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Margaret Thatcher: The Authorized Biography, Volume 2

Page 97

by Charles Moore


  1. ‘Return to Moscow’, Thatcher Memorandum, 16 March 1985, CAC: THCR 1/20/5 ( 2. Ibid. 3. Ibid. 4. Ibid. 5. Written contribution from Tony Bishop. 6. ‘Return to Moscow’, 16 March 1985. 7. Ibid. 8. Ibid. 9. Meeting with Gorbachev, speaking note (undated), Prime Minister’s Papers, Soviet Union: Prime Minister’s attendance at Mr Andropov’s and Mr Chernenko’s funeral (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 10. Powell to Appleyard, 13 March 1985. Ibid. 11. Ibid. 12. Written contribution from Tony Bishop. 13. Diary of Anatoly Chernyaev, 14 March 1985, National Security Archive. Translation based on the kind suggestions of Martin Nicholson and Sir Rodric Braithwaite. 14. Powell to Appleyard, Meeting of Thatcher with Bush on 13 March, 14 March 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1646. 15. Ibid. 16. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 17. Sutherland telegram 685 to Thomas, 11 May 1985, CAC: THCR 1/10/91. 18. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 19. See Ivo Daalder, The SDI Challenge to Europe, Ballinger, 1987, pp. 13–16. 20. Interview with Lord Kerr of Kinlochard. 21. Interview with Richard Perle. 22. The Times, 20 March 1985. 23. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 24. The Times, 18 March 1985. 25. Thatcher to Reagan, 21 March 1985, CAC: THCR 3/1/45. 26. Wright to McFarlane, 23 March 1985, UK 1985-05/21/85–06/05/85, Box 90867, Peter Sommer Files, Reagan Library. 27. The Times, 23 March 1985. 28. 24 June 1985, Ronald Reagan, The Reagan Diaries, HarperCollins, 2007, p. 337. 29. Interview with Henry Kissinger. 30. Gorbachev to Thatcher, 7 May 1985, CAC: THCR 3/1/46. 31. Wright, Washington telegram 2220, 24 July 1985, Prime Minister’s Papers, USA, Prime Minister’s visit to the USA on 25/26 July 1985 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 32. Press conference, British Embassy in Washington, 26 July 1985 ( 33. Interview with General Jim Abrahamson. 34. Ibid. 35. Interview with Sir John Weston. 36. Interview with General Jim Abrahamson. 37. Thatcher meeting with Weinberger, 26 July 1985, Prime Minister’s Papers, USA, Prime Minister’s Visit to the USA on 25/26 July 1985 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 38. Ibid. 39. Ibid. 40. Correspondence with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 41. New York Times, 26 July 1985. 42. See Christopher Andrew, The Defence of the Realm: The Authorized History of MI5, Allen Lane, 2009, pp. 725–7. 43. Addison to Thatcher, 27 August 1985, Prime Minister’s Papers, Soviet Union, UK/Soviet Relations, Part 4 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 44. Gorbachev to Thatcher, 28 August 1985. Ibid. 45. Interview with Sir Bryan Cartledge. 46. Interview with Sir Christopher Curwen. 47. Interview with Sir Colin McColl. 48. See Oleg Gordievsky, Next Stop Execution: The Autobiography of Oleg Gordievsky, Macmillan, 1995, p. 368. 49. Interview with Oleg Gordievsky. 50. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 51. Armstrong to Thatcher, 11 September 1985, Prime Minister’s Papers, Soviet Union, UK/Soviet Relations, Part 4 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 52. Powell to Appleyard, 15 September 1985. Ibid. 53. Powell to Budd, 30 September 1985. Ibid. 54. Cartledge, Third Impressions of the Soviet Union, 16 October 1985. Ibid. 55. Interview with Oleg Gordievsky. 56. Ibid. 57. Interview with Sir John Scarlett. 58. Gordievsky, Next Stop Execution, p. 354. 59. Ibid. 60. Thatcher to Reagan, 12 September 1985, CAC: THCR 3/1/49. 61. Ibid. 62. Ibid. 63. Ibid. 64. Interview with Jack Matlock. 65. Reagan to Thatcher, September 1985, Exec Sec, NSC: Head of State, UK: PM Thatcher (8590931–8591083), Reagan Library. 66. Ibid. 67. Cited in Martin Anderson and Annelise Anderson, Reagan’s Secret War: The Untold Story of his Fight to Save the World from Nuclear Disaster, Crown Publishers, 2009, p. 224. 