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Dirty South (A Blue Collar Bad Boy Romance)

Page 10

by Celia Loren

  "Yeah, and I guess you didn't stick around after that, because she left about fifteen minutes later. And I think you know that I like to take my time."

  I ignore his insinuation and push on. "So why was she there?"

  He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "She was there for the reason you think, but then... I don't know. It just didn't feel right. It felt like...well, it felt like I was cheating on you."


  "But you're with Vernon, so—"

  "No. My dad was just getting ahead of himself. I'm actually planning on breaking things off with him tomorrow." We stand and stare at each other in the low light of the basement. I feel like we're in some kind of standoff, and one of us has to break first. I think of Lynn's sadness at not being able to be with the person she wants, and take a deep breath. "I hate seeing you with other women."

  "Seeing you with Vernon makes me want to rip his head off," he counters, his eyes flashing.

  "I don't want to be with anyone else but you," I offer in a whisper.

  "That night when we went out to Skidaway Island, I wasn't just feeding you lines. I do think this could be something real."

  He takes a step forward and pulls me roughly toward him. Our mouths connect, hard, and I open my lips wide to his. His cock presses against my hip, and a mix of giddiness and pleasure runs through me. Boone Tillman wants me. Only me.

  "What about my father?" I gasp, pulling back.

  "We'll deal with him later," he grunts, his hand winding around my hair and gripping the back of my skull. I feel his need acutely, and he feels mine. He presses my dress up to my hips, and I feel him pull my underwear down. I step out of them, and push him back into a chair behind him.

  "Condom?" I ask as he unzips his pants and takes his member in his hand. He groans and reaches into his wallet and pulls one out of a pocket.

  "This is our last time with one of these," he says. He slides it on, and then reaches forward and grabs my ass. I walk a couple steps forward and open my legs wide to stand around the chair, and then he pulls up my dress and ducks his head forward, taking a long lick against my clit.

  "Oh, Boone," I moan, digging my hands through his hair. "Will it feel different without one?" I ask.

  "Fuck yes," he says, pulling away and wiping my pleasure from his lips. He takes my hips and guides me down on top of his cock. "I love how wet you always are for me," he says with a devilish grin as I slide down him. When I reach his base, I lean forward and kiss him, tasting my own saltiness on his tongue. He reaches his hand around to my clit, and begins to circle it with his thumb. My hips begin to buck slightly back and forth, and then I begin to stand up again, letting his tip move back almost to my opening before sliding slowly down again.

  I rest my cheek against his, breathing hard, and then begin to move up and down his cock faster and faster. He groans and circles his thumb around my clit harder, while his other hand moves around my ass and between my cheeks. I almost stop in surprise as his finger begins to move around back there, not because I don't like it, but because I do. I keep going, shocked by the new sense of pleasure he's eliciting from me.

  My thighs begin to ache, but I need him deeper and harder. I press up and down, riding him. I close my eyes, and all my energy is centered on where he's touching me. My pleasure begins to focus, coming to an aching point around his cock, until finally it bursts over, sending quakes throughout my body.

  He groans against me, his jaw working as he struggles to stay quiet. I let myself slide a couple more times up and down, and then allow my leg muscles to relax. The sound of a glass shattering by the top of the basement door causes us both to jump.

  "I almost forgot where we were," I admit with a giggle.

  "Me, too," he says, brushing my lips with a kiss. "Come over tonight, please," he says.

  I'm shocked to feel tears spring to my eyes, touched by the sweetness of his tone. "Yes," I reply.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  "Was it because of what happened at the boat party?" Vernon asks, pushing his salad on his plate around aimlessly. I took a rare lunch away from the office, and waited until the entrees arrived to break the news.

  "No," I reply, struggling to split the difference between kindness and honesty. "But I did really disagree with what Peter said. People are people, no matter how they grew up." Vernon nods, looking chastised. I reach across the table and lay my hand over his. "Vernon, be honest, do you really feel a spark with me?" I ask, trying to boost his spirits.

  "Yes," he replies simply.

