Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 27

by Celeste Prater

  “Maybe this might help. I found them behind all of these rugs before they dragged me out of here.”

  Skylar’s eyes widened, and she glanced to Maxim. “Babe. Look at those three large ones.”

  Maxim nodded. “From the painting. These definitely were brought here by Lucius. What are they?”

  Skylar opened the first one and shook her head. “No clue. I never learned to read any of this. You guys have a better shot at it than I do.” She handed the book to Lucien.

  Several silent minutes ticked by as he carefully turned the first two pages. One eyebrow rose. “Well, it’s definitely Greek, but I’m not sure what I’m looking at here. It seems like poetry or some form of short story collection.” He flipped back to the front sheet. “Book Ten. Sibylline Oracles.” Back straightening, he quickly glanced at Skylar. Her mouth dropped open on a small gasp.

  “Good grief! Sybil. I didn’t even spell it right. It’s not a woman’s name. You have to heed a psychic.”

  Maxim frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  “These are the Sibylline prophesy books. Greek and Roman psychics, called Sibyls, foretold future events and they were recorded. The Roman senate never made decisions without consulting the books first. What’s freaking me out is that they tie directly back to your Roman ancestor. He tried to buy them from an oracle but claimed the price was outrageous. When he turned her down, she burned the first three books and quoted the same price for the rest. Supposedly, when he refused again, she burned the next three. He finally bought the remainder so she’d stop. Dr. Martin said there were twelve books in all, but only six through nine were ever turned over to the senate. He loved telling that story and hoped we might stumble on them. Now we know what happened to the rest. This is absolutely amazing.”

  Lucien snorted. “Well, I can pull Kallon off the database search now.” He handed the book to Skylar and picked up the second volume. “Maxim, get the other one. We’ll take them back to my office. If they have any association with what Juno warned, then we’ll need them close by and well protected. Tell no one of our find.”

  Skylar took a deep breath. “You want to know something even stranger?”

  Chuckling, Lucien tilted his head. “Sure, why not. Whatever you got, I’m open to listen. We’ll need all the help we can get to unravel this mystery.”

  “The Sibylline Oracles were stored in a Roman temple for protection. None other than the one dedicated to Jupiter himself. Makes you wonder if the gods may have made a little visit to Lucius Tarquinius Superbus and encouraged him to bring them here instead.”

  Lucien gave her an appreciative nod. “Of that, I wouldn’t be surprised. Not anymore.”

  When all three made a beeline to the doorway, Keely glanced up to Makar. “What in the hell are they talking about? What warning?”

  Makar shrugged and grabbed her hand. “I’m not altogether sure, but Kallon told me that when Maxim and Skylar disappeared at the entry site, they were brought into the presence of two of our gods. Jupiter and Juno. Skylar had some type of jewel that needed to be returned to them. Anyway, before they were, for a lack of a better term, dismissed, Juno passed a cryptic message to Lucien. I’m guessing these books are relevant.”

  Shaking her head, Keely let Baruch take her other hand as they led her from the room and down the corridor. “Good grief. This whole thing is surreal. It was wild enough that I’m parked on an alien planet, but now I find out you guys can speak to gods.”

  Baruch snorted. “Hey, I’m just as freaked. Supposedly, that hasn’t happened since the gods created our mating necklaces shortly after our genesis. It had to be extremely important for them to reveal themselves again.”

  Keely chuckled. “Yeah, like that doesn’t make it any more spectacular.”

  Safely back in the main room, Lucien resealed the door and turned to Makar. “I’ll want to have the other items removed and sent to the senate house for the historians to catalog and prepare for display, but I’ll wait until after the festivities. We’ve disturbed you enough.”

  Keely straightened when those wise emerald eyes swung her way. She’d watched him long enough to know that Lucien Tarquinius took his time in revealing whatever ran through his brilliant brain. She kept her gaze steady as he assessed her. His smile was kind.

  “I admire you for handling all of this madness with such grace, Keely. We’ve only a few more hours and you’ll get to experience something very lovely for a change. I’ve just been contacted by Lina and she’s on her way to see you as well.” Turning to Makar and Baruch, he motioned to the door.

