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Flash Series (Book 1): Infected

Page 13

by Jessica Gomez

  I broke the surface laughing. “That never gets old.” I wiped the water from my face.

  Jen was laughing too, nodding her agreement. “I know. I love jumping in like that.”

  Luke, Shelly, and Zack swam over to us. “We need one more.” Shelly said.

  I looked around the room and spotted Mason coming out of the tunnel. “Mason!” I called and waived him over.

  A giant, warm grin stretched his lips. My heart sped faster and my breathing picked up a notch. I realized I was attracted to him. Not like I was attracted to Ian, but I was seeing him in a way that went beyond friendly.

  Thank you, Jen.

  “Hey, Lil. Glad to see you came.”

  “We need one more for volleyball. You want in?”

  His eyes seem to sparkle. “Whose team am I on?”

  “Not sure. We haven’t decided teams yet.”

  “Sure we have. Us three against you three.” Shelly said, pointing to herself, Zack, and Luke for her team and Jen, Mason, and myself for ours.

  “Sounds good to me,” Mason said, hopping into the water, drenching me again.

  I stood with water dripping down my face, looking like a drowned cat.

  “Sorry.” He said, wiping the water out of my face and tucking my hair behind my ears.

  “Thanks.” I said, smiling at him.

  “Alright team! Huddle up!” Luke hollered.

  Each team formed a circle, plotting their strategy.

  Mason started. “Does everyone know how to play?”

  Jen and I both nodded.

  “Good.” Mason continued. “I know how to, too. So let’s kick some ass.”

  He smiled as we yelled, “Break!”

  The other team split up a few seconds after we did and set themselves in positions.

  “Who should go first?” I asked.

  “We’ll let you guys go first, give you a chance,” Zack said laughing. I was about to put him in his place.

  “I’ll serve first.” I told him.

  They tossed me the ball and I set myself in position. I tossed the ball up and served it across the rope that stood as a net. It was a sharp, swift serve, and plopped down in-between their team. They all looked at each other and then back at me.

  “Oh, did I forget to mention that I used to play.” I laughed as they tossed the ball back to me.

  “Where did you play?” Shelly asked.

  “I played on a team at school when I was younger. They wanted me to play in their championship games, but I was moved to a new foster home so I couldn’t.”

  Shelly smiled at me and nodded.

  I set the ball up to serve again. It sailed over the rope, but this time Zack was there to bump it back. It sailed over the rope and headed for Jen, who jumped and hit it back to the middle of the court. Mason set the ball up for me to spike over the rope. I slammed the ball over the rope and into the water in front of Shelly, splashing her in the face.

  “Yes!” Mason yelled, giving me a high five.

  “Nice shot, Lil.” Jen said, getting in on the high-fives.

  I served consecutively for six serves, then Luke’s team tapped the ball over the rope and Jen couldn’t make it there in time before it hit the water. The other team celebrated, happy they could finally serve the ball. Unfortunately, they only served once and didn’t score. We were only going to ten, so they had a lot of catching up to do. The score was already six to zero.

  “Six, zero, service.” Jen hollered as I threw the ball in the air, serving it to the opposing team where it hit Luke directly in the face. We couldn’t stop laughing at the expression on his face as it came toward him and he didn’t have time to move out of the way.

  We continued on until the last serve where they missed.

  We won!

  My team screamed in celebration.

  “That game rocked.” Mason nudged me with his elbow.

  “Thank you. Thank you, very much.” I said in my best Elvis Presley voice.

  I was talking animatedly to Mason about the game when his smile faded and his eyes drifted over my shoulder. I didn’t need to know that Ian was there. It was like I could sense him, and it also helped that I could hear Azami’s voice chattering away.

  I turned around to find Ian holding Azami’s hand with Michael standing next to the pool, watching our game. I wondered when they’d arrived and how much of the game they’d watched.

  “Hey you,” He said.

  “Hi, mommy!”

  “Hey.” I smiled at the sight of them together, melting my heart. “Did you have fun, angel?”

