Guardian of Lies: A Paul Madriani Novel
Page 14
The Liberian vessel, said Thorpe, do we have a name? With a name we get shipping records. Even after forty-five years we might see where the vessel landed.
I thought about that, said Llewellyn. Our intelligence people checked our copies of the old Soviet documents. It looks as if the vessels name was in the KGB reports, but for some reason it was inked out, redacted by the Soviets, we dont know why.
And of course without the original document we cant look behind the ink.
Correct, said Llewellyn.
So we dont have a clue as to where this guy went or whether he might still be there today?
Until we had access to the KGB reports, he was just an urban legend, one that Emerson Pike was apparently obsessed with. We talked with people Pike worked with before he retired and they all said that he believed the legend to be true. Even after he retired, whenever he traveled, friends said he was always on the lookout. It looks as if perhaps he found him. The Soviet apparatus searched for Nitikin for almost thirty years, until the empire collapsed, and they never found him. So you have to assume the Russian is fairly resourceful, said Llewellyn.
And old, said Thorpe.
Yes, but that may not be an advantage, said Llewellyn.
What do you mean?
Well, I mean if he sat on it all these years, why would he use it now? Unless, of course
Unless what?
Unless hes dying and he knows it, in which case its either use it or lose it.
So he has to restore it before he dies, said Thorpe.
My guess is that hes found help. He would need it. Its possible but not likely that hed be able to move it himself.
Youre thinking subnational terrorists, said Thorpe.
If the plan is to use it, that would be my guess, said Llewellyn. No nation I can think of is going to want to have their fingerprints on an event like that. And while a nation-state could take it and put it in their arsenal, without the capacity to maintain it, what good is it? In ten years theyve got a corroded hunk of junk. No. Unfortunately, theres only one purpose to be served by a dinosaur like this, and thats to turn it loose and let it roarto make a statement that the world will understand.
Both men knew that when it came to potential helpers, there was no shortage of candidates.
So youre pretty sure theres no chance he goes to use this thing and gets a fizzle? said Thorpe.
Theres always the exception in the physical universe, said Llewellyn, but I wouldnt place too much reliance on it in this case. You have to remember, the first one of these we made, gun type, we didnt even bother to test it. We just shipped it across the Pacific and dropped it. Thats how certain we were that it would work.
Youve convinced me, said Thorpe. What are we talking about in terms of size?
Are you asking mass, the size of the weapon, or yield? said Llewellyn.
All three.
The warhead would be bigger than a bread basket. Unfortunately, we dont have a picture. The only one we know of is a photograph of one of the missiles itself on a ramp aimed at Guantanamo. We know the warhead was situated in the midpart of the fuselage. How large or heavy we cant be sure, said Llewellyn. Youd want to use a truck to move it. Im guessing a small box truck would be more than adequate.
In other words, the kind you can rent anywhere, said Thorpe.
And yield?
That we do know. Think in terms of Little Boy, said Llewellyn.
Youre kidding. I thought you said this thing was field tactical for battlefield use.
It is. Back then I guess they thought bigger was better, said Llewellyn. No. Its almost precisely the same. A smaller package no doubt, but its the same type, and the same yield as Little Boy, fourteen kilotons, and it would be very reliable. Thats what I was saying. We tested Fat Man, the implosion device, in the New Mexico desert to make sure it would work. But Little Boy, that was a gun type, a sure thing. The first test was the live performance over Hiroshima.
Larry Templetons facial features have always reminded me of those statues of Lenin pulled down by the mobs at the close of the Soviet Union. His bald head and goatee, the forceful jaw and the deep-set eyes, make for a powerful image.
Seated behind his desk, as he is this morning when Harry and I are ushered into his office, we get only a slight sense of Templetons diminutive physical stature. This comes from his abbreviated upper body hidden partially behind stacks of case books and files on his desk. He lays down his pen on top of the papers he is working on and beckons us to enter.
Gentlemen, gentlemen, please come in, have a seat. He gestures with a broad sweep of his right arm toward the two client chairs opposite his desk. His other arm appears to be trapped under the desk.
Looks like a den of iniquity. Harry is not moving, blocking the way, taking it all in.
There is a thick Persian runner, leading from the door, under our feet. It matches the larger Persian carpet under the desk, which is oak, antique and massive, behind which Templeton sits on a specially built raised chair, like a rajah holding court. All that is missing is the turban.
In the corner near the windows, Larry has erected a carved wooden panel, teak, I would imagine, and very ornate. The framed prints on the walls have the definite exotic influence of the East, sheiks with large headdresses and sickle-shaped Sumerian swords.
Larrys digs in the DAs headquarters have never held the appearance of a government office. He has decorated them out of his own pocket since the beginning and has done so lavishly.
Mr. Hinds, always good to see you. Mr. Madriani. How are you? Linda, you can go. Close the door on your way out. Templeton dismisses the secretary who has ushered us in.
