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Rose of Thorne

Page 17

by Mia Michelle

  “Well, I’ve only presented a few projects in school, but nothing like this of course. I wouldn’t even know where to begin, to be honest,” she answers with concern in her voice.

  “I can help you with that part, Skylar. I mean, only if you want me to, of course,” I reply hoping that she takes me up on my offer.

  “Yes… um… if you don’t mind. I don’t want to embarrass myself or the company.”

  You would never be an embarrassment, my sweet beautiful girl.

  “Certainly, how about we get started on that then,” I suggested and she nods.

  Around midnight she finally feels confident enough in her speech for the presentation. Truth is that I would gladly stay here all night with her because I never grow tired of hearing that angelic voice of hers. She looks up at the clock on the wall and gasps.

  “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I didn’t mean for you to have to stay so late to help me,” she apologizes and frantically begins throwing things in her bag.

  “It’s fine, Skylar. Really, it is fine,” I say placing my hands on her arms. Her body calms at my touch and she slowly meets my stare. We don’t say anything for a moment. I can feel her breath catch and she slowly releases her bag from her arm and lets it spill to the floor. I step closer to her and run the pad of my thumb across her mouth.

  I want her. I can’t hold back anymore. It is just too damn hard.

  I breathe her in and I feel her warmth radiating into me. She smiles at me and I take her hands into mine, but I never unlock my eyes with hers. Pulling her even closer to me, I gently cup her beautiful face. She blinks those killer eyes at me and I gently lean to kiss the side of her delicious mouth. Gently, I drag my mouth across her lower lip. She is trembling and I can feel her breathing change and my own heart pounds.

  She lifts her arms and places them around my neck. I pull my sunshine into me and crash my lips onto hers. I push her back against the wood of the conference table and kiss her with everything in me. I don’t hold back as our tongues feverishly move together. She grabs my hair and I feel a growl erupt inside of me.

  I move my lips down to her neck and gently nip at her skin. She moans and arches her back against the table. I move my kisses down to the opening of her dress and lick a trail back up to her ear.

  “I want you so much, baby,” I whisper into her ear.

  “Then take me,” she begs.

  I lift her up and she wraps those fucking gorgeous legs firmly around my waist. I am hard as fucking hell and I can feel her warm opening through my pants. I sit her up on the conference table and she leans back. I lift the skirt of her yellow dress and slowly slide my hand in between her thigh as she opens her legs. I nearly come on the spot when I feel how wet she is for me. Through the cream lace underwear, I gently stroke the outside of her folds. She moans and I fight to keep myself under control.

  “Sebastian,” she breathlessly whispers my name.

  Oh, dear God, how I love this woman! FUCK! I want inside her so bad!

  I am thankful no one is here except the two of us right now, but to be perfectly honest, I wouldn’t give a damn if anyone saw us. I push myself harder against her and grind my hardness against her opening.

  “Oh, Sebastian I’ve missed you,” she whispers. I will never grow tired of hearing her say my name. It is truly like silk coming from her lips.

  Our lips find each other again and I’m completely lost in her. I don’t want Skylar to be my right now; I want her to be my always. No matter how much I want her, I can’t take her like this, not for her first time. I slow down and feather kisses across her perfect sweet face. I place my hands on her cheeks and she looks at me with dreamy, confused eyes.

  “Baby, I want you so much, but not here… not like this. I don’t want you losing your virginity like this. You’d hate me tomorrow.”

  Her face drops and I immediately regret my words. I’d embarrassed her and right now, I hate myself. She slides down my body and pushes away from me. The hurt in her eyes is almost more than I can stand. She grabs her bag, stumbles across the room, and looks back at me with horror-filled eyes.

  “Skylar! Don’t leave! Wait! I didn’t mean for it to come out that way. Please, let me explain! Don’t go!” I shout, but the elevator is already closing.

  By the time I make it to the lobby, she is already getting into a cab. I reach for the car handle just as she shuts her door. I can see the hurt in her gorgeous turquoise eyes as she stares back at me through the cab window.

