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His Secret Desire (Atlanta Nights)

Page 11

by Linda Verji

  Her breath caught at her throat at the seductive lilt to his voice and her body heated, reacting to his words as if he’d told her he was about to take her to bed.

  “You wish.” Her voice was unsteady enough that he gave her an amused look before he sauntered off to join the rest of the team.

  Irritated, she watched him go. She’d thought herself completely over him after the trash he’d put her through for those five months. But here she was, getting breathless over him like one of his many women.

  Ugh! Get it together, Liv. She threw herself into the basketball game with fervor in a bid to shake off the aftereffects of their encounter. By the time they got into the second quarter, she’d recovered enough that Lex’s murmured, “I saw you and Marcel,” as he raced past her, didn’t faze her.

  But of course Lex wasn’t one to let things go and as soon as the game ended, he sidled to Marcel. “You’re really good at hoops. I think you scored all the points for our team.”

  “You weren’t so bad yourself.” Marcel held his hand out to him. “Marcel.”

  “Alexander.” They shook hands. Lex added, “I’ve heard all about you.”

  “From her?” Marcel gestured towards Olivia. “Ignore it all.”

  Lex chuckled. “I like you already.”

  Olivia who was pretending not to listen to them rolled her eyes and stalked off to join another group of players. She shouldn’t have left. By the time she came back to pick her gym bag, it was to find out that Lex had invited Marcel to their Saturday post-workout lunch.

  To make matters worse when she checked her phone after her shower, she found two missed calls from Tay and a couple of messages that she deleted without reading. Then as if all that wasn’t bad enough, she found herself relegated to riding to the restaurant with Marcel so Lex could ride with Thane.

  “You could’ve refused,” she went off on Marcel once they were in his car.

  “Why?” His mouth slanted. “I’m hungry.”

  She didn’t have a good enough retort for that, because she couldn’t come straight out and say that he made her uncomfortable, turned her on. Instead she stuck her lower lip out and glared outside the window. She resisted his every attempt to draw her into conversation. By the time, they pulled into Castle Hots, irritation was coming off Marcel in thick waves.

  She waited for him to open the car door but he didn’t. When she swiveled in annoyance towards him, it was to find him glaring at her. He said, “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Nothing,” she snapped. “Open the door.”

  “Not until you tell me what I’ve done to you.”

  She folded her arms and stared out the window.

  “You’re a grown woman,” he bit out. “Stop behaving like a child.”

  The nerve! She turned to yell at him but found that she had nothing to say. The truth was that it wasn’t his fault that her body was reacting like that of a hormonal teenager, or that his best-friend kept bothering her. And he was right that taking it out on him was childish. So she stayed silent and stared out the windshield sullenly.

  “Livy, what’s going on?” His fingers drummed on the steering wheel as his gaze burned into her. “I thought we’d come to ceasefire the other night but ever since I walked into the court this morning you’ve been giving me attitude. What’s up?” When she didn’t respond, he asked, “Woman issues?”

  It took her a while to catch on to what he meant. But when she did, her hand flew towards him and she smacked him in the chest, “You’re disgusting.”

  Marcel laughed. “What am I supposed to think with all your mood swings?”

  “You’re an asshole.” She turned to glare at him but despite her best efforts to stay sullen, her lips twitched.

  “That’s better.” He opened the door for her. They didn’t even touch but yet she was supremely aware of him as they made their way into the restaurant. Against her will, she cast a sideways glance at him and found her gaze lingering on his strongly masculine features.

  As hard as it was to admit it, the truth was that she was fiercely attracted to him. Yes, he was good looking, but she’d discovered that there was a lot more to Marcel than good looks. He could be charming and gentlemanly when he wanted to be and his stimulating wit kept her on toes.

  Why did he have to be Tay’s best-friend? Why did he have to be a womanizer? Maybe Lex was right and she had a thing for the wrong sort of men. Olivia shook herself as they entered Castle Hots. There was no point in lamenting things that could never be.

  The family style restaurant was already brimming with clients. Luckily, Lex and Thane had already found a table and were staring at Olivia with grins.

