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Infestation Chicago: A Zombie Survival Series (Volume 2)

Page 6

by Smith, Nathan A.

  “Pleased to mee-” Once again he was cut off as Gary swung its arm up knocking Holiday backwards onto the pavement. He sat up quickly picking up his hat from his lap

  “No! Friend!” David yelled. Gary once more held his head near the ground. It let out a whelping moan as if to say it was sorry. Holiday stood up from the ground placing his sheriff’s hat back on his head. He limped his way toward Gary, held out his arm once more, and spoke hesitantly, “Pleased to!” He shouted while cringing in anticipation of being hit again. His arm stretched out and his eyes remained shut tightly but after a few seconds passed, Holiday opened his eyes only to be immediately licked on his face by Gary’s enormous tongue.

  “…meet you.” Holiday finished his sentence disgusted by the thick wet tongue covering half his face and leaving a pool of wet saliva behind. His hat flung to the ground behind him as the tip of Gary’s tongue finished licking. He wiped off the saliva quickly with the arm of his shirt and picked his hat up. “I should just stop wearing this thing.” He said quietly.

  “You people are insane!” Sam yelled from the tree line. “None of what you said makes any sense!” Everyone turned and looked at her confused while Gary sat down on the ground behind them.

  “You mean medically?” David asked.

  “In any way!” Her voice cracked as she yelled. “So you have some sort of power to control zombies. Fine.” Sam crossed her arms. “I will admit that could somehow be possible. Doubtful…but possible. Now you are telling me this … thing.” She pointed toward Gary while pausing for a moment. “Is ... what? Your protector? Your pet? You are insane!” She breathed quickly nearly hyperventilating while finishing her rant.

  “Just go with it.” Destiny chimed in with a smile. “This stuff just seems to happen ever since everything started.”

  “It still doesn’t make any sense.” Sam sat down while continuing. “Zombies alone are something that doesn’t make sense. Now…this?” She was nearly in tears and slumped to the ground beneath her. This was all new to her. Even to the group who had seen more than Sam, everything was still unbelievable; but they had gotten used to things making no sense whatsoever. Until a few days ago, Sam had spent the entire ‘end of the world’ in a safe haven run by the Corporal. David’s group had survived the beginning attack on Lone Tree, thousands of zombies attacking them at once inside David’s house, false hope of rescues, Trinity Scientists ranting scientific mumbo jumbo, David’s crazy Scientist father who had started the entire Infestation event, and Gary terrorizing them for an entire week before they left Iowa. Not to mention the death of everyone they ever cared about.

  David walked up to Sam and knelt down. He spoke softly and was very sympathetic. “I know this is all … hard.” He said choosing his words carefully. “In this ‘new world’ we have to … accept some things and move on.” He said standing back up.

  “My whole life has been about not accepting things,” Sam said wiping a few tears away from her eyes. “I always know everything; things are always nicely explained by science.’ She stood up and took a deep breath. “So what is our next move?” She asked gesturing with her arms.

  “Well getting to the docks should be easy with Gary here.” David said. “I guess we just go with whatever happens and wing it.” David walked away from Sam and started heading down the highway toward the large buildings of Chicago off in the distance. Sam hesitantly nodded in agreement and followed alongside Destiny and Holiday. Gary jumped to his feet and jogged until he was quickly beside David.

  Prepared for almost anything, they felt like everything was finally going their way.

  Chapter 7 – Street War

  The highway was littered with cars. Some were tipped over in almost working condition, but most were either burned frames of metal from a fire or completely pulverized.

  David, with a newly found confidence, walked quickly toward the Chicago docks. He knew nothing could stand in his way except the Corporal, and with Gary now at David’s side he wouldn’t stand a chance against the group.

  “How far until the docks?” Destiny hesitantly asked Sam who was walking beside her. They were only a few feet behind David and Gary who were strolling ahead. Holiday was closely following from behind.

  Destiny understood why Sam did what she did in the car with David, but she was still uncomfortable with Sam. She was intimidated by her looks, as well as her attitude.

