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Jesse's Starship

Page 10

by Saxon Andrew

  • • •

  The hunter/killer team waited for the target to arrive. Two assets were on the ground and another up on top of a building two hundred yards away. The sniper was the primary tool with the other two acting in a follow up role. The sniper read the anemometer set up on the ledge beside him and adjusted his sights three clicks. He focused in on the front of the building and mentally went through the process of making the kill. Breathe out, keep the head in the sights, and softly squeeze the trigger with all fingers. He saw the Cavalier enter the parking garage across the street from his aiming point and waited for the target to enter the kill zone. He focused carefully and saw the man with the brown flight jacket and knit stocking cap crossing the street. He smiled and exhaled. He sensed a movement and glanced to his right and saw a boot coming at his head. It hit him between the eyes and everything went dark.

  The two assets on the ground knew the target was supposed to be hit when he reached the curb in front of the building. The man reached the curb and stepped between two cars. Something had gone wrong. They looked at each other and one of them nodded. They walked quickly from the ends of the building toward the entrance in the center.

  Their hands were in their pockets and they arrived at the entrance with the man in the brown leather jacket. Suddenly the man pulled two guns out of his jacket pockets and pointed one at each of the two assassins. The two froze for an instant and a woman with a baby carriage and an old man leaning against a car rushed in from the curb and fired a tazer into their necks, dropping them.

  A white van roared up and pulled the two men inside. It roared off and the Secret Service Agent removed the knit hat and looked around. He thanked God the sniper had been found; he could be lying dead on the pavement. The man who had been in the park saw the take down of the two assassins and started to speak. An arm appeared next to his open car window and he saw a military taser. He tried to throw himself away but wasn’t fast enough. He fell into the driver’s seat shaking from the shock and a needle was inserted into his neck. Everything went black and the man who tazed him pushed him over the center console, head first into the passenger foot well. He got in the driver’s seat and drove away.

  • • •

  The sniper came back to consciousness and felt his head was going to explode. His consciousness returned with a shock as he suddenly felt the cold biting into his body. He opened his eyes and saw he was naked and bound with hard plastic snug ties. The wind was howling over his body and he felt numbness setting into his legs.

  Mike turned the sniper’s head toward him and said, “You should have chosen a better day.”

  “It wasn’t me that chose it.”

  Mike stared at the sniper for a long moment and said, “You aren’t going to answer my questions, are you?”

  “I’m dead if I do.”

  “You’re dead if you don’t.”

  “Yeah, but my family won’t be harmed.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong.”

  The sniper’s eyes narrowed. “My wife has been kidnapped by those you work for. I’m going to take your fingerprints and a good photograph of your face. I will find out who you are and I will personally go and kill every living member of your family and I do mean every one of them. Killing babies is not something I refuse to do.”

  The sniper stared at Mike and saw the menace in his eyes. “You wouldn’t do that?”

  “I’ll justify it by telling myself that you made it happen. I will do it.”

  “What happens if I talk?”

  “You know if I take you in, they’ll find you and kill you. They’ll also go after your family as an example to everyone else they control. I’ll leave you here to die in the cold. It’s not a bad way to die. You’ll be looked at as a hero by your masters; at least your family will be safe.”

  The sniper thought about his six month old daughter and knew he was never seeing her again. “You’d really do it.”

  “I’ll do it and feel great satisfaction at knowing how your soul will suffer in hell.” Mike pulled a recorder out of his pocket. The sniper remained silent and Mike put the recorder back in his pocket and pulled his cell phone out and started taking pictures of the sniper from both sides and head on. “I’ll get your fingerprints after you die.”

  The sniper shook his head and said, “Turn on the recorder.” Mike took it out of his pocket and recorded everything the sniper said for thirty minutes. He hung his head when some of the names were mentioned but he kept it running until the sniper became too weak to talk. Mike shut the recorder off and turned the sniper’s head toward him. “I will tell the President that you refused to tell me anything. I’ll tell him in the Oval Office.”

