Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 28

by Celeste Prater

Lucien reluctantly released her, straightened, and then walked toward the palace. Maxim and Rhia’s mate, Caelius, broke from the crowd and followed him. They all halted at the bottom stair.

  Three Insedi boys that looked to be just entering their teenage years stepped around the senate members and approached Tana. One carried a torch, stood in front of her, and faced the palace. The other two smiled and hooked their arms to hers. Rhia walked to the podium and brought back something that looked like a small spindle for carrying yarn. Tana clasped it in her hands like a bouquet.

  Keely frowned. “Well, that’s odd.”

  Lina poked her in the rib and whispered, “Roman brides don’t carry flowers. Instead, they hold something that represents what talents she’ll bring to the household. This one symbolizes the ability to weave or sew clothes.

  Cassie chuckled. “There was a battle of wills with the officiating priest over that one. Tana threatened to carry a handgun and a box of shells to show just what talent she possessed. I’ve never seen Lucien laugh that hard, but Tana finally caved when the priest looked like he was about to have an aneurysm.”

  When Rhia positioned herself behind Tana, Cassie snickered. “Oh, here comes the fun part.”


  “The bride has to be escorted to her husband’s house. Watch. You’ll see.”

  It started as soon as Tana took her first step. Keely jumped when the crowd began shouting, “Talassio,” and others yelled lengthier lines she couldn’t understand. A few Insedi moved closer and began throwing some sort of nut at Tana’s feet as the young boys pulled her toward the palace.

  “What’s going on?”

  Lina grabbed her hand. “Come on, we need to follow. It’s going to start moving real fast in a second. Right now, they’re all yelling out some off-color jokes. It’s supposed to chase away any bad omens that might want to attach to the new bride. They’re saying it in Latin to keep from offending Tana. I’m not sure what Talassio means. Drusus didn’t know either, but it’s been handed down as tradition. The nuts ensure that the couple will be fertile.”

  As soon as Tana got closer to the steps, the three boys broke away and stood to the side. Rhia grabbed Tana’s arm and held on. Keely was completely surprised when Lucien lunged forward, easily snatched Tana away from Rhia, and slung her over his shoulder. He was a third of the way up the steps before Keely realized that Lina was frantically motioning for her to follow.

  “Hurry, we need to chase them up the stairs. The snatch and grab was symbolic to show that he’s wrenching her away from her family and that she’s now his in no uncertain terms.”

  Hiking up her toga, Keely broke into a run and met them at the top just as Lucien set his giggling bride down on the marbled entryway. She adjusted her veil and tried to catch her breath.

  “That definitely brought back some memories, Lucien.”

  He pressed his forehead to hers and said, “It was every bit as exciting too. Don’t think I won’t forget to finish what I started when they ever leave me alone with you.” When her cheeks turned pink, and she gifted him with a brilliant smile, Lucien straightened and then walked backward until he was standing just inside the palace foyer. He blew her a kiss and closed the door.

  Tana scurried to the side and picked up a small pot. Using a brush extending from the center, she dabbed liquid around the door frame. She returned the pot and came back with five long strips of material that appeared to be wool. She tied them at strategic locations and then knocked rapidly on the door.

  Immediately, both palace doors swung open. Lucien had removed the robe and crown. He looked powerful in his royal purple tunic and black breeches. A tall thin table sat on either side of him. One contained a flat cauldron with a small fire burning within. The other had a small bowl filled with water. Lucien’s face was serious as he stared at his new bride.

  “Tell me your forename.”

  Tana straightened her shoulders, raised her chin, and said proudly. “Where you are Gaius, there shall I be Gaia.”

  Maxim and Caelius came up behind Tana, clasped hands, and tilted their upper bodies sideways to place their locked arms along the back of her thighs and the middle of her back. They lifted her to a sitting position and carried her across the threshold. Setting her gently in front of the cauldron fire, they left the palace and returned to their mates.