  “Uh huh. Ian tootked me to pitk bewies off of weawy potky bushes,” She nodded up to him. Next to one another, they looked so much alike that I was surprised that nobody had noticed it.

  “That sounds like so much fun.” I told her, then looked to Ian. “Did you see the game, or Luke getting hit in the face?” I laughed again, replaying the spike in my mind.

  Ian cocked his sexy smile and looked for Luke, amusement covered his features when he located him. The red print was still stamped on his face from the impact.

  “No. Sorry to say I missed it. You did that?” He chuckled.

  “Yup.” I smiled, proud of myself.

  “Nice. Here let me help you out.” He reached out and took my hands, lifting me out of the water. My clothes clung to my body, dripping. “Did you bring clothes?”

  “No. We came in after we finished with the field. I only have the dirty ones.” I wiped my face and drained the water from my hair.

  Ian’s eyes drifted from mine and over my shoulder. I turned to see what he was looking at but I already knew. There stood Mason, staring at me. Ian’s eyes darkened in irritation. I didn’t want things to get out of hand. Mason was my friend, so I kept my emotions in check and played the referee.

  “Ian?” I stepped into his line of sight so I was the only one he could see. His face relaxed completely and his smile returned.

  “Just wishing I could have watched Luke go down. He’s pretty good at volleyball.” He laughed and then glanced back over at Mason. “Here, put this on.” He handed me the shirt he was going to change into.

  “What will you wear then?” I tried to return it. Not that I minded watching Ian walk around without a shirt.

  “I don’t need a shirt to walk to our room. I would, however, like it if you wore a shirt to walk back to our room.” He looked me up and down suggestively. I glanced down. My white wife beater was see through.

  “Oh, shit.” I snagged the shirt and held it to my chest.

  Ian chuckled. “Don’t worry. The water is too high to notice, and no one can see you now.” He glared over at Mason one last time before turning his full attention back on me. “Besides, I would never let anyone else look at you. You’re mine.” He growled in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. He helped me put his shirt on and pull it down over my waist.

  “Better?” I whispered on my tiptoes.

  His lips brushed mine, soft and sweet. He moaned when I tightened my hand in the hair at the base of his neck. “Yes and no.” he brushed the words against my cheek, trailing back to my lips.

  “Get a room.” Luke yelled from the pool.

  Ian smiled between our lips and waved at Luke. “Nice face, Luke.” That’s all Ian had to say to get the whole room laughing again.

  “Bye guys. I’m going to go change.”

  Mason waved, but looked reluctant for me to leave. I collected Azami, who was climbing a little tree next to the hot tub. Halfway back to the room, James ran into us and took Azami to get a snack before dinner.

  Ian held my fingers in his until he pulled the curtain closed to our room. I turned and stripped off my wet clothes, tossing them on the edge of our mattress. Ian was still facing the door, rambling on about Michael dropping a bin full of tomatoes and then slipping in them, falling on his ass. He was laughing and almost finished with the story when he turned around, noticing for the first time that I was half naked. His words drifted off, sto
pping mid-sentence. I picked up my sweatshirt and looked over at him. His eyes were locked on my bare back, his lips set in a slight smirk.

  “Hello.” I said, waving my hand back and forth.

  Ian snapped back to reality, grinning and blushing like a fool. “Sorry, but honestly, what did you expect me to do when you look like that?” He gestured to me.

  I smiled and dropped my sweatshirt back to the floor. Being braver than I ever have before, I turned around and closed the little distance that separated us. His chest was still bare, rising and falling faster with each step I closed between us. I placed my hand over his heart and slid my fingers gently down to his stomach.

  He responded, pulling me into his arms. He brushed my hair behind my ears and out of my face, then he wrapped one arm tightly around my waist, while the other slid up my back. With that hand, he threaded his fingers into my hair, holding me firmly in place.

