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Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 10

by Celeste Prater

  Shit, you hear it, too. I was hoping I was dreaming.

  Keely’s eyes widened. “What is it? I can tell something else is wrong. Tell me”

  Baruch quickly handed her over and started to turn around. “Hurry, clasp my neck and hang on. The other helicopter’s coming. We need to be long gone before they realize we’ve paid a visit.”

  * * * *

  Lucien’s chin lifted at the sound of the abrupt knock on his office door. Eryx pulled it wide and stepped back. Neither of them was particularly surprised that Stephano’s amethyst eyes narrowed, and he didn’t provide the expected bow of deference. His nod was quick, barely moving the dark brown hair touching his broad shoulders. Lucien was used to it. A Corvus would rather die before recognizing his station.

  Lucien observed Eryx eyeballing Stephano’s form. He knew his protector was checking for any sign of weapons while masking his ire at not being allowed to physically search him. He’d been adamant in believing the clan would finally attempt an assassination when allowed this close. Lucien believed Stephano might be a little more civil than Eryx perceived. He actually hated the idea of breaking the young man’s neck, should he be wrong in that assessment.

  “Stephano. Thanks for your prompt arrival. Where are your uncles?”

  “They refused to come. I couldn’t persuade them otherwise.” He quickly glanced to Maxim sitting on the couch, his mate tucked protectively against his side. A puzzled look crossed Stephano’s features as his gaze lingered on a smiling Skylar.

  Shrugging, Lucien motioned for him to take a seat. “Pity. I’ve interesting news to share. You know Maxim. This is his new mate, Skylar Grey.” Despite Stephano’s outward disdain of the royal line, Lucien could tell that he still found excitement at hearing the news of another Insedi pairing.

  “Congratulations, Maxim. You’re a very fortunate male. Nice to meet you, Skylar.” At their reciprocated smiles, Stephano straightened, and his features returned to the familiar, haughty Corvus expression. One brow rose.

  “I’d prefer to stand. Why did you call me here? You roused me from my sleep.”

  Lucien could sense Eryx’s anger and silently bade him to uncurl his fists and stand down. He’d wanted to pound a Corvus for centuries and was just looking for the right moment. Even Maxim appeared ready to leap up and get a punch or two in for good measure.

  “Look, I’m not going to pretend that this isn’t a strain for you. However, I thought it best if I quickly passed this information on before it leaked out to the citizens. Your family needs to prepare themselves.”

  Snorting, Stephano strolled to the side and leaned against the wall, perfecting his nonchalant stance. “What? Have the Tarquinius decided to finally round up my family and throw them into the dungeons to keep us quiet? Perhaps my uncles were smart for their decision to stay ensconced within their warm beds for as long as they could.”

  Slowly rising to his full height, Lucien braced his knuckles on the desk, and narrowed his eyes. He chose to remain quiet as he assessed the immediate change in Stephano’s demeanor. The cockiness instantly melted away, yet the imperceptible clenching of his jaw told much. Lucien knew Stephano’s bravado against any Tarquinius had been honed from an early age. Too bad that he’d only had thirty-five years to try and perfect it. The uncles had been fools to send the youngster in by himself. Lucien kept his voice even and his gaze steady.

  “My tolerance is great, Stephano. Do you wish to continue feeling about in the dark until you find its end? Perhaps you’ll want to meet me in the rings. I’ll not turn down your challenge should you choose to move forward. We can end this feud this very night if you wish. But I warn you. I do not suspect you’ll survive my wrath once I’ve unleashed it upon your young head. What say you?” Despite the severe pride evident on the handsome face, Lucien admired his control.

  “Nay. I’ll refrain from pursuing this familiar path. I know there’s truth to your words. I’m well aware that you’re not an emperor that grows flabby upon a soft pillow. I’ll consider myself fortunate that my uncles are not present, for they would expect the battle forthwith.”

  An understanding passed between their locked eyes. The young man executed a bow worthy of the imperial line and free of mockery. Lucien suspected Stephano reluctantly respected the head-to-head challenge versus a show of retribution with a royal edict.