  "Oh," I murmur, and quickly withdraw my hand. That backfired. "Forgive me, I thought... well, I thought..."

  "That I was pursuing you to make our parents happy." He smiles weakly. "I truly wish that had been the case."

  When the bill comes, he insists on paying it, even though I try my hardest to convince him to at least let me pay my share. We share an awkward goodbye hug, and I hurry back to the office. In the break room, I prepare Charlie's afternoon coffee, and chew my thumbnail as I wait for the mug to fill. I hadn't realized Vernon was so serious about me, though I do feel lighter now that I've broken up with him. Even though we weren't exclusive, guilt was still weighing me down. Now I just have to worry about telling my father.

  I head into Charlie's office, and place his coffee on his desk without interrupting his call. "You didn't have to do that," he says, stopping me as I'm on my way out.

  I turn to see he's hung up. "That's alright," I reply, feeling surprised. He certainly didn't make fetching his coffee seem optional before.

  He clears his throat. "So, did you get a chance to look over the Terra Forma website ideas?" he asks, referencing a new client we've taken on.

  "Oh, I didn't realize I was supposed to," I reply.

  "Of course. I'd love to have your opinion," he says, looking over his wire-framed glasses at me.

  "I'll look at them now," I promise him, and head back to my desk. I sink into my chair with a smile. I guess all my hard work is finally paying off. I knew I just had to be willing to do all the tasks that no one else wanted to, and eventually I'd get my chance at the creative stuff.

  My gchat dings with a message from Lynn: I think my mom is going to put this on the fridge... she says, and sends me a link to the Savannah Tribune's website. I laugh as a picture of her and her supposed boyfriend from the reelection party pops up, but frown as I take a good look at it. My father and I are in frame, standing next to them, engaged in conversation. I didn't even realize we were being photographed, but that didn't stop the Tribune from caption the photos with our names.

  I glance surreptitiously into Charlie's office, and the copy of the Tribune I placed there this morning. No wonder he's being nicer to me all of a sudden. I sigh and open up the Terra Forma email anyway, but find I can't concentrate. I feel like I'm being stared at, though when I look up, the other interns and assistants all seem to be focusing on their own work. Maybe I'm being paranoid, and maybe Charlie hasn't even told anyone else.

  By the time I finally come up with a few thoughts, the workday is over. I find myself driving more slowly than usual as I head home, and realize that in my surprise over the newspaper picture, I've forgotten how nervous I am about telling my father that I've broken up with Vernon.

  I say a quick hello to Mrs. Hunt in the kitchen, and then head to my father's office to see if he's home yet. I'm a few steps away when a glass comes flying out of his door and breaks to pieces on the wall just a few feet from my head. I let out a shriek and jump about a foot in the air.

  "Christ, Grace!? Is that you? What are you doing out there!?" my father yells from inside his study.

  "It's the hallway!" I yell back, too angry at almost being knocked out to be scared. I push the shards with one of my toes. It's one of the crystal old-fashioned glasses that used to be his father's. He must really be pissed. I glance into the study, and see him leaning on his desk, his face red with anger. Oh shit, what if Vernon told his parents, and they told my father?

/>   "You alright?" I ask quietly.

  "No," he snarls. "Our permits for retail space at 100 River Street just got pulled. Not even a warning. We're opening in two weeks! The retailers are already moving in!"

  "Maybe Boone could—"

  "I ran this company for years without Boone! Do people have amnesia or something?" he snaps.

  "I'm sorry," I whisper.

  "I have to call James," he mutters, looking up expectantly and waiting for me to leave.

  "Dunleaf?" I ask.

  "Yes, Dunleaf," he replies irritably. I don't want to tell my father more bad news while he's already in such a state, but it would only be worse for him to hear it from Vernon's father.

  I take a deep breath. "I broke up with Vernon today."

  My dad stares at me. "Why didn't you tell me that?" he growls.

  I fidget with my shirt hem nervously. "Well, it just happened this afternoon."

  "The mayor's office has control over the permits," he spits out through gritted teeth, his voice rising.

