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County Sheriffs 2: Conquering Lovers (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Becca Van

  He didn’t even remember feeling emotions when he was a kid. When he’d killed his slut of a mother, he’d watched dispassionately as the blood had flowed from her body and she’d gasped her last breath. He didn’t feel remorse, anger, or love. He felt nothing.

  He’d known he was different but hadn’t worked out his life’s purpose until he killed his pathetic excuse for a mother. The first time he sunk the knife blade into her body was the first time he’d felt a slight stirring of something in his heart, and he knew he’d found his calling.

  He stabbed into the woman again, feeling numb as her eyes widened with horror and pain. The flutter in his heart didn’t come and hadn’t since he’d taken the sheriff’s slut. She’d fought back and that had gotten his adrenaline pumping. He’d felt so powerful and would have won the fight if he hadn’t had to flee. The first three local women he’d killed hadn’t stirred his blood either.

  He slid his knife down her side and watched as the blood flowed from the cut into the ground beneath her. He sighed with boredom. This one wasn’t a fighter either. He’d already used her body, and she’d just lain there with her head turned away. Why didn’t she fight? Was she so willing to die?

  He drew the knife up to her neck and pushed the tip into her soft skin. She forced her eyes open and just as her gaze met his, he slashed her throat. The waning sun shone down on her clean brunette hair as she breathed her last, and still he felt nothing. He was going to have to work out how to get that slut away from the sheriffs so he could take her life. There would be no satisfaction until she took her last breath.

  * * * *

  Bella shut down her computer with a sigh. It had been a long busy day and her hand was hurting again, but at least her workday was over. She also had aches in places that had never hurt before, but she relished each and every one. Every time she moved the discomfort reminded her of her magical weekend, and although she wanted to go back to stay with Dawson and Kent in their home, neither of them had asked her to. With another sigh, this one of resignation, she grabbed her things and headed out to her car. After waving to Tiff and a few other fellow employees, she exited the front door to the Chamber of Commerce and then walked around the building to the parking lot in the back.

  She shivered when a cloud passed in front of the sun, and the hair on her nape stood on end. Bella glanced about, trying to see if anyone was watching her, but when she didn’t see anyone, she continued on to her car, and headed home.

  The second she walked into her house she felt the emptiness. She’d never been bothered about being alone before, but now that she was in a new relationship with the two deputies and had spent the weekend wrapped up in their arms and in their bed, the loneliness seemed more enhanced.

  Deciding to shower and change into more comfortable clothes, Bella headed to her bedroom, and when she was feeling clean and fresh, she dressed in jeans, a T-shirt, and a light sweater before heading to the kitchen to decide what to make for dinner.

  She stood at the open fridge door, scanning the contents but not really seeing what she was looking at. Her mind was on Kent and Dawson as she wondered if they were still at work or on their way home.

  Not liking the silence, she flicked the radio on as she removed salad ingredients from the fridge. She froze when she heard the local reporter’s grave voice. “Another woman’s body was found this afternoon at the Lake Butte Overlook at the edge of Yellowstone Lake. She was a Cody local. Anyone with information, please go to, or call the Park County Sheriff’s Department.”

  Bella dropped the salad ingredients onto the counter and sank to her knees. Grief and tears welled, and no matter how hard she tried to push the emotions aside, it wasn’t happening. Maria’s beautiful, smiling face rose in her mind’s eye, but then her sister’s mouth opened wide on a silent scream of terror and agony.

  A sob welled and erupted from her mouth, followed by another and another. She let the tears come and prayed that the pain in her chest would dissipate. How long she sat on the kitchen floor crying for her dead sister, Bella had no idea, but when she finally raised her head from the top of her bent knees and wiped the moisture from her face, the sun had set.

  She scrambled to her hands and knees and finally got to her feet. After blowing her nose, she turned to the sink, washed the salty tear tracks from her cheeks, and then washed her hands. She was just reaching for the roll of paper towel to dry off when someone knocked on the door.