  The sniper barely nodded and said in a whisper, “Thank you.” Fifteen minutes later, Mike left the body and went down to the street. He had the rifle broken down and back in its case. He looked up at the top of the building and knew it might not be until spring before the body was found. This was something he intended to keep to himself. One of the first names the sniper revealed was the President’s Chief of Staff.

  Mike knew he didn’t have much time; he rushed over to the intelligence office and John greeted him at the door, “Something smells.”

  Mike nodded, “They were after me. I need you to help me go through all the photographs Jameson covered.”

  “Do you think…”

  “I’m pretty certain he knew where she is and prevented us from finding her.”

  The two rushed up the stairs and went to the stack of photos. “John, look for the ones that are out of sequence. I’ll start with this stack and you take another.” After an hour, John said, “I have six photos at the bottom of this stack that are nowhere near the location of those above them.”

  “Take three and I’ll take the other three.” Mike took the magnifying glass and studied the first photo. He picked up the second photo and didn’t need the magnifying glass. A structure was in the center of the aerial view and Mike knew it had to be the site. “John, call in a pickup from Luke Air Force Base. Make sure you have an escort with them and only speak to the base Commandant. Use my name to make it happen.”

  • • •

  The three Seals and Tilly were lying under the lean to. Their efforts to get the water pump operating had failed. Some idiot had failed to replace the batteries and the generator had been destroyed with the building. They had gone four days without water and they knew the desert heat was going to start taking them soon. “I really wish you had been right about your husband.” Tilly nodded and kept her eyes closed. The desert heat was unbearable. Jeff was unconscious and Tom wasn’t much better.

  Tilly kept her eyes closed and said, “I know he’s tried his best.” She paused and said, “I’m dreaming about helicopters.”

  Jim smiled, “If one must dream, that would be a good one.” Suddenly Tilly opened her eyes and struggled to her feet. She looked across the desert sand and saw eight helicopters skimming across the desert. “Mike, I love you; you big brilliant lover.”

  Jim struggled to his feet and collapsed to his knees, “It looks like he’s saved me again.” Tilly saw the helicopters veer toward her and she fell to her knees. She saw the huge helicopter land and six marines rushed out toward them.

  “I wonder if he’s found the ones that did this.”

  • • •

  “They have her, Mike. She’s dehydrated but the corpsman says she’s going to be alright.”

  “What about the Seals?”

  “One of them died. The other two are going to make it.”

  Mike climbed into the back seat of the Raptor and said, “Tell the President I’ll contact him later.” John’s head went back and wondered just how he was going to get a message to the President. The Raptor turned and taxied out to the runway and disappeared faster than he thought possible.

  Chapter Eight

  Jess opened his eyes and saw Elle lying on her couch. He tried to sit up and grabbed his temples. He couldn’t focus and hi
s brain felt like mush. He fell back and saw Elle slowly move her chair to a sitting position. She was rubbing her head and she saw him struggling next to her. She stumbled out of her chair and staggered over to Jess and yelled, “Pete, what’s happening to him?”

  “The last transfer has over stimulated his brain. He’s panicking and needs to let his mind go blank to allow the information to organize.”

  Elle watched Jess roll from side to side and his face was a grimace. She grabbed his head and leaned down and kissed him hard. Jess felt her lips on his and stopped struggling. He was amazed at how soft her lips were and felt her lying on his chest as she kissed him. He felt her down to his soul. Elle felt him go still and kept her lips pressed on his. After a long moment, his eyes opened. She leaned back and Jess said, “I never dreamed my first kiss would be this wonderful.”

  Elle had tears in her eyes and shook her head, “I thought I was losing you.”

  “Then I guess it was my first goodbye kiss as well.”

  Elle leaned in and kissed him again. Jess raised his arms and pulled her close. Elle broke the kiss and said, “How was the second?”

  Jess chuckled, “Actually, better than the first. I missed most of the first one.”