  My feet want to run, but I force myself to stay. "I'm not going to date someone just because his father could help your business."

  "My business? My business? Our family's business is what bought this house, and your college, and the clothes on your back! Would you care to take any responsibility for it at all?!"

  "That's not what I—"

  "You and your mother are selfish! Happy to spend the money, but—"

  "I'm trying!" I burst out. "I got this job and—"

  "Don't interrupt me!" he thunders, slamming his fist down on the desk. I jump, and tears spring to my eyes. I don't know the last time my father and I had a fight like this.

  "Yes, sir," I whisper.

  "Get, out," he says, sitting back in his chair and gasping for breath as he loosens his tie. He must have really worked himself up, but I don't intend on sticking around. I walk quickly out of his office and toward the front door.

  "Callie? Callie?" I hear Mrs. Hunt call as I shut it behind me.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  "Can I come over?" I ask Boone as soon as he answers.

  "I'm at the office," he replies.

  "Oh. Never mind, then," I reply, trying to hold back a cry. I'm wandering around Forsyth Square and I don't want anyone to see me.

  "Wait, what's wrong?" he asks, his tone, changing.

  " dad, he was so angry, and—"

  "I'll be home in ten minutes. Meet me there."

  "You don't have to—"

  "Callie. I'll be home in ten minutes." I feel a little warmth spread through me as I point my feet towards his house. I'm not walking slowly, but just as I see his house appear around the corner, I spot his car pull into the alleyway next to his house. He made record time.

  I turn into the alleyway, too, and meet him at the back door. He turns around as he puts his keys in the back door, takes one look at my face, and pulls me into a tight hug. My face breaks as he holds me against him, but my tears eventually slow as I feel him gently stroking my hair.

  "Come on," he says, and leads me inside. Without asking me anything, he leads me upstairs and into his bedroom, then sits me on the edge of the bed. He heads into the bathroom, and a moment later, I hear the water running. Is he fixing me a bath? I still feel empty and exhausted inside, but a smile comes to my lips. "It's ready," he says, poking his head out a minute later.

  I let out a happy sigh as I walk into the bathroom and see the hot bubble bath that he's prepared for me. I strip off my clothes and step in, letting my body sink slowly below the water.

  "Too hot?" he asks, sitting on the small step next to the tub.

  "No, it's perfect," I reply, inhaling the lilac-scented bubbles. "Thank you," I murmur, as he takes my cheek in his hand.

  "Want to tell me about it?"

  I swallow. "Is everything going to be OK with the permits?"

  "The permits?" he asks. "You mean at the River Street project?"

  "Yeah. I think it's my fault they got pulled. I broke up with Vernon today."

  "Ah," Boone says, a smile momentarily flickering across his lips before he straightens them. "I'll figure out the permits."

  "My dad was really angry."

  "About the permits, or Vernon?"

  "Both. He said I was selfish."

  Boone sucks a sharp breath through his teeth. "I don't think that's true. If anything, you try to appease him more than you should."


  "I didn't mean to—"

  "No, tell me," I insist.

  "I think you're far tougher and more opinionated than you let on," he says gently. "But I don't mean that as a negative. Those are my favorite things about you. But I know those are qualities your father doesn't really appreciate in a woman."

  "I don't know about tough. I'm crying in a bubble bath right now," I point out.

  Boone laughs. "Well, being tough doesn't mean you can never be hurt." He pauses for a moment, scooping up water in his hand and then dropping it gently over my shoulder. "Can I tell you something about your father?" he finally asks.

  "Yes, of course," I reply, surprised.

  "He's not a good businessman, but he's too proud to admit it to himself."

  "Really? I always thought he was, well, not brilliant, but..."

  "The finances were in shambles when I got a hold of them. He probably would have lost the business in a few more years. I'm telling you this not to malign him, but because I think that's where his temper comes from. From feeling powerless. So don't worry about the permits. I'll fix the permits."

  I take his hand and bring it to my lips, softly kissing his knuckle. "Thank you," I murmur.