  He smiled as he leaned in, placing a warm kiss on my lips, pulling back only to return with another. His lips parted, pulling mine with them. His breath was sweet and warm, his tongue soft and inviting. He ran his hand down my spine, causing my whole body to shiver. I skimmed my fingers over his stomach, feeling for the button on his pants. I tucked my fingers into his waistband and flipped it open easily. Ian’s breath caught for a moment and then began again, with more urgency in his movements.

  He kissed down my neck, not able to restrain himself any longer. I could feel his heart rate picking up, matching a stampeding bull. “I want you so bad.” He mumbled against my neck.

  “I want you too.” I whispered.

  He pulled away enough to see my face, reading the sincerity in every word that left my mouth. I wanted him with every fiber of my being. He began backing me up until the back of my ankles hit the mattress and I lost my balance. Ian took control and lowered us down slowly somehow.

  He rested on his elbows above me, studying my face, my eyes, taking everything in. “Are you sure you want to do this?” He was nervous. I didn’t need any kind of gift to read the insecurities on his face.

  “I’m more than sure.” I reassured him.

  He leaned back down, kissing me, then my neck, sending that little shiver all over me again. He continued his torment down my body, brushing his fingers under the waist of my borrowed boxers, looking up at me for silent permission.

  I nodded, giving him the go ahead that he needed. He pulled my boxers off, leaving me bare to the warm sky. Through the cracks in the ceiling, I could see the day giving way to night. I wanted to stay here with him in this moment for as long as possible, but I knew the kids would be coming back before we knew it.

  His talented hands and mouth distracted me from thinking. His lips placed warm kisses all over the inside of my thigh as he worked his way back up to me. He knew I’d been a virgin when we first met, and probably assumed I didn’t have any other experiences. He’d be right, so when he moved to kiss the triangle between my legs, I shuttered.

  “Ian,” His name a plea and a praise all in one. I was nervous as hell.

  He met my gaze, his blue eyes brighter than I have ever seen them. “I’ve got you, love. Tell me to stop and I will.” He waited, giving me the chance. A smirk kicked up on one side of his face. “Alright, lay back and let me make you feel good.” His face disappeared again.

  He kissed me a couple of times before his hot tongue traced a line up my center. Air exploded from my lungs as I gasped. With every moan that left my lips, his pace quickened as my hands dug their way into his scalp. It had to hurt, but you’d never be able to tell by the growling sounds coming from deep inside his chest.

  I started to become lighter as something was building inside of me. I knew I was about to have my first orgasm. I’d seen them on TV and heard all about them, but never had one myself. My actions should have embarrassed me, undulating under him like something possessed.

  “Oh my, God! Ian!” I yelled out as I convulsed against him. I slowly came back to earth, floating on my cloud of perfection as Ian crawled up my body, a smug look of satisfaction clearly covered his face.

  Pure male hunger lit his eyes. “You taste good.” He said, while licking his lips.

  I covered my face, shaking my head, embarrassed.

  Ian chuckled, pulling my hands down so he could see my face. “Stop. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. I loved every second of it, and from the sounds of it, so did you.”

  We both laughed. “Yes, that was quite amazing,” I admitted shyly.

  “Get used to it. I’m going to want to make you feel good every day.” He smiled and kissed my lips.

  I could taste myself on him and surprisingly it made me want him more. “You do know with the kids, this is a rare feat, right?”

  “I’ll take what I can get.” He whispered, pushing my knees apart with one of his, placing himself between me.

  My breathing sped up again, racing for first place with my heart as he positioned himself at my entrance. For a moment, I thought about our first time. Even though this was the complete opposite, I looked over his shoulder anyways, expecting to see that nasty man.

  “Come back to me.” Ian whispered in my ear.

  “I’m sorry.” I whisper softly.

  “Don’t be. Just stay with me.” He kissed the words against my cheek.

  “I am, completely,” I told him.

  That was enough for him as I felt him push his way in slowly, making sure to give me time to adjust. There was no sharp pain this time, no barrier to be broken. This time there was an adjustment to him, but it was all pleasure―So much pleasure I thought I was going to erupt all over again.