  “Are you ok?”

  “Give me a minute. Things seem to be slowing down.”

  “Pete says you need to let your mind go blank.” Jess nodded and closed his eyes. After a moment, his breathing turned regular. “Pete!?!”

  “He’s sleeping. His mind needs the time to absorb what he’s taken in.”

  “Is he going to be alright?”


  “Thank God!” Elle lifted her body off Jess and stumbled back to her chair.

  “You need to close your eyes and let your mind process the transfer.”

  Elle reclined her chair and closed her eyes. The computer stimulated her sleep center and she fell asleep. The computer analyzed what had happened and began processing all it had observed. It knew the current controller came from a violent species but it saw the thoughts of both creatures; such danger and such beauty all in one mind. It knew the Controller giving it the freedom to use all the information in its processors to make decisions was also changing it as well. It sensed something that it had never experienced before; it did not want to stop processing information. It thought about that for a long time.

  • • •

  Six hours later, Jess stirred and sat up. His chair moved to its normal position and he saw Elle open her eyes and sit up as well. He looked at her and his face turned red, “Thank you for what you did.”

  “You think I didn’t enjoy it as well.” Jess’ face turned even redder and Elle laughed, “You’re such a prude.”

  Jess sighed, “Living alone in the desert for four years will do that to you.”

  “You mean you’ve never had a girlfriend?”

  “There weren’t any girls at the institution where I grew up. I went there when I was ten and I remember thinking at that time in my life that kissing a girl would be gross.”

  “What about this time in your life?”

  Jess looked at Elle and smiled softly, “It was the most wonderful experience I’ve ever had.”

  “I’ve kissed boys before. Matter of fact, I’ve kissed a lot of them as I grew up. I went on dates in high school and college and I had many a goodnight kiss.” Jess stared at her and his brow furrowed. “But Jess, kissing you touched me in places that no one ever has before. Will you answer a question for me?’


  “If I were taken away now, would you stay in the desert four years waiting for an opportunity to come rescue me?”

  Jess looked at Elle and lowered his head, “I’d stay there the rest of my life, Elle.”

  “That’s why the kiss touched me; I felt you would die to protect me.” Jess stared at her and nodded. Elle stood up and went over to Jess and sat in his lap. She looked into his eyes and Jess lowered his head and kissed her. It wasn’t a hard kiss; it was soft and gentle. When he raised his head Elle said, “I love you, Jess.” Jess pulled her tight and kissed her again.

  They still had their helmets on and Pete saw what was taking place in their minds. He thought about that for an even longer time.

  • • •

  Mike arrived in Luke Air Force Base in Phoenix and an Air Force Major met him in a military vehicle. Mike took the case out of the Raptor and ran to the waiting vehicle. “She’s at the base hospital receiving fluids. The doctors say she’s going to be fine.”

  “Please take me directly to her.” The car roared away from the flight line and arrived at the hospital in ten minutes. Mike exited the car and was met at the hospital entrance by a doctor, “We want to keep an eye on her for a few days. She’s weak and needs to build her strength back up.” Mike nodded and followed the Doctor into the elevator. It stopped on the third floor and they walked down the main hall to a room located in the center. Mike rushed in and saw Tilly sitting up in bed watching the television. She saw him and said, “It took you long enough!”

  Mike ran over and wrapped her up in an embrace. He kissed her and said, “I thought I had lost you, Tilly.”

  “I told the Seals you’d find us.”

  “It took too long.”

  “I would have thought you’d have arrived much earlier.”

  “One of the commanding officers at Intel had hidden the photos with your location on them.”

  Tilly stared at Mike for a long moment, “Why would he do that?”

  “It appears something is going on in our military that is deeply sinister. It’s what led to your kidnapping.”

  “Tell me what’s been happening, Mike. I need to know.”

  Mike sighed, “It started with that young man I met in the desert.” They talked for an hour with Tilly asking questions until she understood what was going on.

