Margaret Thatcher: The Authorized Biography, Volume 2
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1. Interview with Lord Lawson of Blaby. 2. Financial Times, 21 January 1984. 3. Interview with Lord Griffiths of Fforestfach. 4. Ibid. 5. See, for example, Nigel Lawson, The View from No. 11, Bantam Press, 1992, p. 484. 6. Ibid. 7. Interview with Rachel Lomax. 8. Thatcher to Reagan, 15 January 1985, CAC: THCR 3/1/43. 9. Mulford to Regan, ‘Briefing for your January 18 Breakfast with Chancellor Lawson’, 17 January 1985, International Affairs (8), Box 51, Regan Papers, Library of Congress. 10. Reagan to Thatcher, 16 January 1985, CAC: THCR 3/1/43. 11. Lawson, The View from No. 11, p. 474. 12. Turnbull to Lomax, 13 February 1985, Prime Minister’s Papers, European Policy, European Monetary System, Part 2 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 13. Ibid. 14. Lawson, The View from No. 11, p. 489. 15. Terry Burns, personal note, 13 February 1985 (kindly made available to the author by Lord Burns). 16. Ibid. 17. Ibid. 18. Redwood to Thatcher, 1 February 1985 [Redwood’s typist dated this memo 1 February 1984, but this is clearly a mistake], TNA: PREM 19/1455. 19. Turnbull to Thatcher, 1 February 1985. Ibid. 20. See Lawson, The View from No. 11, p. 365. 21. Note for the Record, 4 February 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1455. 22. Ingham to Turnbull, 19 November 1984. Ibid. 23. See Lawson, The View from No. 11, p. 362. 24. See Geoffrey Howe, Conflict of Loyalty, Macmillan, 1994, pp. 280–81. 25. Turnbull to Thatcher, 8 February 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1455. 26. Note for the Record, 13 February 1985. Ibid. 27. Redwood to Thatcher, 13 February 1985. Ibid. 28. 6th pre-Budget discussion at Cabinet, 14 February 1985, TNA: CAB 128/82 ( 29. Turnbull to Thatcher, 27 February 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1455. 30. Hansard, HC Deb 19 March 1985, 75/791 ( 31. Spectator, 23 March 1985. 32. Charles Moore, Spectator, 23 March 1985. 33. Lawson, The View from No. 11, p. 330. 34. Ibid., p. 331. 35. Interview with James Baker. 36. Lawson, The View from No. 11, p. 493. 37. Interview with Lord Lawson of Blaby. 38. Lomax to Norgrove, 24 September 1985, Prime Minister’s Papers, European Policy, European Monetary System, Part 2 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 39. Redwood to Thatcher, 27 September 1985. Ibid. 40. Norgrove to Thatcher, 27 September 1985. Ibid. 41. Willetts to Thatcher, 27 September 1985. Ibid. 42. Terry Burns, personal note, 30 September 1985 (kindly made available to the author by Lord Burns). 43. Ibid. 44. Ibid. 45. Lomax to Norgrove, 1 October 1985, Prime Minister’s Papers, European Policy, European Monetary System, Part 2 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 46. Speech to Mansion House, 17 October 1985, HM Treasury. 47. Lawson, The View from No. 11, p. 496. 48. Norgrove to Wicks, Griffiths, Willetts, 4 November 1985, Prime Minister’s Papers, European Policy, European Monetary System, Part 2 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 49. Lomax to Norgrove, 6 November 1985. Ibid. 50. Lomax to Norgrove, 11 November 1985. Ibid. 51. Ibid. 52. Norgrove to Thatcher, 12 November 1985. Ibid. 53. Interview with Lord Wakeham. 54. Interview with Sir Nigel Wicks. 55. Correspondence with Lord Tebbit. 56. Norgrove, Note for the Record, 14 November 1985, Prime Minister’s Papers, European Policy, European Monetary System, Part 2 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 57. Terry Burns, personal note, 13 November 1985 (kindly made available to the author by Lord Burns). 58. Interview with Lord Wakeham. 59. Terry Burns, personal note, 13 November 1985. 60. Interview with Lord Kingsdown. 61. Interview with David Norgrove. 62. Norgrove, Note for the Record, 14 November 1985, Prime Minister’s Papers, European Policy, European Monetary System, Part 2 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 63. Interview with Lord Burns. 64. Interview with Lord Wakeham. 65. Interview with Sir Nigel Wicks. 66. Interview with Lord Burns. 67. Interview with Sir Peter Middleton. 68. Lawson, The View from No. 11, p. 501. 69. Interview with Lord Lawson of Blaby. 70. Interview with David Norgrove. 71. Interview with Lord Wakeham. 72. Ibid. 73. Interview with David Norgrove. 74. Margaret Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, HarperCollins, 1993, p. 698. 75. Interview with Lord Burns. 