  Tana moved her hands over the fire and pulled the aromatic smoke toward her face. Stepping to the side, she dipped her fingers into the water and dragged them down each side of her neck. Keely reasoned the actions were some type of purifying ritual. Standing in front of Lucien again, Tana pulled a coin from a tiny pouch attached to her belt and handed it to him. In turn, he placed a small key in her open palm. She slipped it inside the pouch and exhaled on a whoosh of air.

  Lucien grinned, snatched her from the floor, and whirled her around several times. Gently, he set her back down, clasped her hand, and pulled her to the doorway. His voice was booming and jubilant.

  “Citizens. Please greet your lovely empress consort and my mate, Tana Elizabeth Tarquinius.” He pulled the glowing mating necklace from the collar of his tunic and let it drop to his chest.

  A huge roar began at the front of the crowd and rode like a thunderous wave flowing all the way back to the festival grounds. The air practically crackled with energy, lifting the fine hairs along her arm. The crowd began moving toward the sound of loud ringing bells coming from the side of the palace. Lina had told her of the feast the citizens would enjoy. Each would receive a box full of meats, bread, cheese, and fruits before making their way to the events.

  Engrossed in watching the crowd, Keely startled when she was swallowed up by a set of huge arms. She immediately recognized Makar’s scent. He kissed the side of her neck, set her down, and stepped back to let Baruch take his turn. After raining kisses all over her face, Baruch lifted her chin.

  “We have to leave and dress for the games. Lina and Cassie will take you to the grounds. Stick close to them. Promise?”

  Adjusting her gown, she gave him a quick smile. “Of course. Good luck, and win something for me.”

  Makar caressed her arm. “You got it, sweetness.”

  With a quick wave, they descended the stairs and rejoined the Elite Guard surrounding Lucien and Tana walking hand in hand to their transport. The second theirs departed, another arrived. Lina stepped out and waved for her to join them.

  As she walked down the palace stairs and looked out over the city, Keely could only shake her head in wonder. Three days ago, she would have been sitting alone at her dining table and munching on cereal before heading to work.

  “Damn, Keely. Your life’s never going to be the same. There’s no way in hell you’re ever going to top this.”

  Chapter 31

  Ascending the stairs leading up to the royal podium, Keely clung to the railing. She couldn’t keep her eyes off the arena. The citizens were rapidly filling the available seats, and the place was a wash of deep voices, aromatic spices, and color. The emperor and new empress had settled in to resounding applause and smiles. They were well loved. It was evident.

  As soon as she topped the stairs and noticed the banquet table loaded with the same food boxes provided to the citizens, Keely’s respect of Lucien tripled. This was truly a generous, unpretentious leader. She snorted. If the men ruling Earth had an eighth of Lucien’s personality, perhaps there’d be less strife on my world too.

  Falling in line behind Cassie to collect her meal, Keely’s eyes widened when a deep voice sounded next to her ear.

  “Oh, my. You’re absolutely stunning.”

  Turning, she looked up to find a smiling man with exotic amethyst-colored eyes, shoulder-length chestnut hair, and his hand extended. He’d been at the crash site, but she couldn’t remember his name. Without thinking, she reached out and let him clasp her fingers.

  “Uh…thank you.”

  “I’m Stephano. Please, tell me your name. I’m sure it’s as beautiful as you.” He le
aned forward and began lifting her hand to his lips.

  Before she could respond, Keely startled when something slammed over her wrist and gripped it tightly. Looking down, she realized that a feminine hand now lay firmly locked over the pulse point of the wrist that had been within inches of being kissed. Crap! Baruch warned me about this. She quickly looked to Cassie, but her eyes were on Stephano’s shocked expression as she threw him a little wink.

  “Sorry, sport. She’s got two huge Elite Guards with warm necklaces willing to drive a sword right through your gut, and they won’t give a shit that you’re flying royal banners now.” Cassie tugged on her arm and pulled her to the side.

  “This is Keely Anderson. Makar and Baruch’s Occasio.”

  Quickly stepping back, Stephano gave a short bow and pressed his hand over his heart. “Please, forgive me, Keely. I was overcome with your beauty and moved on instinct. I can certainly understand your mates’ drive to cherish their good fortune. I would do the same.” He quickly turned to the three older Insedi standing beside him, but Keely caught the flush to his cheeks. She felt bad for him.

