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The Baron's Malady: A Smithfield Market Regency Romance

Page 17

by Rose Pearson

  And now, here he was back with her again, his broad smile and bright flashing eyes so familiar to her.


  She ran around the counter and threw her arms around his neck, tears spilling from her eyes as she did so. He looked almost the same as she remembered him, although she swore he was taller and broader than before. His shock of dark brown hair was, as usual, entirely in disarray and his blue eyes – so similar to her own - were sparkling with delight.

  “Oh, Peter!” she heard Mrs. Beeson exclaim and stepped aside to allow the lady to wrap her arms around him, seeing her just as tearful as she. “We have missed you.”

  Peter pressed a kiss to Mrs. Beeson’s cheek. “I’ve missed you as well. It’s good to be back home.”

  “You look so very handsome in your military uniform,” Mrs. Beeson said, proudly. “Just imagine! My ward, a lieutenant!”

  Caroline smiled as Peter wrapped one arm around her shoulders, feeling herself almost burst with happiness. He tugged at a stray curl that escaped from her bun, making her laugh. She had not seen her brother for a few years and yet now that he was here, it was as if they’d never been apart.

  “Working hard as usual, are you Caro?” he asked, as they walked together towards the counter. “This place seems busier than I remember it.”

  Glad to be able to get her brother a drink, Caroline laughed and made her way around to the back of the counter. “That’s because Mrs. Beeson does such a good job of making this the best tavern in all of Smithfield Market!”

  Mrs. Beeson chuckled as the conversation in the tavern began to grow to a loud buzz again, now that the interest in Peter’s arrival had calmed down.

  “Are you staying here tonight, Peter?” Mrs. Beeson asked, one hand on his shoulder.

  He shook his head. “I’m on leave from the army for a bit – nothing serious, though. They just want us hard working men to have a bit of rest before we go back, you see, so I should be in town for a while. But I’m going to be staying with a friend.”

  Caroline was surprised, looking over at her brother as she served him his ale. “A friend?” Peter had never introduced her to any of his friends before and had always stayed at the tavern when he had been home on leave.

  “He’ll be here in a few minutes,” Peter said, with a broad smile. “I do hope you’ll like him, Caro. He’s a good sort.”

  “Oh?” Caroline smiled as her brother drank his ale thirstily. “Can I get you another?”

  He chuckled. “Please. And one for Brandeis.”

  She filled two glasses. “And is Brandeis in the army too?”

  Peter nodded. “He’s actually Lord Timothy Brandeis, second son to the Marquess of Fareshire.”

  That made Caroline stop in her tracks, her stomach twisting itself into a sudden knot. “He’s of the nobility?” This was not a place where nobility ever came in, for it was much too below them. “I do not want him to think lowly of you, Peter, in coming here.”

  Peter waved a hand. “Brandeis is not like that, Caro, don’t worry. He’s a decent chap, really. Being in the army tends to blur the lines between nobility and the rest of us.” He chuckled. “He’ll like you, I’m sure.”

  That did not sound particularly endearing to Caroline, despite the fact that her brother clearly thought it should. She knew all too well the reputation of the gentlemen in the beau monde, hoping that Peter had not become unduly influenced by this Lord Brandeis.

  “And you’re to stay with him?” she asked, tentatively. “You will come and see me though, won’t you?”

  Peter looked surprised, his expression softening. “Of course I will, Caro. You were the first person I came to see since I got back to London last night. Just because I’m staying in town doesn’t mean that I won’t be here. I’ll come by every night for dinner if you like.”

  Feeling a little better, Caroline smiled. “You don’t have to do that, Peter. Not every night.”

  “Then definitely on Sunday’s,” he said, patting her hand. “I know that’s your only day off and I do want to make sure I get to spend some time with you.”

  Her smile broadened. “That would be wonderful, and I know Mrs. Beeson would appreciate it too.” She arched a brow, her expression growing a little wry. “Although imagine that, you getting to stay in a fancy townhouse! What’s become of my ragamuffin brother?” Chuckling as he grinned at her, Caroline shook her head, hardly able to believe it. “Friends with a lord,” she muttered, as Peter laughed aloud. “My goodness, Peter. How things have changed!”

  Peter made to say more, only for the door to the tavern to open again and a gentleman to walk through. Caroline’s eyes went to him at once, taking in his rather overwhelming presence. He was tall with broad shoulders and a strong stance as he surveyed the tavern. His fair hair glowed in the candlelight and, as he turned his gaze onto her, Caroline felt herself grow a little weak with a strange rush of desire.

  Catching herself, she dropped her gaze from the gentleman and made to pick up a few dirty glasses, warning herself not to become caught up in nothing more than appearance.


  Peter called out and got to his feet, beckoning the gentleman over. His uniform told Caroline that he was of higher rank than her brother, but that did not seem to make any difference to them given the way they greeted one another.

  “Good to see you again, Peter,” the gentleman said, with a broad smile. “I confess it took me a bit of time to find this place but I’m glad I managed to do so in the end, especially when I am greeted by such a pretty face.”

  Caroline felt her face flame as Lord Brandeis turned his face towards hers, clearly trying to flatter her. She did not look at him and, in fact, moved towards the man at the other end of the counter who was calling her name. Pouring him a glass of ale, she heard Peter explain to Lord Brandeis that she was, in fact, his sister and to be careful where she was concerned.

  What happens next for Caroline, Peter, and Lord Brandeis? Check out the rest of the story in the Kindle store Saved by the Scoundrel

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