  “What?” she asked, sliding into the booth opposite them.

  Blue eyes gleaming with amusement, Thane said, “Lex was telling me how you filled your car with Sprite and messed up your battery.”

  “Sprite?” Marcel narrowed his eyes as he settled beside her. “That’s why I had to chauffeur you home?”

  “No, I didn’t,” she defended. Turning to her so-called best-friend, she said, “For the last time, Lex, stop telling people that story. I didn’t fill my car with Sprite. I’m being framed.”

  “Why would anyone need to frame you?” Marcel offered her a wide-eyed look. “You’re already a walking crime.”

  “Oh! He shoots. He scores.” Lex chuckled. “Marcel one, Olivia zero.”

  Olivia shot him her most lethal glare. It only sent him into full blown laughter. Wait until she had him alone; he would regret running his big mouth and laughing. Her car being sabotaged was no laughing matter. In fact she was so pissed off she’d begged August to push their landlord to fix the dead camera facing her side of the lot.

  What if something more serious had happened? Like someone planting a bomb in her car. Who’d be laughing now? Certainly not Lex. Okay, wait! She wouldn’t be laughing either because she’d be dead. Yikes.

  Ordering lunch was an event in itself. Thane and Olivia stared at Marcel and Lex in shock as the two men went all out to break the morning’s good work.

  “You’re going to eat all that?” Olivia stared at the mountain sized pile of fries and chicken nuggets on Marcel’s plate.

  “Yes.” Both Marcel and Lex answered together, then pointing at each other. “My boy.”

  She didn’t know what was more irritating watching them bond or being the subject of their teasing when they got bored. About halfway into lunch, Lex asked, “Marcel, what do you do?”

  “I’m an architect,” Marcel answered affably.

  “Interesting. When I was younger I wanted to be one but I can’t draw my way out of a paper bag. Which company do you work with?” When Marcel mentioned a well known firm, Lex eyes lit up with interest. “I’ve heard of them. I hear they work their guys to the bone. Aren’t your long hours hard on your girlfriend?”

  “I don’t have a girlfriend.” Marcel thrust a couple of fries into his mouth. “But I’m sure if I did she would have nothing to complain about. I work normal hours - nine to five.”

  Lex smiled. “What about your mother? She must be very proud of you.”

  It took Olivia a while to realize that Lex was working Olosophy on Marcel. This dude! She shot him a threatening look, mentally begging him to quit. But Lex was unstoppable. To Marcel’s credit he didn’t balk at any of Lex’s question and was relatively open.

  By the time they were done with lunch, Olivia knew that Marcel was an orphan, presumably single, really worked as an architect and was straight as a ruler. Lex was damn good at his job.

  “Thane will check if he has record,” Lex whispered to her as they followed behind Thane and Marcel.

  “I don’t even know why you’re bothering.” She wrinkled her nose. “I’m not interested in him.”

  Lex gave her a disbelieving look then chuckled.

  “I’m not interested in him,” Olivia insisted. “Even if I was, he’s Tay’s best-friend.”

  “Oh, the bro code.” Lex waved dismissivel
y. “It doesn’t apply to you and that twerp certainly doesn’t deserve your consideration. I’ve seen you work your magic. You can seduce Marcel into breaking the code.”

  “You’re assuming I want to.” She gritted her teeth as she cast her best-friend an irritated glance. “Have you forgotten how much of a slore he is?”

  Lex shrugged. “I always assumed you were exaggerating.”

  “I wasn’t exaggerating. The last time I was at his house he was there with two girls.” She held up two fingers. “Two.”

  “There’s nothing’s wrong with that as long everyone knew what they were getting into.”

  Olivia shot him a sharp glance. “Whose side are you on?”

  “Yours.” Lex slung his arm across her shoulders. When she tried to shrug it away, he tightened his arm around her. He flicked his finger over her nose. “But that doesn’t mean that I can’t like Marcel.”

  “If you like him so much you should seduce him,” she said sorely.

  Lex let out a sigh as his eyes roamed the back of Marcel’s body. “I wish.”

  “Blegh!” Olivia fake retched.

