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Safe Harbor

Page 18

by Hope White

“I’m fine, sir. How’s the gunshot wound?”

  “Ah, just a scratch.”

  Gayle shouted something in the background.

  “It’s been a wild couple of days, Alex.”

  “Yes, sir, it has. I’d like to get back on the Lange murder case.”

  “You were never officially on leave, Alex, you know that.”


  “I’d like you to continue protecting the witness,” the chief said. “She’s our best lead to the killer.”

  “She chose to go into FBI custody. I just got off the phone with Agent Banks. With your approval I’d like to officially work with the FBI. Maybe we can actually help each other and solve this thing instead of fighting for control.”



  “Do you think it was the best decision for Nicole to go into FBI custody?”

  “It wasn’t my call. She left without consulting me.”

  “Oh.” He paused. “You two had a fight?”

  “No, sir. She left and I think she made the right decision by putting her safety first. I can’t fault her for that.”

  “She should have talked to you first.”

  “So, are you comfortable with me working with the FBI?” Alex changed the subject.

  “Yes, you have my approval. Agent Banks told me that Lange was developing security software for the FBI and was suspected of creating a back door so he would have permanent access, or something like that. Computer stuff isn’t my thing.”

  “Why would he need to have access to their files?”

  “He wouldn’t, unless he planned to do something criminal with that information. The FBI considered his actions a threat to homeland security. You can see why they were being tight-lipped about it, why they wanted to know everything Miss Harris knew about Edward Lange.”

  “They seem open to working with us now that they have her in custody.”

  “She’s the key to everything, Alex.”

  He couldn’t argue with that. She surely held the key to Alex’s heart.

  “What leads are you pursuing?” the chief asked.

  “Abigail Woods was on Edward’s schedule for the afternoon of his death and now she’s trying to convince Agent Banks that her brother had a secret life.”

  “You think she could have hired someone to kill her brother?”

  “It’s a possibility.”

  “But what does that have to do with the back door access stuff?”

  “I intend to find out, sir.”

  “Okay, well, I’ll be at home recuperating for a few days.”

  “A week to ten days!” Gayle shouted in the background.

  “Sounds like Gayle’s got everything under control,” Alex joked.

  “You have no idea. Be careful, son.”

  “Will do.”

  “And Alex?”


  “Don’t give up.”

  “I won’t, thanks.”

  Alex ended the call and glanced out the front window. Of course he wouldn’t give up. Edward Lange deserved justice and vindication. Alex did not believe Edward was involved in terrorist activities against his own country.

  Don’t give up.

  Alex realized the chief wasn’t just talking about the case.

  He was talking about Nicole.

  Alex would like nothing more than to spend time with Nicole outside of work, outside of the danger that trailed them these past few days. He believed in his heart they were blessed with something special.

  Something he shouldn’t pursue. She deserved someone better, someone who could protect and love her. He hoped God would bless her with such a man.

  As the grief of letting her go squeezed his heart, Alex struggled to refocus on the murder case. Yet he wouldn’t be able to fully concentrate until he said a prayer for Nicole.

  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Lord, please keep her safe. She’s a special woman who’s had her share of trials. She may not realize it, but she needs Your strength to see her through.

  Footsteps pounded through the house, followed by raised voices. Alex went to investigate and found Quinn sitting in the sofa in the great room. Billy stood over him, hands on her hips.

  “You can’t tell me what to do,” she said.

  “What’s going on?” Alex asked.

  “She saw a state patrol car pull into her driveway and she wants to run over there and investigate.”

  “It’s my house and I’m going to find out what’s going on.” Billy marched toward the front door.

  “Haven’t we had enough drama?” Quinn said, following her. “Come on, Billy. Just stay here.”

  Alex followed them outside, ready to flash his badge.

  As Quinn argued with Billy, Alex realized his little brother was being awfully protective of his friend. They definitely shared something special. He wondered how long it would take Quinn to figure that out, abandon his aloof ways and accept that his feelings for Billy ran deeper than friendship. Then again, Quinn probably didn’t want to let any woman get close. He’d seen what falling in love had done to their father and didn’t want to make that same disastrous mistake.

  Even though Alex had loved Jessica he’d never let the protective wall down completely. Yet with Nicole the wall had never gone up.

  “Can I help you?” Billy called out to the state trooper.

  The trooper, who looked to be in his thirties, stepped off Billy’s porch and joined them at the security gate bordering Quinn’s property.

  “That’s my house,” Billy said. “Is there a problem?”

  “Are you Wilhelma Renee Bronson?” the trooper asked.

  Quinn snorted at the use of her full name.

  “I am.” She glared at Quinn.

  “Are you the registered owner of a 2009 White Volkswagen Jetta?”

  A chill ran down Alex’s spine.

  “Yes, why?” Billy said.

  “Your car’s been in an accident.”