  “Well,” Sam said thinking out loud, “shouldn’t be too long.” Holiday sped up until he was beside the two girls.

  “So why did you leave this ‘Haven’ of the Corporals?” Holiday asked.

  “Long story.” Sam’s response was quick and short. Holiday nodded looking down the long highway they were on.

  “We got at least twenty minutes until we hit downtown,” He continued. “Then another what? Five until the docks?”

  “Been here before?” Sam asked attempting to change the subject.

  “Couple times,” Holiday responded, “So twenty-five minutes roughly. That sounds like enough time for a long story.” He said, ignoring her attempt at a different discussion.

  “Holiday,” Destiny said, “It’s not really our business, besides the Corporal is a jerk. Do we need more of a reason than that?”

  “Yes.” Holiday said smiling. “We are after all heading there.” He gestured out in front of them pointing toward several tall skyscrapers in the distance. “Would be nice to know exactly what we are heading into.”

  “Fine,” Sam said as she stopped moving. Destiny and Holiday both stopped with her “You really want to know?”

  “Obviously,” Holiday said concerned.

  “I was a breeder,” Sam’s response was followed by a pause as she continued walking, leaving a stunned Holiday and Destiny momentarily behind.

  “What?’ Destiny shouted while they jogged for a moment to catch up with her.

  “A breeder, you know? I had sex to make babies. I was the first one in the community, nobody objected. Of course if they tried Corporal Kelly would just have said it was necessary to the continuation of the human race or some other nonsense.” Sam spoke closing her eyes and shaking her head.

  “But you’re a doctor?” Holiday said outraged.

  “I know. Kelly didn’t care.” Sam replied followed by a large sigh. “He also didn’t care I can’t have kids anymore. I had a hysterectomy three years ago.” Sam said with disgust aligning her voice about the Corporal’s attitude “He just took me in a room a few days after I had settled, told me it was more for his pleasure then anything, and started taking off my clothes.” Sam sneered and while clenching her fists. “Only happened the once. He said it wouldn’t be a regular thing. There were others on a schedule.”

  “Motherfucker” Destiny said in a soft quiet voice. “I can’t believe it.”

  “Then, a few days ago, he tried again. So I knocked him out and left.”

  “Sick bastard!” Holiday shouted.

  David stopped and turned around while Gary twirled around slowly listening. David hadn’t heard Sam’s story.

  “What?” David asked confused.

  “Nothing.” Sam said quickly.

  “Downtown is just ahead,” Sam said changing the subject. This time Holiday remained silent

  “I stayed at the building on the left up there.” Sam continued while pointing toward a large red three story building. Mark’s Fine Jewelry was written in large yellow letters above the door. “We should rest there and plan things out. Apartments upstairs are clear, downstairs is empty of anything so nobody should bother us.”

  Suddenly Gary raised his head into the air and let out a bellowing roar startling everyone. David closed his eyes attempting to feel what Gary did. It was surprisingly easy. Almost as if David had a two way communication with Gary’s feelings. Off in the distance the slight hum of a vehicle could be heard while pieces of paper and other garbage slowly blew in the slight breeze. To everyone’s amazement there were no bodies lining the streets like they thought there wou
ld be. There were also no zombies to be seen anymore. It was the emptiest city they had ever seen.

  “Corporal.” David said with worry.

  “We need to move. Now!” Destiny said loudly running past David and heading for the front door of Mark’s Jewelry.

  “Gary,” David projected his thought toward the beast. “Hide, No fight.” David was becoming attached to Gary and felt an odd sense of protection toward him. Gary growled and ran quickly past Destiny near the jewelry store. He jumped and in an instant, was on the roof of the three story building. David smiled with surprise.

  Quickly and quietly, the group rushed toward the jewelry store. Destiny reached the door first and opened it. After a quick look inside, she held it open and gestured for everyone to enter. David went first, then Holiday and finally Sam. Destiny started to enter but was suddenly groped from behind and yanked out toward the street.