  Without further comment or posturing, Lucien reached forward and engaged the display of the Insedi genesis on the wall.

  “An ancient painting was discovered on Earth that revealed how we came into being. It’s since been destroyed, yet we were fortunate to have captured the images. Please, take your time in studying it, and then we’ll talk.” He wasn’t surprised to see the immediate response as Stephano drew close to the rendering, lips parting in understanding. His eyes darted from scene to scene.

  “Remarkable. How can this be? Who would do such a thing?” As his fingers brushed across the reliefs lying at the Insedi emperor’s feet, he straightened and looked over his shoulder in puzzlement.

  Lucien moved around the desk and joined him. “The painting was to be a gift to the empire from my original ancestor. He’d hoped it would one day return to us so that we’d know that he loved us to his dying day. How it came back was not as he envisioned, yet it’s here nonetheless.” He sensed Stephano’s confusion.

  “Why did you say that my family needed to prepare themselves? What am I missing?”

  “Look to the robes, Stephano. The emperor bears a toga picta. The cloth is purple and embroidered with gold and jewels. The Etruscan emblem is upon his chest. Had it truly been Marcus Valerius Corvus as your family suspected, the consul would’ve worn the toga palmata of white material trimmed in royal purple.”

  Stephano’s eyes shot forward and widened as he moved closer, voice hushed. “That cannot be.”

  Knowing that Stephano was finding this revelation difficult to absorb, Lucien kept the sympathy from lacing his words. There was no need to strip him of any remaining pride.

  “Think about it, Stephano. What could ever have caused a royal member of the Roman Empire to be in the vicinity of the Primique Vestibulum, much less to bring his mate through something as unknown and frightening as the vortex? Lucius Tarquinius was fleeing for his life that day, and he would’ve been clad in this very manner.”

  “What of the timeline? Even you must admit this brings additional questions.”

  “Yes, that still troubles me. I’ll have to concede that our original Insedi ancestors may not have recorded our timeline correctly, or the Romans did indeed skew Lucius’s history in the Earth records. He was also written as a tyrant. However, his benevolence is evident in our culture. I doubt your uncles could even dispute that.” Lucien placed a comforting palm to Stephano’s shoulder and was happy the young male didn’t flinch.

  “In addition, our records show that he was really the first Etruscan Roman emperor, not the last of the kings as his senate claimed. This is now visually proven from the artifact. They turned on him and instigated the events that ended with him being expelled. They wished for a Republic, which you know very well leaves the majority rule under senate control. This led to your ancestor eventually assuming the consul role many years later. There’s no animosity from the Tarquinius line for what was done, Stephano. Marcus Corvus played no part in the events.” Lucien recognized Stephano’s struggle to accept the evidence before him. Eventually, he released his held breath.

  “Once I reveal this information to my uncles, they’ll immediately claim the painting to be fake. I don’t know how I can convince them otherwise.”

  Lucien nodded. “Understood, but since they refuse to meet with me and discuss in a civilized manner, it’s up to you to make them realize it’s in their best interest to keep an open mind. This feud has gone on long enough. I’ll not tolerate another moment of division within this empire.” Skylar surprised him by standing and raising her hand.

  “Uh, yeah. I hope I’m not overstepping my bounds
here, but am I allowed to interject something?”

  Lucien gave her a warm smile. “Of course, Skylar. You and Maxim are very much a part of this discussion.”

  “Okay, thanks. Stephano, I can see your hesitation. I was ambivalent at first about the claim of the timeline. I’m the one that found the painting in an area dating back to the Hellenistic period. The only reason it was discovered was because of documentation handed down through the Tullius family, direct descendants of Tullia, the empress consort to Lucius Tarquinius Superbus. The descendent was after a completely different artifact, and the painting was only found after I received a nudge to destroy it from…well, you could call it an Insedi ancestor. I hadn’t even met Maxim yet. It wasn’t until I returned to the States that I found out the story of the Insedi. The ancestor confirmed that Lucius painted it.”

