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The Ghosts of Stanton Hall

Page 3

by John Simpson

  “Of course, Ryan, I’d be happy to. What time?”

  “How about eleven o’clock, and if you have time, I’ll take you to lunch.”

  “You’re in luck! I have very few demands on my time today. I’ll meet you at the rental place at eleven.”

  “Sounds great, see you then.” Ryan felt the beginnings of warmth in his groin when he thought about the handsome attorney. I wonder what he would be like to date? Wonder if he’s even gay? It’s not like I can call up the local gossips to find out, since I don’t know any of them. Time to sharpen up the ole gaydar!

  Mark picked Ryan up, and they went to the car lot together as planned. It only took Ryan twenty minutes to pick out the car he wanted and another hour to sign the papers of ownership.

  As Ryan got into his new car, Mark spoke. “How about having dinner some night soon? You don’t know anyone here, and I have very few friends, so I thought maybe we could get together.”

  “That sounds good. I do have one problem though—Rosemary is moving to Wyoming to retire, so I won’t have a housekeeper for much longer. Any suggestions?”

  “Well, with the size of Stanton Hall, I assume that you’ll want a replacement.”

  “Yeah, for certain. Any chance of finding a butler-type person?”

  “You mean a guy to replace Rosemary? Is that it?”

  “Yeah, after all, I’m gonna want maintenance stuff done to the house and property once in a while, and I think with a guy I’ll get more for my money in that respect. But he has to be a good cook!” Ryan said with a serious look on his face.

  “I’ll see what I can do. Any other specifications?”

  “Yes, if he’s gay, that’s even better. Then I don’t have to worry about him running off to get married and leaving me alone once again.”

  “A gay butler who’s handy with tools as well as a good cook. No, that should be no problem at all. I’m sure Audubon is full of guys who fit that description,” Mark said with a laugh. “For this one, I might have to search in Philadelphia or even New York. I’ll do my best.”

  “Thanks, Mark, and just remember that you’ll be eating what this guy cooks, so make sure he’s good!”

  Ryan drove away, and Mark waved after him. The attorney stood there in the lot for a few minutes just smiling into space. A gay butler… well, this was going to be one of the more interesting services the firm had performed for a client, and Mark would make sure to handle it personally. As he walked to his car, he began to whistle, feeling like there might be a chance to get better acquainted with his newest client.

  As Ryan drove, he saw a sign that advertised a state liquor store in a small strip mall. He pulled in and jumped out of the car. It was time to set a new rule at Stanton Hall regarding booze. You can’t have a proper dinner party without cocktails!

  He went up and down the aisles putting bottles of liquor and mixers into his cart. By the time the bill was rung up, he owed over three hundred dollars. He produced his credit card and was on his way.

  As Ryan drove home, his mind wandered to Mark and how the lawyer looked in his sharp gray suit, white shirt, and blue tie. It seemed as though there was an extra sparkle to Mark’s smile when he looked at Ryan, and the twinkle in his eye said a lot more than words. What would it be like to undress him slowly, admiring each new exposure of fresh skin? Ryan was going to try to find out!

  Chapter Three

  SEVERAL days later, Mark phoned Ryan to tell him that he had three candidates for the position of butler and cook for Stanton Hall. Ryan was delighted, and they scheduled interviews for the next day. He was anxious to get the position filled so that he wouldn’t have to cook for himself. It wasn’t that he didn’t know how to cook; he just didn’t know how to cook well.

  After speaking with Mark, he decided to take another walk to check out the building that he had stumbled upon. He grabbed a light jacket and headed out the back of the house and into the garden. After a couple of minutes walking, he was climbing over the chain that blocked the entrance to the dirt road.

  Once again, the area was peaceful and the weather bright and sunny. Ryan’s spirits were soaring along with the lone American bald eagle that floated effortlessly on the air currents above. After a few more minutes, he was once again standing before the lonely building in the woods.

