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Infestation Chicago: A Zombie Survival Series (Volume 2)

Page 4

by Smith, Nathan A.

  “Holiday …” David said turning toward him only for a moment. Holiday’s laughing paused as he realized things might not be as joyous as he had thought.

  “By the power of the United States President,” The man driving the Humvee continued talking over the loud speaker loosely attached to the side of the car. “I, Corporal Kelly, will be taking your possessions in order to defend this country.” Destiny shook her head in refusal. Holiday’s face turned to confusion and he attempted to speak but was overpowered by the Corporal with the loudspeaker. “You will drop all weapons, ammo and supplies. Place your hands on your head, and take five steps back.” The Corporal commanded. The man on the back of the car held up a small pistol and aimed it at the group, while the man in the passenger seat hung half way out the window pointing an automatic rifle toward them. Holiday and Destiny threw their empty guns to the ground reluctantly. David sighed loudly and dropped his pistol while backing away until he was beside the other two. He placed his hands on top of his head smirking slightly.

  “I hate it when I am right.” he added. The Corporal opened the door to his Humvee and stepped outside. He stood beside Sam and placed both his hands behind his back.

  In a smug tone he continued speaking, “You,” the very sound of his voice irritated Sam. “Will come back with us and continue your duty for your country.” He turned back to his Humvee as the man with the bandana got out of the car carrying both his rifle and a large green cloth sack. He walked over to the guns lying on the ground and began picking them up, placing them inside the sack.

  “No.” Sam said to everyone’s surprise. “Let them have their stuff.” She demanded. “I will go with you, but only if they can keep their stuff.” Corporal laughed for a moment and turned around swiftly. He brought his large muscular arm up and smacked the side of Sam’s face with a devastating backhand. She fell to the ground with a loud thump. Holiday went to charge in anger at the Corporal but Destiny slid in front of him. She knew all that would happen would be Holiday getting shot dead if he tried anything David was also trying to control his anger at the Corporal for striking Sam.

  The Corporal knelt down over top of Sam while speaking softly, “No, you will come back; you have no say; this is not a negotiation and you will do your job when we return.” The Corporal stood back up smiling in victory. He was clearly insane.

  “No.” Sam said defiantly. Corporal turned once more to face her. He then suddenly began kicking her in the stomach repeatedly. With each kick he yelled a single word.

  First kick “Yes!” He yelled, second kick, “You!” his voice cracked slightly and the third kick “Will!” he shrieked as Sam rolled over in pain.

  “We can’t just stand here,” David whispered so as not to be heard. “We HAVE to do something.”

  “Yeah but what?” Holiday whispered back.

  “I got this.” Destiny said. She took a step forward to the man with the bandana. He quickly stood up, set his bag down, and raised his rifle. Destiny gave him a sexy gaze as best she good, trying to seduce him so he would let down his guard. The man looked at her confused as she began to play with her hair and giggle quietly.

  “What is she doing?” Holiday asked quietly.

  “I honestly have no idea,” David replied. “Maybe having a stroke?” Holiday slightly chuckled at the inappropriate timing of such a joke.

  Destiny realized the man in the bandana wasn’t receiving her as well as she had hoped. She sighed loudly saying, “Fuck it.” With one hand she grabbed the rifle and pushed it to the side, while at the same time she punched the man in the face with her other hand. The rifle shot once in the air as the man flew back onto the ground, leaving the rifle in Destiny’s hand. She aimed it at the Corporal and began making her own demands.

  “Drop it!” She yelled loudly. The man on top of the Humvee fidgeted slightly. He was not prepared for what just happened. “Do it or he dies!” The man on top of the Humvee dropped his pistol while the Corporal gave him a scolding look.

  “Holiday grab the bag!” Destiny yelled. Holiday quickly picked up the sack the man in the bandana was putting their weapons into.

  “Come on Sam.” David said walking over to her. She got to her feet and stared the Corporal in the eyes.