  How could I have done this to her again?

  Hurt. That’s all I ever seem to cause her. Witnessing the tears in her eyes, I know I have to stop this. No matter my selfish desires I will not do this to her again. I feel the heaviness of my hand as it slips off the back of the moving cab. I am really letting her go this time… and it hurts like fucking hell.


  With tears in my eyes, I watch as his handsome face fades in the distance. There is no way I can live like this anymore. It just hurts too much. How does he even know that I am still a virgin? Is it that freaking obvious? I am sure my virginity is some joke to him, but to me it is something I had hoped to give to someone I love one day. I thought that someone would be him, but now I know it has never been about love for him. I pay the cab driver to take me to Kylie’s apartment downtown because I don’t want to risk seeing him again tonight.

  Since Sophie is staying over at a friend’s house, I decide to take Kylie up on her offer to spend the night. Kylie tries to get me to talk about it, but I don’t want to talk anymore. I can’t take the chance of talking myself out of doing what I know I have to do first thing in the morning. Since Kylie has a class early in the morning, she heads to bed but I am still so upset that I can’t sleep. I walk over to her computer and begin typing the hardest letter of my life.

  I stare down at the envelope in my hand. I have thought long and hard about this decision, and what it will cost me, but I no longer have a choice. I am resigning from the internship program effectively immediately. I leave Kylie a note thanking her for letting me spend the night and hail a cab to head back to Thorne Enterprises. The sun is just now rising and I am glad no one is at the office when I arrive.

  I make my way into his office and place the letter on the center of his desk. Suddenly, I notice the Christmas present sitting on the floor behind his desk.

  The asshole never even bothered to open it!

  Just when I think he can’t cause me any more pain, I see this. I guess my gift isn’t good enough for the all mighty Mr. Sebastian Thorne. Picking the gift up off the floor, I sit it on his desk and put the letter in front of it. Maybe this seems childish, but I want him to know just how much this hurts me. Closing his office door, I head to my desk and begin placing my personal things in my bag. I leave all of my Yung presentation on my desk and quickly exit the building. I know that I won’t be graduating in a couple of months, but at least I am saying goodbye to Thorne Enterprises and its all mighty CEO. This is the first step in my future, even as uncertain as it is right now.


  Just a little after 7 am, I reach my office floor and I am relieved that no other employees have come in early. As I make my way to my office, I can’t bring myself to look at her desk. I have to act professional and put my personal feelings aside if I ever expect to be able to work around her. I just lost control for a while when it came to her and now I get my head back in the game.

  When I reach my office, I turn on my light and toss my case on the nearby couch. It is then that I see it. Amongst the folders on my desk, a white envelope sits with my name written in a very familiar handwriting. She has even propped it up against the Christmas gift that I never opened.

  FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! I can only imagine what she must have been thinking when she noticed that.

  With trembling hands, I open the envelope and read the short letter enclosed.

  Mr. Thorne,

  Please accept my resignation effective immediately from Thorne Enterpris
es. While I appreciate the opportunity you have given me, l feel it is in my best interest to no longer pursue the internship program here at your company.

  Skylar Rose

  Resignation? She can’t fucking quit… she won’t graduate…. she can’t do this! I won’t let her do this! Over and over again, I try calling her number, but it keeps going to voicemail. I curse and throw my phone against the wall behind me and watch as it shatters into a million pieces.

  I hate it… I hate myself… I hate every fucking thing and person right now. This is what happens when you choose to love someone. They leave you alone and hurting.

  Well, fuck them! Fuck everyone!

  I pick up the gift and toss it on the floor. When I hear glass shatter my heart seems to shatter along with it. I crumple down on my office floor and open the box. My eyes can’t believe what they see.

  There in the torn box is a small, charcoaled drawing of a boy holding his mother’s hand as they walk around a large duck pond. It is as if she has taken that memory out of my head and sketched it to perfection. How has she done that from the one memory I shared with her so many months ago. I look down at the signature on the bottom right side of the picture and I realize immediately that she had drawn this herself. On the bottom of the now broken frame are the words Forever Love etched in the silver plating. I hold the gift to my chest and feel the unfamiliar wetness on my cheeks. I don’t think I have ever hurt so badly in my entire life.