  Bella curled her fingers around the paper towel and began to pant with fear. Another knock sounded, but instead of heading to the door to answer it, she crouched down below the counter and prayed whoever was at her door would go away. She was too scared to move, let alone answer her door. That was until she heard the familiar sound of Kent’s voice calling her name.

  She rose from her crouch and hurried to the door and was just in time. Kent had raised his leg, and it looked as if he’d been about to kick her door open.

  “Bella? Darlin’, are you okay?” Kent took a step toward her and stopped as his gaze ran over her face.

  She ran into his arms and sobbed with relief when his arms wrapped around her and hugged her tight.

  “What’s wrong?” Dawson asked.

  Bella hadn’t even seen that he was here with Kent, but she was glad he was. She didn’t think she’d ever feel safe being by herself anymore. Not with a serial killer running around the streets of Cody.

  “Did something happen, baby?” Dawson ran his hand over her head and hair.

  Bella managed to push her fear aside and drew back so she could see both of her men.

  “You’re shaking, darlin’. Let’s get you inside.” Kent kept one arm around her shoulders and guided her back into the house. He led her over to her small sofa and, after sitting down, drew her onto his lap. Dawson closed and locked the door after he stepped over the threshold before coming to sit next to her and Kent.

  Dawson clasped her chin in his hand, lifting her gaze to his. “You’ve been crying. Why?”

  Bella cleared her throat and took a deep breath, hoping the emotional restriction wouldn’t make her voice sound too hoarse. “I heard the news report.”

  “Ah, shit!” Kent leaned back in the seat and tugged her tighter against him. Bella buried her face in his chest, breathing in his wonderful manly scent. The tension slowly eased from her muscles, and she relaxed against him more and more until she felt as if her body was melting into his. She turned her face away from Kent’s chest and met Dawson’s worried hazel eyes.

  “When I heard the knock on the door, I was too scared to answer it.”

  “I’m sorry we couldn’t keep it out of the news, baby. The woman’s family was notified before that report.”

  “Those poor people.” Bella covered her mouth. The painful constriction around her heart was back, but she didn’t want to cry anymore. While she missed her sister very, very much, her tears weren’t going to change the fact she’d never see Maria’s smiling face again. She wished there was something she could do or say that would help the families of all the women who’d lost their lives because of a sick psychopath, but she knew from experience that time was the key. She’d seen a therapist after Maria’s brutal murder, and though it had helped a little to talk, Bella had just taken each day one at a time.

  “We hate that women are being killed, darlin’, but we need the media’s help so that there is awareness of the danger.”

  Bella cupped Kent’s cheek and nodded. “I know. You are all doing such a wonderful job.”

  “Thanks for saying that, Bella, but we aren’t at the moment.” Dawson sighed and combed his fingers through his hair. “We still don’t know who we’re looking for.”

  “Even Jasmine has no idea who our killer is, and I know that woman is working a lot of hours trying to figure out who it could be. She has dark circles under her eyes and looks as if she’s lost weight,” Kent said.

  “That’s terrible.”

  Dawson nodded. “Clay, Spence, and Misha ask her
over nearly every night, but she always refuses.”

  “She’s trying to keep her distance from Tanner and Cooper,” Bella explained.

  “How do you know that?” Kent asked.

  “Misha told me, and I’ve seen them watching her when she’s around.” Bella frowned. “She’s just as aware of them. She’s had her back turned to them and she’s turned to look over her shoulder when they’ve been watching.”

  “Actually, now that you mention it, I’ve seen that, too. However, I don’t think Jasmine’s impressed with Tanner and Cooper at all.” Dawson threaded his fingers with hers. “She’s always frowning and scowling at them.”

  Bella bit her lip and tried to keep from smiling, but Kent must have seen her lips twitch or maybe a gleam in her eyes.

  “What?” Kent tugged on her braid. “What’s so funny?”

  “I think Jasmine is more into your friends than she wants to be. Misha said that the FBI profiler can’t seem to keep her eyes off of them either. Her body is saying one thing, but her mind is telling her something else.”