68. Ibid., p. 226. 69. Reagan to Thatcher, 20 September 1985, Prime Minister’s Papers, Soviet Union, UK/Soviet Relations, Part 4 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 70. Gorbachev to Thatcher, 16 October 1985, CAC: THCR 3/1/50. 71. Speech to Conservative Party Conference, 11 October 1985 ( 72. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 73. Correspondence with Lord Carrington. 74. Wall to Cartledge, 14 June 1979, TNA: PREM 19/92. 75. Richards to Alexander, 30 January 1981, TNA: PREM 19/530. 76. Note of a Discussion with Mr Begin, 23 May 1979, TNA: PREM 19/92 ( 77. Note of a Conversation, 14 June 1979, TNA: PREM 19/92 ( 78. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 79. Interview with Oliver Miles. 80. Interview with Lord Wolfson of Sunningdale. 81. Henderson to Carrington, 1 October 1981, TNA: PREM 19/532 ( 82. Conversation between Thatcher and Reagan, Blackpool, 12 October 1981, TNA: PREM 19/532 ( 83. 081312z Nov 83, ‘Deputy Secretary Dam’s meeting November 7 with Prime Minister Thatcher’, 8 November 1983, State Department Archives, released under FOIA, on appeal, Case #200610766. 84. Thatcher to Reagan, 4 November 1983, CAC: THCR 3/1/34 ( 85. Thatcher to Reagan, 7 February 1984, CAC: THCR 3/1/36 ( 86. Thatcher to Reagan, 7 February 1984, CAC: THCR 3/1/36 ( 87. George Shultz, Turmoil and Triumph, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1993, p. 231. 88. Thatcher to Reagan, 30 September 1981, CAC: THCR 3/1/16 ( 89. Interview with Sir John Coles. 90. Richards to Ricketts, 18 November 1981, TNA: PREM 19/533. 91. Coles to Fall, 12 September 1983, TNA: PREM 19/1088. 92. Memorandum of Conversation, Margaret Thatcher at Camp David, 22 December 1984, Exec Sec, NSC: European and Soviet Affairs Directorate, Thatcher Visit – Dec. 1984 (1), Box 90902, Reagan Library. 93. Thatcher to King Hussein, 27 February 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1570. 94. King Hussein to Reagan, 24 March 1985. Ibid, part 12. 95. Thatcher to Reagan, 15 April 1985. Ibid. 96. Powell to Ricketts, 7 June 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1571. 97. Thatcher to Reagan, 6 June 1985, CAC: THCR 3/1/47. 98. Powell to Thatcher, 18 June 1985. Ibid. 99. Powell to Thatcher, 25 June 1985. Ibid. 100. Thatcher to King Hussein, 5 July 1985. Ibid. 101. Reagan to King Hussein, oral message, 7 September 1985. Ibid. 102. King Hussein to Reagan, 11 September 1985. Ibid. 103. Record of a meeting, 19 September 1985. Ibid. 104. Ibid. 105. Interview with Sir John Coles. 106. Thatcher to Reagan, 19 September 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1571. 107. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 108. Ibid. 109. Thatcher to Coles, 23 September 1985, CAC: THCR 3/2/174. 110. Interview with Sir John Coles. 111. Sun, 23 September 1985. 112. Fidler to Thatcher, 23 September 1985, CAC: THCR 5/2/183. 113. Ingham to Thatcher, 23 September 1985, CAC: THCR 5/2/183. 114. Interview with Richard Murphy. 115. Wolfson to Powell, undated, probably 8 October 1985, Prime Minister’s Papers, The Middle East, Situation in the Middle East, Part 14 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 116. Powell to Thatcher, 13 October 1985. Ibid. 117. Thatcher to Hussein, 14 October 1985. Ibid. 118. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 119. Speech at dinner given by the Israeli Prime Minister, 25 May 1986 ( 120. Azriel Bermant, Margaret Thatcher and the Middle East, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming, 2016. 121. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 122. Telegram 244, Tel Aviv, Squire, 30 May 1986, CAC: THCR 1/10/104. 123. Powell to Culshaw, 13 March 1987, Prime Minister’s Papers, The Middle East, The Situation in the Middle East, Part 16 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 124. Lever to Alexander, 19 December 1980, TNA: PREM 19/529. 125. MOD report accompanying Pattie to Thatcher, 4 September 1980, TNA: PREM 19/413. 