  “I thought things might have changed since I left.” Sam said. She then picked up her baseball bat and hit the Corporal in his head sending him to the ground. The man on the Humvee looked down at the pistol beneath him.

  “Don’t!” Destiny yelled. The man nodded and raised his hands up in the air. Sam hobbled toward David while holding her stomach.

  “I think the prick broke a rib.” She said as David held out his hand for her to grab. She smiled and accepted his help. Normally, she would never let any ‘man’ help her, but this was one time she wouldn’t complain. He placed her arm around his shoulder and they walked as quickly as they could back toward Destiny.

  Suddenly the corporal stood up holding his own revolver. He aimed it at Destiny and without warning fired a single bullet. It plunged into Destiny’s arm causing her body to wrench to the side. Destiny was only off balance for a moment and without any thought she fired her rifle at the Corporal.

  The Corporal and the man on the Humvee quickly moved behind it, shielding themselves from any bullets. Holiday ran to the tree line beside them. On the other side were more trees.

  “This way! Trees!” he yelled motioning for everyone to follow as he rushed into the forest.

  Destiny continued to fire short bursts keeping the Corporal and the other man pinned behind the Humvee. Occasionally the Corporal would fire his revolver around the side of the car, but the bullets did not land near anyone. The Corporal was obviously not the military man he made himself out to be. Sam and David hobbled into the trees trying to catch up with Holiday. Neither of them could see him.

  “This way.” Sam said, panting heavily while pointing to the far right of them. “There is a highway, more cover, easier to hide.” She continued as her breathing grew louder and faster.

  “Hang on Sam,” David said hobbling the way she said to. “We will take a look at your ribs soon.” He reassured her. “You were a doctor right?” He asked trying to keep her talking.

  “Yes.” She said as the gunshots slightly faded in the distance. David was concerned for Destiny but knew she could handle herself well. He had to keep Sam awake and breathing. He didn’t know how bad her injury could be.

  “Well, how bad could the damage actually be?” He asked. Sam smirked before answering.

  “After a complete break in one of the first three ribs at the top of my rib cage, the sharp end of a broken rib could rupture my aorta or another major blood vessel…doubt that because I would already be dead. But the jagged end of a broken middle rib can puncture a lung and cause it to collapse at any time. While the bottom two ribs rarely fracture because they have more flexibility than the upper and middle ribs, which are anchored to the breastbone. But if you break a lower rib, the broken ends can cause serious damage to your spleen, liver or kidneys. Want me to go on?”

  “No,” David was amazed at how much detail she actually gave, “So I don’t have to keep you focused or awake or something?” he asked.

  “What? No.” Sam said surprised he didn’t know better. “But if I do fall asleep you would have to carry me.” She smiled while breathing louder than before. “So let’s try to reach the highway fast K?” David nodded in agreement while continuing in the direction Sam had pointed to earlier.

  Chapter 5 – Separated

  Holiday and Destiny

  Destiny, realizing everyone else was in the forest, began to rush toward it. The Corporal stepped out briefly from the Humvee and fired his revolver until it was empty. The bullets hit the ground near Destiny making a slight ricochet sound.

  “Holiday!” Destiny screamed. She weaved through trees and kicked through piles of leaves on the ground as she ran. “David! Sam!” She continued screaming. “Where are you?”

a pair of hands grabbed her as she passed a large tree. They pulled her to the side as someone held her from behind. She brought her elbows back hard hitting whoever had grabbed her in the stomach. She turned pointing her rifle ready to fire. It was Holiday. He was bent over gasping for air with his hands now resting on his knees.

  “Shhh.” Holiday attempted to make Destiny quiet by shushing her. He was barely able to bring his one hand away from his knee long enough to bring his finger in front of his mouth. The sack of their weapons sat on his feet.

  “Holiday, I am so sor-” she began to apologize but was cut off.

  “Where are you ya fucking little bitch!” Corporal shouted. He had come into the forest after her and he was angry.