  Of course the disloyal idiot decided that he wanted to drive Thane home and innocently suggested that Marcel give her a ride to her place. If she’d known he would behave this way she would’ve brought her own car. She told Marcel, “I don’t mind taking a cab.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Marcel admonished as he opened the door for her.

  “Thanks.” She apologized, “I’m sorry for inconveniencing you. I’m sure you had your own plans for today.”

  “Not really and I don’t mind.” He gave her a disarming smile. “And you’re good company – when you’re not sulking.”

  “I don’t sulk,” she retorted.

  “Really, Liv. You. Don’t sulk?”

  “No, I don’t.” She cut her eyes at him. “I’m the most cheerful person on the planet.”

  He burst into laughter. “Classic.” Catching the side eye she gave him, he shook his head in wry disbelief. “I think you actually believe that.”

  Usually, his ribbing irritated her. But today it was different. His insults felt like teasing with undertones of flirtation. But the flirtation could’ve been her imagination. Who could blame her for not thinking straight anyway with the way he kept flashing her those sinful smiles? By the time they pulled up in front of the gates leading to her complex, a warm glow had built at the bottom of her belly and she was all smiles.

  It quickly faded when she saw the person leaning against her Nismo.



  Marcel’s stomach clenched into a tight fist when he saw Tay leaning against Olivia’s car, glaring at them. Damn! What was Tay doing here? What would he do when he saw Marcel with his ex?

  “Why won’t he leave me alone?” Olivia grumbled under her breath.

  Marcel didn’t respond. His fingers tightened over the steering wheel as he maneuvered his SUV into the spot beside her green Nismo.

  Tay straightened from the Nismo, his lips drawn into a thin angry line as he glowered into the car. As soon as the car came to a stop, Olivia was out and yelling, “Get the hell out of here.”

  “What are you doing here?” Tay’s words were for Marcel as he bent to stare into the car through Olivia’s window.

  “None of your damn business,” Olivia answered for Marcel as she shoved Tay away from the window with a palm on his chest. “Step. Scat. Disappear. Get the hell out of here.”

  “Chill with that.” Tay pushed her hand away from his chest and scowled at her. “I just want to talk to you.”

  With Tay’s attention was on Olivia it was the perfect time for Marcel to make a quick escape. But he didn’t leave. He didn’t know if it was morbid curiosity, bravery, stupidity or protectiveness that made him step out of the car. He settled on the hood, watching them. Neither even noticed him.

  “About what?” Olivia propped her fist on her hip. “Talk about what, Tay? We’re done talking.”

  “Give me a minute to explain my situation to you,” Tay groveled. “Olivia, I love you.”

  Marcel’s eyebrows shot up at that. Wasn’t this the same man who last night had been cuddled up with Barbie like she was best thing since sliced bread?

  “That’s a minute I will never get back.” Olivia chuckled but there was little amusement in her laugh. “You’re out of your damn mind if you think I care about your situation or your empty I love yous. Shove them up your-”

  “Baby, come on, I-” Tay reached for her.

  “Don’t touch me.” She sidestepped him easily and slapped his hand away. “And I’m not your baby. Your baby is the one your wife is carrying. So take your crap back to her. How did you even get in here?” She turned her attention towards the guardhouse and called out, “George.”

  “Yes,” the security guard immediately rushed over.

  “You let this fool in.”

  “I thought he was…” George’s words drifted into awkward silence.

  “He’s not.” She narrowed her eyes at Tay. “The next time this spineless snake slithers out of his hole don’t let him in. If he insists on coming in call the cops, or better yet shoot him.”

  “Liv, you don’t need to do this,” Tay pleaded.

  Feeling sorry for his friend, Marcel stepped forward to intervene. “Livy, give him-”

  “Don’t!” Olivia pointed at Marcel, offering him a narrow-eyed look so wintery, he shivered a little. Marcel lifted his hands, shrugged at Tay and backed back into his position on the hood. Both men stared at her in silence as she opened the back door of Marcel’s SUV and grabbed her gym bag.

  “Let me carry that for you.” Tay reached for the bag when she closed the car door.