126. Interview with Prince Bandar bin Sultan. 127. Heseltine to Howe, 19 September 1983, TNA: PREM 19/1315. 128. Michael Heseltine, Life in the Jungle, Hodder & Stoughton, 2000, p. 287. 129. Interview with Wafic Saïd. 130. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 131. Interview with Wafic Saïd. 132. Ibid. 133. Interview with Sir Richard Mottram. 134. Ibid. 135. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 136. Interview with Lord Blyth of Rowington. 137. Interview with Wafic Saïd. 138. Interview with Sir Richard Mottram. 139. Interview with Prince Bandar bin Sultan. 140. Ibid. 141. See Jonathan Aitken, Margaret Thatcher: Power and Personality, Bloomsbury, 2013, p. 437. 142. Interview with Prince Bandar bin Sultan. 143. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 144. Mottram t
o Powell, 25 September 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1571. 145. Interview with Prince Bandar bin Sultan. 146. Interview with Lord Blyth of Rowington. 147. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 148. Interview with Prince Bandar bin Sultan. 149. Ibid. 150. Ibid. 151. Thatcher to King Fahd, 27 February 1985, CAC: THCR 3/1/44. 152. Interview with Lord Butler of Brockwell. 153. Aitken, Margaret Thatcher, p. 426. 154. Interview with Lord Blyth of Rowington. 155. Ibid. 156. Thatcher to King Fahd, 17 May 1986, CAC: THCR 3/1/54. 157. Interview with Prince Bandar bin Sultan. 158. Interview with Carol Thatcher. 159. Observer, 15 January 1984. 160. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 161. See Paul Halloran and Mark Hollingsworth, Thatcher’s Gold: The Life and Times of Mark Thatcher, Simon & Schuster, 1995, ch. 4. 162. Interview with Sir Tim Lankester. 163. Ibid. 164. Sunday Times, 4 March 1984. 165. Ivor Lucas, A Road to Damascus: Mainly Diplomatic Memoirs from the Middle East, Radcliffe Press, 1997, p. 204. 166. BBC Panorama, 9 April 1984 (, quoted in Halloran and Hollingsworth, Thatcher’s Gold, p. 91. 167. ITV Weekend World, 15 January 1984 ( 168. Interview with Sir Mark Thatcher. 169. Private information. 170. Interview with Sir Tim Lankester. 171. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 172. Ibid. 173. Ibid. 174. Interview with Sir Mark Thatcher. 175. Ibid. 176. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore 177. Interview with Lord Butler of Brockwell. 178. Interview with Sir Mark Thatcher. 179. See Halloran and Hollingsworth, Thatcher’s Gold, ch. 6. 180. Interview with Wafic Saïd. 181. Interview with Prince Bandar bin Sultan. 182. Interview with Wafic Saïd. 183. Interview with Sir Mark Thatcher. 184. Private information. 185. Interview with Wafic Saïd. 187. Ibid. 188. Thatcher note on codenamed intelligence telegram, 27 December 1984, Prime Minister’s Papers, Security, Arrangements for Mark Thatcher’s Overseas Trips and Security (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 189. Interview with Lord Kerr of Kinlochard. 190. Hollanby to Miss Gillett, 10 January 1985, Prime Minister’s Papers, Security, Arrangements for Mark Thatcher’s Overseas Trips and Security (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 191. Interview with Lord Kerr of Kinlochard. 192. Interview with Sir Mark Thatcher. 193. Wenick to Seitz, 4 February 1985, Prime Minister’s Papers, Security, Arrangements for Mark Thatcher’s Overseas Trips and Security (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 194. Thatcher to Wicks, 18 April 1986. Ibid. 195. Wicks to Thatcher, 18 April 1986. Ibid. 196. Kerr to Wicks, 6 June 1986. Ibid. 197. Kerr to Wicks, 23 June 1986. Ibid. 198. Wicks to Denis Thatcher, 2 July 1986. Ibid. 199. See Wright telegram 1758, Washington, 2 July 1986. Ibid. 200. Wicks to Thatcher, 4 July 1986. Ibid. 201. See Wicks to Sheinwald, 8 July 1986. Ibid. 202. Wicks to Thatcher, 4 December 1986. Ibid. 203. Tarling to Head of Chancery, 14 December 1986. Ibid. 204. Wicks to Thatcher, 6 January 1987. Ibid. 205. Halloran and Hollingsworth, Thatcher’s Gold, p. 128. 206. Interview with Lord Kerr of Kinlochard.