  “Over there.” Holiday managed to say as he pointed to the side of a house near the edge of the small forest. “Go.” He said pushing her slightly. Without hesitation Destiny rushed toward the building. The second she hit the building her eyes searched for a way inside. She noticed there were more houses beside it. She walked around the corner still searching for a way in. She finally found a small door that was wide open.

  “Here.” She said quietly. She turned around expecting to see Holiday behind her but he wasn’t there. She walked back to the corner cautiously. “Holiday.” She whispered. He was not that far behind her, and should have been there by now.

  Suddenly Holiday emerged from around the corner bumping into her and nearly dropped the sack of empty guns. Startled she screamed slightly.

  “There you are!” The Corporal screamed as he spotted them from inside the forest.

  “Go.” Holiday said pushing her once more. As they entered the building Holiday looked around outside. The house was part of a small subdivision located just on the outskirts of Chicago. When they got inside he shut the door and crouched to not be seen by the top half of the window.

  Holiday and Destiny were in a kitchen. All the cupboards were empty and left wide open. The tile floor was cracked in several spots and dried blood stained parts of it. A shadow walked by the door. Holiday froze solid. Outside the Corporal was walking by - Holiday could hear him clicking his revolver as he reloaded it. The door handle on the door Holiday was against turned slowly. He pressed his weight against it as the Corporal tried to push it open quietly. It wouldn’t budge; Holiday was making sure it wouldn’t. All the Corporal had to do was kick it to know Holiday was blocking it. Holiday assumed he wouldn’t because this part of the city looked pretty destroyed and was likely not ‘claimed’ by the Corporal and his followers yet.

  After a few seconds the Corporal’s shadow slowly moved away to Holiday’s relief. Destiny was already in the next room; a hallway leading upstairs attached to the front door. It reminded Holiday of David’s home back in Lone Tree. He slowly crawled on his hands and knees into the next room. Destiny crouched beside a small window near a table, watching outside.

  “He is across the street now.” She whispered to Holiday as he crawled up beside her. “Did you see David outside anywhere?” she asked. Holiday shook his head no. “We will find him.” Destiny continued. “I have to.”

  Outside the Corporal looked for any signs of where the group had gone to. A zombie appeared around the corner of one of the buildings and immediately jogged toward him. The Corporal raised his revolver and fired without any sign of fear. If he showed any emotion at all when he saw a zombie it was boredom that it was over so fast. Destiny and Holiday watched from inside and he stood in the middle of the small city street looking all around him.

  “He is going to continue to be a problem.” Holiday said.

  “Why did Sam want to go back? Then she didn’t?” Destiny asked confused.

  “Who knows,” Holiday said shrugging. Behind him a zombie silently crawled along the floor toward him. “She is probably just some nut.”

  “Well that nut was last seen with my boyfriend.” Destiny said with worry. “He better be O.K.” she finished. Slowly behind them, the zombie grew closer and closer, unable to make any moans or snarls as its neck was nearly gone; only a small piece of skin covered the little muscle that remained around its windpipe.

  “We will find him girl. Don’t worry.” Holiday attempted to reassure her.

  “Like you care,” she said angrily.

  “Oh I care girly don’t you-” Holiday was cut short as the zombie reached up and grabbed the top of his pants. It pulled him back on the ground and attempted to bite his neck. Holiday held its head as Destiny raised her gun to fire. Holiday raised his hand off the zombies head for a second to stop her, “No.” He said trying to remain quiet. He placed his hand back on the zombies head. Its arms were too weak to dig into him so all he had to worry about was its bite.

  “Too loud.” he finished pushing at the zombie attempting to get away.

  “The bag!” she said in a louder than normal voice.

  “Shhh.” Holiday again attempted to shush her. “Corporal.” he said quietly.

  Destiny nodded her head and looked around the ground for the sack.

  “Kitchen.” Holiday continued. “Near the door.” He still couldn’t get the zombie any further away from his neck. He knew he could hold it there for a long time, unless it moved into a better position. The zombie’s body was barely functioning and was mostly just bones.