  The week after her resignation proves to be more than difficult than I ever could have imagined. I choose not to tell Mr. Yung about Skylar’s resignation when he teleconferenced me earlier this afternoon. I will deal with him when I have to, but right now, I am still trying to figure a way around this mess that she has left me in. I have also not spoken to anyone at the university about her resignation letter. I will do whatever it takes to make sure that she gets credit for the internship and graduates as scheduled.

  It is late Friday afternoon when my cousin Nikolas phones me at the office.

  “Yo, cuz. It’s been a while!” he shouts into the phone.

  “Yes, it has been a while. How is L.A. treating you, Nik…, or better yet, how are you treating L.A.?” I reply sarcastically. Nikolas is quite the party guy, but he is also brilliant in his restaurant business.

  “Oh man, the ladies need a break from me here. I’ve seem to have worn them all out,” he jokes. I roll my eyes at his arrogance.

  “Listen man, I’m flying out in the morning for business there in Austin. Thought you might want to hit a club or something. I am craving some Texas women in my bed. They really know how to ride their cowboys out there,” he laughs.

  “Well, Nik, it’s good to know you haven’t let L.A. change you. Yeah, I’m free tomorrow night. Say 9? Just meet me over at my place and we’ll head from there.”

  “Sounds good, bro. See you tomorrow night!” Nikolas adds before hanging up.

  Maybe this is my saving grace after all. Nikolas is right. There is something spectacular about Texas women, and I am set to fuck one out of my brain tomorrow night.


  Clubbing is not my scene for many different reasons. I mean, dancing was my life at one time, but as much as I love to dance, the idea of being grinded on by a complete stranger does not appeal to me in any way. I rarely go out with friends, or on dates since I am always working or in school. Kylie has been begging me for a week to go out with her since it is her birthday weekend and I finally give in. I really do need to get out because I have been pining over Sebastian for long enough.

  Kylie is going to swing by here and pick me up in about an hour so I take a long shower and add some more curls to my hair. Still in my bra and panties, I step into my closet to begin the awful task of finding something to wear. It doesn’t seem that someone my age would have any problems finding something to wear to a club, but for me it is quite difficult. I decide on my favorite black pants, a cute red top and pair it with my favorite black sandals. It is the best I can do and I feel like I look decent. About twenty minutes later my doorbell rings and I hear Kylie open the door and let herself in. She runs up the stairs to my bedroom and instantly freezes when she sees me.

  “UN HUH! OH HELL FUCKING NO! There is no fucking way you are going with me fucking anywhere looking like that! You look like you are going to a fucking PTA meeting for shit sake Sky!” she shouts.

  Gosh, this girl sure does say the word fuck a lot. Good grief!

  “Which is exactly why you are so damn lucky that your friend brought you a little something to wear tonight,” she says as she pulls out a bag from behind her back.

  “Just call it a little pick me up present… maybe you’ll even get picked up tonight,” she teases.

  Or at least I think she is teasing. You never know with her.

  She holds up a tiny scrap of metallic material and wiggles her eyebrows up and down.

  “OH NO! There is no way you are getting me in that. No... absolutely NOT!”

  “What? It’s just a dress, Skylar! Come on, at least try it on before you trash the damn thing,” she argues with me.

  I grab the dress from her and roll my eyes.

  If it weren’t her birthday, I would kill her right now with my bare hands.

  I pull off my clothes and slip the dress over my head. The dress comes way above my knees and I keep tugging at the fabric as if that is going to make the dress a bit longer. Looking at myself in the mirror, I cringe at my reflection. I am a bit bustier than Kylie is, but the dress seems to grab all my curves perfectly. It is a short, copper, and black one shoulder dress with a huge cutout in the back.