  Alex took a step forward and flashed his badge, his hand trembling. “I’m Detective Donovan, Waverly Harbor P.D. Was anyone hurt?”

  “No, sir. There was no one in the car.”

  * * *

  “Are you all right?”

  Nicole looked up into the somewhat familiar eyes of David Woods, Edward’s brother-in-law.

  “David? What are you doing here?”

  Gripping her arm, he pulled her toward a black sedan.

  “I’ve gotta get you out of here. He could come back.” He glanced nervously up and down the road.

  “I’m supposed to meet the FBI.”

  “I’ll take you. Get in the car,” he ordered.

  He opened the back door and motioned her inside. “Lay down so they don’t see you. Who’s trying to hurt you, anyway?”

  “I have no idea.” She climbed into the sedan and ducked down.

  David slid behind the wheel and pulled away from the scene.

  “My phone, I need my phone,” she said, sitting up.

  “Is it worth your life? Come on, lay down.”

  She flopped down on the seat. Talk about good timing, she’d been lucky David had been driving by.

  “Did you see what happened?” she asked.

  “He hit you and drove off. It didn’t look random to me.”

  “No, it didn’t feel random.”

  “Where’s your meeting?”

  “Merriweather Crossing. We’re close, right?”

  “I think so. I’ll put it in my GPS.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  “Are you kidding? You’re helping them find Edward’s killer, right? I mean, you’re their only witness.”

  “Not much of a witness, I’m afraid. I didn’t see anything.”

  “But you heard something?”

  “Arguing, mostly. Nothing that’s been helpful.”

  “The killer must not know that. I heard there’s been multiple attempts on your life.”

  “You heard right.” And if it hadn’t been for Alex, she would have been dead by now.

  Alex. She squeezed the strap of her messenger bag and took a deep breath. She hoped he understood why she left. Maybe she should have discussed it with him, but she couldn’t risk him talking her out of it. So determined to do the right thing, and in such a hurry so she wouldn’t change her mind, she forgot to leave him a note. She’d have to write him one when she got into FBI custody explaining her decision.

  “So you didn’t hear anything that could help the cops solve the murder case?” David pressed.

  “Unfortunately, no.”

  “Then why are you going into FBI custody?”

  The truth was too personal: she’d do anything to protect Alex and ease his pain.

  “They requested I come in to help them with something, I don’t know what.”

  “You have no idea?” he asked.

  “Nope. Do you think it’s safe to sit up yet?”


  Nicole glanced out the window, reconsidering her decision to go to the FBI. She hugged herself and realized she’d only felt safe when she was with Alex. But was that love, or some warped type of dependence? A shudder ran down her back.

  “Hey, don’t worry.” David stretched his arm across the seat and smiled. “Everything’s going to be okay.”

  And that’s when she noticed the gold bracelet on his right wrist. The same bracelet they’d found in the evidence box.


  Alex didn’t even remember how he got to the scene of the abandoned car. He was at his brother’s cabin one minute, and pulling up behind Billy’s ditched Jetta the next. Panic spiked through his body at the sight of the dented fender.

  He was out of the car before Quinn came to a complete stop. As Alex approached the vehicle the first thing he noticed was that the airbag wasn’t deployed. A good thing. So maybe she wasn’t hurt.

  But what happened and where did she go?

  Agent Banks pulled onto the shoulder in front of Billy’s car and got out. “Where is she?”

  “Don’t know. We just got here.”

  Banks marched up to the driver’s side of the car and Alex went to the passenger side. He whipped open the door and spotted her cell phone. “She wouldn’t leave her phone. We have to assume she was taken,” he said, trying to keep his emotional distance.

  “Or she ran.” Banks looked over the top of the car at Alex. “Did you consider that?”

  “No. I guarantee you, that did not happen.”

  “You guarantee me?”

  “She wouldn’t have run.” Not the Nicole he knew. Sure, immediately after Edward’s death she’d wanted to run, escape the threat to her life. But she’d changed in the past few days. She’d developed strength and resilience, two traits Alex admired, especially given what she’d been through.

  “So if she didn’t run, what’s your theory?” Banks asked.

  Alex dreaded considering it but had no choice. “I’ve thought all along that she has something or knows something the killer wants, which would explain why he’s been after her since the murder.”

  “Or he just wants her dead.”

  Panic burned through Alex’s gut as he struggled to ignore the agent’s words. The thought of never holding her again, kissing her...


  Alex snapped his attention to Agent Banks.

  “You want to share with the class?” the agent said.

  Alex turned and walked back to Quinn’s SUV.

  “Hey, what about us working together?” Banks called after him.

  “The deal’s still on. I’m going to interview Abigail Woods.”

  He got into the SUV and slammed the door.

  “Well?” Quinn asked.

  “Can you take me to my car?” Alex asked.

  “Sure, Billy has to wait for a tow. Let me tell her the plan.” Quinn got out and went over to Billy, who hovered beside the ditched car.