  “Come on. You two need to meet up with the other Elite Guard to prepare. Lina will ensure that Keely is taken care of while you’re gone. You’ll reunite at the ceremony.”

  Keely accepted the soft kisses Makar and Baruch gave before they warned her to lock the door and reluctantly left her alone in the room. Plopping on the couch, Keely took time to absorb everything that had happened to her up to this point. As dramatic as that had been, it was the unfinished breakfast conversation that clung to her thoughts. Sighing, she leaned back and closed her eyes. Yep, I’m ready for something mindlessly lovely. Bring it on.

  * * * *

  Jackknifing up from the couch, Keely tried to get her bearings. When another soft knock sounded, she rushed to the door.

  “Who’s there?”

  “It’s Lina. Can I come in?”

  “Oh! Sure. Hold up.” Fighting to remember the code, Keely finally released the latch, and Lina swept into the room. She carried a long garment bag and a smaller one draped over her right arm. Her big blue eyes were wide with excitement.

  “Oh, good. You have your makeup on already. All that’s left is your hair. Grab your purse if you need it. We have to get to Rhia’s house in the next thirty minutes.”

  “Uh…okay. Why, precisely?” Lina’s tinkling laughter instantly relaxed Keely’s shoulders.

  “I’m silly. I guess it would help to clue you in. Tana wants you included as a bridesmaid.”


  “She likes you. We all do. Plus, as you know. There’s a severe shortage of females roaming around on the planet. A lot of the other mates are coordinating the feast and festival activities. Tana wants you with us. Please? This is going to be so much fun. All you need to do is get dressed and follow me around. I’ll explain everything that’s happening.”

  Shrugging, Keely grabbed her purse. “Sure. Why not?”

  After scurrying down the winding stairs, across the foyer, down the palace steps, and hopping into a transport, Keely was out of breath and wide-eyed by the time they reached Rhia’s house. Lina grabbed her hand and dragged her up a long walkway to the beautiful structure. The place was mesmerizing with its manicured lawn and tall marbled columns at the entranceway.

  “So, why are we dressing here? We’re only a few hundred yards from the palace. The guys told me that was where the ceremony was going to take place.”

  “It’s the first step in the whole process. Rhia’s Tana’s pronuba. It’s equivalent to a matron of honor, and she gives away the bride. Caelius’s father gifted them with this home, and she’s excited to have it as the staging area for the procession.”

  “A staging area?”

  “Yep. This whole event is steeped in tradition. Lucien will lead the citizens up here first, and Rhia will present the bride to her groom before the actual ceremony begins.”

  Before she could ask another question, they were greeted at the door by Cassie and summarily dragged into a whirlwind of activity. The front foyer was filled with all the women she’d met before, but this time, they were dressed in floor-length, dark orange togas. A delicate white belt wrapped their waists and dangled down the front. Large mirrors and chairs lined the room. The air rang with their conversations and laughter as they did one another’s hair and makeup.

  She was thankful when Luna showed her how to properly wrap the toga and left her alone in one of the bedrooms to change. Relieved that the s
oft, woven cloth covered her chest, Keely quickly dressed and scurried back to the front. Lina snagged her as she rounded the corner.

  “Here, sit down. I need to do your hair.”

  Glancing around, Keely realized everyone was getting an upswept arrangement with dangling strands. They all resembled Greek goddesses. Looking up to the mirror, she returned Lina’s beaming smile.

  “Did you have to do all of this when you got married?”

  Lina chuckled. “Nope. Cassie, Luna, and I plan to get married in Luna’s backyard next fall. It’s not necessary since an Insedi mating is equivalent to a marriage, but since we reside on Earth, the guys wanted us to legally have their names.”

  “Tana and Lucien are mated, right?”

  “Oh, yes. But since Lucien is the emperor, he has to go through a formal public binding. Drusus and I will have to do that if he ever assumes the role of emperor, but thank goodness that’s centuries away. Hand me that little twisty thing. Yes, that one by the comb. Thanks. Uh-oh. Your eyes look like they’re about to bug out of your head. What’d I say?”


