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County Sheriffs 2: Conquering Lovers (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Becca Van

  She shook her head slightly and giggled. “I’m definitely going to the rodeo, then. I love watching cowboys in action.”

  This time his heart lurched for a different reason. Jealousy reared its ugly head as he imagined Bella eyeing other cowboys, but he made sure to keep that emotion hidden from her. He didn’t want to ruin any chance he and Dawson had with her by pissing her off, before they’d even started.

  “You guys haven’t entered the rodeo before, have you?”

  “No,” Dawson replied. “We’re usually the ones working through the night. Clay, Spence, Tanner, and Cooper have taken turns entering over the last few years.”

  “Yeah, I remember seeing them. They’re all very skilled. How about you guys? Do you think you have a chance at taking the prize?”

  Kent met Dawson’s gaze briefly before looking back at Bella. “We hope so, darlin’. We’re definitely going to give it our all.”

  Chapter Four

  Bella had a feeling there was more to Kent’s answer than the question she’d asked, and while she was curious, she didn’t know the two men very well and didn’t think it appropriate to pry. She figured if they wanted her to know what they were talking about they would tell her.

  She was more relaxed than she had been in months, and although she was tired, she was enjoying their company. She’d seen some of the other young single women eyeing Kent and Dawson as they’d strolled by, but as far as she could tell, neither man had acknowledged the come-hither smiles from the opposite sex. For the first time in her life, Bella felt special, and she wanted to hold on to that feeling as long as she could.

  Maria had been the outgoing, flirty one, and she’d tried to get Bella to open up more. It wasn’t that she was too shy to go out with a man, it was just that none of the men who’d asked her out had appealed to her. Some of them had been very good-looking and some of them had been plain, but Bella wasn’t the sort of person to rush in and accept a date just because a man asked her out. She liked to know a person before giving them her time, and it didn’t matter what they looked like on the outside.

  She’d heard her mom talking with Maria in the kitchen when she’d still been alive. Her older sister had asked her mom why Bella didn’t have any friends or seem to want to date. Tears burned as she heard her mom’s voice echo in her head. “Your sister feels things very deeply, Maria. She’s the sort of person who needs to know someone inside out before she’ll give her heart.”

  “Bella, are you okay, baby?” Dawson’s voice and his hands gripping hers brought her back to the present.

  She blushed when she noticed they’d stopped right outside the hot-potato stall. “Yes, sorry. I was lost in thought.”

  She tugged her hands free and moved closer to the stall counter as she perused the menu.

  “Have you decided what you want yet, Bella?” Kent asked as he came up to her side. She didn’t need to look back over her shoulder to know that Dawson was right behind her. She could feel the heat of his body seeping into hers even though he wasn’t touching her, and every now and then his breath ruffled the hair on top of her head.

  “I’ll have the works.”

  “A woman after my own heart.” Kent winked before turning to place their order. “What do you want to drink, darlin’?”

  “You don’t have to buy—”

  “Don’t argue,” Dawson whispered against her ear, causing her to shiver. She lowered her head as she nodded and hoped her cheeks weren’t as red as they felt. No matter how hard she tried to circumvent her body’s responses to their closeness, she couldn’t seem to obliterate the shivers that raced up her spine, or cool the heat as it coursed through her veins. Bella was very attracted to both men and wasn’t sure quite what to do about it.

  * * * *

  Anger surged through Brett’s blood, tightening his muscles, when he saw Bella with the two asshole deputies and they were holding her hands. He’d followed her to the parking lot, planning to make his move and get her into his truck, but those fucking bastards had turned up before he could implement his plan. He’d been trailing them from afar, making sure he wasn’t seen as he followed them, and when he’d seen her smiling at them, a red haze of rage slid over his eyes.

  She was supposed to have been spending time with him, but he knew he’d fucked up by playing the poor grieving boyfriend. He never should have tried dating her sister in the first place. His plan of getting closer to Bella through Maria hadn’t worked at all. He’d thought the sisters had been close—that’s what one of Maria’s old boyfriends had said—but the dick had been wrong. Brett had dated Maria for all of two weeks, but he’d hung around way longer, hoping to find a way to get to the younger, prettier sister.

