Page 28
“The dogs would have come running if you were outside,” I state.
She nods. “Hey,” she whines when I take her sunglasses off.
“No hiding,” I instruct.
“It’s my house,” she reminds.
“Speaking of which,” I begin, “we need to set up an access code for me.”
“No,” she objects.
“Uh, yes,” I challenge.
“Not going to happen,” she states.
“Don’t,” she says.
“What if I need to leave while you’re gone?” I question.
“Then, you’ll have to wait over at Paul’s until I get back.”
“Pix,” I coax.
She huffs. “I’ll think about it.”
“Really?” I ask, pulling her into me.
“Yep,” she confirms. “And, my answer is still no.”
“You didn’t think about it,” I argue.
“Yes, I did. As a matter of fact, I just did,” she says. “And, you got my answer.”
“I’ll wrestle you for it,” I goad.
She giggles. “You’ll lose.”
“You sure?” I check, kissing her.
“Mm hm,” she hums into my mouth.
“God, I’ve missed the taste of you,” I announce, holding our embrace and hoisting her up on the island.
“Don’t say shit like that to me,” she replies, pulling away.
“What? Why?”
“Because, that’s what someone in a relationship would say,” she informs.
“It’s the truth,” I share.
“Don’t care,” she answers. “I don’t want to hear it.”
Grabbing her ass, I yank Laurie to me and proceed to carry her up to my room.
“What are you doing?” she gasps.
“Settling this,” I comment.
“Settling what? There’s nothing to settle,” she counters.
“We’ll see about that when you’re begging me for an orgasm,” I mention.
“I’m not begging,” she replies.
“Not yet,” I laugh.
Laurie tries to argue, but her words become jumbled and eventually turn into moans as I strip her down naked and have my way with her. When we finish, the dogs join us on the bed as I try to snuggle with her. Laurie lets me cuddle for all of a minute before she gets out of the bed. I complain and she comments something about cuddling is for people in relationships.
The next couple of days are our usual banter when we’re together; some talking, mostly sarcastic comments back and forth, and an increase to my sexual innuendos which she returns on a few occasions with the added benefit of us having sex at least once or twice a day. Each time we do have sex, I push to cuddle or other things which end up being rejected by her as things couples do. She still won’t let me in her room, but I’ve been able to get her to christen the living room, workout room, the back patio and the kitchen each — more than once. I’m hoping to christen both of our vehicles and the garage soon.
Today, I’ve been monitoring Quintin with minimal success and Paul and I have yet to find a way into the country club. When I ask Laurie if she can remember a way, she says that there isn’t one, but I know there’s something she’s not telling me.
“Everyone’s on their way over,” Laurie informs.
“I’m closing it up now,” I reply as I continue to hide the equipment.
Five minutes later, Laurie is calling my name. “What?” I ask, heading up the stairs.
“Why are you going to my room? And, you with stuff in hand, no less?” she searches.
“Because,” I begin, “we have company coming.”
“We?” she poses.
“Yes, we,” I confirm. “According to them, this is our place. And, since this is our place, it would look odd if they saw that I’m not only sleeping in the spare bedroom, but that all of my things are there as well.”
“No one goes into my room,” she challenges.
“Yeah,” I chuckle. “Not that you know of.”
“They don’t,” she returns.
“Bathroom?” I suggest.
“There’s one downstairs, one on your side of the house and one out back, off the patio,” she reminds.
“And, there’s one in your room,” I return. “We’re having seven other people over.”
“So, there could be a chance that the three that you allow them to use could be occupied,” I explain. “Causing someone to need our bathroom.”
“My bathroom,” she says.
“Our,” I repeat, just to torture her.
“Keep that shit up and you’re not getting laid for a long time,” she declares.
I laugh.
“What’s so funny?” she inquires, following me into her room since I’ve ignore her direction to stay out the whole time.
“You,” I say.
“How so?”
“Your threat is something that people in relationships say,” I tease.
Laurie’s mouth opens to speak, but nothing comes out.
“Where’s the closet?” I ask despite prior knowledge of its location.
She stares at me blankly.
“Either you can tell me, or I’ll find it at some point,” I return.
Laurie’s eyes narrow, but she remains quiet.
“Fine,” I chuckle, moving toward the dresser and open the top shelf.
“That’s not the closet,” she announces.
“I know,” I muse. “I’m looking for space in here too.”
“Because, people in relationships share space,” I explain.
“We share plenty of space,” she argues.
“No, we don’t,” I return.
“You’re really starting to annoy me,” she declares.
“And, you’re getting sexier,” I tease.
“Ass,” she sighs.
“You like my ass,” I comment.
“Do not,” she returns.
“Do too,” I laugh. “You checked it out the first day we met, have on several other occasions and enjoy squeezing it when I’m fucking you.”
“Do not,” she huffs.
I place a few items she has in one pile on top of two others in order to add a few of my things to the now empty side. “Do too,” I reply, wanting to get her riled up. A smile pops onto my face when I look over at her, seeing her steaming under the surface.
