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Jesse's Starship

Page 23

by Saxon Andrew

  “Mac, we won’t be seen, I promise.”

  Mac sighed and said, “Let me know when you’re close.”

  “I will.”

  Mike looked at Jess, “We have to go.”

  Elle smiled, “We’re going with you.”


  “We’ll be overhead, no one will see what’s under us. Tilly can ride with us until you arrive.”

  Mike stared at Jess and stuck out his hand, “Thanks.”

  “You need to get moving; by the way, where are you going?”

  “There’s a small farm just north of Comanche Drive on Highway 178 just before you arrive at Tuscany. It’s on the outskirts of Vista Finestra.”

  “Pete, do you have that location?”

  “I do.”

  “We’ll meet you there.”

  Mike hugged Tilly and kissed her. “We’ll see you in about three hours.” Tilly nodded and Jess said, “Pete, do you have another chair.” A third chair rose out of the floor and Jess nodded toward it. Tilly sat down and suddenly she was looking down on the farm Mike described. She looked at Jess who said, “We get around rather quickly.”

  “Indeed you do.” Tilly looked at Elle, “Mike told me about Jess but nothing about you. How did you end up on this spaceship?”

  Elle smiled and told her.

  • • •

  Mike had the Alligator flying at high speed over the desert and Janet said, “You know we can go faster if you gain altitude.”

  “But we run the risk of being seen.”

  Janet scowled and lifted her field device and turned the dial. She pressed the recessed button and the stars overhead dimmed. Mike sighed and lifted the helicopter to three thousand feet and turned on the power. The Alligator leaped forward and they were moving at two hundred miles per hour and the desert flew under them. Mike shook his head, “I wasn’t thinking; I’m worried about Tilly.”

  “If what I’ve learned about this device is true, you don’t need to worry anymore.”

  “I still want her to be hidden.”

  “We’ll take care of that after we resolve the current problem.”

  “Janet, you need to familiarize yourself with the weapons system.”

  Janet pulled the helmet’s face plate down and began going through the check list. By the time they arrived at the farm she could hit a cactus dead center traveling two hundred miles an hour. Mike knew she had a talent with weapons that he could never match. Together, they were a deadly team. His hand set beeped and he pressed his headset, “Where are you?”

  “We’re through Bakersfield but I think there is a surveillance ship in the air south of us.”

  “What are you driving?”

  “It’s a white Chrysler Charger.”

  Mike veered the helicopter and said, “Go around Bakersfield to the south and pick up Highway 178 headed northeast. Let me know when you turn on 178.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to try and fly directly over them until they arrive at the farm.” Janet nodded and saw the sun starting to peek over the horizon. The Alligator straightened out and screamed ahead.

  • • •

  Adams looked at Bowen who was looking through his window, “There is definitely an Awacs to the west.”

  Adams shook his head and heard, “I don’t know who the two of you are but you’re as good as dead.”

  Bowen looked in the backseat and saw the woman sitting up. Adams said, “I thought you gagged her.”

  “Why, she was unconscious.”

  “If she gets on my nerves, be ready to shut her up.”

  Jeanette sat in the back of the car and worked on her bonds but realized she had been tied up by a pro. Bowen said, “You should keep busy on the snug ties. It will keep your mind occupied.”

  Jeanette sneered at Bowen, “They will not give up on finding me.”

  Adams said, “You know too much.” The woman glared at Adams and said nothing. “They will find me.”

  Adams looked at Bowen and shook his head, “She’s been tracked.”

  Bowen’s expression turned sour and he looked at the woman who suddenly refused to look at him. “You’re right. That EC 3 will be turning and coming this way shortly.”

  Adams picked up the handset and threw it to Bowen, “Call him!”

  Bowen pressed the last call button and Mike answered, “Sir, we have a problem.”

  “What is it?”

  “We think our guest has had an electronic tracker inserted in her. There is an EC 3 radar bird that is going to be turning shortly and will be close enough to detect it.”

  “Have you made it to the junction?”

  “We just turned on 178.”

  “Pull over to the side of the road.”

  “That plane will definitely see us if we stop.”

  “Just do it.”

  Adams heard the conversation and shrugged. The woman looked out of the back glass and saw the radar plane make a turn and accelerate toward them. She smiled as it passed a mile behind them. “Ok, you can start moving again.”

  “Sir, they had to have detected the tracker.”

  “Is the bird turning?”

  The three of them in the white car turned and watched the radar plane continue moving south. “No sir?”

  “It didn’t see you. Now get moving!”

  Jeanette watched the EC 3 disappear and knew that it had not picked up the tracker inserted under the skin under her left breast. Her confidence underwent a sudden change. She remained silent all the way to the farm. She wondered why the sun didn’t appear as bright as it should have.

  • • •

  Mike took the Alligator into the compound and landed it close to the barn. Mac was standing next to the storage building and saw the sand whip up. He stared at the area and was confused about what kind of wind could cause that much disturbance and not affect anything else. He stared at the wind as it slowed and suddenly Mike appeared out of nowhere walking toward him. His shock was instant and Mike looked up as he came closer, “Sorry Mac, we’ve had to be careful not to be seen.”