  “You don’t get it, do you?” She swiveled to face Tay. She poked her finger against his chest. “Get-” Tay backed away, and she followed him with another poke. “-the hell-” Poke. “-out-” She crowded him against her Nismo and poked again. “-of my life-”

  The top of her head barely touched Tay’s head. But with the crazy vibrating in her taut body and her angry eyes, she’d probably give Tay a run for his money in a fight. Her piece said, she hauled the gym bag up her shoulders and started to walk away.

  She suddenly turned back to face Tay. Reaching into her gym bag, she rifled around in it. Seconds later, she brandished Tay’s car keys. “Oh, yeah. If you’re looking for your precious BMW…” Tossing the keys his way, she pronounced, “… I got it towed. If I were you I’d haul my ass to Getyo Junk Yard before it gets turned into scrap metal.”

  “You towed my car?” Tay offered a horrified look.

  “If I come back outside and you’re still out here, you bet your trifling ass I’ll go to town on that piece of crap too.” She gestured threateningly at Tay’s new Mercedes before turning on her heels and flouncing into her building.

  Watching her go, Tay ran a hand over his close shaven hair. “Damn, she’s really mad, isn’t she?”


  His lips pressed together, Tay turned a glare towards Marcel. “What are you doing here anyway?”

  Marcel considered lying but deciding that he wasn’t doing anything wrong, he shrugged. “I gave her a ride.”

  “A ride?” Tay frowned. “From where?”

  Now that was complicated. Marcel shifted uncomfortably on his seat, “From Ernest High School. We were playing a game of basketball game there.”

  “Why would you and Olivia be playing-” Tay abruptly stopped talking and his gaze turning contemplative. It barely took him a minute to add two and two together. When he did, he drew his brows together. Anger practically dripping from his ramrod straight body, he folded his arms over his chest. “This is those games their gym offers on Saturday morning, isn’t it?”

  Marcel nodded. “Yeah!”

  Tay spat, “Are you trying to run up on my woman?”

  Resisting the urge to remind Tay that Olivia was no longer his woman, Marcel explained, “Look, the on
ly reason I joined that gym is because Nikki, your wife, has also joined it. I wanted to make sure she wasn’t up to any of her shenanigans.”

  “What?” Tay’s eyes widened into saucers. “Nikki’s has joined Body & Spirit?”


  “Fuck!” Tay ran his hands over his face as panic crossed his features. He cupped his hands over his mouth. “Fuck!”

  “You didn’t know.” Marcel stated the obvious.

  “Fuck.” Still cussing under his breath, Tay hurried to his car and peeled away leaving a baffled Marcel staring at the smoke in his tires.

  Well, that was an odd reaction from a man who claimed to be in an open-marriage.

  Olivia’s Monday six a.m. session had never seemed so fun or so enjoyable. Maybe it was the energetic vibes coming from her Tabata participants. Maybe it was the jaunty techno music blasting from the speakers in rhythm to their coordinated movements. Or maybe it was because Marcel had made yet another appearance.

  “Seven more. Six, five, four…” Olivia watched him through the mirror enjoying the sight of his muscles pulsing with each basketball jump. He caught her watching him and threw her a smile. Quickly, she ducked her head, her ears heating up and her lips twitching with a smile. “Three, two, one. Running lunges. Eight, seven…”

  His gaze never left her through the whole forty minute session. Her sports-bra and leggings had always seemed like appropriate gym wear, but under his intense gaze she felt naked. It was only by sheer willpower that she kept from scuttling out in the middle of the class to put on a t-shirt. Every time he looked at her, or smiled at her, she had the unmistakable urge to hide her face and burning ears.

  She was blushing.

  Olivia never blushed. Discovering that Marcel had the ability to draw that reaction from her was disconcerting and annoying. After class, she scurried into the weights room to avoid him. But he still found her.

  She was showing the sole client in there how to do shoulder presses when Marcel stepped into the room. Her body crackled with awareness as she noted that he was still bare-chested. When he sidled closer, she pretended indifference giving all her attention to her client. “Make sure you keep your arms at ninety degrees.”


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