  She was being too friendly with the deputies, and he didn’t like that at all. He was going to have to find another way to get her on his side. Maybe some late-night reconnoitering at her place was in order. He’d scope out that pretty little cottage she’d bought just after he’d met Maria. Since she didn’t have a security alarm or cameras, it would be easy to get inside when she wasn’t there and wait for her to come home.

  Brett rubbed his hands together as he imagined tying her up to her bed and cutting the clothes from her body. When he had her where he wanted her and there was nothing she could do about it, he’d convince her they were meant to be together.

  * * * *

  He loved the homesteader festival. All those young women walking around for his delectation. He glanced at his wife’s happy face and smiled down at her when she met his gaze. The stupid bitch had no clue about his extracurricular activities, and if he had his way, she never would. They’d never legally bound themselves together but she was so enamored of him, she’d taken to using his last name. The slut had no idea who he was and never would. He didn’t give a fuck though, because having her in his life was a great way to blend in.

  He took in the smorgasbord as they walked around the fair. So many to pick and choose from. His gaze skipped from one woman to another, discarding them as he and the missus moved along slowly. He cringed when he heard the scream of an unhappy child and was glad that the woman he’d chosen to spend his life with didn’t want any rug rats. The thought of having to wipe snotty noses or clean up piss and shit turned his stomach. When he saw the green-eyed brunette witch checking him out, his heart began to race with excitement. She was the one. His next victim.

  He was thankful he was only a contractor and not a full-time employee of the Pahaska Tepee Resort. He’d had to leave the last bitch he’d targeted when he heard the hint of sirens in the distance. If the dumbass sheriffs hadn’t had those sirens blaring, he would probably be behind bars, awaiting trial. That cunt also managed to make him bleed by smashing her hand into his nose. He’d been on pins hoping that the cops hadn’t managed to get some of his DNA. He had a friend who worked at the lab in the Cody hospital, and he’d mentioned that he heard the bitch had been hurt. His friend had sung like a canary, and he’d been able to breathe easy.

  When he heard that the sheriffs and their deputies were retired rangers, he’d been concerned, but not really worried. His friend also mentioned that the sheriffs were dating that bitch together, and if he were able to feel what other people did, he would have sighed with relief. Those assholes would have been too worried about their woman to think about crime-scene collection. Looked as though he’d been right. No one had come knocking on his door to take him in.

  He had every intention of taking their cunt out, but he was going to leave her for last. Killing other women while the sheriffs, the deputies, and their FBI profiler searched for him was going to be such fun. Maybe he’d kill the sheriffs’ woman before he got rid of the profiler.

  He’d seen her coming out of the sheriff’s department the other day. She was quite the looker with her small toned body, long dark red hair, and stunning eyes. She had one of the most intriguing faces he’d ever seen and couldn’t leave her off of his mental list. He wondered if she’d scream louder than the ot
her women did. Would she fight harder? God, he hoped so.

  * * * *

  Dawson guided Bella toward a picnic table he’d spied under the shade of a few trees as they’d walked toward the hot-potato vendor. He’d decided that was the perfect place to sit and eat away from the crowds, with a bit of privacy with the thick tree trunks.

  The moment he’d seen Bella rushing toward the parking lot, his cock had hardened. It was fucking uncomfortable walking around with an erection. He was damn glad he’d decided to wear a polo shirt, since it was long enough to cover the fact he was as horny as hell.

  When he’d heard that the asshole who hit her had approached her, he’d wanted to curse up a blue streak, but had ground his teeth instead. He was just glad that Bella didn’t seem to trust that asshole either. They didn’t talk while they ate, all of them content with the companionable silence. Dawson glanced at Bella when she sighed once she’d eaten everything. She took a few sips of water and then, with her eyes closed, tilted her head back toward the sun peeking through the tree branches.