  “How have you managed to pull that off; I don’t know anything in existence that could do what I’ve just seen.”

  “I’ll explain in a minute.” Mike lifted his handset and dialed Jess’ cell phone, “Are you overhead?”

  “I am. I’m going to take the ship down to the surface.”

  “Is there a way you can do that and not leave an indentation?”

  There was a moment of silence and they heard, “We’ll have it hover just above the ground.”

  “That would be good. Is my helicopter covered?”

  “It is now.”

  Mike looked over toward the barn and ran his hand over his throat. The wind stopped blowing and suddenly Mac saw the Ka 52. A woman stepped out and walked over to them as the white car drove into the compound and stopped where Mike and Mac were standing. Two men got out and Mac immediately recognized them as military; probably special forces. Mike walked over to them and Mac followed.

  The spaceship suddenly appeared and the two soldiers and Mac were shocked into silence. Mike looked at them, “This is one of the good guys, relax.” The port to the ship opened and they saw a young man and woman along with a middle aged woman step out. Mike yelled, “Are we covered?” The young man nodded and waited at the port.

  Jeanette remained in the back of the car and knew she was in over her head. The appearance of the starship sent a cold chill up her spine; she had seen the recordings.

  • • •

  Mike turned to Adams, “Is she the one?”

  “She is; and I believe she has been treated to withstand most drugs. We need the password to open the directory in her laptop.”

  Elle had walked over and listened to the exchange and watched as the woman was taken out of the car. Her leg restraints were cut and she saw Mike and Tilly. Her shock was clear to all of them. Mike had all the confirmation he nee
ded to know she was involved in planning the attacks on Tilly. Jeanette saw Mike’s expression and knew she wasn’t going to live much longer.

  Elle looked at the woman and was surprised at how beautiful she was. Well, a cobra was also beautiful…and deadly. She walked over to the woman and smiled, “I don’t suppose you are going to give us your password?”

  The woman smiled sweetly, “Sure, if it will save my life. It’s Athens.”

  Elle shook her head and turned to Mike, “She’s lying.”

  “I know.”

  Jeanette sputtered, “I am not!”

  Elle shook her head, “You didn’t get an agreement to not kill you before you revealed it; you’re lying.”

  Jeanette sneered, “You’ll never get it.”

  Elle shook her head, “Pete, can you take a look?”

  “Put the helmet on her.”

  Elle took the helmet off and put it on Jeanette’s head. She resisted to no avail and after a moment Jess yelled, “He’s got it.”

  Elle took the helmet off and put it back on her head. “The password is Medusa.”

  Jeanette was stunned. She fell to the ground and Adams and Bowen let her fall and left her lying there. Bowen took the laptop and entered the password. A list of names appeared along with contact numbers and locations. Bowen whistled and said, “It looks like she has them all.”

  Mike walked around and stared at the list. Elle said, “Pete tells me that they are planning the takeover simultaneously with a coup in Russia and China six days from now.” Jeanette wailed from the ground. Mike looked at the young woman and said, “It appears her father is the one at the top of their chain of command.”

  Jeanette looked at Mike and snarled, “You’re too late to stop it; there’s nothing you can do now.”

  Mike looked at Elle, “Is she right?”

  “They’ve targeted nuclear missiles on Washington, Peking, and Moscow. They’re going to be launched from nuclear missile submarines.”

  “We have to get moving!”

  Jess yelled from the ship, “Tilly will stay with us until this is over.”

  Mike blew out a breath, “Thank you.”

  Tilly walked over as Jeanette got to her feet and hit her with a hard, round house right hand. Jeanette fell over backwards unconscious. Tilly said, “Let’s see if she’s been treated to withstand that!”

  Adams started laughing and Bowen joined him a moment later. Mike looked at Adams, “I know why Tilly was kidnapped and why they’ve been trying to kill her.”

  Adams looked at the list on the screen and tilted his head, “I would have never believed this.”

  “Get your commander on board and tell him we’re going to need him.”

  “I don’t know that we can do anything against that particular target.”

  Jess walked over and said, “I’ll make a temporary trade with you.” Jess pulled a sidearm out of his holster and handed it to Mike. Mike pulled the H&K and handed it to Jess. “Pete will give you what you need to know. I want that back afterwards.”

  “You have a deal.”

  “Jess, you can’t do this!”

  “Pete, you’ve seen how he feels about his wife haven’t you?”


  “Where is she going to be?”

  “You’re right. I didn’t think this through.”

  Suddenly the handset beeped, “Sanders.”

  “Mike, they’ve killed General Branton.”


  “They made their attack when he left the pentagon.”

  “Get the President on the line.”

  • • •

  General Branton sat in his armored Limo and read the reports on the mobilization of Soviet and Chinese forces. The limo jerked to a stop as two cars in front of the Limo had a crash; one had rear ended the other. He looked to the right and saw his car was blocked by traffic in the right lane and the curb to the left was too high to go over. Suddenly, he saw the drivers of the two cars next to the limo jump out and run away. He looked for the drivers of the two cars that had the accident and they were gone.