  Lina snorted and patted her on the shoulder. “Ah. I see the guys didn’t tell you yet. When Insedis mate, their life span increases. We’ll live up to a thousand years. Something, isn’t it? Okay, breathe. You’ll be fine. Trust me. Don’t worry. I did the same thing. Everyone does.”

  “Uh…I’d think so. Okay, let me get this straight. You said that Drusus could become emperor. So, that means you’re mated to Lucien’s twin, the prince. I saw him outside the palace when the crash happened.”

  “No, Drusus is Lucien’s son. Oops, there go your eyes again.”

  “How in the hell is that possible, they look exactly alike.”

  “I know. Freaky, right? Lucien is three hundred and nineteen. Although, I think he’s around thirty-two now that he’s regressed to Tana’s age. Even before that happened, they were practically identical. It’s very confusing.”

  Keely shook her head. “Okay, I’m not even going to ask what that means. I don’t think my mind can handle it right now.”

  Laughing, Lina weaved a strand of twinkling jewels through her hair, leaned down, and kissed her on the cheek. “I like you, Keely. I’m so glad you’re here. Don’t worry about any of this. Before you know it, everything will seem normal. Your guys are going to love you for eternity. There’s nothing else like it.”

  Cassie’s shout cut off her response.

  “They’re coming! Get Tana.”

  Chapter 30

  Unable to comprehend the magnitude of what she was seeing, Keely tried to focus on Lucien as he strode up the walkway, his big boots resounding loudly off the ground. Despite his intimidating presence, he looked regal in the flowing purple robe lined with glittering jewels. A crown of gold circling his head and the mass of Insedi stretching for miles behind his broad shoulders was a stark reminder that he was the supreme ruler of this entire planet. It was mind-boggling. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs, piercing emerald eyes focused solidly on the front door. Drusus and Severus flanked him.

  A soft touch to her arm signaled it was time for the presentation. Moving forward, Keely followed Lina down the steps. Once the bridesmaids were evenly lined up on either side of the emperor, Keely recognized the second that Tana stepped through the doorway. Lucien’s back straightened, and his breathing increased.

  Glancing over, Keely couldn’t help but sigh. Tana’s form was beautiful and mysterious. Her flaming red hair was upswept like the bridesmaids, yet she wore a dark orange veil covering her features. An intricate gold necklace circled her neck—one of the many gifts that Lucien would gift her over the next few days. The flowing white toga accentuated her curvy hips, and an orange knotted belt circled her small waist. Orange slippers encrusted with jewels peeked out from the hem as she slowly descended the stairs. Rhia gracefully followed behind.

  Lucien swallowed hard when Tana stopped in front of him. Rhia quickly moved to her side, reached up, and pulled back the veil to reveal Lucien’s chosen bride. His features softened, and his lips parted.

  For many silent beats, they stared at each other as if there was nothing else around. The edges of his lips lifted slightly, and then he gave a quick nod, turned on his heel, and faced the massive crowd. Rhia clasped Tana’s hand, walked over to Lucien’s right side, and Tana stood proudly next to her. As the pronuba, Rhia would keep them separated until shortly after the ceremony.

  The crowd began to part as they moved down the walkway, into the street, and toward the palace. Drusus and Severus waited and then walked alongside their mates. Moments later, another Insedi broke from the crowd and lined up next to Zonia. This had to be her mate, Ferox. They both looked like they were finally able to breathe again once they were beside each other.

  Keely kept pace with Lina’s stride as the bridesmaids followed behind the royals. Her breath caught the moment she spotted the Elite Guard. Lina had told her this was going to happen, but chills still skittered across her flesh. Forty bodies clad in black form-fitting tunics, pants, and boots broke away from the crowd and lined up on either side of the road. Long swords attached to their backs gleamed in the afternoon light. They were powerful, magnificent creatures and two of them were staring right at her.