  “You think she won’t come over because she wants them?” Dawson asked.

  Bella nodded. “That’s exactly what I think.”

  “Hmm.” Kent kissed her temple. “You could be right.”

  “Only could be?”

  “If I was a betting man, I’d place my money on you and Misha, baby.” Dawson lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it.

  Now that she wasn’t feeling scared anymore, her heart flipped in her chest and she began to react to their closeness, but there were more important issues to discuss right now. Not that she wanted to think about the serial killer, but an idea had popped into her head and although she’d tried to push it from her mind, it kept coming back. “Have you thought about using someone as bait?”

  “To capture the serial killer?” Dawson asked.

  “Yes.” Bella shivered. She wished she was brave enough to offer herself up for the dangerous fishing expedition, but she wasn’t. She hadn’t even been able to handle Brett when he’d hit her across the face, or when she’d heard the intruder outside of her house. Maybe if she’d had training like the FBI agent had, she would put her name at the top of the list, but she’d never even held a gun, let alone fired one. And she didn’t have any martial arts expertise to use if she was ever in a dangerous situation.

  “You know, I think that idea has some merit,” Kent murmured as he met Dawson’s gaze.

  Bella looked over to find Dawson scowling at Kent before turning the scowl on her.

  “You. Are. Not. Going. To. Be. Bait!”

  Bella shook her head and stroked the back of Dawson’s hand to calm him down. “No, I’m not. I’m probably one of those people who freeze up in the face of danger, and I wouldn’t be able to fight my way out of a paper bag.”

  “So who did you have in mind?” Kent asked.


  Dawson shook his head. “It wouldn’t work.”

  “Why not?” Bella asked as she sat up straighter. “Misha told me that the killer said he was coming back for her. She and Jasmine are pretty much the same height and weight. All she’d need is a wig or to dye her hair the same color as Misha’s. They both have the same eye color even if there’s a little difference in the shades of blue. The killer wouldn’t be able to tell the difference from a distance. I don’t want to put Jasmine in danger, but I think the only way the women of Cody are going to be safe is to lure the sicko out.”

  “Bella’s right, Dawson. Jasmine is a trained agent. She also has a black belt in karate and knows how to handle a weapon,” Kent said.

  “That may be, but what if something goes wrong? We’ll be putting her into the hands of a serial killer.” Dawson frowned as he turned his gaze to Bella’s. “And after what you said about Tanner and Cooper, you can bet your ass they’re going to kick up a fuss.”

  Kent sighed as he ran a hand up and down Bella’s back. “Jasmine’s tough. We’ll put a tracker on her. I have a feeling that she’ll be the first person to agree to this.”

  “So do I,” Bella agreed.

  “We’ll have to discuss it with Clay and Spence before suggesting it to Jasmine.” Dawson sank back into the sofa and sighed with resignation.

  “Just make damn sure that Tanner and Cooper aren’t around, or there’s going to be hell to pay,” Kent said.

  Dawson held his hands up, palms out. “I don’t want to be anywhere around when they find out. The fireworks are liable to blow up the sheriff’s office.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Kent had been worried sick when Bella hadn’t answered her door. Now that she was in his arms, he felt as if all was right with the world—besides the serial killer on the loose.

  He hated that another young woman had lost her life at the hands of a psychopath, but he, the other deputies, and the sheriffs as well as the FBI agent were doing everything they could to find the sick bastard.

  If there was any consolation to any of this—and he didn’t think that there was—he was just glad that no children had been targeted. The thought was enough to have him swallowing hard.

  When Bella shifted on his lap, he pushed his morose thoughts aside and savored his woman’s weight in his lap and the clean, fresh scent of her skin. He wanted to ask her to come and live with him and Dawson but wasn’t sure what her answer would be.

  She was smart and sexy and so goddamn beautiful he never wanted to leave her side.

  “Why didn’t you go to our place, baby?” Dawson asked.

  Kent held his breath and hoped that Bella didn’t think he was pressuring her after the wonderful weekend they’d spent together.