  He looked to the left into the park next to his limo and saw a man step out from behind a tree and raise a missile launcher to his shoulder. He rushed to the right door and managed to get it open when the missile struck the limo and exploded it. It punched through the bullet proof glass and the explosion was contained inside the car. The explosion ripped through the bottom of the limo and flipped it over the cars parked next to it. Everyone inside died in an instant.

  • • •

  “Mike, this hurts us; we’ve lost the only one who can lead our military forces. I don’t know who I can promote that I can trust.”

  “Mr. President, contact the General Commanding the Red River Ordinance Facility; I know he was working with General Branton; you can trust him. Major Blackwell can bring him up to speed.”

  “I might get some blowback on promoting a Brigadier General.”

  “By the time that happens, this will all be settled.”

  “Are you saying they’re making their move?”

  “They are, Sir. I’ll fill you in later. We need the General on board now.”

  “I’ll contact him now and send a jet to pick him up.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Jess and Elle looked down on the planet and watched it rotate below them. Tilly was mesmerized by the view, “I never thought I’d see this. It’s beautiful.”

  Jess smiled, “That it is.”


  “Yes, Pete.”

  “The two Q ships are moving closer to the planet. I think they’ve detected the massive movement on the surface.”

  “Connect me with Hetzel.”

  Tilly looked at Elle, “Who is Hetzel?”

  “The one tasked with destroying Earth.”


  “Have you decided to accept my offer?”

  “No, but I have a counter offer.”

  “I’m afraid you are not in a position to make a counter offer.”

  “Actually, I’m in a position to do just that.”

  “Is that so?”

  “The two Q ships you’ve left at my planet are starting to move in. You should ask them to leave us now.”

  “Why would you reveal your location?”

  “There have been some changes done to the ship I’m in and you should know about them before I’m forced to do something I really don’t want to do.”

  “What is that?”

  “Destroy both of those ships and kill any others that show up here.”

  Hetzel was silent for a moment and suddenly fifteen Q ships appeared outside the moon’s orbit.

  Jess shook his head, “Tell me how many you want to die before you believe me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “No, I’m not going to destroy your planets; I don’t need to do that as long as I can defend my own.”

  “You’ve been straight forward in your discussions before; however, one Q ship cannot take on more than one.”

  “Computer, please tell Hetzel what you are now capable of doing.”

  “I now have the capability of destroying every Q ship in your fleet.”

  Hetzel stared at Jess on his display. “Let’s just assume you think you are being honest; just how am I going to believe you?”

  Jess shook his head, “Why does it always have to come down to a demonstration that leads to loss of life?”

  Hetzel looked at Jess and said, “Let’s keep this simple. If you can remove the two ships close to the planet, “I’ll consider what you’ve said.”

  Jess stared at Hetzel and looked up, “Computer, can we just damage those two ships without killing the ones on board.”

  “They will need to put a suit on; they’ll lose their environmental systems.”

  “Hetzel, will you request the ones on those two ships to put on a suit.”

  Hetzel heard the computer and he was starting to feel his tension rise. He looked
off screen and spoke. He waited two minutes and said, “They are now suited up. How are you able to see them; according to their sensors, you are not in that planetary system.”

  “We are two hundred yards from them at this moment. Computer, disable those ships.”

  Hetzel watched his display being sent from one of the fifteen Q ships holding station at the moon. Two beams shot out of empty space and both Q Ships at the planet were rocked and their force fields came down. “We’ve been hit through the tail, we lost power!”

  Hetzel jerked his head back to Jess. Jess said, “I will disable every Q ship here if they don’t leave immediately.”

  “What about the two damaged ships?”

  “Send a ship in to tow them away. I’ll have them in my sites and if their weapons show any power I will blow them apart.”

  “What offer are you making?”

  “We are going to try and remove every weapon on my planet and force our species to live without them. We hope that in time, they will adapt that as a way of life. I’ll need you to stay away from us as we adapt to this change.”

  Hetzel stared at Jess and leaned back in his chair. “I will order my ships to leave; however, I don’t have the authority to accept this. I will have to take it to my leaders.”

  “Then come in and take those ships; I’ll await your answer.”

  “We have your family.”

  “And I have the location of your main governing planet if you do anything to harm them. I would really think twice before you do something really stupid.”

  “If you leave; we could destroy this planet.”

  “How would you know if I’m gone? Do you see me now?”

  Hetzel stared at his main display and said, “I’ll take this to my government.” Thirteen Q ships disappeared and two of them appeared next to the two damaged ships. They extended their fields and the four ships disappeared. Jess sighed and leaned back.

  Tilly looked at him, “You don’t think they’ll accept it.”

  “Most paranoids wouldn’t.”

  “You think they’re paranoid?”

  “Their face is in the dictionary under the term.”

  Tilly shook her head, “Right next to theirs is a face of a General.”

  Jess and Elle could only nod and pray their families were left alone.

  Jeanette looked at Jess and shook her head, “If you have the power to destroy them and remove them as a threat, you’re crazy not to do it!”


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