Laurie follows me closely, watching every thing I do as if I’m going to bug her room or something. I’m considering it now. I add several more items each to the remaining drawers of her dresser, as well as one of my guns, and then make my way over to what I know is the closet. For as big as it is, I’m surprised that it’s not stuffed form floor to ceiling.
“Hmm,” I say in amusement.
“What?” she replies.
“I kind of expected more,” I share.
“I don’t need that much,” she states.
“Makes it easier to pack up and leave if needed,” I mention.
Laurie’s eyes dart to the floor when I look at her.
“Hey,” I call, aware that I hit a sensitive spot.
“Did you bring anything over for the bathroom?” she asks.
“No,” I reveal.
“It’ll look suspicious if you don’t have your toothbrush and some other things in here,” she comments.
“Yeah,” I agree.
“I’ll get them,” she adds suddenly.
I try to comment, but she’s out the door before I get a chance to object. I hang the first large armful of clothes I brought over. I empty my bag and toss it on the floor next to my shoes. When I turn around and notice that Laurie hasn’t returned an idea pops into my head that I can’t help acting on.
“What are you doing?” she questions from the door way.
“Getting a feel for what our bed is like,” I muse.
“Not happening,” she comments. “Get off.”
; “If you insist,” I play, taking off my shirt.
“Ass,” she sighs, heading into the bathroom.
“You like it,” I shout as I get off the bed and put my shirt back on. “You never know if someone needs to stay over, forcing me to sleep in here with you.”
“Nope,” she replies, keeping her back to me.
“Fine,” I laugh, moving back to the bed.
I lay still, enjoying the firm yet fluffiness of it as well as the view of the sky and backyard from the large skylight that turns into a floor to ceiling window. An image of Laurie and I naked in her bed just after having an intense love making session with us watching the stars or listening to the rain falling against the pane plays out in my head.
“What the fuck?!” she whines.
“Come join me,” I suggest.
“Fuck no,” she returns.
“You know you dream about having me here,” I tease. “I bet you dream about tying me up too.”
“Anything else?” she asks.
“How many of those fantasies would you like to act out this week?” I peruse.
Laurie crosses her arms and glares at me.
“Just another round of hanging clothes, shoes and that should be it,” I say when I realize I can’t break her.
“Care to help?” Laurie inquires when she gets to the door way.
“Come join me,” I coax.
She turns and leaves.
“Pix,” I call, reluctantly getting up and running after her. “Come on, Pix. We could have had a little moment right there.”
“Couples do little moments,” she mentions. “We aren’t a couple.”
“You’re no fun,” I whine, continuing to follow her.
By the time Laurie makes it all the way into my room, I sweep her up and carry her to the bed as she tries to get away. We play fight, each trying to pin the other on the bed. The dogs become excited by our actions and end up adding themselves to the fun.
“Get off of me,” Laurie directs.
My lips snatch hers, offering two slow, long kisses before releasing. “No,” I whisper.
“Aiden,” she whines.
“I want you,” I profess before kissing her again.
“That’s…nice,” she comments, trying to seem unresponsive to my touch.
Even though her words say one thing, Laurie’s body tells me the exact opposite as her hips buck up into my growing erection. She kisses me back, but fights me as I try to get her shirt off.
Suddenly, the dogs stand at attention and a beeping noise goes off in the house.
“What’s that?” I check, leaning more over her in a protective stance.
“Get off,” she says. “It’s the house system. Our visitors are here.”
“You sure?” I ask, wanting to continue our playfulness.
“Yes,” she confirms, pushing me away. “Get the last round of things while I go check the screen and then greet them.”
“I need a minute,” I announce.
Laurie turns and her eyes look down at my groin. A small smile spreads across her face, obviously pleased by the affect she has on me.
With a grin, I stuff my hand down my pants and shift myself to make the blue balls a little more comfortable.
“You better wash your hands,” she says, heading out of the room.
Thirty Nine - Laurie
Having Aiden in the house on a daily basis the past few weeks does have it’s benefits — especially the part of me getting my sexual needs met. Let’s just say that he’s very attentive, making sure I have at least a minimum of three orgasms each time, but he aims to beat his record of five. Most days, Aiden does his thing and I do mine with the occasional distraction of sex, which is all instigated by him. Okay, I might have started it once or twice. I have kept it strictly professional, not interrupting him while he’s working and only once snuck into his room while he was sleeping after masturbation didn't help.
Several times each week, Paul comes over, taking turns with Aiden to monitor the screen as well as the audio. They disconnected the system in their house to prevent lines from being crossed and the possibility of being found that they’re listening in. Since I started tapping their feed, there have been a few times that they’ve had interference. I’m not sure if it’s really my backdoor infiltration or perhaps something from Quintin’s house that prevents eavesdropping from outside parties.
