Book Read Free

Fourth Down

Page 18

by Desiree Holt

And then, unbelievably, it ebbed, slowed and finally ceased, leaving her trembling and panting for breath. Chase eased from her body and climbed off the bed. Holly fell forward, limp and spent, hugging the pillow to her body. An incredible feeling of euphoria filled her, a sense of satisfaction she didn’t recall ever feeling before. But in the next moment she wondered if Chase would regret this, see it as a mistake. Would he just get dressed and go home? She would handle that. She knew she could. Still…

  She was still wondering about it when Chase climbed back onto the bed, turned her on her side, and pulled her against his body. He spooned around her, cocooning her, and pressed soft kisses on her ear and her cheek. For a long moment neither of them said a word. For one thing, her brain barely worked and for another she was so stunned by the intensity of the sex that she wasn’t even sure what to say.

  “All good?” Chase’s voice rumbled through her.

  Whatever happened, it would be. Tonight was some kind of turning point for her, but she had to figure out exactly what kind. She let out a sigh.

  “All good.” Another soft sigh. “Really good.”

  “Holly.” He kissed the rim of her ear. “It was really good for me, too.”

  She waited to see what else he would say.

  “I know we said just friends,” he went on. “A way to get our friends off our backs. But I think we both know it’s turned into something much more than that.”

  Holly wet her lips, trying to choose her words carefully. When she didn’t say anything right away, Chase blew gently into her ear.

  “Holly? Am I out here on a limb by myself?”

  She blew out a breath. “No. No, you’re not. I’m right there with you.”

  “Good. That’s good.” She felt his body relax, tension easing from it. “I’d like to see where it goes.”

  “Me, too.” It surprised her that she meant what she said.

  They were both silent for a long time. She wondered if Chase was letting all the ramifications of this roll through his mind like she was. Then she decided to just park them someplace where she could ignore them for a while. She liked this man. A lot. The sex was certainly off the charts. And this time she was prepared if things took a wrong turn.

  “I’m glad.” He broke the silence. “But you remember what we said about baggage?”

  Her stomach suddenly cramped. “Uh, yes. Why?”

  “I think we should leave it packed in the closet for a while. I want to enjoy this, Holly. When the time comes, we’ll unpack it together.”

  She smiled when she heard him say, “when the time comes” and not “if the time comes.”

  “Okay.” She snuggled closer to him as he pulled the covers over their bodies. Then she giggled, a soft sound.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “We never got to watch any more movies. Or finish the pizza and beer,” she said. “I’d better go take care of it right now.”

  “Relax. No dogs or kids to get into it. I’ll clean it up in the morning.” He rested his chin on the top of her head. “Just let me hold you, Holly. Exactly like this.”

  She smiled as he tightened his arms around her just a fraction, his now soft cock nudging the cheeks of her bottom. Thinking about the best sex of her life, she fell asleep and into pleasant dreams.

  Chapter 13

  “I guess whatever is going on with you and Holly Funchess is working well.”

  Chase was startled to hear John’s voice so close to him. He turned to find the man barely a foot away.

  “Damn, John. Don’t sneak up on me like that. You could give me a heart attack.”

  John laughed. “Give me a break. Someone as healthy as you doesn’t get a heart attack. Besides, I didn’t exactly sneak. I could have been a herd of elephants for as much attention as you were paying.”

  Chase frowned. “I always pay attention. It’s my middle name.”

  “If you say so. But I don’t remember the last time you were out here on the bow, staring into the sun and whistling.”

  Whistling? Had he actually been whistling?

  “It’s okay,” John went on. “I’m just glad to see something good in your life. I like seeing a smile on your face.”

  “I have a lot good in my life,” Chase protested. “Especially the Guard.”

  “I’m talking about human companionship. And I don’t mean those nameless females you fool yourself into thinking you’re having fun with. This has to be about the firefighter.”

  Okay, Chase told himself. This is what he wanted. Right? A relationship that his friends would think was real so they’d all get off his back. Only the joke was on him, because it was turning into something way more than he expected. More than either of them expected. He wasn’t sure if what happened was the best thing he’d ever experienced or the biggest mistake he’d ever made.

  “It is, right?” John prodded. “Wait. Chase, buddy, you know I want something good for you, but don’t get hung up on this woman too fast. Just make sure…”

  “Make sure of what?” Chase demanded. “Should I get some kind of affidavit from her that promises not to bust my balls if things don’t work out?”

  Shit. First his friends wanted him to find someone, and then they caution him to be careful like he’s in high school.

  “You know. Of what kind of person she really is. I like her a lot, Chase. Amy had some nice things to say about her too. But you’re already past your three date limit so just be careful, okay?”

  Chase put a leash on his temper that threatened to tear loose. “What are we, sorority girls gossiping about our boyfriends?”

  “Well, I hope for our sakes it’s girlfriends and not just two guys chewing the fat.”

  “Looks like you’re doing all the chewing.” Then Chase dialed it back. “Sorry. Guess I’m just a little defensive.”

  “No reason to be.” John gave him a light shoulder punch. “I’m happy for you. Everyone is happy for you. And Holly does seem like a really nice lady.”