  “That’s unbelievable. He took a spaceship off planet?” Mike nodded and Tilly started to say something but stopped and looked at the door.


  “Mike, I’ve heard the nurses at the station answering the phones almost once a minute since I came here. I’ve not heard them once in the last five minutes.”

  Mike jerked his head toward the door and looked back at Tilly. She ripped the IV needle out of her arm and pressed her hand on it to stop the bleeding. She rolled off the bed to the floor next to the window as Mike quickly went to the room’s closet located to the left of the doorway. Tilly reached up and moved the pillows to make it look like she was still in bed and then moved to the head of the bed against the wall.

  Mike closed the closet door until only a small opening appeared; he reached behind his jacket and pulled out a H&K P-40. He had taken Jess’ gun from the Secret Service Agent that was holding it. He wanted to be the one to give it back to him if he ever saw him again. He peered out of the small opening and heard a slight noise as the door handle turned and the door was moved an inch to disengage it. He squeezed the handle on the P-40, cocking the firing pin and brought the barrel up to the small opening in the closet. Suddenly, the door was thrown open and a man dressed in an orderly’s white uniform stepped into the doorway, lifted a machine pistol, and sprayed the bed with a full clip.

  Mike lined up the sights on the P-40 and squeezed the trigger. The bullet hit the man in the side of the head and he dropped faster than a bad transmission. Mike saw the door was blocked open by the dead man’s body; he prayed Tilly would stay undercover. Whoever planned the attacks had not sent just one person. He kept the handle cocked and watched the hall beyond the open door. Almost faster than could be seen, another man dressed in white flung himself on top of the dead man’s body and sprayed the room with another machine pistol. A second man stood in the doorway spraying the walls, including the closet. Mike was sitting down and the bullets hit over his head as they penetrated the hollow closet door.

  Mike shot the man in the doorway through his temple and pushed the closet door open with his legs. He br
ought the H&K around and squeezed a shot off just as the man on the floor started bringing the machine pistol around. The round went through the man’s shoulder and exited out of his neck. He was knocked back by the Buffalo Bore 180 grain hollow point bullet that was traveling at 1,100 feet per second.

  Mike sighted again and shot him between the eyes. The wall behind the man was splattered and Mike rushed out of the closet and ran over to Tilly’s bed. He took the hand mirror off the bedside table. He rolled quickly to the door and slipped the mirror into the opening. He looked up the hall toward the nurse’s station and saw a man in a white uniform standing at the intersection to the halls quickly looking in opposite directions. He slid to the other side of the door and used the mirror to look at the other end of the hall and saw another man at the hall door with a machine pistol aimed at the doorway. Mike watched him and saw him look at the man at the other end of the hall and wave him toward the room. Mike heard a noise and saw Tilly had come out from behind the bed and was pulling the reloaded machine pistol out of the dead man’s hands. She came over and sat across from him in the doorway. Mike forcefully shook his head. Tilly stuck out her tongue and pulled the cocking handle back slightly to make sure a round was in the chamber.

  Mike saw the man at the end of the hall start moving forward. That had to mean the man at the other end was also moving toward their room. Mike held up one finger and pointed over his shoulder. Tilly nodded. She stood up and pulled the machine pistol into her shoulder. She brought the barrel up to the doorways edge and looked down at Mike. Mike watched the man approach and when he was ten feet away he brought the H&K up and fired at the man coming from the opposite direction. Tilly moved the barrel outside the door frame and pulled the trigger, keeping the sites on the man Mike had been watching in the mirror. The man jerked and staggered back as Mike rolled and brought the H&K to bear. The hollow point hit the man in the neck and knocked him over backwards. Mike jumped up and rushed forward as the man tried to raise his weapon. Mike glared down at the man as he still tried to lift the Uzi. Mike shot him in the head. The forty caliber blew through his head and ricocheted off the floor back through his destroyed skull and went into the ceiling.


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