  “These are my uncles. Giddenis, Hanno, and Sparax Corvus.”

  Cassie had released her arm, but Keely made sure to keep both firmly at her sides as she looked to each one. “Hello.”

  They returned the greeting in Latin, and wide smiles crossed their faces. Stephano motioned them toward the banquet table and turned back around. He appeared to have gotten his act together, although his eyes were still sad.

  “Again, I beg your forgiveness. Please enjoy the games. They should be starting soon.” He executed another bow, took a meal from the table, and joined his uncles now sitting to the left of Tana and Lucien.

  Cassie handed her a box, smiled, and led her to the chairs closest to the front railing. A wide extension served as their table. Plopping on a thick cushion, the little spitfire patted the one next to her. “Pop a squat. I’m sure your legs are about to give out.”

  Keely sunk into the chair and then grabbed Cassie’s forearm. “Thanks for that. I wasn’t thinking. I’ve had my knuckles kissed so much it’s becoming secondnature just to flop it on out there.”

  Chuckling, Cassie patted her hand. “No worries. I’ll keep you in check. Those guys will kick my butt if I let anyone get to you before they can finalize the mating.”

  Feeling her cheeks heat, Keely focused on opening her meal. “Uh, well. I’m not so sure that’s ever going to happen.”

  “Plus one scenario a little too much for you?”

  “No. No. That’s not it at all. I…they don’t know me well enough to make that decision.”

  “Well, from what I’ve seen so far, I think you’ve shoved them right over the point of no return, chickie. They’re totally gob smacked over you.” Cassie leaned forward, her pretty eyes twinkling.

  “I did the exact same thing you’re doing, Keely.”


  “Denied what I was feeling.”

  “Oh, I’m not in denial.”

  “Oh, really? So, you don’t feel anything for them. Got it. They’re just two blobs getting in your way. Guess you need to go ahead and kick their asses to the curb and save everyone a whole lot of time.”

  Keely finally looked Cassie in the eye. If anything, this was the one woman she knew she couldn’t bullshit. Her face was calm. There was no false bravado or posturing. She had “street smarts” screaming from those piercing golden eyes and definitely graduated top of her class from the College of Hard Knocks. She’d seen things and experienced the dirty side of life until her shell was thick and her crap meter on full alert. Keely felt their connection click into place and took a deep breath.

  “I’m that obvious, huh?”


  “So, what’d you do?”

  “Quit trying to lay my tired, old pattern over new material.”

  “I like the way you see things, Cassie.”

  “Just telling it like it is.” She glanced around, spotted Severus speaking with Drusus at the stairway, and then looked back. Her voice lowered.

  “I almost fucked up the best thing that has ever happened to me. You’re not stupid, Keely. I could tell that the second I met you. But, I’ll clue you to one thing. Sometimes the answer to everything is right in front of your nose. You just need to uncross your eyes, step back, and put it in focus. That pattern? It obviously doesn’t work. Right? So ditch it.”

  Keely felt her knee being patted.

  “Look it. These warriors aren’t into politics, so stop trying to read between the lines. There aren’t any. I swear they’ll almost chew off their tongues before they’ll lie to you. If they do, it’s only because they think it’s for your protection. This isn’t Earth, Keely. It’s a hard concept to swallow when they look like regular men. Well, almost like them. No, scratch that. They’re fucking gorgeous, and that doesn’t hurt in the slightest. My point is, they’re sincere, and if they said they love you, then they do. Keep in mind that their species may disappear because of what happened, but that’s not what drives them. Trust me, they’ll step aside and will never love another if they think for one moment that you truly don’t want them. They’ll die for you.”

  Keely swallowed hard and opened her mouth to speak, but Cassie gently wagged her index finger back and forth. Her lips rose on one side.

  “No, don’t say anything. Just think about it. I had to. Remember everything they’ve said, every action they’ve taken, and each touch…and do it with the filters off and no past beating your brains to mush.” She leaned back in her chair and shrugged. “So, there it is. Do with it as you will.”