Only thing wrong is it smells like Tammany Hall in here, says Harry.
Templeton brings a finger to his lips to shush him until the door closes. With his secretary outside, Larry smiles, then lifts the smoking offender from under the desk and gives us one of his characteristic looks: devil with a stogie, arched eyebrows, and a polished head. One in the morning, one in the afternoon, the doctor prescribes them, he says.
So thats what did it, says Harry.
I know, dont say it, stunted my growth. Hinds, you gotta get up earlier in the day if youre going to try to spring that one on me.
How about we go one-on-one, a little basketball? says Harry. Ill give you an edge. Put you on roller skates.
I see youre as sensitive as ever to the plight of the disabled. Templeton leans back in his chair and smiles at him from behind a veil of cigar smoke. You havent changed.
Show me someone whos disabled and Ill show you a tear, says Harry. But lets not change the subject. I thought this was a no-smoking zone, county building and all.
They dont ask and I dont tell. Hope you dont mind. Larry doesnt wait for an answer. He flicks a little ash into an open desk drawer on the other side. Id offer you one, but theyre too expensive.
What is it, administrative or criminal, Harry says, turning toward me, a violation of the no-smoking ordinance?
Im not getting into this one, I tell him.
Smart man. Besides, its only an infraction. Insulting a midget, now thats federal, says Templeton.
Which title is that? asks Harry.
When I find it, Ill send you the citation. Templeton reaches out and shakes my hand. How come you were so blessed as to get this dip-shit as a partner? he asks.
Luck of the draw. I settle into one of the chairs across from him. You look as if youre prospering, I tell him.
No lack of offenders to prosecute, if thats what you mean. Its a bumper crop. He gestures toward the files stacked on the floor; off to one side of his desk, they c
limb the wall a good two feet.
Harry turns slowly in place, taking in the Dwarfs new surroundings, his freshly decorated office. If you can get past the cigar, you can still catch a whiff of the paint. Templeton has moved up in the world since we last met. The office is twice as large and has a corner set of windows to boot.
Harry is busy checking out the Persian runner on the floor, lifting the corner and reading the label.
Are you a collector? says Templeton.
No, but Ive seen a few of these fenced for fees. This one looks expensive enough to fly, he says.
Id be happy to put you out the window for a test drive, says Templeton.
Later, says Harry. After you bring in the belly dancers and we see the seven veils.
Ill give you the name of my decorator, says Larry.
Dont bother. I couldnt afford it, says Harry. Just tell me where you keep the magic lamp. I may need to rub it to spring a client one of these days.
I hope its not this one, says Templeton. Because if it is, the genies gonna need a new battery. Hes definitely not going to have enough juice.
That bad? I say.
Templeton takes a drag, looks at me, nods slowly and blows a smoke ring in my direction.
You called the meeting, I tell him.
So I guess we should get down to cases.
Harry picks up on the serious tone and waltzes over to take a seat.
Templeton leans forward, braces his hands, short armed on the surface of the desk, the cigar still between his teeth. Before I go any further, I have to have your word that nothing said here will be repeated outside this room. Do I have your word?
Harry and I look at each other. What are you talking about? I ask.
I have to have your word. He takes the cigar from his mouth.
That would depend on what you have to say, I tell him. If you tell us you have hard evidence that somebody other than our client did the deed, you can be sure that before they strap her to the gurney and insert the needle Im gonna mention it to somebody.
No, no. I dont want you to misunderstand. Youre not going to be hearing that your client didnt do the crime. Based on all the evidence we have so far, which is, in a word, overwhelming
Please try not to scare us, says Harry. I break down easily.
Ive noticed. No, everything we have points to your client. Youve seen the prints on the dagger, the toxicology report, and the fingerprint evidence on the medication bottle. And theres more, the coins she took, the pawn tickets in her purse.
What about the coin from the probate estate? says Harry. The seller on that one was a man. What do you have on this guy John Waters?
No doubt an alias, says Templeton. A dead end.
What do you mean a dead end? Have you checked it out? I ask.
Were still looking at it. But I wouldnt hold your breath. She could have passed the coin off to somebody else. Or had help at the house with the murders. The fact is that the only person who had any contact with this guy Waters was the purchaser of the coin and hes dead. According to the executor the buy was made in cash, so theres no check or account that we can trace. Like I say, a dead end. So lets get back to the toxicology report, says Templeton.
What, now youre going to show that she tried to poison him? I say.
Ill concede the point; given the amount of the drugs in his system she merely tried to put him to sleep. Under different circumstances, given the evidence, we might even be talking today about reduced charges, dropping the special circumstances, something less than a capital offense.