  Chase nodded. “She is that, for sure. But we’re taking it very slow.”

  “Good. Glad to hear it. No need to rush into anything.” He paused, frowned as if trying to decide if he should say what was on his mind.

  “Spit it out,” Chase told him. “It can’t be that bad. You never put a filter on anything else you tell me.”

  “Gee, thanks.” John chuckled. “It’s no biggie. I just wanted to make sure you don’t think she and Cheryl came out of the same cookie factory. I can tell already she’s different.”

  “You know what? You’re right. And here’s something else. It seems she’s got some history she’s carrying around too. We’re taking it one step at a time and just enjoying ourselves.”

  “If the look on your face is any indication, I’d say you were enjoying yourselves a lot.”

  Chase hoped everything in his brain didn’t show on his face. The other night had been incredible. Even more than that. He couldn’t recall ever connecting with another woman on a level so intense, so all-consuming. He was eager to explore that connection more.

  They hadn’t seen each other since. The next morning everything had been rushed. Both had to report to work at an early hour, so there hadn’t been time for a shared cup of coffee or any kind of talk between them. Holly showered and dressed with an efficiency of movement, but Chase, without fresh clothes, gave her a hug and a deep kiss that he hoped conveyed his lack of desire to leave so quickly. Then they were both off to work.

  Since then she had been on her forty-eight hour shift, and they’d only managed a few quick calls on their cells. But he felt good that there didn’t seem to be any strain between them. Any sense of discomfort or unease. Of course, he reminded himself, they hadn’t seen each other for forty-eight hours. Still, he had a good feeling about this. He hoped he wasn’t fooling himself. The damn trust thing still swirled around in his mind. Would he ever be in a place to be free of it?

  “All is good,” he
told John, and looked at his watch. “I’d say it’s time to turn this thing around and head back to port.”

  “How about you and Holly joining me and Amy for dinner this weekend?” John asked. “Can you find out what her shift schedule is and see if we can work it out?”

  Chase hesitated. Was he ready for that kind of socializing? Their pretend couple was turning into a real couple, and he didn’t want to do anything to upset the applecart.

  “Hey. Quit overthinking everything. Ask her what her schedule is, see if it works out and if she’s interested, and give me a call. That work?”

  Chase nodded. “I’ll check with her, okay?”

  He knew Holly had worked until this morning, then gone home to crash for a while. But she’d asked him to call her when he was done for the day. Now he couldn’t wait to get ashore and into a private place to make that call. So of course it took forever to finish everything and get the daily report done. But at last he was done and actually alone. Everyone including John had finished their assignments and headed off for the evening.

  He took a moment to play over the past week in his mind. This thing with Holly had quite literally come out of nowhere. From thinking of her as Miss Sass to discovering she was bright, funny, independent.

  Okay, so it was happening fast. One minute she was carrying that chip on her shoulder and he was—whatever—and the next they were crawling all over each other and diving into the deep end of the pool. What he hadn’t expected was the intense sexual attraction, or the deep connection he felt after their night together.

  When things got the least bit emotional and intimate in a situation that was when he bailed. It usually took more than one week. The speed of this thing with Holly scared him a little, but not enough to push him away. She’d said she had baggage too. Had he sensed that? Was that what strengthened the connection between them, even though he had no details about it yet?

  Shit, Chase. Quit acting like a schoolboy and get your shit together.

  When had he become so conflicted, anyway? For the first time in a long time he was reminded of the feeling the first time he ran out on a football field as a starter. The nervous anticipation, the tightening in his guts, the fear that he might not be good enough. The fear that he would disappoint his teammates, the fans, his father. Maybe it was the tiniest bit of residual fear generated from his mother’s desertion. Fear that he wasn’t good enough, for her or anyone. And then there was Cheryl, the final reason he had such trust issues. Some things were hard to get past, even after many years.

  So he needed to remember he was a lot older, a lot wiser, and that he could do whatever he set his mind to. And what he wanted was to see Holly tonight. Now. Tonight. In or out of bed, although in bed was high on his list. Maybe he should take a step back but hell, he just wanted to see her. He pulled out his cell and punched in Holly’s number, thinking he needed to take a picture of her so he could see her smile when he called her.

  “Hey.” Her voice was soft and warm.

  Instantly Chase got hard as a rock. Damn. That woman just did it to him. Maybe this was all about sex. No, he didn’t want to believe that. After all this time to have found someone he felt so good with, it had to be more than that. Caution still tugged at him, however, no matter how much he felt connected to her. He would move forward and see where it all went. He knew the signs to watch for, the ones that told him he’d misjudged her and the situation.

  “You there, Chase?” She startled him out of his short trip into his subconscious, something he seemed to be doing a lot of these days.

  “Yeah. I am.” He cleared his throat. “Here, that is.”

  There was a slight pause.

  “Chase? Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Good. Better than good.” Shit. Why was he babbling like this? “Uh, can we get together tonight? Maybe grab some dinner? See a movie. Or something?”

  Good God. He sounded like a teenager asking out the head cheerleader.