  Keely looked up when Cassie’s head swiveled to the right. She lifted her chin and accepted the soft kiss Severus placed on her lips. She gave him a lazy smile as he sat beside her. Lina and Drusus settled on the raised benches behind them. Luna, Cato, Kallon, Ulixes, Skylar, and Rhia filed in from the other side.

  Keely reciprocated their waves and sweet smiles before turning back to the arena.

  “So what are those sectioned areas in the middle?” She looked back, and Drusus answered.

  “The long one is for the spear-throwing competition. The square ones are for the sword and knife battles.”

  Keely shivered. “They’re actually going to fight each other?”

  Drusus shrugged. “In a manner of speaking. It’ll be very realistic, but they’ve been trained to stop before skin is pierced. Although sometimes they may get nicked. The points come from the amount of marks upon their chest shields. The less found, the closer to being the winner. Before each competition, they’ll coat them with the color of the faction they represent. They could be either red or white.”

  “Ah, good to know. Thanks.” Keely braced herself, unsure if she could watch people hurling weapons at one another. She rubbed at her chest and then took a deep breath. New pattern…new pattern. Keep your shit together.

  Lina leaned over and touched Cassie’s shoulder when the podium trembled slightly.

  “Pay attention. Do you hear that?”

  Cassie rolled her eyes. “Yes. It sounds like an army is rolling up on us.”

  “What’s it called?”

  “The pompa.”

  “And what’s it for?”

  “Geez, Lina. I actually paid attention. I swear. Fine. It’s the procession for the ludi Romani, which means Roman games.” She stared up to the ceiling and started counting off on her fingers.

  “First it’ll be the boys on horseback and then more on foot that simulate the infantry.” She glanced back and smiled.

  “Tana picked out the gentlest horses for the little ones. They practiced with her for two days. She’s so sweet.” She glanced back to the ceiling when Lina gave her an encouraging look.

  “Then it’s the chariots carrying the competing athletes followed by the desultores on their cool-ass horses called the Equus. A bunch of dancers, some of them armed, and musicians playing wood instruments follow behind. The satyrs will come
next and will mock the armed dancers. They’ll look silly with their hair stuck out all over the place in little tufts, but I’m definitely looking forward to checking out the loin cloths they’ll have on.” She squeaked when Severus pulled her onto his lap. He gave her a mock scowl.

  “Hey. What’d I tell you? I’ll wear one tonight if you refrain from ogling them.”

  “Deal. I was just testing. Okay, what’s next? Let’s see. Oh, yeah. The final part is the warriors carrying golden bowls and large vases of perfume. The statues of the major gods and items that represent them are carried on litters of wood. They’ll put all of that on a platform called a…”

  Keely acted clueless when she caught Severus whispering into Cassie’s ear as she pointed to a large structure on the other side of the arena.

  “…a pulvinar. Everyone except the athletes and chariots will return to the festival grounds where they’ll set up for other minor events like boxing, wrestling, bird-of-prey competitions, and throwing games. There. Did I pass?”

  Lina giggled. “Very good. Now, if Keely has any questions, I’m sure you can answer them for her.”

  Cassie grunted. “I’ll try, but if you feel me knocking on your skull for help, you better answer.”

  Lina’s laughter was drowned out by the roar of the crowd as the procession entered the gates and began circling the arena. Keely scanned each chariot that entered and lost her breath the second she spotted Makar and Baruch. Despite the amount of warriors leaping from the chariots and running to their designated areas, she immediately recognized their builds and the way they carried themselves.

  Trying to keep her mouth from hanging open was an act of futility. They were beyond sexy with their chest shields, shiny helmets with a maroon plume tipped with black, short leather-paneled skirts, and strong sandals. Leather braces wrapped their powerful forearms and shins. The muscles in their thighs quivered and tightened with each step.

  Makar’s sword gleamed on his back as he moved toward his station, while Baruch’s short knives glinted within the braces attached to his massive biceps. He bumped knuckles with Makar before sauntering over to the knife enclosure. Both had a red cloth tied around their waist. The whole scene was surreal. She felt like she was watching the beginning of an epic film. Keely sighed and agreed with everything pouring out of Skylar’s mouth.


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