That would be pretty generous, says Templeton, considering that Pikes murder took place during the commission of another crime, the robbery. If that was all there was, I might have entertained a pitch for something less. But we cant forget the maid. We have multiple murders here. And that one is very hard to swallow.
How could we forget? says Harry.
Templeton looks at both of us. No, either Pike woke up after she medicated him or the medication didnt work. At the moment were not sure. But either way, its clear. Pike stumbled in on them in the midst of the burglary, probably while they were in the process of stealing the coins. They killed him, took his computer and perhaps other items of personal property. At this point we cant be entirely sure of whats missing. Were still looking, but you can be sure well find it.
You keep saying they. I tell him.
Excuse me? Templeton looks up at me.
You said, They killed him.
Well, yeah, says Templeton, we havent caught up with the codefendant yet. But we will.
Youre telling us there was a second perpetrator? says Harry.
Well, yeah. You didnt know that?
Harry shakes his head.
At first we thought she might have done it alone, but then a couple of weeks ago we figured it out.
Figured what out? I ask.
Whoever it was entered by way of the back door, says Templeton. It appears your client tried to unlock it for him, but the maid must have locked it again. Both sets of fingerprints were found on the knob. The lock was picked for entry, so her helper appears to have come prepared and had some skills. We found scratches on the tumblers, both the dead bolt and the door lock.
And weve talked to some of the hired help and others who knew your client. It seems she was seen all over town, Del Mar as well as other places, almost always in the presence of other men, talking to them. Sooner or later well find the right one.
What are you saying? I ask.
Well, youve seen the woman, he says. Shes gorgeous. Catch me at a weak moment and who knows, maybe even I would have helped her out.
She may be petite, but youd need a ladder, says Harry.
Lets not get personal, says Templeton. You can dress her like a nun when you bring her to court, but theres no denying shes knock-dead gorgeous. And if I cant get at least half the judges in the county, the male half, to take judicial notice of her good looks Ill quit.
Okay. So shes pretty, I tell him.
Pretty! Templetons voice goes up a full octave. Your partner must be quite the ladys man. He looks at Harry. If all he can say about Katia Solaz is that shes pretty, his date card must be full every night.
He waits for me to say something, but I dont.
As I was saying, according to all the witnesses weve spoken to, she never had a problem finding men to talk to. Fact is, unless Im mistaken, isnt that how you met her? The first time, I mean. When I look up, Templetons glowing face is boring in on me.
I was informed from one of the police reports that thats how you and Ms. Solaz first met. What was it, she approached you in a grocery store and started talking, is that right?
Yes. What else can I say?
How did she do it, just walk up to you? he says.
She was looking for something. I dont remember, I lie.
Ill bet she was, says Templeton.
It was nothing like that, I tell him.
Right, he says. And your heart didnt go pitty-pat either, Ill bet. Well, if she met her lawyer that way you can figure she may have found men to do other things for her in the same way. Spread a little honey around and bees will come.
The blood drains from my head as I filter all the details. The cops showed up at our office door with my business card, the one they found in Katias purse when they arrested her. I had given it to her that morning at the grocery store in Del Mar. The police asked me if I was her lawyer, and if not, how she came by my card. I explained it to them, and they left.
If the cops have been busy looking for a co-conspirator, it begs the question. Why have they never returned to ask me
if I had an alibi for the night of the murders? My mind starts to race. Where the hell was I? I have a sudden compulsion to tear through the pages of my calendar. I cant remember.
Harry and I sit stone faced, staring at the Dwarf from across the desk.
You look surprised. Although this is not directed at one of us in particular, Templeton seems to be looking at me as he says it.
Do I?
Surely you didnt think she did it alone?
I dont think she did it at all, I tell him.
Templeton ignores me. She would have needed help to blank out the camera at the side of the house and to take down the motion sensors. You didnt think we bought into the concept of coincidence, did you? Hell, she couldnt possibly have carried all those coins herself. We got an estimate from a coin expert, just on the stuff we know is missing, and the weight would have been more than a hundred and forty pounds. Thats more than she weighs, and it doesnt include the stuff she took, the coins she hocked along the way on her bus trip. No, theres no question, somebody entered the house from that side, and they left the same way when they were finished.
This would, of course, explain what happened to the large cache of missing coins and Pikes computer. According to the police, Katias co-conspirator has them.
And theres a good chance that whoever it was set her up, says Templeton.
What do you mean? I say.
Well, think about it. He left with the lions share of the coins, and he avoided having his picture taken on the security cameras coming and going. You notice he sent her out through the front gate, right into one of the security cameras that was still working. Guess he figured somebody had to take the rap. So now hes got most of the gold, and shes left facing the death penalty, twisting in the wind, as you might say.
He allows this to settle on us like mustard gas.
Bullshit, says Harry. If what youre saying is true, shed be mad as hell. You dont think she would have told us by now?
Maybe theres a reason for that, says Templeton.
What? says Harry.