  “Um.” Bella shrugged.

  “I don’t like you being here by yourself, and after what’s happened, I don’t think you do either.”

  “I wasn’t sure you’d want me back,” Bella replied in a near whisper.

  Kent nudged her chin up. “Why wouldn’t we?”

  Bella glanced away and shrugged again.

  “You’re not regretting making love with us, are you?” Dawson asked in an angry voice.

  “No!” Bella shouted. “How could you ask me that? What we shared was…magical.”

  “Back off, Dawson.” Kent glared at his friend. He looked down to find Bella watching him and Dawson with wide eyes. “What’s wrong, darlin’?”

  “You’re fighting over me.”

  “No, we’re not.” Dawson released Bella’s hand, gripped her waist, and plucked her from Kent’s lap. “What we are is worried about you, baby. We don’t want you staying here alone. We want you to stay at our place. You can have your own room, and we won’t push you for anything you aren’t willing to give.”

  “Please, Isabella? I wouldn’t be able to live with my conscience if anything happened to you and we could have prevented it,” Kent explained.

  “Okay.” She sighed. “I’m actually grateful for the offer. Ever since the other night when I heard someone outside the house, I’ve been scared. I only feel safe when I’m with the both of you.”

  Elation surged into Kent’s heart. Bella trusted them to keep her safe, and now that they’d made love with her, each time she met his gaze he saw warmth in her pretty green eyes. He hoped that she was beginning to care for them and would eventually fall in love with them the way he and Dawson had fallen in love with her.

  The more time she spent in their company, the more she learned about them and them about her. Kent wanted to know everything there was to know about Isabella Fuller and hoped he and Dawson would get to spend the rest of their lives with her between them.

  * * * *

  Bella sucked in a breath when she realized what she’d said. She hoped they didn’t think she was being too clingy, but once said, she couldn’t retract the words. She kept her gaze lowered and wondered if they were going to ignore her impromptu declaration. The longer the silence continued, the more tense she became. She was about to scramble from Dawson’s lap, but he mus
t have felt her move and quickly snagged an arm around her waist. She blinked back the burning behind her eyes and gnawed nervously on her lower lip.

  Dawson palmed her cheek, and she had to suppress the shudder of desire that began to warm her blood and skitter over her skin. Goose bumps broke out, and she felt her areolae contract and her nipples harden. Her pussy grew damp and her clit began to throb. If she hadn’t still been sitting on Dawson’s lap, she would have squeezed her legs together, trying to circumvent the ache between her thighs that was growing stronger each time her heart beat. His skin was so warm and his hand so large. His fingers were long enough to caress the skin of her throat as well. He gently brought her gaze to his, and when she saw the hunger in his hazel eyes, her heart slammed against her ribs and her internal muscles flexed, sending a slew of cream onto her panties.

  “We’re happy you feel safe with us, baby.” Dawson bent his head toward hers.

  Bella subconsciously licked her lips, and when Dawson groaned, she had to close her eyes so she wouldn’t pounce on the poor man, but he was the one to breach the gap between their lips.

  His were so soft and warm, which was a complete contrast to his hard, muscular frame and sometimes domineering attitude, but she lov—liked him just as he was. She lov—liked him and Kent more than she should, since they’d only known each other for such a short amount of time. However, she wasn’t going to, didn’t want to push either man away. The complete opposite was true. She wanted to be with them twenty-four seven, but that wasn’t possible.

  Dawson swept his tongue over her lips, and she opened to him as she moaned. He slanted his mouth over hers, delving in deep with his tongue, sliding it along and then swirling it around hers. Her blood heated with each touch of his hand, until she felt as if her insides were melting. Liquid desire pooled low in her belly, womb, and pussy, and the ache in her clit became so strong it was almost interminably painful.

  She squeaked and clutched at his shoulders when he tipped her back over his arm, not once breaking the wild carnality of their mouths. She dug her fingers into his skin, and though she hoped she wasn’t hurting him, she just couldn’t seem to make herself let go.


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