  He approached the only window, but peering through it, the only thing he could see appeared to be a small office. He circled around to the side where the road led to a large overhung door that would have rolled up and down when it was in use. He attempted to open it, but not only was it rusty, it was locked.

  Ryan continued his walk around the building and found a door in the rear that opened when he yanked on it. Surprised, he entered the building but found it difficult to see much as the sole window was almost opaque with dust. He felt his way around the outer edge of the structure, eventually locating the large door. After much effort, he found all the locks that kept it closed and rolled the door up. In poured all the sunlight that he needed to see and to learn what purpose the building once served. He was also grateful for the fresh air that dispelled the stifling musty atmosphere.

  In the middle of the floor, stretching back to the far wall was some sort of large machine with a roller platform in front of what appeared to be a door. As he examined it further, he found various trap doors on the equipment, and when he opened one of them, he was hit with a foul smell that sent a shiver down his spine.

  He still couldn’t figure out what he was looking at, so he glanced around the large room for something that might give him a clue. In one corner, he pulled off a tarp off a stack of large objects and was surprised to find several coffins in various states of disrepair. It was then that the purpose of the building became apparent; he was standing in what was once a crematorium. The platform with the rollers was where the bodies were wheeled into the furnace where they were reduced to ashes. The trap doors were obviously for removing the ashes and maintenance on the equipment.

  Once he fully realized what he was standing in front of, he quickly decided to close up the building and leave. As he walked back to the house, he tried to clear the fetid smell that clogged his nostrils. Now he understood why he was forbidden to go down the road when he was a child. The family business was in its final days of operation, and no one wanted a child stumbling upon the grim task performed in the building.

  Should I tear it down? Ryan was tempted but wondered if that was the best course of action. There certainly was no purpose in allowing the building to stand as it was; better to get rid of it! Why on earth hadn’t Uncle Benjamin gotten rid of the damn thing when he was alive? Now Ryan was saddled with the responsibility of deciding the building’s fate.

  THE next day the prospective butlers arrived for their interviews, but only one really fit the role that Ryan envisioned. Scott Montgomery was twenty-eight years old and a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America, which was paid for by working as a carpenter’s assistant. Scott was also gay and unattached, for the moment.

  “Mr. Belcrest, may I ask: is this a live-in position, or do I have to commute?” Scott asked.

  “Well, there’s certainly enough room for you to live here, but it’s kinda like living over the candy store, no? You’re never really away from your job.”

  “From what I can see of this beautiful ole place, I’d very much enjoy living here. May I ask why you were specifically looking for a gay butler?”

  “I’m gay, and I’d feel more comfortable with a gay employee.”

  “I see. My duties wouldn’t entail anything else, would they?”

  “If you mean would your duties extend to my bed, the answer is no. You’re a professional, and you’ll be treated as such. As I mentioned, the salary is thirty-five thousand a year to start, with medical and vacation. If you want to live as well as eat here, you have two options. The first is to take a reduction in salary to offset the costs of living and eating here. The second would be to make your time available for longer than a
normal workday. If the doorbell rang at nine o’clock at night, I’d expect you to answer it. I might ask you to make me a drink or something of that sort. Should I have a dinner party or the like, you would be expected to be on duty for it. Either way is agreeable to me,” Ryan said.

  “I’ll take the second option. When may I start?”

  “Since Mr. Salisbury has already checked your background, you’re free to bring your things in now. When would you like to move in?”

  “I’ll go back to the hotel, pack, and come right back here. When does your current help leave?”

  “Rosemary has one more day here, so tomorrow she can show you where things are and acquaint you with the layout of Stanton Hall. We’ll have her all day since she’s staying until seven in the evening. Please learn as much as you can from her while you have the chance.”

  “Very good, sir. If there’s nothing else for the moment, I’ll head to the hotel,” Scott said with a smile.

  “Please, just call me Ryan, unless it’s some sort of formal occasion. I’ll have Rosemary make a room up for you for tonight. You’ll be able to choose your own room once she’s gone.”