  “You look fucking hot! Yep, you are so wearing that tonight!” Before I can argue, she has me stepping into the silver Jimmy Choos that Lucas had bought me. After she is satisfied with my appearance, we leave and make our way to the club.

  “Tonight we are so getting free drinks and you ... YOU... are going to have fun! Do you understand me? You never let loose and it’s time you did tonight. You need to get that asshole off your mind! This club is full of hot men to make you forget. So let them!” I roll my eyes and she catches me and shakes her finger at me.

  “Now, now, this is MY birthday weekend, and there will be NO eye rolling! My rules. MY NIGHT. Got it? Trust me, babe, men will be eating out of your palm.” I roll my eyes at her again once her back is to me and she yells over her shoulder, “I fucking saw that!”

  Yep... it may be her birthday tonight… but tomorrow I am gonna kill her.


  Bass music is pumping loudly in the club and sweaty bodies are slamming and grinding against each other on the dance floor below. This place is so fucking loud and crowded that I don’t know how anyone can breathe, let alone think in here. I tend to stay upstairs in the VIP area when I come here for privacy reasons. I have never had any problems finding a girl, but a drunken skank in a tight number just doesn’t do anything for me. As I lean against the bar, I scan the room for a more suitable fuck.

  My cousin Nik is a clubber, and he convinced me to come with him here tonight. Right now, I can see him downstairs grinding up against some blonde’s ass. Knowing him, he will probably try to hit that in the bathroom and still pick another one to bring home tonight. I finish off my cranberry drink and wait for the bartender to pour me another. A hot leggy red head is making eyes at me from across the bar. She is currently draped across the lap of an older man who is busy talking to a friend sitting next to him. She licks her lips and smiles seductively at me from behind the man’s shoulder.

  Hmm... not bad!

  “Fuck dude, she is totally eye fucking you!” Nikolas catches my attention as I turned to face him. “Yeah, well, maybe she’s not my type.”

  “Not your type? Who are you and what the hell have you done with my cousin? I wasn’t aware your dick had a type now?” he throws his head back and laughs hard.

  Yeah, its got a type… Its type is Skylar Rose.

  “Fuck off, Nik,” I say wh
ile shoving him back. “By the way, where is the blonde skank you were hunching on?”

  “Some friends of hers came in. She will be back up here in a bit.”

  Great, I just can’t wait. Concentrate Thorne; just find you a girl and leave.

  Nik and I make our way to the glass tables that sit overlooking the entire club. He turns up his whiskey and scans the crowd already looking for his next conquest. The music changes and is almost deafening, but I still manage to hear him let out a long gasp followed by an extremely loud whistle.

  “HOLY SHIT, man! I think I am in love! I mean, FUCKING WHOA! Check her out, dude! I am so blowing off blondie for a chance with that! Oh, and it looks like she’s got a smoking hot friend with her, cuz! One for me and one for you.”

  Curiosity has gotten the better of me, so I turn to look down on to the crowded dance floor.

  “Copper dress, killer legs, and tits made from Heaven above. Sweet Jesus!” Nik seductively describes the girl.

  My eyes land on her before he even finishes describing her. My heart completely stops, and I struggle to breathe. I have never seen anything, I mean ANYTHING, more fucking beautiful in all of my life, EVER. Her copper and black dress sparkles in the club lights and her long dark curls cascade down her back.

  I am going to kill those guys if they don’t stop looking at her that way! Fuck! I’m going to kill Nik if he doesn’t stop eye fucking her!

  “Sebastian! Pull your mouth up off the floor and watch this man in action,” Nik says arrogantly.

  There is no way in hell that I am going to let him close to Skylar. He may be my first cousin, but I am more than willing to beat the living shit out of him right here in this club.

  “Hold on, man, what about your girl heading this way?” I say. I am relieved that the blonde is heading towards us.

  “DAMN IT!” he moans as she moves closer to us.

  “Hey baby, ready to hit the dance floor some more?” She purrs in his ear.

  “Yeah… um... sure,” he replies before making a desperate face back at me. As they make their way downstairs, he turns and practically begs me to rescue him.


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