  "Hey, just trying to help out my girlfriend," he says with a smile.

  "Your girlfriend," I repeat. "I like that."

  "So you're feeling better?" he asks, letting his hand dangle in the water. I become conscious that the bubbles have dissipated and Boone is glancing sidelong at my naked body, now visible under the surface of the water.

  "Getting there," I reply, feeling my cheeks heat up as Boone's hand moves forward and strokes my neck. I unconsciously spread my legs, and Boone's fingers trail down my chest and then gently cup my right breast. I close my eyes and rest my head against the tile wall behind me as he massages me. His hand slides down my stomach, and I moan as he moves one finger over my clit.

  My knees fall open in the large tub, and he moves his fingers down further, pressing one inside me. He begins to circle it inside me, and the only sound is the water gently lapping against the porcelain and my own heavy breathing. I gasp as he presses a second finger inside me. Now instead of circling them, he begins to move them in and out, fucking me with his fingers. I feel his other hand slide against my stomach, and he begins to circle my clit with one of his long fingers.

  Heat rises inside me and sweat pours down my face and mixes with the bath water. My hands grasp for the sides of the tub and my back arches wildly. His finger slows on my clit and I gasp at the ebb in sensation. I open my eyes to find him watching me with a mischievous glint in his golden eyes.

  "Please, Boone," I murmur.

  "I love knowing I'm the only man who's ever made you come," he replies, and begins to circle his finger faster and harder. I cry out as he pulls an orgasm from me. It rips from the base of my spine through the tips of my toes, and I'm left panting with my mouth wide open.

  "Fuck," I murmur. "I think I need to wash off from this bath."

  Boone laughs. "Do you need to head home soon?" he asks as I stand up, water dripping off me from every side. He wraps a soft white towel around my shoulders.

  "Not before I return the favor," I reply with a grin, reaching for his belt buckle.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  "You really know your way around in here," Lynn says as I grab a glass from Boone's cabinet.

  "I'm over here a lot," I admit with a smile and a shrug.

  "Well, thanks for having us over," she says.

s sweet," I tell her. "So you guys are on better terms?"

  "It helps that she's finally meeting some of my Savannah friends. She was having trouble believe it was all because I wasn't out. She thought I was trying to hide her, or something. Like I was ashamed."

  "How's Vernon doing, by the way?"

  "He's alright. I mean, I catch him staring out of the window at nothing a little less than I did right after you guys broke up."

  "So he's taken it better than my father, then," I say with a wry smile.

  Lynn guffaws. "He's still not talking to you?"

  "Yup. I guess it's better than the yelling, though, which was his initial reaction. He's like a child sometimes, I swear. He just can't believe it when he doesn't get his way."

  "Well, if you're not talking, then at least you don't have to lie about seeing Boone," she points out.

  "That is an unexpected upside," I say. "Though I do always go back home before it's too late. Shouldn't wake the sleeping giant, right?"

  "Y'all talking about us?" Boone asks as he and Sheila walk in from the dining room. I grin as he walks up behind me and slides his arms around my waist. Lynn and Sheila are the only ones we can be public with about our relationship, and vice versa.

  "Yup, Callie was just saying how you always think everything's about you," Lynn jokes.

  "I was not!" I protest with a laugh.

  "Lynn!" Sheila protests, nudging her.

  "Oh, he's knows I'm kidding," Lynn says, finishing her beer. "Well, we should get going anyhow. I've gotta drive Sheila home and I don't want to fall asleep at the wheel."

  "Bye!" I call with a wave from the front door as they get into her car a few minutes later. Boone pulls me inside and kisses my neck as he pushes the door closed with one hand. "Tonight felt so deliciously normal," I sigh, wrapping my arms around his broad back.

  "Mm," he replies, nibbling on my earlobe.

  "Boone! I can't concentrate when you do that," I say.

  "That's the point," he murmurs. "But you're right. Sometimes it's nice to be normal. And sometimes..." he scoops me up in a fireman's carry and heads for the stairs. "Sometimes it's fun to be a little weird."


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