  A large bulky man wearing a black SWAT ballistic helmet and covered in a Kevlar bodysuit was holding Destiny around her chest. Her arms were pinned at her sides and her feet were off the ground a few inches as he moved further away from the jewelry store. Destiny screamed while struggling to get free, kicking at the man behind her. Her feet could not hit him hard enough through his suit.

  “Relax!” The suited man yelled.

  “Destiny!” David yelled as he bolted out the door. Three more men, dressed identically to the man holding Destiny, emerged from behind nearby vehicles pointing automatic assault rifles toward him.

  “Freeze!” They yelled. David froze, placing his hands up in the air. Inside, Holiday attempted to leave the store but was grabbed by Sam. She didn’t say anything but pointed to the door leading upstairs. Holiday protested but was quickly pulled toward the door by Sam. She was struggling to keep him inside. She feared if her hands slipped even for a second, Holiday would be shot as soon as he exited the building. The main floor was nearly an empty room. One small counter was all that was left.

  The first thing Corporal Kelly did when clearing an area was remove all furniture and valuables. This meant he was claiming this area and preparing to extend the perimeter of ‘Haven’ to this point.

  “Let me go.” Holiday whispered sternly. “We have to help them.”

  “There is no way to.” Sam said looking into Holiday’s eyes terrified. “He has an army.” She said sadly. Holiday let out a breath of frustration and swung the door open. They headed upstairs as quietly as possible.

  Outside David’s eyes met with Destiny’s. His face filled with worry and fear. A vehicle turned the corner down the street and headed toward them. On top of it was Corporal Kelly. He was on a seat tied to the vehicles roof. The vehicle was an Oldsmobile style of vehicle, it was moving very slowly. Beside it jogged at least ten men dressed the same as the men around him. David inched forward toward Destiny attempting to speak to reassure her. He was stopped by the sudden yelling of the men around him.

  “We said don’t move!”


  “Don’t do anything stupid!”

  They all spoke at once, clearly not trained in how to handle this situation. Eventually the Oldsmobile rolled up beside them and the Corporal stared at David smiling.

  “Look what we have here!” He said with great enthusiasm. His gaze turned toward Destiny being held by the man. “Two of you eh?” The Corporal was somewhat disappointed the others were not there as well. He stood up and jumped abruptly off the car, stumbling awkwardly when he hit the ground. “So … where are the others.” he said approaching Destiny. She only shrugged.

  “No idea who you are talking about.” she said sarcastically.

  “The traitor and the cowboy.” Corporal said not amused by her comment. He pulled out his revolver and placed it to her head. “Anytime...” He persuaded .

  “We got separated.” David said unsteadily. Corporal turned his head toward David and lowered his gun.

  “That a fact?’ he said surprised. “Why don’t I believe that?”

  The Corporal pointed the gun back at Destiny’s head. “Let’s try this.” he said slightly laughing. “Either one of you tell me where the traitor is and I’ll let you both go free.” His head turned back and forth looking from Destiny to David and back again. “I won’t even look for your cowboy friend.” He finished, moving the gun once again away from Destiny.

  “Why?’ Destiny snarled. “So you can rape her again?” Some of the men near the car looked at each other confused, muttering softly.

  “Ignore her.” Corporal said loudly. “She is just trying to justify treason.” He paused, sticking out his tongue and biting on it softly. He then shrugged. “So be it.” He raised his gun to Destiny and cocked the hammer back.

  “No!” David yelled quickly lunging forward. A single shot rang out, echoing off the buildings.

  David had been shot him in the stomach by one of the Corporal’s surrounding men. The Corporal began laughing as Destiny screamed and burst into tears. David fell to the ground holding his wound and coughing. Corporal looked at Destiny and stopped laughing.

  “You know we could use someone like you in our community.” He smiled and placed his finger on her cheek. “In a few days you will see it is better than being out here … alone.” He gestured with his hand above his head and the man holding Destiny dragged her to the car. She cried and struggled to free herself but was unable to. Her grief was nearly overpowering her ability to think. “As for you,” Corporal continued while kneeling down beside the barely breathing David, “I am afraid we cannot commit any resources in helping you.” David stared angrily up at Corporal Kelly looming above him. “Don’t worry about her,” he spoke quietly while pointing at Destiny. She sobbed loudly from the back seat of the car. “We will get her a job in our community suitable to a woman with her … assets.” He smiled briefly then stood up.