  Leaning back against the wall, Stephano rubbed below his right ear and stared at his boots. His voice was calm, yet resigned.

  “I admit the evidence is compelling. My uncles would be horrified that I’m revealing this to you. I’d questioned their claim of royal lineage when I was fifteen since my genetic mark has only two dots above the solid line. The lack of any blue color was especially disturbing. Their response that the Tarquinius dabbled with our DNA never seemed a plausible explanation.” He finally looked up, his eyes wary.

  “I implore that you have patience with them once I share this news. They wouldn’t speak to me for years when I innocently questioned their beliefs. Only upon my father’s death did they show interest again. They needed me in order to pursue the throne.”

  Nodding, Lucien tapped his display and another image overlaid the wall painting. “I have no doubt that your ancestry is that of a Corvus, just not from our particular ruling period. I’ve arranged for your lineage to be reclassified within the royal line. It grants no path toward ruling Insedivertus, yet provides all the privileges afforded to other families of the same distinction.” He allowed Stephano to read the proclamation over before continuing.

  “I’ve always believed the Corvus mark stood for balance and harmony. This trait is much needed among the whole of the royal families, especially within the senate. This decree, should I choose to exercise it, will allow a Corvus to become part of the senate if the citizens deign to elect them. If you have no issue, I’d like your family to stay at the palace for the festival. Eryx will escort you to your quarters, and the information I’ve shared will be transferred to your room. Discuss this with your uncles, and let me know tomorrow if they accept my offer.”

  Stephano’s brows drew together, and several beats passed before he collected himself and spoke.

  “Emperor, I came here tonight, expecting to meet the tyrant that my family has always purported you to be. I see now that their judgment has been clouded. In truth, my misgivings were growing the moment I heard your speech in senate chambers. I wish I had attempted dialogue with you much sooner. I apologize for my earlier rudeness.” He executed a bow and then hesitated at the doorway.

  “I can’t promise positive results, so please have patience.”

  Lucien stood. “I wish you luck, Stephano. Remind your uncles that the offer has a timeline and that the Tarquinius patience has stretched for centuries. It’s finally found its end. A peaceful resolution is my hope, yet I’ll not hesitate with the alternative.”

  With an understanding nod, Stephano left the room with Eryx. Lucien plopped back into his chair, suddenly weary from the day’s events and this latest exchange. He couldn’t wait to get back to Tana. Wrapping her within his arms would immediately remove the tiring day from his thoughts. Maxim broke the silence.

  “Just out of pure curiosity, and tell me to shut up if I overstep, but why would you want the Corvus to be in the palace? Stephano may have seen the light, but his uncles have been harboring bad feelings for much longer.”

  “No, it’s a valid question, Maxim. I read an old Earth saying that I think is appropriate here. ‘Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.’ Should they arrive, I’ve asked Eryx to have guards posted outside their room in mist form. If the Corvus family chooses to ignore the evidence and continue along their destructive path, I’ll know soon enough.”

  Chapter 11

  “Hold up. Don’t put me on his back, yet.”

  At Keely’s adamant expression, Makar glanced to Baruch in confusion. More so when she began to wiggle in his arms. At the sound of ripping fabric, they both looked down to see she was tearing the seams on either side of her skirt up to mid thigh.

  “This thing’s too tight on my legs. I’m not flashing my big ass to the world. It’ll make a good target for a bullet.”

  Baruch’s bark of laughter instigated his own. It was short-lived. The second he spotted the thin, red strap of a garter belt holding up her stockings, he lost his breath and a few brain cells. Baruch was no better.

  Is that what I think it is?

  Oh, hell, yeah.

  Our little prim and proper is a naughty girl.

  I wonder what else she’s hiding.

  I can’t wait to find out.

  “I’m done. Hurry up, Makar. Get me on Baruch’s back. I can even hear the damn thing coming.”

  “Right. Yeah. Okay, good. There you go. Hang on.” Focus now firmly back on their mission, Makar started running across the clearing, Baruch keeping a tight pace beside him. Long minutes later, they crossed into the trees and ten meters into the shadows before the first rays of light could announce their presence. The insistent drone of the helicopter had ceased, letting him know the drug runners had landed in the clearing.