76. The Times, 3 May 1985. 77. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 78. Ibid. 79. Interview with Sir Gerald Howarth. 80. Manuscript minutes by Gerald Howarth (kindly made available to the author by Sir Gerald Howarth). 81. Ibid., 18 June 1985. 82. Interview with Sir Gerald Howarth. 83. Ibid. 84. Sherbourne to Thatcher, 20 May 1985, CAC: THCR 2/7/5/5. 85. Butler to Thatcher, 22 May 1985, CAC: THCR 1/14/14. 86. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 87. Turnbull to Hatfield, 20 June 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1463. 88. Turnbull to Macnaughton, 10 July 1985. Ibid. 89. Sun, 19 July 1985. 90. Owen to Thatcher, 22 July 1985. Ibid. 91. Ibid. 92. Flesher to Thatcher, 8 August 1985. Ibid. 93. Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 417. 94. Lawson to Thatcher, 28 October 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1463. 95. See Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 417. 96. Norgrove to Thatcher, 29 November 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1463. 97. Interview with Lord Sherbourne of Didsbury. 98. Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 417. 99. Thatcher to Bramall, 31 July 1985, CAC: THCR 3/2/170. 100. Ingham to Thatcher, 2 August 1985, CAC: THCR 1/14/14. 101. Redwood to Thatcher, 2 August 1985, CAC: THCR 2/7/5/5. 102. Ibid. 103. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 104. Interview with Lord Gowrie. 105. Ibid. 106. Ibid. 107. Ibid. 108. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 109. Ibid. 110. Wakeham to Thatcher, 22 August 1985, CAC: THCR 1/14/14. 111. Sherbourne to Thatcher, 22 August 1985. Ibid. 112. Wolfson to Thatcher, undated. Ibid. 113. Interview with Andrew Lansley. 114. Ibid. 115. Ibid. 116. Interview with Lord Tebbit. 117. Interview with Lord McAlpine of West Green. 118. Interview with Lord Dobbs. 119. Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 422. 120. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 121. Interview with Lord Tebbit. 122. Interview with Andrew Lansley. 123. Interview with Lord Dobbs. 124. Tebbit to Thatcher, 27 August 1985, CAC: THCR 1/14/14. 125. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 126. Ibid. 127. Ibid. 128. Interview with Sir Bernard Ingham. 129. Interview with Lord Jopling. 130. Interviews with Lord Wakeham and Sir Bernard Ingham. 131. Interview with Sir Bernard Ingham. 132. Armstrong, Note for the Record, 27 June 1984, Cabinet Office Papers (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 133. See, for example, Chris Moncrieff in the Daily Mail, 22 January 2015. 134. Armstrong, Note for the Record, 27 June 1984, Cabinet Office Papers (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 135. Private Eye, 29 June 1984. 136. Guardian, 27 June 1984. 137. Cohen to Thatcher, 29 June 1984, Cabinet Office Papers (document consulted in the Cabinet Office) 138. Thatcher to Cohen, 9 July 1984. Ibid. 139. Interview with Lord Sherbourne of Didsbury. 140. Interview with Lord Brittan of Spenithorne. 141. Interview with Lord Wakeham. 142. Ibid. 143. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 144. Interview with Lord Tebbit. 145. Interview with Lord Dobbs. 146. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 147. Ibid. 148. Ibid. 149. Interview with Lord Young of Graffham. 150. Hugo Young, One of Us, Macmillan, 1989, p. 516. 151. Alan Clark, Diaries, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1993, 24 April 1985, p. 109. 152. Interview with Lord Young of Graffham. 153. Ibid. 154. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 155. Interview with Lord Tebbit. 156. Speech to Conservative Party Conference, 11 October 1985 ( 157. Evening Standard, 18 April 2000. 158. Spectator, 11 October 1985. 159. Ibid. 160. Speech to Conservative Party Conference, 11 October 1985 ( 161. Thatcher to Blakelock, 14 October 1985, CAC: THCR 3/2/175. 162. Wicks to Taylor (Home Office), 7 October 1985, Prime Minister’s Papers, Home Affairs, Civil Disorder, Part 3 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 163. Booth to Thatcher, 8 November 1985. Ibid. 164. Ibid. 165. Interview with Lord Sherbourne of Didsbury. 166. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 167. Baker to Thatcher, 3 October 1985, Prime Minister’s Papers, Regional Policy, Inner City Policing and Problems, Part 7 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 168. Booth and Letwin to Thatcher, 12 November 1985. Ibid. 169. Ibid. 170. Archbishop Runcie to Thatcher, 27 November 1985. Ibid. 171. Interview with the Reverend John Witheridge. 172. Faith in the City: A Call for Action by Church and Nation, Church House Publishing, 1985, p. 208. 173. Griffiths to Thatcher, 29 November 1985, Prime Minister’s Papers, Regional Policy: Inner