  Ryan watched the sharp curve of Scott’s ass as the new butler left the living room. Scott was a handsome man, of that there could be no doubt. Ryan was pleased that the position was filled, and by exactly the sort of man he wanted. Now he had to decide if he wanted Scott close to him on the second floor or in the more remote section. Privacy or company? Security?

  Without having made up his mind, he went into the kitchen. “Rosemary, I’ve hired someone for your job, and he’ll be moving in today. Could you put him in a comfortable bedroom for tonight?”

  “Of course. Can he cook?” She smiled as she brushed a stray hair from her face.

  “Well, he has the education; time will tell if he learned anything.”

  “I hope he works out fine for you, Ryan. You need someone here with you in this big old place, and I think it’s a marvelous idea to have him live in.”

  “I have another question for you. Can you tell me anything about the crematorium that’s hidden in the woods behind the house?”

  “Oh, so you’ve discovered that old place, eh? Well, not much to tell really—your uncle seemed to dislike that place very much. He refused to even go back there and inspect it to see if it was falling down. Never gave a reason, just didn’t like it.”

  “I see. Well, I’ll probably have it torn down. Dreadful thing to have in an otherwise beautiful setting. I don’t recall a funeral home ever being on the property; would you know anything about that?”

  “To my knowledge, the local funeral homes sent the deceased here to be disposed of and that’s all. Your family owned one home that I know of, and more than likely others.”

  “Okay, I was just curious; thank you.”

  A COUPLE of hours later, the new butler returned to Stanton Hall, and Rosemary got him situated into a bedroom. He was free to relax the rest of the day, but instead, he immediately began picking Rosemary’s brain. Ryan liked this initiative and hoped it would continue.

  When Ryan went down for dinner, he expected to find a place set for his new butler. However, he found the usual place setting at the end of the table with two candles and a bowl of hot soup already plated. He heard Scott and Rosemary laughing in the kitchen, and from the other sounds, he deduced that they were eating together.

  Scott served the dinner and explained that the soup course was his creation. Ryan decided to discuss the issue of Scott eating with him after Rosemary was gone. He didn’t want to eat alone every night, and Scott appeared to be acceptable company for dinner.

  Ryan finished eating, went into the living room, and crossed over to a temporary table where he had set out some of his liquor purchases. He poured himself a Baileys on the rocks and sat down to think about what he was going to do as “lord of the manor.” After all, he couldn’t just vegetate day after day, secreted away in the old mansion. There had to be some purpose to his new existence in Pennsylvania besides writing for the studio.

  THE next day flew by as Rosemary attended to the twin duties of preparing to leave Stanton Hall for the last time and trying to educate Scott further in his duties. It took them a full two hours to tour the house and for Rosemary to show him where everything was located.

  “Rosemary, I’d like you and Scott to dine with me this evening. I think it more than appropriate that we share your last meal here.”

  “Certainly, I’d be happy to,” she replied.

  “In fact, I’ll even prepare the dinner,” Scott said with a smile.

  “Good, then that’s settled. Shall we dine at six today since Rosemary is leaving at seven?”

  “As you wish,” Scott said with a slight bow.

  Ryan went to his office and sat down at his desk. He picked up the phone and invited Mark to dinner Saturday evening, to which Mark gladly agreed. Ryan wanted to get to know Mark a lot better since the gay ice had already been broken with the hiring of Scott.

  He also wanted to get a dog to keep him company and decided to pay a visit to the SPCA pound the next day. It had been a few years since the estate had seen the presence of a family pet, and it was time that changed.

  THAT evening Rosemary and Ryan sat down for dinner while Scott was busy preparing to serve. The smells emanating from the kitchen were incredible and made Ryan’s mouth water.

  “I wish you all the best and a safe journey to your sister’s place. If there’s anything I can do for you, just let me know,” Ryan said.