  I moaned as he began to move. “Ian.”

  He grunted, shaking slightly above me. “Shit,” He said with a look of concentration. “You feel so good.” His shaking intensified.

  My head was beginning to spin again as he moved in and out of me, bringing me to a mind shattering orgasm. It felt like lightning shot down my toes, instantly zapping every ounce of energy I had left.

  Shortly after, Ian groaned, shuttering above me. “Fuck!”

  Breathing heavily, we stayed motionless.

  “That was amazing.” Ian finally said, looking up at me. “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Concern and worry filled his face.

  I placed my hand on his cheek. “Not even a little. That was perfect.” I leaned up and kissed his lips softly.

  Watching me, he swallowed hard. “Lil?” He said, serious all of the sudden.

  The look in his eyes had me worrying. “What is it?”

  He looked scared as hell. “I love you.” He confessed, shocking me.

  That’s not exactly what I thought he would say. Was that the butterfly feeling that crawled all over my body when he was near? Because if it was, I was pretty sure I felt the same.

  I stroked his face again. “I love you, too.” I whispered, afraid to say it any louder, like I would break whatever spell we were under.

  A giant grin lit up his face, making his bright eyes shine like the sky. “As much as I love laying here with you, we should probably get dressed before anyone comes looking for us.”

  His words shock me out of my dream world. “I forgot. We need to get dressed.”

  Ian pouted, but knew the kids would be down any moment. He helped me stand to get dressed, both of us sporting ridiculous grins. Ian had his boxers and pants back in place as I pulled on some sweats for the night.

  I bent to grab a shirt when Ian grabbed me and kissed me. My lips opened for him immediately, wanting to let him have everything, every part of me. We began to lose ourselves in each other again until running footsteps barely penetrated through the fog in my mind.

  Seconds later, James’s voice called out, “Hey! Uncle said…” James pulled the curtain open and stopped in his tracks. My back was to him, nothing on except my sweats.

  Ian turned us around, putting his body in front of us, forgetting about the button on his pants. They fell halfway down his butt,
revealing some of his boxers. He pulled them back into place and fastened the button.

  “Uh, James, what was it you needed?” The nervousness and embarrassment from being caught by his little brother caused Ian’s voice to waver.

  James started laughing. “You guys act like I have no idea what you’re up to. I’m not an ignorant five year old. Next time put a sign up. Uncle wants us to make the bread for tonight’s dinner. Will you come and help? We’ll start in about half an hour. That should give you plenty of time to…”

  “James!” Ian said, sharply.

  James chuckled under his breath. “I was going to say get ready.”

  “Sure you were.” Ian said, catching the laughing bug.

  “See you guys in a few. Lil.” James smiled and nodded at me, sending me a snort of approval. James left and closed the curtain behind him. I waited until I heard his footsteps walk down to the end of the tunnel.

  “He’s such an ass.” Ian said, laughing.

  I blushed, leaning my forehead against his shoulder. “That was so embarrassing. I feel like we were just caught by your parents.”

  “Now where were we?” He asked as he leaned in to kiss me. I gave him a small peck on the lips.

  “Sorry. Moods over,” I ducked under him and picked my sweatshirt back up and pulled it over my head.

  “You are cruel.” He growled playfully and plopped on the bed, pulling me onto his lap. I tucked my head under his chin and kissed his neck.

  “I know.”

  “We should go and help the others make bread before I have my way with you again.” Ian said, kissing the top of my head.

  I giggled. “Oh no. Please don’t.” I feigned distress.

  He chuckled as I slid off his lap and picked up my wet clothes, hanging them on our makeshift clothes hanger.

  Chapter 10

  After we made bread and ate dinner, Dane wanted to discuss the Infected. Apparently, there were a few more spotted on another jaunt for supplies in one of the towns. All of their skin looked dead and saggy, as if it were melting off their faces. Some of them were as bad off as the one we kept here, seeming almost dead. Others were healthier, still rotted in appearance, but stages behind their friends.


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