely get the sentence out before being overcome with laughter.

  Gavin’s lids drooped over his eyes. The melodic tone of her voice was pure heaven, the best sound in the world to him. It was music to his ears.

  “Great, I’ll come by with lunch and see how your first day is treatin’ ya.” Hovering just inside the door, he found it difficult to breathe. After she walked out on him all those years ago, Gavin always found it nearly impossible to break away from her, fearing that she would, yet again, disappear when he came back.

  “Oh, that would be exceptional! Fool that I am, I raced outta Grady’s in my excited haste and forgot to bring somethin’ to eat. I wasnae looking forward to the cafeteria food.” Adelle stuck out her tongue in disgust.

  “Whatever your heart desires… Just name it and it’s yours, lass.” Without thinking, Gavin grasped hold of her hand and brought it up to his lips, kissing each knuckle.

  Adelle’s body grew warm as she watched his lips softly caress her hand, the way she longed for them to caress her mouth.

  “EEEEEEEW, gross!” A gaggle of kids skipped into the classroom, screeching and giggling as they skipped passed the couple, thankfully putting a halt to their intimate moment.

  “Tell Kristy I’d love one of her famous spiced chicken wraps, and a Cobb salad would hit the spot perfectly.” Adelle laughed as a group of girls watched Gavin with love-struck goo-goo eyes.

  Feeding into it, Gavin winked at them and complimented their dresses and hair clips, sending them into a fit of blushing giggles. Crossing her arms over her chest, Adelle rolled her eyes and shook her head at his flirtatious display. No matter what age, girls always flocked to Gavin. He had a way with them; no one was immune to his charm… and THAT was the problem.

  “Goodbye, Gavin!” Adelle stressed sternly.

  “Goodbyeeeeee, Gaaaaavin,” the girls mimicked, and try as she might, Adelle couldn’t help but laugh. The handsome and all too charming man blew them all a kiss and headed out the door. As the heavy door closed behind him, she could’ve sworn she heard him utter, “No more goodbyes. I’m ‘ere to stay, love.”

  Adelle knew she was in danger of handing over her heart to a man who couldn’t truly love only her in return. That thought terrified her.

  Syracuse Police Department

  Upstate New York

  Detective Dominick Antonelli sat across from his old partner, Stevens, catching up on the mountain of backlogged paperwork that had been forced upon him. After numerous warnings went unheeded, both the unauthorized trips outside of the U.S. and several violations that were made through lack of protocol on his part, the overzealous detective had been suspended for a week without pay and ordered to stay on desk duty after returning, pending an investigation.

  Now, he spent his days cooped up in the office with the rest of the rubber gun squad, drowning in a sea of bull-shit paperwork, riding out his reprimand. His ass should’ve been canned, but his high-profile bust on none other than the multi-billion dollar rehab developer, Dalton Ramsey Claiborne III, had earned the department and Dominick praise and respect. That reason alone gave Dominick staying power, if for no other reason than using him as their scapegoat if the whole case went south.

  Dominick knew this was the reason, and he didn’t give a shit one way or the other. He was just relieved Dalton was rotting away in a stank, nasty cage where he belonged. Dominick had some vacation time coming up anyway, and the idea of actually kicking back and relaxing was a pleasure long overdue. Maybe he
would visit his dad up in the Adirondack Mountains and hang with him for a few days.

  This case had aged the detective over the course of a year. Bad habits die hard, his being a knack for getting too emotionally involved with civilians. He’d always managed to let his personal feelings get in the way. Blowing out a frustrated breath, Dominick raked his hands through the scruff of his five-o’clock shadow, thankful it was all over with.

  Dominick visited Giddeon every week to make sure his mind was in the right place and his actions were directing him to a better path. Even after everything had happened, Giddeon seemed to adjust to the slower paced life of an incarcerated man pretty well. Of course, he had the help of his stunning blonde counselor. Whenever Eva was around, Giddeon turned into a completely different person… a better person.