The current challenge, as it has been other times, is leaving Aiden alone in the house when I need to run errands. Several of the times I had to go, Aiden went with me since it involved going to the cafe and it looks good for us to be seen in public. I’m not enjoying how he questions me each time I head out when he’s not included. I refrain from telling him my plans, insisting that it’s none of his business as well as threatening to kick him out if he pries. The second time I left without telling him, I found a device in my purse and made sure to toss it in the back of the next truck that passed by as I was driving. He tried to track the truck too, so I made my awareness known by instantly chucking the tracking device into the lake. Aiden hasn’t tried to track me since.
Once I’m at the edge of town, I double check my phone and vehicle for a device, making sure I'm not followed or tracked. Today, I’m going to see the family at the reserve. It’s been a while since we’ve updated each other on the status of Quintin Carroll and it’s always easier for me to discuss the matters with them prior to visiting with Trudy and the boys.
Aiden acts funny as soon as I get back. “Where have you been?”
“Out,” I remind.
“Out where?” he presses. “It’s after eleven at night.”
“None of your business,” I state.
“Don’t,” I snap. “We talked about my privacy.”
“What if something happened?” he says.
“Like what?” I return.
“Anything is possible between Quintin and your past….”
“Don’t,” I command.
“What?” he feigns.
“We aren’t in a relationship. I can take care of myself. I have guns and knives and I now how to defend myself,” I remind.
“What if something happened?” he presses.
“You’ve got my phone number too,” I state. “God, you’re fucking sounding like Codie.”
“Don’t compare me to him,” Aiden replies with irritation.
“Why? Why not?” I challenge. “You’re acting just like him. Are you nervous that I might be fucking him too?”
“No,” Aiden denies.
“Regardless if I was or not, or anyone else, it’s none of your business,” I remind.
“We’re in a relationship,” he comments.
“Fake Aiden and fake Laurie are. We, are not,” I say heatedly.
“Pix,” he calls.
“Fuck off,” I answer, continuing up the stairs to my bedroom.
“Pix, I’m sorry,” he apologizes.
“Good,” I snap, not looking at him.
Aiden follows me into my room.
“God, leave me alone,” I whine, not in the mood for any of his antics.
The house system suddenly goes off.
“Stay here,” Aiden instructs, grabbing his gun that he’s left in my dresser, along with other things, and heads downstairs.
“It’s my fucking house,” I reply, chasing after him.
The dogs get into their protective stance as I hit the bottom of the stairs and snatch my iPad out of Aiden’s hands.
“Hey,” he whines.
“My house,” I remind.
“Fuck off,” I return, grabbing a gun from one of the drawers to the kitchen island. My fingers move to open the screen, entering the passcode. “It’s just a deer.”
“How do you know?” Aiden inquires.
“I just do,” I answer, realizing that he doesn’t know the extent to my home surveillance system.
“Pix?” Aiden presses.
ignore him.
“How the fuck do you know it’s a deer?” Aiden repeats.
“Don’t worry about it,” I deflect.
He rips the iPad from my hands.
“Hey,” I scold, reaching to get it back.
Aiden blocks me. “Since when do you have cameras around your property?”
“None of your business,” I counter. “Give me my fucking computer.”
“You’ve had cameras this whole time?” he surmises.
I stay quiet as I try to yank the iPad back.
“Laurie?” he commands.
I manage to get the device back.
“Why didn’t you fucking tell me you had cameras out there?” he asks.
“Need to know basis,” I utter.
“You don’t think that would have been good for me to know when I was out there putting up the ones to spy on Quintin?” he presents.
“Nope,” I confirm.
“Why not?” he pushes.
“I was monitoring you and your surroundings with it,” I admit.
“I could have used them as part of….”
“No!” I yell. “This is my fucking home. I’m letting you be here. Remember that.”
Aiden and I stare at each other as I try to figure out if he’s seen the other feed; the one that shows me their line of Quintin’s house. From the looks of it, he didn’t.
Seeing the chance to get away, since Aiden is standing in shock, I make my way back upstairs.
“Hey,” he calls, following after me.
“Hey, nothing,” I charge, slamming my door and locking it behind the dogs in just enough time.
“Laurie,” Aiden calls from behind the door. “Pix.”
I move away from the entrance and slide onto the bed with the iPad still in one hand while the other holds the gun.
“Laurie,” he repeats, banging on the door this time. “Pix?”
“Go away!” I yell.
“Pix, please,” he begs.
Ignoring him, I move into the bathroom and wash up for the night.
The next few days are a quiet and strained between Aiden and me. We haven’t had sex let alone talked to each other since he found out about a small portion of my home security system. He attempts to talk to me a few times, but I just get up and walk away. I’ve caught him trying to hack into my iPad, so I’ve kept it with me at all times. Good thing Aiden doesn’t know about my private, lockdown security room which acts as a panic room as a last resort if the house ever did get broken into — not like he has access to it anyway. There are several large monitors that are always on, revealing each camera’s shot and the super computer I have that records everything. I have plenty of food, a small bathroom and a cot in there for the dogs and me that can last us up to about four months. I even created a secret exit that leads under the greenhouse and out into the woods with a vehicle for escape.