City Policy and Problems, Part 7 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office); see also Faith in the City, p. 360. 174. Interview with Bishop Richard Chartres. 175. Booth to Thatcher, 2 December 1985, Prime Minister’s Papers, Regional Policy, Inner City Policing and Problems, Part 7 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 176. Griffiths to Thatcher, 29 November 1985. Ibid. 177. Ingham to Lord President, 28 November 1985. Ibid. 178. Sunday Times, 1 December 1985. 179. Interview with Lord Deben. 180. Interview with John Witheridge. 181. Ibid. 182. Interview with Lord Deben. 183. Faith in the City, pp. 135–6. 184. Interview with Lord Deben. The fullest discussion of Mrs Thatcher’s religious background and opinions is Eliza Filby’s God & Mrs Thatcher: The Battle for Britain’s Soul, Biteback, 2015. 185. See Speech at the retirement of Lord Jakobovits, 21 February 1991 ( 186. Griffiths and Booth to Thatcher, 29 January 1986, Prime Minister’s Papers, Regional Policy, Inner City Policing and Problems, Part 7 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 187. Armstrong to Thatcher, undated but late January 1986. Ibid.
1. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 2. Interview with Lord Hannay of Chiswick. 3. Heseltine to Thatcher, 30 April 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1415 ( 4. Kaunda to Thatcher, 8 June 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1415 ( 5. Howe to Thatcher, 17 July 1985, Prime Minister’s Papers, Aerospace: Westland Helicopters, Part 1 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 6. Tebbit to Heseltine, 1 July 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1415 ( 7. Owen to Thatcher, 5 July 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1415 ( 8. Turnbull to Mogg, 8 July 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1415 ( 9. Interview with Lord Cuckney. 10. Interview with Lord Sherbourne of Didsbury. 11. Interview with Lord Lamont of Lerwick. 12. Interview with Lord Heseltine. 13. Interview with Lord Brittan of Spennithorne. 14. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 15. Interview with Lord Heseltine. 16. See Nigel Lawson, The View from No. 11, Bantam Press, 1992, p. 674. 17. Interview with Lord Tebbit. 18. Brittan to Thatcher, 4 October 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1415 ( 19. Powell to Thatcher, 4 October 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1415 ( 20. Interview with Lord Brittan of Spennithorne. 21. Hosker to Mottram, 18 October 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1415. 22. Interview with Lord Cuckney. 23. Interview with Lord Heseltine. 24. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 25. Interview with Lord Cuckney. 26. Powell to Thatcher, 29 November 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1415. 27. Interview with Lord Cuckney. 28. MacGregor to Heseltine, 3 December 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1415 ( 29. Warry to Powell, 4 December 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1415 ( 30. Powell to Thatcher, 5 December 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1415 ( 31. Powell to Mogg, 6 December 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1415 ( 32. Ibid. 33. Interview with Lord Heseltine. 34. Powell to Thatcher, 8 December 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1415 ( 35. Ibid. 36. Ibid. 37. Interview with Sir Richard Mottram. 38. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 39. Interview with David Norgrove. 40. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 41. Interview with Lord Heseltine. 42. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 43. Lawson, The View from No. 11, p. 677. 44. Interview with Lord Cuckney. 45. Ibid. 46. Interview with Lord Heseltine. 47. Correspondence with Lord Armstrong of Ilminster. 48. Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 12 December 1985 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 49. Interview with Lord Brittan of Spennithorne. 50. Heseltine telegram, 11 December 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1416 ( 51. Interview with Lord Heseltine. 