  Eva and Giddeon’s relationship was blossoming despite his current predicament. Dominick couldn’t help but root for the kid, feeling he deserved to finally figure out what happiness could be. With Eva by his side, the detective was sure she’d lead him there.

  Dominick leaned far back in his chair, balancing on the back two legs, deep in thought. All at once, two dark figures walked into his office unannounced, pulling him out of his contemplation. The two approached his desk as one unit and stared down at him.

  Dominick stared back stone-faced. Lifting one brow, he lowered his chair back down and then finally addressed the men. “Marriage licenses are one floor up and down the hall, gentlemen. Oh, and congratulations.” The men floundered as they now tried to explain their reason for being there at the same time. A wide smile spread across Dominick’s face, satisfied with what he’d started.

  Both men were dressed to impress in dark, tailored suits made of only the finest looking fabric. The first was a stout, red-faced man in his late thirties with closely cropped hair and impressive muscle mass that kept him from being at liberty to cross his arms. Instead, he left them dangling stiffly at his sides.

  The second man was a truly impressive specimen, rich ebony in color, a masculine face free of any flaws, and his hair boasted a neatly groomed style. His rather large frame did not look clumsy nor slow, but instead like a physique an Olympic marathon runner would boast. He stood ram-rod straight by his polar opposite partner’s side and tried his best to impose his unexpressed will on the detective with nothing but the power of his glare.

  It didn’t work, not with Dominick, but he had to give it to the man. He definitely was a force to be reckoned with.

  “Boy, I must be in some serious trouble if they brought out the big guns to contend with me. What’s the deal, boys? What'd I do now, that they’d send a couple of suits like you walking through my door?”

  Impressive man number two gave a stiff nod. “Detective, my name is Denarius McKnight, and this is my partner, George Collins…” He swept is large hand to his side, gesturing to the angry looking man to his left. “We’re agents of the…”

  Dominick cut him off before he could finish, wishing they’d get to the fucking point already. “Let me guess, you clowns are from the Famous But Incompetent agency, right? No need to stand on ceremony here, guys. Say what you’ve come to say. Don't waste my time or yours.”

  Red-faced man number one sneered at Dominick and balled his fists at his sides. “Watch your tone, Detective. Yes, we came here from the FBI to request your cooperation on a case you were involved with.”

  Dominick rolled his eyes and guffawed. “So now, you boys want me to start doing your job for you, too? What’s next? An extra hand to wipe your ass with?” With a smirk, Dominick was satisfied when he nearly drove goon number one over the edge with his snide remark.

  Impressive man number two stepped forward, placing his arm across his partner’s chest to restrain him. With just one glare in his direction, Denarius effectively silenced him on the spot. When he was sure his hot-tempered partner would stay put, the agent directed his attention back on Dominick.

  “The matter is of a delicate nature and must remain confidential. Only the three of us will be at liberty to discuss this case, for the safety of our witness.”

  Dominick righted himself in his chair, his expression morphing from its previously good-natured attitude and growing as serious as the situation sounded. He didn’t like the sound of what was said, and his stomach twisted into knots as dread led his thoughts in several different directions.

  “Stop beating around the bush and just tell me what the fuck is going on.”

  George extended his hand toward the door. “It’s imperative that we go somewhere quiet and more secluded.”

  Dominick rose from his chair fast as lighting, causing it to fall backward, and all but jumped over the desk in his haste. Marching out of the office, the agents had to hustle to keep up as Dominick flew through the exit doors. The sinking feeling deep in his gut quickened his step. “What’s happened?”

  “Get in the car, Detective. I’ll explain at the motel.”

  Dominick replayed the recording for the fifth time. Denial clouded his thoughts as he reluctantly willed his mind to catch up to reality as the truth played out over and over before him.