  Dawson drank her in with his eyes. Her face was so beautiful with her soft, creamy-looking skin and the healthy glow to her cheeks. Her neck was so long and slim, and when his gaze zeroed in on her pulse point, he saw the flesh fluttering with each beat of her heart. His mouth watered, hankering for a taste of all that delectable flesh that was on subconscious display. He glanced over at Kent when his friend shifted in his seat and found Kent’s rapt gaze pinned on Bella.

  After a quick glance about to see if anyone was watching them or close by and not seeing anyone taking any interest in them, Dawson decided to find out if she tasted as good as she looked.

  He scooted a little closer to her until his arm brushed against hers, and just as she opened her eyes, lowered her head, and turned to meet his gaze, he cupped the back of her neck, her braid between his spread fingers.

  Dawson slowly leaned closer, still staring deeply into her eyes, waiting for a signal from her as to whether she was as eager as he was. Her pupils were so fully blown they nearly obliterated the green of her irises, and when she licked her lips, leaving behind a glistening sheen of moisture, he was lost.

  He breached the distance between their mouths, brushing his lips back and forth over hers, his chest expanding when she moaned, feeling so very masculine knowing he’d made her make that sound. He felt her chest expand against his arm as she inhaled through her nose just before he deepened the kiss. He opened his lips over hers and stroked his tongue into that delicious interior.

  She made a low whimpering sound in the back of her throat as she turned to face him a little more, and grasped hold of his shirt with her small hands. Dawson loved how sweet she tasted on his tongue—sexy, feminine, and passionate. No other woman had ever tasted so good, so right, and he knew in that instant that she was definitely the woman of his dreams. He glided his tongue along and then twirled it around hers as he placed his free hand on her hip and tugged her a little closer. He growled when her hard, little nipples brushed over his shirt-covered chest, and then those soft, feminine globes were smashed up against his body. His fingers twitched, eager to move from her hip up her body and cup one of those perfect, lush breasts in his hand, before strumming his finger or thumb over that hard, small nub, but he didn’t. While he couldn’t get enough of her taste, of the fire she had hidden deep inside, he was still very aware of where they were, and in no way would he embarrass her by becoming too physical out in the open where anyone could see.

  Dawson slowed the kiss down, savoring those full lips as he sipped at them, and finally he lifted his head and stared down at her. His hard cock throbbed and twitched against the zipper of his jeans, demanding freedom, but he pushed his lust aside as he drank in her sexy visage. Her lips were red and swollen from his kisses, her cheeks were flushed, and she was still breathing heavier than normal. Her eyelids fluttered open, and his breath backed up in his lungs when he saw the glaze of lust over her gorgeous green eyes.

  His gaze remained locked with hers as he waited for a response to what he’d initiated in a public place, but she didn’t say anything. She cleared her throat, shifted in her seat, and lowered her gaze to the table.

  “You ready to do some more wandering?” Kent asked, before clearing his throat.

  “Not yet,” Bella answered in a husky voice as she picked up the bottle of water and downed half the contents in one go.

  Kent stood, skirted the table, and sat on the bench seat next to Bella. He caressed a hand over her head and braid, and down her back. “Are you all right, darlin’?”

  She clutched the plastic water bottle, making it crackle, and quickly placed it back on the table. Bella turned to face Kent more directly, putting her back to Dawson, and then she shook her head.

  Dawson was about to ask what was wrong, but when she reached for Kent, he swallowed the words back down. Bella scrambled up onto her knees on the seat, clutching Kent’s shoulders, and then she was kissing him.

  Dawson’s heart and belly tangoed with excitement as he watched Kent and Bella kissing. She made the same sexy little noises she’d made for him while kissing Kent, and Kent made some of his own. Elation surged into Dawson’s heart and blood, and he hoped that this was going to be the start of a long, loving relationship, but he wasn’t about to count his chickens before they hatched. For all he knew, Bella could be playing them. He mentally shook his head and pushed that thought away. She wasn’t the type of woman to do any such thing. She was so sweet, and from the tentative way she’d responded to his kisses, she was also innocent. She had to be close to twenty-four or -five, and if she was a virgin, she was a damn miracle. None of the women he’d ever been with had been untouched. In fact, most of them had been more experienced than he had, and he had played the field a time or two.