  1. ‘Conversation between Mr Hume and Mrs Thatcher’, 13 February 1984, NAI: DFA/2014/32/1940. 2. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 3. Note by Kirwan, Assistant Secretary to the Government, 31 December 1982, NAI: TAOIS/2012/90/1007. 4. Ibid. 5. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 6. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 7. Ibid. 8. Ibid. 9. Interview with Conor Burns. 10. Interview with Dermot Nally. 11. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 12. Interview with Lord Armstrong of Ilminster. 13. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 14. Ibid. 15. Interview with Sir David Goodall. 16. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 17. Armstrong to Thatcher, 8 July 1983, TNA: PREM 19/1070 ( 18. Ibid. 19. Interview with Michael Lillis. 20. Sir David Goodall, unpublished manuscript (kindly made available to the author by Sir David Goodall). 21. Ibid. 22. See Paul Bew, ‘Irish Government and the Agreement’, in Arthur Aughey and Cathy Gormley-Heenan, eds., The Anglo-Irish Agreement: Re-Thinking its Legacy, Manchester University Press, 2011, pp. 43–4. 23. Armstrong to Thatcher, 3 November 1983, TNA: PREM 19/1408. 24. Ibid. 25. Ibid. 26. Report, 2 November 1983, TNA: PREM 19/1408. 27. Goodall, unpublished manuscript. 28. Interview with Michael Lillis. 29. Geoffrey Howe, Conflict of Loyalty, Macmillan, 1994, p. 416. 30. Record of a Conversation, 7 November 1983, TNA: PREM 19/1408. 31. Goodall, unpublished manuscript. 32. The Times, 23 December 1983. 33. Remarks on Departing Belfast, 23 December 1983 ( 34. Goodall, unpublished manuscript. 35. Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 16 February 1984 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 36. Ibid. 37. Ibid. 38. Ibid. 39. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 40. BBC, The World This Weekend, 6 May 1984 (Christopher Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements of Margaret Thatcher 1945–90 on CD-ROM, Oxford University Press, 1998/2000). 41. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 42. Goodall, unpublished manuscript. 43. Interview with Michael Lillis. 44. Ibid. 45. Interview with Judge William Clark. 46. Shultz to President, 14 May 1984, Exec Sec, NSC: Trip File, The President’s Trip to Europe: Ireland, UK, and Normandy 06/01/1984–06/10/1984, Poindexter (1), RAC Box 8, Reagan Library. 47. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 48. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 49. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 50. Goodall to Powell, 29 August 1984, TNA: PREM 19/1408. 51. Ibid. 52. Powell to Appleyard, 3 September 1984, TNA: PREM 19/1408. 53. Ibid. 54. Goodall, unpublished manuscript. 55. Interview with Lord Butler of Brockwell. 56. Interview with Amanda Ponsonby. 57. Interview with Lord Sherbourne of Didsbury. 58. Interview with Lord Deben. 59. Interview with Tessa Gaisman. 60. Interview with Bob Kingston. 61. Ibid. 62. Interview with Lord Butler of Brockwell. 63. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 64. Interview with Lord Deben. 65. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 66. Ibid. 67. Ibid. 68. Interview with Lord Deben. 69. Margaret Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, HarperCollins, 1993, p. 380. 70. Interview with Lord Sherbourne of Didsbury. 71. Interview with Amanda Ponsonby. 72. TV interview for the BBC, 12 October 1984 ( 73. Interview with Lord Deben. 74. Interview with Lord Butler of Brockwell. 75. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 76. Ibid. 77. Interview with Lord Butler of Brockwell. 78. Interview with Tessa Gaisman. 79. Interview with Amanda Ponsonby. 80. Interview with Lord Sherbourne of Didsbury. 