52. Interview with Lord Brittan of Spennithorne. 53. Wiggins to Unwin, 12 December 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1416 ( 54. Ibid. 55. Ibid. 56. Powell to Thatcher, 13 December 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1416 ( 57. Ibid. 58. Cuckney to Thatcher, 13 December 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1416. 59. See Armstrong to Wicks, 16 December 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1416 ( 60. Interview with Lord Heseltine. 61. The Times, 17 December 1985. 62. Interview with Tim Flesher. 63. Interview with Lord Wakeham. 64. Ibid. 65. Draft letter to Heseltine, 18 December 1985, CAC: THCR 1/4/11. 66. Interview with Lord Wakeham. 67. Interview with Lord Brittan of Spennithorne. 68. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 69. Ibid. 70. Interview with Lord Brittan of Spennithorne. 71. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 72. Interview with Sir Bernard Ingham. 73. Interview with Sir Richard Mottram. 74. Interview with Lord Heseltine. 75. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 76. Ingham to Wicks, 19 December 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1416. 77. Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 19 December 1985 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 78. Hansard, HC Deb 19 December 1985, 89/564 ( 79. Wicks to Thatcher, 23 December 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1416 ( 80. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 81. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 82. Ibid. 83. Heseltine to Thatcher, 23 December 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1416 ( 84. Ibid. 85. Ibid. 86. Interview with Lord Cuckney. 87. Ibid. 88. See Magnus Linklater and David Leigh, Not with Honour: The Inside Story of the Westland Scandal, Sphere Books, 1986, p. 119. 89. Interview with Chris Moncrieff. 90. Cuckney to Thatcher, 30 December 1985, TNA: PREM 19/1667. 91. Saunders to Powell, 31 December 1985. Ibid. 92. Thatcher to Cuckney, 1 January 1986, TNA: PREM 19/1667. 93. Heseltine to Horne, 3 January 1986. Ibid. 94. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 95. Ibid. 96. Ibid. 97. Powell to Thatcher, 4 January 1986, TNA: PREM 19/1667. 98. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 99. Woodrow Wyatt, The Journals of Woodrow Wyatt, vol. i, Macmillan, 1998, 5 January 1986, p. 46. 100. Mayhew to Heseltine, 6 January 1986, TNA: PREM 19/1667. 101. Interview with Lord Brittan of Spennithorne. 102. Interview with Lord Cuckney. 103. Interview with Chris Moncrieff. 104. Interview with Lord Mayhew of Twysden. 105. Ibid. 106. ‘Press Digest’, Ingham to Thatcher, 7 January 1986, CAC: THCR 3/5/52. 107. Draft speaking note, 7 January 1986, TNA: PREM 19/1667. 108. Armstrong, annotation advice on draft, 8 January 1986. Ibid. 109. Draft speaking note, 8 January 1986. Ibid. 110. Ingham to Thatcher, 8 January 1986. Ibid. 111. Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 9 January 1986 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 112. Interview with Lord Heseltine. 113. Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 9 January 1986. 114. Ibid. 115. Ibid. 116. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 117. Interview with Sir Richard Mottram. 118. Interview with Lord Heseltine. 119. Ibid. 120. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 121. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 122. Interview with Sir Bernard Ingham. 123. Wyatt, The Journals of Woodrow Wyatt, vol. i, 9 January 1986, p. 49. 124. Margaret Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, HarperCollins, 1993, p. 433. 125. Sherbourne to Thatcher, 10 January 1986, CAC: THCR 2/1/5/57. 126. Ingham to Thatcher, 8 [actually 9] January 1986, TNA: PREM 19/1667. 127. Draft Thatcher letter re Heseltine resignation, 9 January 1986. Ibid. 128. Powell to Thatcher, 10 January 1986. Ibid. 129. Hansard, HC Deb 13 January 1986, 89/780 ( 130. Ibid. 131. Wyatt, The Journals of Woodrow Wyatt, vol. i, 14 January 1986, p. 55. 132. Ibid., 18 January 1986, p. 60. 133. Ibid., 12 January 1986, p. 51. 134. Ibid., p. 52. 135. Private information. 136. John Nott, Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Recollections of an Errant Politician, Politico’s, 2002, p. 338. 137. Interview with Sir John Nott. 138. See Wyatt, The Journals of Woodrow Wyatt, vol. i, 19 January 1986, p. 63. 139. John Whittingdale, unpublished diary, 15 January 1986 (kindly made available to the author by John Whittingdale). 140. Wyatt, The Journals of Woodrow Wyatt, vol. i, 15 January 1986, p. 56. 141. Ibid. 142. Whittingdale, unpublished diary, 19 January 1986. 143. T
hatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 144. Whittingdale, unpublished diary, 19 January 1986. 145. Geoffrey Howe, Conflict of Loyalty, Macmillan, 1994, p. 470. 146. Thatcher Memoirs Materials. CAC: THCR 4/3. 147. Hansard, HC Deb 23 January 1986, 90/449–51 ( 148. Alan Clark, Diaries, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1993, p. 134. 149. Hansard, HC Deb 23 January 1986, 90/453–4 ( 150. Wyatt, The Journals of Woodrow Wyatt, vol. i, 24 January 1986, p. 70. 151. Clark, Diaries, p. 133. 152. Interview with Gerald Malone. 153. Clark, Diaries, p. 134. 154. Interview with Gerald Malone. 155. Interview with Lord Brittan of Spennithorne. 156. Ibid. 157. Ibid. 158. Ibid. 159. ‘Press Digest’, Ingham to Thatcher, 24 January 1986, CAC: THCR 3/5/52. 160. Interview with Lord Brittan of Spennithorne. 161. The Times, 25 January 1986. 162. Interview with Lord Brittan of Spennithorne. 163. Ibid. 164. Sherbourne to Wicks, 25 January 1986, TNA: PREM 19/1669. 165. Interview with Lord Sherbourne of Didsbury. 166. Sherbourne to Wicks, 24 January 1986, TNA: PREM 19/1669. 167. Interview with Lord Sherbourne of Didsbury. 168. Wyatt, The Journals of Woodrow Wyatt, vol. i, 25 January 1986, p. 71. 169. Charles Powell, Note for the record, 25 January 1986, TNA: PREM 19/1669. 170. Fox to Thatcher, 25 January 1986. Ibid. 171. Weekend World, 26 January 1986. 172. Douglas Hurd, Memoirs, Abacus, 2003, p. 399. 173. Interview with Lord Ryder of Wensum. 174. Ibid. 175. Ibid. 176. Private information. 177. Correspondence with Lord Armstrong of Ilminster. 178. Financial Times, 27 January 1986. 179. Ingham to Wicks, 27 January 1986, TNA: PREM 19/1669. 180. Hayes to Wicks, 27 January 1986. Ibid. 181. Howe, Conflict of Loyalty, p. 471. 182. Interview with Lord Brittan of Spennithorne. 183. Howe, Conflict of Loyalty, p. 471. 184. Clark, Diaries, p. 135. 185. Interview with Tony Blair. 186. Interview with Lord Kinnock. 187. Ibid. 188. Hansard, HC Deb 27 January 1986, 90/653–71 ( 189. Interview with Lord Sherbourne of Didsbury. 190. Clark, Diaries, p. 135. 191. Ingham to Thatcher, 28 January 1986, CAC: THCR 3/5/52. 192. Powell to Thatcher, 27 January 1986, TNA: PREM 19/1669. 193. Ibid. 194. Interview with Sir Bernard Ingham. 195. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 196. Ibid. 197. Interview with Lord Sherbourne of Didsbury. 198. Ingham to Wicks, 24 July 1986, TNA: PREM 19/1670. 199. Interview with Dame Colette Bowe. 200. Ibid. 201. Ibid. 202. Ibid. 203. Ibid. 204. Ibid. 205. Ibid. 206. Interview with Lord Brittan of Spennithorne. 207. Interview with Lord Mogg. 208. Ibid. 209. Interview with Lord Mogg. 210. Ibid. 211. Interview with Dame Colette Bowe. 212. Ibid. 213. Ibid. 214. Ibid. 215. Interview with Sir Bernard Ingham. 216. Ibid. 217. Interview with Dame Colette Bowe. 218. Ibid. 219. Ibid. 220. Ibid. 221. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 222. Ibid. 223. Private information. 224. Interview with Dame Colette Bowe. 225. For example, 3 March 1986, Armstrong, draft memorandum to the Select Committee on Defence, TNA: PREM 19/1670. 226. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 227. Press Digest, Ingham to Thatcher, 31 January 1986, CAC: THCR 3/5/52. 228. Hawkins to Thatcher, 31 January 1986, CAC: THCR 2/6/3/134, underlined by Mrs Thatcher. 229. Finchley Times, 20 February 1986. 230. Montgomery to Thatcher, 27 January 1986, CAC: THCR 1/4/11. 231. Face the Press, Channel 4, 26 January 1986 (Christopher Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements of Margaret Thatcher 1945–90 on CD-ROM, Oxford University Press, 1998/2000). 232. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 233. Thatcher to Lady Tilney, 17 January 1986, CAC: THCR 1/4/11. 234. Correspondence with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 235. Ibid. 236. Ibid. 237. Ibid. 238. Interview with Sir Bernard Ingham. 239. Thatcher Memoirs Materials, CAC: THCR 4/3. 240. Interview with Lord Powell of Bayswater. 241. Interview with Rupert Murdoch. 242. Ibid. 243. Ibid. 244. Ibid. 245. Hansard, HC Deb 30 January 1986, 90/1089 ( 246. Wyatt, The Journals of Woodrow Wyatt, vol. i, 25 January 1986, p. 72. 247. Ibid., p. 73.