  The more he got to know Bella, the more he wanted to know. Even as the clichéd thoughts rolled in his mind, he knew they were true. Dawson felt as if he’d known Bella for years instead of days. He and Kent were going to spend every waking, spare moment they could with her, and though he wanted her in his bed, he wouldn’t push. He wanted her to be at ease with them, and when she was ready to take things further, he and Kent would be waiting.

  * * * *

  Bella drew back from Kent and licked her lips, savoring the taste of him on her tongue. She couldn’t believe that she’d been so bold, since she’d never been so aggressive in her life, but she was glad she had followed that deep, yearning impulse to find out what Kent tasted like, too. She was still on her knees, holding on to Kent’s shoulders for balance with her eyes closed, and while she wouldn’t do anything different, she was so far out of her element she was a little scared. Scared that if she opened her eyes she would find him looking at her as if she was a slut, or with repugnance.

  However, she snapped her eyes open and she squeaked when Kent lifted her and then settled her in his lap. He cupped her face and brought her gaze up to his.

  “Thank you, darlin’. I’ve been wanting to do that since the first time we met you.”

  Kent’s deep, raspy voice sent a shiver racing up her spine. She was so hot she was uncomfortable, but the heat had nothing to do with the ambient air. Her body was on fire, making her feel restless, and there was a deep, relentless ache in her womb and pussy. Her clit was throbbing, her panties were damp, and her breasts were aching. If she’d been home alone, she would have shoved her hand down her pants and rubbed at her aching nub, but she wasn’t, so she took a deep breath and tried to quell the desire heating her insides.

  “I have, too,” she responded automatically, truthfully, before putting her brain into gear.

  Dawson caressed a hand down her back and then kissed her neck. She sighed and tilted her head, giving him better access. “We need to keep moving before things get out of hand.”

  Bella nodded and, with Kent’s help, stood, and then she stepped back from the bench. Dawson moved to her side and clasped her hand, and after Kent took her other hand, they
grabbed up the trash and started walking again.

  Dawson glanced at his watch and was surprised to see how much time had passed. He’d checked on the homesteader events calendar that morning and was glad he had. The county animal shelter was about to open their doors, and he had a feeling that Bella would love to see the animals. They meandered their way along the stalls, stopping to browse regularly. When the animal shelter was in sight, Bella turned to meet his gaze.

  “You were leading us here,” she said.

  He nodded and knew he’d pegged her right when he saw the happy sparkle in her eyes. “I love animals.”

  “Most people do.” Kent winked at her when she looked his way.

  Bella giggled happily, and Dawson wanted to hear that joyful, contented sound every day of his life.

  They just needed to convince her that they were the men for her, that her heart, soul, and body were safe within their care.

  Chapter Five

  Bella had had the best day of her life with Dawson and Kent. She was pleasantly tired from spending the day out in the fresh air and warm sunshine, as well as all the walking they’d done.

  She was currently sitting up in the stands, waiting for the last round of the bareback bronc-riding competition. Dawson and Kent were the last ones standing, and though there could only be one winner, they were both winners in her eyes.

  She glanced over at the shoot to see Kent was already atop the horse he was about to pit his strength and skills against, and when she saw him nod for the gate to be opened, she held her breath. Her heart slammed against her breastbone and then pounded inside her chest as the horse erupted out of the gate, bucking and whirling, trying to throw Kent from its back. She counted the eight seconds down in her head, and when the buzzer sounded, she shoved to her feet, cheering wildly and loudly, uncaring of who saw or heard her. She was smiling and laughing, proud that she’d been able to witness Kent’s terrifying ride. Well, to her it had been terrifying, but he’d probably had the time of his life. Kent jumped to the ground, jogged away from the still-bucking bronc, leaped over to the fence, and lifted an arm into the air. The crowd clapped and cheered right along with Bella.


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