81. Speech to Conservative Party Conference, 12 October 1984 ( 82. Speech to Conservative Party Conference, 12 October 1984 ( 83. Diary of Douglas Hurd, 12 October 1984 (kindly made available to the author by Lord Hurd of Westwell). 84. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 85. Ibid. 86. Interview with Harvey Thomas. 87. Thatcher to Thorneycroft, 14 October 1984, CAC: THCR 3/2/149 ( 88. Carol Thatcher, Below the Parapet: The Biography of Denis Thatcher, HarperCollins, 1996, p. 214. 89. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 90. Private information. 91. Interview with Lord Deben. 92. Coles to Thatcher, 13 October 1984, CAC: THCR 1/1/23 ( 93. Armstrong to Thatcher, 10 October 1984, TNA: PREM 19/1288 ( 94. Powell to Thatcher, 18 October 1984, TNA: PREM 19/1288 ( 95. Interview with Cynthia Crawford. 96. Howe to Thatcher, 3 November 1984, TNA: PREM 19/1408 ( 97. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 98. Goodison, telegram 636, 12 November 1984, TNA: PREM 19/1408 ( 99. Goodall, unpublished manuscript. 100. Powell to Appleyard, 14 November 1984, TNA: PREM 19/1408 ( 101. Ibid. 102. ‘Telephone discussion with Sir Robert Armstrong, Secretary to the Cabinet’, 14 November 1984, NAI: DFA/2014/32/1944. 103. Armstrong to Powell, 15 November 1984, TNA: PREM 19/1408 ( 104. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 105. Ibid. 106. ‘List of Points for the Taoiseach’s tete-a-tete’, 17 November 1984, NAI: TAOIS/2014/105/827, Part 1. 107. Record of
First Evening, 18 November 1984, TNA: PREM 19/1408 ( 108. Goodall, unpublished manuscript. 109. Record of Meeting, Chequers, 19 November 1984, TNA: PREM 19/1408 ( 110. Ibid. 111. Ibid. 112. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 113. Record of a Meeting, Chequers at noon, TNA: PREM 19/1408 ( 114. Interview with Garret FitzGerald; Draft Record of Plenary session, NAI: DFA/2014/32/2059. 115. Press conference following the Anglo-Irish Summit, 19 November 1984 ( 116. Interview with Lord Hurd of Westwell. 117. Ryan to Assistant Secretary, 21 November 1984, NAI: TAOIS/2014/105/827. 118. Cited in Anthony Kenny, The Road to Hillsborough: The Shaping of the Anglo-Irish Agreement, Pergamon, 1986, pp. 82–3. 119. Interview with Michael Lillis. 120. Interview with Dick Spring. 121. Goodison telegram 682, 22 November 1984, TNA: PREM 19/1408 ( 122. Interview with Lord Armstrong of Ilminster. 123. ‘Press Digest’, Ingham to Thatcher, 22 November 1984, CAC: THCR 3/5/40. 124. See Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 400. 125. FitzGerald to Thatcher, 22 November 1984, TNA: PREM 19/1408 ( 126. Armstrong to Thatcher, 27 November 1984, TNA: PREM 19/1549. 127. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 128. Thatcher to FitzGerald, 29 November 1984, TNA: PREM 19/1549. 129. Powell to Thatcher, 3 December 1984. Ibid. 130. Ibid. 131. Ibid. 132. Interview with Dermot Nally. 133. Interview with Lord Howe of Aberavon. 134. Interview with Sir David Goodall. 135. O’Neill to President, 13 December 1984, CO167:146000, WHORM File, Reagan Library. 136. Memcon, Margaret Thatcher at Camp David, 22 December 1984, Thatcher visit Dec. 84 (1), EASD, NSC, Box 90902, Reagan Library. 137. Interview with Sir Nigel Sheinwald. 138. Powell, Note of a discussion over lunch, 20 February 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1658. 139. Speech to Joint Houses of Congress, 20 February 1985 ( 140. Howe to Thatcher, 28 March 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1549. 141. Ibid. 142. ‘Anglo-Irish Relations’, Howe and Hurd, 19 April 1985. Ibid. 143. Ibid. 144. Powell to Thatcher, 23 April 1985. Ibid. 145. Note for the Record by Powell, 6 June 1985. Ibid. 146. Interview with Garret FitzGerald. 