  One thing was for sure—Alex had to tamp down the dread flooding his body. Focus was key if he stood a chance of finding Nicole.

  But would he find her alive?

  He fisted his hand and slammed it against his thigh. He had to think positive. He had to find her.

  Because the thought of never seeing her again...

  “Stop, just stop,” he hushed.

  His phone rang and he recognized the P.D.’s number. “Donovan.”

  “It’s Wendy. A woman called the station looking for you. Her name is Ruby and she said she was on the phone with Nicole when a car bumped her from behind.”

  “Did she leave a number?”

  Wendy gave him the number and he immediately called Nicole’s friend.

  “This is Ruby.”

  “This is Alex Donovan. I—”

  “Are you the one who’s been taking care of Nicole?”

  “I am,” he said, fighting back the shame of doing a poor job of it.

  “She told me to find you if anything weird happened. I asked her what that meant and she screamed and then she was gone.”

  “She screamed?” Alex repeated, every muscle in his body tensing up.

  “Yeah, like a scream of surprise, then I heard her say, ‘David, what are you doing here?’”

  Alex squeezed the phone so hard he thought it might crack. “David Woods?”

  “She didn’t say a last name. And then she was gone. You’ve gotta find her.”

  “That’s the plan. Thank you, Ruby. I’ll be in touch.”

  Quinn got back into the car. “I’ll meet Billy in town at Jake’s Garage.”

  “It’s David Woods.”

  Quinn stared at him. “Edward’s brother-in-law?”

  Alex nodded. “I’ve got to find them, Quinn. I’ve got to find Abigail and her husband.”

  “Well you’re in luck. They’re renting a room at The Sandpiper.”

  * * *

  Alex called for Officer Mark Adams to join him at the lodge. The front desk clerk said Abigail Woods and a small group of friends were in a conference room analyzing calls they’d received from people who’d phoned the tip line.

  Quinn led Alex to the conference room and stopped outside the door. “I’ve got to take care of some business.”

  “Thanks, little brother.”



  “You’ll find her.” Quinn reached out and hugged Alex.

  Quinn hadn’t intentionally hugged Alex since...Alex struggled to remember the last time they hugged like this and realized it was the day of their mother’s funeral.

  Quinn let go and took off down the hall. Alex watched him for a second, wishing he could have said thanks or I love you, little brother. Instead, he turned to the conference room door.

  “How do you want to work this?” Officer Adams asked.

  “I need to talk to Abigail and David Woods alone. I’ll ask everyone to leave and you guard the door.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Abigail and David Woods. If they were both behind this door that meant Nicole could be gone for good, probably dead at the bottom of the lake. If David wasn’t in the room, he could be with Nicole trying to extract the information he needed from her.

  Alex pushed open the door. Half a dozen people looked up. David Woods was not one of them. Relief warred with desperation in Alex’s chest.

  “I need to speak with Abigail, alone.”r />
  “Good. I have to speak with you, too, detective,” Abigail said. “I’m demanding your resignation.”

  “Everyone, please excuse us,” Alex said, ignoring her.

  Officer Adams herded two men and three women out of the room. The door shut with a deafening click.

  “I’m doing more to find my brother’s killer than your entire department’s done in the past few days. I can’t believe how—”

  “Stop the dramatics and tell me where your husband is.”

  “David? Why?”

  “He’s our prime suspect.”

  “That just shows how incompetent you are.”

  Alex stepped closer. “I don’t appreciate games, Abigail. I know your husband has Nicole and if you don’t tell me where he is I’m charging you with obstruction.”

  She flopped down in a nearby chair. “You’re serious.”

  “Someone’s been after Nicole Harris since your brother’s death. Either the killer thinks she can identify him, or Nicole has something the killer wants. A few hours ago Nicole was taken against her will by your husband. The question is how involved are you?”

  “You’re wrong. David would never hurt anyone,” she said, suddenly breathless.

  “Where was he the night of Edward’s murder?”

  “Vancouver. On a business trip.”

  “Did he call you from a hotel? Can he prove he was there?”

  “No, and I didn’t think he’d need to prove—”

  “Was he involved with Tech-Link?”

  “Yes, he was on the software development team, why?”

  “My theory is that the Tech-Link software was a threat to national security. That’s why the FBI is involved.”

  “And you think David is a part of this?” Her voice raised a pitch.

  “Yes, ma’am. I suspect you’re involved, as well.”

  “That’s ridiculous!”

  “You were quick to accuse Nicole of killing your brother, you put up reward money to complicate the investigation with false leads and you suggested that Edward had a secret life. These can be seen as distractions from the real perpetrator.”

  She glanced down at her hands and he thought he might have broken her. When she didn’t say anything, he kept pushing.

  “Nicole is a good person who doesn’t deserve to be collateral damage. Help me find her or I will charge you with obstruction.”


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