  Destiny rushed into the kitchen and found the bag in front of the door they had entered. She searched inside and brought out her combat knife. She kissed it quickly on the handle and rushed back into the other room.

  The zombie’s head moved around wildly. Despite Holiday holding it in place, Destiny tried to line up her knife so she wouldn’t hit Holiday. She raised it in the air but before she could bring it down into the zombie’s head, Holiday spoke harshly.

  “Wait.” he said sharply. Destiny paused slightly.

  “What?” She said impatiently.

  “Make sure you don’t miss again.” Holiday said with a worried look on his face.

  She nodded and raised her knife once more.

  “Wait.” Holiday said again.

  “Oh my god now is not the time.” Destiny whispered.

  “We have time, please take it.” Holiday said, his voice trembling. “Just nice and steady, you don’t even have to do it that hard.” Destiny stared blankly at Holiday while he closed his eyes. Without any more hesitation (and without looking at the knife or the zombie) Destiny raised her knife up and plunged it into the zombie’s head. It went limp as Holiday opened his eyes. He pushed it away and sat up. “Knew you could do it.” He said smiling. They both crouched beside the window once again.

  “Where is Corporal Kelly?” Destiny said shocked as they peeked out the window. “He was right there in the street before.”

  “Got him.” Holiday said pointing to the house directly across the street. “In the window.” He continued.

  Inside the front doorway of the house across the street the Corporal was punching a zombie repeatedly in the face. He then threw him out of the door onto the front lawn. Destiny noticed he was talking on a two way radio at the same time. She examined the window she was crouched at for a way to open it. Slowly she slid it up leaving a small one inch gap on the bottom so she could hear outside.

  “What are you doing?” Holiday asked.

  “I want to hear what he is saying; now you shush.” She replied placing her finger up to her mouth before staring outside to watch the Corporal.

  “Don’t you shush me!” Holiday said raising his voice.

  “He will hear you.” She loudly whispered back, repeating the gesture of placing her finger in front of her mouth.

  “Fine!” Holiday grunted. “I am going to check upstairs.” He crouch walked to the steps leading up to the second floor and slowly climbed them. Destiny shook her head slightly annoyed with Holiday. She listened carefully to what the Corporal was saying.

  “I don’t give a shit!” the Corporal yelled into the radio. “Get someone out here now!” He walked up to the dead zombie and continued bashing it,
only this time with his foot.

  “Sir, that area isn’t clear.” a voice on the other end of the radio echoed out of it.

  “No? Really?” Corporal replied. “Well I guess you should just leave the only one keeping this goddamn place safe, stuck in the middle of fucking nowhere!” The Corporal was very angry that Sam had eluded him.

  “Sorry sir but-” the voice was cut off as the Corporal continued his rant.

  “Fine soldier, but when I get back, we will have to have a talk about following orders” the Corporal said calmly smiling.

  A single zombie could be seen walking slowly down the street toward him. He was completely unaffected by its presence. Destiny was surprised that with all of his shouting, more zombies had not shown up.

  “Very well sir, I will dispatch a vehicle to rendezvous with you in a few minutes.” The voice on the other end of the radio sounded very afraid.

  “Take your time soldier. Just get it done.” The Corporal finished speaking and laughed loudly. He rushed toward the zombie and jumped on top of it, pinning it to the ground. He laughed menacingly as he grabbed its head and pulled harder and harder as if he was trying to rip its head off. To Destiny’s surprise, it eventually did come off with a sickening pop. The Corporal threw the head down the street before saying one final thing into the radio. “Don’t forget to stay away from highway eight soldier; got reports that big motherfucker is still hanging around there.”

  David and Sam

  “Where is this highway Sam?” David asked after walking for what felt like miles.

  “Highway eight, just up ahead.” Sam gasped.

  “You have said that a few times now.” David replied as he was becoming frustrated more and more. Destiny was nowhere to be seen. He couldn’t believe he left her behind.

  “There it is.” Sam said, pointing to a small group of cars on a road. “Hurry.” she continued. David increased speed still holding Sam up by her one arm.


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