  The guard began trailing next to the procession, and Makar and Baruch immediately joined her on either side. Keely tried to keep her eyes forward, but failed miserably. It was as if an invisible chain ran from her body directly to theirs, refusing to let go. She glanced up to Makar and then Baruch before focusing on the ground to make sure she didn’t trip over anything. She was unable to hold back a smile when Baruch’s voice drifted to her ears.

  “You’re a vision, Keely. My heart will not stop pounding.”

  Makar let out a little growl and briefly touched her hand. “You’re the most beautiful female on the entire planet. I could not catch my breath until we were able to come to your side. Now all the males will know that you’re ours.”

  Keely blinked rapidly and looked up to him. “You’re publically claiming me? Why?”

  Baruch snorted. “To save lives.”

  “That’s silly.”

  Makar touched her hand again. “Not in the least. We’re unable to wear our necklace outside our tunics. Should you accept our offer to finalize the mating, they will glow and signify that we are family, and we’ll display them proudly. Until then, any male is free to attempt courting you.”

  Keely snorted. “Good luck. I have no plans on kissing any one of them.”

  Baruch grinned and snagged her pinky finger. “I like that you said that, but it doesn’t matter. We can only hope that they keep the Nubis core in check out of respect for the emperor. If not, they may clasp your wrist, or touch your neck and go into the surge. Makar and I will be unable to stop ourselves. We’ll battle them to the death as soon as they recover. That we are a pair and members of the Elite Guard keeps many of them cautious. However, another group may feel confident in their numbers and make an attempt.”

  Glancing around, Keely realized that she was nothing more than a tiny speck in a huge ocean of testosterone and alien instincts. She grabbed their hands and held on.

  “Okay, good to know. But don’t think that I won’t sink a foot into a pair of balls if they get too close.”

  Baruch squeezed her hand and chuckled. “That’s my girl.”

  Keely’s heart didn’t stop thundering until they finally reached the palace and moved toward the gardens. Even though Makar and Baruch had stepped back in line with the guard upon passing the palace gates, the well-armed Insedi formed a wall behind the wedding party, blocking them from the crowd. Feeling a little safer with Lina at her right side and Cassie on the left, she released her breath and tried to enjoy the proceedings.

  Tana, Rhia, and Lucien approached an elaborate podium just as ten senate members formed an arc at their backs. They were required to witness Lucien and Tana signing the formal marriage contract. Once they plac
ed the quill back into the inkwell, the officiating priest stepped forward and began reciting something in Latin.

  Lina leaned over and whispered, “He’s calling on Janus, the god of thresholds, openings, and closings, Juno Pronuba, the goddess of matrimony, Jupiter, the father god, and Hymenaeus, the god of matrimony to come forward and witness the union.”

  When the priest motioned for Lucien and Tana to face each other, Keely’s heart warmed at watching the duo give each other sweet, almost shy smiles. The priest moved to the side of the senators, and Rhia stepped forward. She took their right hands and had them clasp fingers. She removed a long purple sash studded with jewels from her belt and loosely tied their hands together. She smiled at both of them as she held their wrists.

  “This cloth symbolizes Insedivertus, the third entity that enters into your union and solidifies your joining. Retain faith in the benevolence of this land, remain firm in your convictions for the health of the empire, trust in each other, and never forget that your love will rule above all else.” She patted their hands and stepped back. “Say your vows unto each other and become one.”

  Keely watched two sets of emerald-colored eyes lock, and many silent moments passed as they searched each other’s features. There was no doubt that they loved unconditionally. There was no hesitation, fear, or reservation on either of their faces. Keely felt tears slipping from her eyes and accepted the tissue Lina passed her way. Cassie whispered a soft curse and stuck her hand out for one too.

  Keely cleared her throat. “Lina, they’re saying their vows inside their head, aren’t they?”

  “Yes. The Insedi believe that the words between mates should remain theirs alone.”

  “That’s beautiful.”

  Tana and Lucien nodded to each other, broke out into huge smiles, and then exchanged rings. Their kiss was passionate, lengthy, and brought a resounding applause thundering across the grounds. When they finally broke for air, Rhia took Tana’s hand and pulled her away.


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