  She was silent for so long the muscles in his stomach tightened. Was she going to shut this down? One minute he was thinking they should, the next he wanted to rush over there, grab her, and kiss her senseless. Shit. He was in bad shape.

  “Okay. That sounds good.”

  Thank you, God.

  “Great.” Oh, and wasn’t he just the greatest conversationalist.

  “You want to work out at the gym first?”

  He lowered his voice, even though there was no one around him. “I was hoping for a different kind of workout.”

  He held his breath, waiting for her answer. Too much too soon?

  “Sure.” Her low voice had a hint of amusement in it. “I’d like that too.”

  “Give me an hour to get home, shower, and change, and I’ll pick you up. Wherever you want to go is fine with me.”

  Right to your bedroom, was what he wanted to say, but he liked to think he had more class than that. Caution. That was what he needed to remember.

  “I’ll be ready.”

  “Nothing fancy, okay?” He was just so ready for casual tonight.

  “Sounds perfect. See you in a bit.”

  His brain continued to work overtime as he showered and shaved, a conversation playing out in his head. Why couldn’t he just relax and enjoy this, let it run its course and then move on, as he’d been doing for the past ten years? This is something special, his brain said. At least he had the feeling it was. He just hoped he wasn’t being a fool and making a big mistake. His dick sure was happy about it. He had to make sure that extended to his entire body, including his brain.

  He looked at himself in the mirror as he splashed on a touch of aftershave.

  “She’s real,” he said, as if giving it voice made it so. “She’s different than any other woman I’ve known. I’m going for the gold.”

  If he said it enough times, maybe he’d believe it.

  * * * *

  Holly must have been standing by the door because when he knocked she opened it right away.

  “Hi.” She smiled at him, her dimples flashing.

  Jesus. Those dimples just did it for him.

  “Hi, yourself.” Should he go inside? Wait to be asked? And why the fuck was he so unnerved, anyway? This wasn’t him. “Ready to go?”

  “Sure. Come on in a sec while I grab my purse.”

  He leaned against the frame of the open door. “I’ll just wait here.”

  She frowned. “Well, okay. I’ll just be a second.”

  When she hurried into her bedroom for what she needed, Chase was more than glad he’d stayed where he was. Holly and a bed would be too tempting for him. He at least wanted to take her out to eat, talk to her, laugh with her before he ripped off her clothes and ravished her again.

  Ravished, Chase? Really? Where is this coming from?

  A question he really wished he could answer. All he knew was her natural beauty and freshness, her sass, her attitude turned him on more than any other woman he’d ever met. Even more than Cheryl and the long-ago high school sweetheart, a fact that startled him. He hadn’t been this off kilter about a woman in a very long time. He didn’t want to make a mistake here, send out the wrong signals, or take too much for granted. He wanted to be sure this was turning into something special, even in the short time they’d been doing this.

  “I’m ready.” She slid the thin strap of her purse over her shoulder and grinned up at him. “Hope you’ve got a big budget for tonight because I’m really hungry.”

  He chuckled. “I think I can handle it.”

  But could he handle her? The thought still plagued him an hour later as they sat across from each other in a booth in the restaurant. He remembered her mentioning she liked barbecue so he took her to The Open Pit, a place that combined a casual atmosphere with excellent food. He was happy to see the way she dug into her food. He was tired of women who ate a lettuce leaf and a peach pit and then said they were full. Of course, Holly had a job that worked of
f more calories than most people ate.

  The entire time they chatted over their food, casual conversation about likes and dislikes, it startled him to realize how at ease he was with her. Discounting, of course, the outrageous boner he was trying to control. He thought how natural she was, with a wicked sense of humor. She had no airs about herself like the other women he’d dated. She certainly didn’t spend an inordinate amount of time obsessing about her looks. He loved the fact that she didn’t need more than a bare minimum of makeup—or maybe none at all—to make her deliciously appealing. Except for that thousand-pound chip on her shoulder, which he hadn’t seen a sign of since movie night, Holly Funchess was unlike most women he’d met or been with. And holy mother! The sex with her was off the charts. If he wasn’t careful, he’d be in real trouble here.

  He wished he knew what kind of baggage she was carrying. The fact that her parents weren’t too keen on her being a firefighter couldn’t possibly make her this gun-shy of men. Something had led to whatever disaster she’d had in her love life. Whoever the guy was, he had to be an idiot. Chase was going to do his best not to screw this thing up.

  “So how was your last shift?” he asked. He’d noticed faint shadows beneath her eyes.

  “Long and depressing.” She raked her hair back with her fingers. “We had three callouts, and the last one was the worst.”

  “In what way?” He reached across the table and took one of her hands in his.

  “It was an apartment house fire, one of those older homes that were converted into separate units. It was already heavily involved by the time we got there.”

  “So you couldn’t save the building,” he guessed.

  “No. And now there are four families who’ve lost all their possessions and have no place to go.” She blew out a breath. “I’m trying to be grateful that no one was badly hurt. We had some smoke inhalation and a few first-degree burns, but…those poor people. What will they do?”

  “I know there are shelters they can go to temporarily,” he told her. “I wish I had a better answer for you.”

  “I hurt for them.” Her eyes held such sadness.


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