  “Thank you. I think you’ll be in fine hands with Scott. He seems to know his way around the kitchen, and if what I smell is any indicator of what you’ll be eating on a regular basis, you’ll need to put a gym in this old house.”

  “I hope you’re right!”

  The door from the kitchen swung open, and Scott walked in and served dinner. “Please enjoy. I’ve prepared a Filet de Porc Normande, which is sautéed with apples in a brandy cream sauce. The medallions are accompanied by roasted red potatoes with rosemary and julienned vegetables. French bread and butter are on the table, and if there’s anything else you’d like, just ask!” Scott said with a smile.

  “This looks and smells wonderful, Scott, thank you,” replied Ryan.

  “My pleasure. The potatoes are in honor of our Rosemary.”

  “How thoughtful of you,” Rosemary said, blushing a little.

  Scott took a seat, and everyone began to eat. The flavor of the food was in direct proportion to the promise it bore when placed on the table. It was obvious that Scott knew what he was doing in the kitchen, and frankly, the food was superior to anything that Ryan had eaten since arriving at Stanton Hall.

  “Oh, this is wonderful!” exclaimed Rosemary.

  “Thank you. We have crème brûle´e for dessert.”

  “I’m impressed,” Ryan remarked while trying to not be too complimentary in front of Rosemary.

  The dinner passed quickly with Rosemary telling them of the plans she’d made with her sister in Wyoming. Scott told a couple of stories from his days in the Air Force, and Ryan enjoyed himself to no end.

  When the dinner ended, a feeling of sadness overtook Rosemary as she looked around “her” kitchen for what was the last time. “Well, I’d better get going if I want a few miles under my belt before I have to stop at a motel. I’ve left you my address and telephone number. Feel free to call or write at any time if a question comes up that I can answer. Please, both of you take care of yourselves,” she said with a tear in her eye.

  Before she could get out the door, Ryan slipped an envelope into her handbag that contained a check for ten thousand dollars. She had earned it as a retirement bonus, and Ryan knew that she would have good use for it in the future. As she pulled away from Stanton Hall, Scott and Ryan waved and then walked back into the house and closed the door.

  “Well, Scott, it’s just you and me now,” Ryan said.

  “Don’t worry; I’ll take good care of you,”
he replied with a sexy smile.

  Scott cleaned up from dinner as Ryan went into the office to check on e-mail. Stanton Hall was now equipped with Internet cable and television that was installed earlier in the day. The old manor house was now creeping into the twenty-first century.

  When Ryan opened his account, he was shocked that he had over two thousand e-mails, of which one thousand nine hundred and fifty seven were junk. He replied to close friends and even invited a couple of them to visit him in Pennsylvania. When Ryan was finished, he grabbed his laptop and put it out in the hallway to take upstairs the next time he went. Ryan was glad that he now had wireless capabilities as well.

  As he went into the living room to watch a movie on television, he heard Scott whistling in the kitchen. Scott certainly seemed happy, and if the quality of the cooking held out, Ryan would be most delighted with this hire. It would have been very lonely in this giant house without another human being, and Scott was also very easy on the eyes. Ryan left the TV and went into the kitchen to talk with his new butler.

  “That was a great dinner, and it was nice of you to cook for Rosemary on her last day. If you like, you’re more than welcome to join me at the dinner table. I’m not into all that formal stuff about the help eating in the kitchen.”

  “Sounds great. I’ll just set two places from now on. Have you given any thought to menus?”

  “Not really. I’ll leave that up to you, but please, no fish.”

  “You’re the boss. Do you mind if I put a television in my room?”

  “Of course not. Please think of this as your home also, and, within reason, make yourself as comfortable as possible. Until you get your TV and even after, you’re welcome to watch television with me or use the living room as you want. You don’t have to stay in your room when you’re not on duty.”

  “I appreciate that. I’ll make up menus for the next week in the morning, and you can cross off anything that you don’t like.”


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