  David closed his eyes trembling in pain as his stomach hurt with each labored breath..

  Without warning, Gary plunged down onto the front hood of the car Destiny had been thrown into. The men screamed briefly taking a few steps away from the Beast.

  “Well - well,” Corporal said un-phased by the appearance of Gary. “We were going to look for you shortly.” The beast roared loudly and jumped at a small group of armed men beside him. He picked one man up and threw it high into the air. The man fell onto the pavement with a thud of broken bones and lay motionless. One of the remaining two men was then grabbed by Gary and slowly bent nearly in half. The man screamed with a high shriek only to fall silent a moment later after a sudden snap of his spine. The third man shot his gun at Gary, emptying his thirty round clip in seconds. The bullets bounced off Gary’s head and fell to the ground. Corporal’s face flashed the widest grin he could make before jumping around like a madman and screaming at the Beast. “Come here lovely! Over here lovely!” He shouted over and over again at Gary, taunting him to attack.

  “Be ready men!” he yelled just before Gary jumped toward him. The Corporal dodged out of the way by jumping to the side.

  Gary rolled for a moment before hitting the wall of the jewelry store beside David. Gary quickly stood up, shook off the impact of his tumble, and leaned protectively over top of David. The beast slightly moaned in a sad groan, reaching down to him.

  “Now!” Corporal yelled pointing at Gary. A loud metallic clunk erupted causing Gary to jump. A large mesh ball bolted out of a large cannon being held by one of the armored men. It flung into the air above Gary and burst open. From it popped out a large fishnet made of chains with small black boxes dotting the circumference of the circular chain net. It enveloped Gary and glowed bright blue as electrical currents shot out of the black boxes and coursed over the net shocking him. He shrieked in pain, which David also felt through his power. After a few seconds Gary fell to the ground unconscious. “Take him to the stadium, put him with the others.” Corporal said before letting out a loud breath of exhaustion. Everything began to get dark for David. The last thing he saw before passing out was Gar
y being dragged away and Corporal returning to his seat on the car.

  Chapter 8 – In the Army Now

  A few minutes later, after all the noise had died down outside the jewelry store, Holiday peeked his head outside the front door.

  “See anything?” Sam whispered from inside while closing the door leading upstairs.

  “No,” Holiday replied. “It looks clear.” Sam quickly crept toward the door as Holiday walked crouched down outside.

  “We did hear a gunshot.” Sam said following him. When she reached outside, Holiday was on his knees in front of a pool of dried blood.

  “Shit!” Sam said.

  “Someone was shot; they laid here for a while.” Holiday said sniffling.

  “Who was it David? Or Destiny?” Sam asked kneeling beside him.

  “No way to tell Doc.” He replied standing up. “Looks like I am going to Haven.” He continued.

  “What?” Sam said shocked. “Are you crazy?”

  “Probably.” He replied shrugging. “Either David got shot or it was Destiny. Hell maybe both. Either way I have to make sure they aren’t dead.”

  “And if they are?” Sam said. Holiday turned to her with a scowl on his face.

  “Then we deal with it then.” He responded loudly. “You know the layout of Haven. How can I get in without them knowing?” He pointed at her while she shook her head quickly in disagreement.

  “You can’t.” She said frustrated. “Don’t do this.”

  “I have to Sam.” He said sadly. “I have been watching over that kid since he was born.” His eyes began to tear up but he cleared his throat and ignored it. “I shouldn’t have just hid before. I won’t hide now.” He began walking down the road.

  “Wait,” Sam said sighing. “The road is filled with checkpoints. There is an alley with a guard this way,” she motioned for Holiday to follow her. “He goes by every few minutes so we have to time it right.” Holiday smiled with appreciation.


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