147. Interview with Lord Armstrong of Ilminster. 148. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 149. Ibid. 150. Interview with Sir David Goodall. 151. Powell to Thatcher, 19 June 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1549. 152. Powell to Daniell, 29 June 1985. Ibid. 153. Ibid. 154. Ibid. 155. Interview with Lord Hurd of Westwell. 156. Armstrong to Thatcher, 26 July 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1550. 157. Powell to Armstrong, 29 July 1985. Ibid. 158. Powell to Thatcher, 2 August 1985. Ibid. 159. Powell to Thatcher, 26 September 1985. Ibid. 160. Interview with Lord King of Bridgwater. 161. Ibid. 162. Ibid. 163. Powell to Thatcher, 27 September 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1550. 164. King to Thatcher, 27 September 1985. Ibid. 165. Ibid. 166. Ibid. 167. Howe to Thatcher, 28 September 1985. Ibid. 168. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 169. Ibid. 170. Powell to Daniell, 2 October 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1551. 171. Ibid. 172. Thatcher to FitzGerald, 4 October 1985. Ibid. 173. Powell to Thatcher, 27 October 1985. Ibid. 174. Ibid. 175. Powell to Armstrong, 1 November 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1552. 176. Powell to Daniell, 9 November 1985. Ibid. 177. Thatcher to FitzGerald, 11 November 1985. Ibid. 178. Hansard, HC Deb 14 November 1985, 86/682 ( 179. Interview with Richard Ryan. 180. Ingham to Thatcher, 14 November 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1552. 181. Goodall, unpublished manuscript. 182. Ibid. 183. Gow to Thatcher, 15 November 1985, CAC: THCR 2/1/6/41. 184. Interview with Sir David Goodall. 185. Interview with Lord Howe of Aberavon. 186. Interview with Michael Lillis. 187. Interview with Lord Armstrong of Ilminster. 188. Goodall, unpublished manuscript. 189. Interview with Lord King of Bridgwater. 190. Joint press conference with the Irish Prime Minister, 15 November 1985 ( 191. Interview with Lord King of Bridgwater. 192. Kohl to Thatcher, 15 November 1985, CAC: THCR 3/1/51. 193. Statement on the United Kingdom–Ireland Agreement Concerning Northern Ireland, 15 November 1985, American Presidency Project ( 194. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 195. Garret FitzGerald, All in a Life: Garret FitzGerald, an Autobiography, Gill & Macmillan, 1991, p. 570. FitzGerald suggests, erroneously, that this meeting took place in Brussels rather than Luxembourg. 196. Paul Bew and Gordon Gillespie, Northern Ireland: A Chronology of the Troubles 1968–1999, Gill & Macmillan, 1999, pp. 190–91. 197. Interview with Lord King of Bridgwater. 198. Thatcher to Griffiths, 25 March 1986, CAC: THCR 3/2/186. 199. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 200. Interview with Michael Lillis. 201. Charles Moore, contemporaneous private note, 26 November 1985. 202. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 203. Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 415. 204. Interview with Lord Armstrong of Ilminster. 205. Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 410. 206. Interview with Michael Lillis. 207. Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 415. 208. Interview with Martin Mansergh. 209. Daily Telegraph, 23 November 1998. 210. Hansard, HC Deb 10 April 2013, 560/1621–3 ( 211. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 212. Interview with Dick Spring. 213. Interview with Garret FitzGerald. 214. Ibid. 215. Interview with Garret FitzGerald. 216. Howe, Conflict of Loyalty, p. 422. 217. Ibid., p. 427. 218. Interview with Lord Armstrong of Ilminster. 219. Interview with Sir David Goodall. 220. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater.


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