  “Come on, I’ll try to keep us in the less dense areas so we can eat up some distance. It won’t be long before they find their friend.” Glancing to Keely, he gave her a reassuring smile. “Are you doing okay?” He was relieved to see her quick nod.

  “I’ll be much better the more miles we put between them and us. I feel bad that you guys have to carry me around.”

  Baruch reached up and gently patted her arm. “Don’t worry yourself, sweetness. I can barely tell you’re there. You’re as light as a tiny bird.”

  Keely’s chuckle surprised them both. “I think I’ve had this conversation with Makar already. You both scored some major points. Now get me the hell out of here, and I’ll call it even on you guys for snatching me. Fair enough?”

  Makar knew that Baruch’s stupid grin was mirroring his own. “Deal. Those are the best words I’ve heard all day.”

  * * * *

  “Okay, come on now. You’re freaking me out when I can’t see you.”

  Makar reformed on the side of the embankment, fingers grasping a small sapling and boots firmly perched on protruding rocks. He looked up to Keely’s beautiful face peering down at him. Warmth flowed through his chest at the quick smile and instantaneous relief softening her features when she spotted him. She was still in the same position they’d left her, flat on her stomach and gripping the edge of the ridge. He’d hated leaving her, but they needed to find a place to descend without causing her further injury.

  “I’m right here, sweets. It’s easier to check this area out if I’m in mist form. Tell you what. We’ll not go completely into the pure form so you can see where we are as we look around.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Makar pointed out Baruch fifty meters away and walking the edge of the cliff. “Watch, he’s going to show you.”

  Baruch waved, melted into a shadowy cloud, swirled like a whirlwind, and then reformed. Looking back up, Makar watched Keely’s eyes widen.

  “Wow. I thought you could just wink out. You actually control the level, too.”

  “That’s correct. Watch this. We can control individual parts as well.” Lifting one hand, he allowed it to slowly break down until it was completely gone. Reforming, he latched back on to the sapling. He grinned when she gawked at him and shook her head.

  “That is simply astonishing. Okay, do your thing. Find me a spot to come down so I won’t b
reak my neck.”

  Makar’s grin fled the second he saw her roll to her side and look toward the forest. Her words sent chills racing down his spine.

  “Oh, shit, shit, shit! Someone’s here. Crap! I need to hide.” She rose up on her arms, gave him a panicked expression, and backed away from the edge.

  Baruch! Get back. They’re after Keely.

  Gods damn it!

  Morphing to pure energy, Makar drifted up the cliff, praying he could keep the form until he hit flat ground. Once over, his mind tried to comprehend what he was seeing. Keely was hobbling through the edge of the tree line, clinging to anything that would keep her upright. Baruch was running across the clearing so fast, his braid was flapping like a flag behind him. One man was quickly closing in on Keely’s position, and his partner was waiting for Baruch to join the fray. Both had large knives in their hands. Bursting into full form, Makar pulled the blade he’d lodged into his waistband.

  Muscles burning in an effort to get closer, Makar’s vision tunneled as he watched his precious female swivel to face her attacker. One arm clung desperately to a wide tree trunk as she snapped a thin branch repeatedly toward the mercenary. The asshole grinned at her small weapon and lunged forward to snatch her with his free hand. Keely startled him with a few quick strikes to his face. The idiot had underestimated her. She was effectively wielding a rudimentary bullwhip and steadily nicking his skin when he dared to come close.

  Makar cringed at the change in the man’s demeanor as a string of vitriol and unintelligible words spewed forth. Makar panicked when the male began plunging his knife rapidly into the tree in an attempt to connect with Keely’s arm. Desperate to escape, Keely cried out in agony as she braced her injured leg on the ground and began dancing around the trunk to dodge the knife. She got in a few more lashes to the man’s face before he accomplished a slice across her forearm as she tried to keep from toppling over. The sight of her blood released the demon that Makar knew lay buried deep inside his psyche.


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