  “This can’t be happening. How could this have happened under your watch? This information is supposed to be strictly safeguarded. Only a select few are even aware of this!” Slamming his fist on the small side table, Dominick shouted, the fury in his voice rising after every word spewed.

  “Your only job was to keep her safe! How could you let this happen?” Running his hands through his overgrown hair, the furious detective sneered at the agents who had not only let him down… but also for letting her down. “Well, you’ve definitely lived up to your nickname. Famous But Incompetent.”

  Agent Denarius spoke up first, raising his hand in warning for Dominick to sit down and shut up. “We have all underestimated Dalton. He has capitalized on that fault. Our plan was to move her and her family as soon as a residence has been set up for them, along with their newly procured identities.”

  Dominick slammed his fist on the table once more, almost upending it this time with the thought of Susan in danger. “Why haven’t you done it yet? What the fuck are you waiting for, Dalton to get his hands on her and finish what he started?”

  Denarius rose to his feet, losing the grip on his infinite patience after spending the last few hours in the presence of the hostile detective. The two squared off nose-to-nose in the cramped hotel room. “I tried, Detective, but she refuses to go anywhere or speak to anyone who isn’t you. She is frightened now that her identity has been breached. She trusts no one and not so demurely requested you by name. She will only answer to you.”

  Dominick’s heart swelled at that news.

  Good girl.

  After hearing the recording that had been pulled from her tapped line, his heart ached for Susan. She must be terrified. None other than Dalton’s vicious voice had threatened her in the middle of the night, dashing away all her hopes and dreams of having a chance at leading a normal life.

  If he knew her unlisted private number, Dalton probably also already knew the location of her new dwelling. They all needed to be moved. Immediately.

  “I’ve been benched, boys. Captain’s orders. There is no way the department will let me anywhere near this case after all the liberties I’ve taken into my own hands.”

  The ever impressive Agent Denarius relaxed his stance, dropping his strong hand on Dominick’s shoulder. “That’s one of the perks of being FBI… We went over your Captain’s head, as this is now a top priority. Dalton is an extremely dangerous man; his activities have gained the attention of the Bureau. The subject’s safety has been compromised, and she will only cooperate with you there. So, Detective Antonelli, you’ve been re-assigned under our command.”

  This whole situation was one enormous fuck-up. Dominick knew that, but he couldn’t stop the excitement that burned steadily inside him at the thought of seeing Susan again.

  Clapping both men on the shoulder before pushing past them, Domini
ck all but demanded, “All right, boys, get off your pampered asses and let’s get going. Time to do some real work. We have a long road trip ahead of us. Go pack your shit.”

  The overzealous man was rewarded with plenty of attitude and eye rolling. “We’re already prepared to leave, Detective.

  Dominick glared at the incompetent men. “How long?”

  Denarius understood his question without further explanation needed. “It’s a five-hour drive upstate.”

  Glancing over to George, he proclaimed loudly, “I call shotgun,” then marched outside toward the all too obvious black SUV that he assumed was his ride.

  The drive was a long one, and with each passing hour, the tension inside the car escalated to boiling point. Rain started to fall, forcing them to close the windows. Now, the stale air was unbearably suffocating. Dominick couldn’t get to Susan fast enough.

  The stubborn detective promised her that if she testified against Dalton and handed over all the documents she’d collected over the years, as well as the key pieces of evidence that would send him away for good, that Dominick would guarantee her and her family’s safety. Dominick was determined to keep that promise.

  Willing the car to go faster, Dominick focused his attention out of the rain-splattered window of the SUV as it raced down the empty throughway at breakneck speeds.

  I’m Coming, Susan. I swear I won’t let anything happen to you.

  One more hour passed before Denarius spoke up. “We’ve arrived, Detective Antonelli.”

  The car hadn’t come to a complete stop before the overly pent up detective ejected himself from the moving SUV. The five-hour trek up to this secret location felt more like ten, dragging on and on as thoughts of Susan’s scared voice from the tape echoed in his mind the whole trip.


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