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Ghost Dancer (The Paramours Book 1)

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by Christine Rains

  The first moment I saw you, I knew I had to have you. Ben whispered without talking. His New England accent thickened with lust. Then last night when you… I wanted to take you right then.

  “I wanted you to do it too.” She pushed his suspenders from his shoulders. Too many clothes. She needed them naked. Right now. “I thought about you all day.”

  And learned everything she could about him. The youngest of four brothers, his whole family served as lawmen. He married at eighteen—a fact that made her immensely jealous—but his wife died before a year was out. He never remarried, and served the town faithfully, not just by being the sheriff but with a lot of big community service projects.

  Could there be a more perfect man? Well, being alive would help.

  Ben groaned and fondled one of her breasts. Did you imagine me spreading you wide on this bed and tasting every part of you?

  Now she was. Oh yes.

  “Taste me. Take me.” Nina’s plea came out as a wanton whimper.

  Clothes off. He nipped at her neck and lifted her long hair back behind her.

  Nina stepped back a few inches so that she could whip off her tank top and undo the front clasp to her bra. Her breasts wiggled as she freed them, enticing him to touch them. “I thought of how you might feel against me…in me. You’re so handsome, so brave. I love a man who stands up—”

  Suddenly his heat was gone from her. She let out a small cry and raked her hands through empty air. No!

  “Please. Why did you stop?”

  He was silent for a half-minute and then he sighed. I shouldn’t touch you. I failed. Failed the townsfolk and shamed my family. I deserve worse than Hell.

  “Ben!” She reached to him, called with her power, but he was gone.

  Chapter Four

  Nina tried to call Ben back, begged him to talk to her, but he didn’t return. She sat on the edge of the bed, silently shouting to him when the other Paramours entered the room.

  “That was amazing! The footage we captured…” Vivian flicked on a lamp and stopped. She sat beside Nina and pulled her into a hug. “What happened, hon?”

  Claire squeezed Nina from the other side. “Yeah, it looked like it was going really well.”

  Nina drew in a shaky breath. “It was going well. He was so bright, so clear, and I could physically feel him. But then…I don’t know. I said something that hurt him. Whatever the truth of his past, he regrets it. Said he failed the town and his family.”

  “And that’s why he hasn’t moved on.” Vivian rubbed Nina’s back.

  Tears pricked the corners of her eyes. Why was she getting so emotional about this? He wasn’t a boyfriend she’d insulted. He was a lost spirit. What he needed was guidance, not to get laid. As a Ghost Dancer, it was her calling to help ghosts like him. Her attraction to him distracted her from her duty.

  “Maybe if we dig a little deeper, get the case files from the government, we can find out what we need to help him.” Nina had to find the key to Ben’s release. He was innocent, she knew it, and whatever he thought he’d failed in doing, it wasn’t his fault.

  Except they had found nothing more at the library or the town hall. Somewhere out there was the answer they needed.

  “The government isn’t going to let us have their files,” Vivian stated.

  Nina’s shoulders sagged. It was true. Even if they were respected scientists, the government was unlikely to give away their secrets. Yet they were the Paramours, shunned by most paranormal investigators, and a joke to the rest of the world. If everyone only knew exactly how effective their methods were, they might change their minds.

  “Well, I have something.” Claire broke the tense silence. “One of the charming gentlemen at the senior center today told me he knew Ben Moore’s nephew. He’s in a senior’s home in the next county. Gave me the name and said he’d get on the radio to let him know we’d be coming.” At their looks, she added, “They’re ham radio enthusiasts.”

  Nina’s heart thumped and she hugged her friend tight. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Claire then laughed and tickled Nina’s sides. “Mm, nice. You should go topless more often. We do have this room for the night. And this bed is big enough for the three of us.”

  Ack! Nina forgot that she’d taken her shirt off. She untangled herself and stood to grab it. “Ha ha.” She yanked her tank top on without bothering with the bra. She wasn’t certain if Claire was serious or not, but it didn’t matter. Ben was the only thing on her mind. “Let’s get the equipment taken down and get some sleep. We can head out first thing in the morning.”

  Vivian yawned and stretched before standing. “All right. First thing tomorrow.”

  “You guys are no fun.” Claire huffed but smiled.

  Their cleanup was fast and efficient. Nina switched off the lights before they left and whispered to the shadows, “You aren’t a failure, Ben. And I’ll prove it to you.”

  * * * * *

  Pleasant Lake Senior Home was not at all pleasant-looking. The roof sagged and sections of the siding were warped. A pond to the left smelled like dirty dishwater. There were enough mosquitoes to feed the frogs that croaked from the reeds.

  Nina gnawed on her lower lip as they entered. She didn’t sleep much the night before, and what bit she did, she dreamed of Ben. His wandering fingers, muscled chest and thick cock. She woke up at one point grinding herself against one of the pillows. Her mind was so full of Ben, she even thought she saw him in the coffeehouse when they stopped for some caffeine. She had left the cute barista a big tip because she was in too much of a hurry to wait for change.

  The white-haired nurse raised her brows and pinched her lips together as the Paramours walked toward the reception desk. “May I help you?”

  “We’re here to see Edgar Moore.” Vivian’s response was crisp.

  “He’s out back. Just go outside and around the building. You’ll find him.” The nurse said nothing more and stared at them with her lips pursed tightly to one side.

  “Thank you.” Nina was the only one to offer a smile. She turned and walked out of the building. There was likely another exit that led out back, but she wasn’t going to question the woman. The inside smelled just as stale as the outside.

  “Kill me if I ever become old and bitter like that.” Claire snorted and swatted at some gnats. “My ghost will thank you.”

  “She’s just suspicious of why a group of young women are visiting, especially of the one wearing a skirt that barely covers her ass.” Vivian gestured to Claire’s new mini.

  “And I thank her and you for noticing.” Claire winked.

  Ignoring their banter, Nina increased her speed and rounded the square building. An elderly man in a blue cap sat on a bench tossing nuts to a squirrel. He clucked his tongue as if trying to coax it closer.

  He turned his head when he heard the Paramours approaching. His eyes widened behind thick glasses. Blue eyes that might have once been as glorious as Ben’s. “Good morning, ladies. When Benji told me that some pretty gals wanted to talk to me, I thought he was exaggerating. Now I see he didn’t tell me enough so I could put on my best shirt.”

  “Good morning, sir. You look fine.” Vivian held out her hand. “I’m Vivian Ray. These are my colleagues, Nina Azure and Claire McKinney.”

  Edgar shook her hand and then Nina’s when she offered it. Claire sat beside him and crossed her legs, causing her skirt to ride up ever farther. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Oh believe me, the pleasure is mine.” Edgar licked his thin lips. “God rest the soul of my dear wife, but you ladies are the most beautiful things I’ve ever laid eyes on. A Jap, an Indian and an Irish lass. Every one of my dreams come true.”

  Claire laughed and patted him on the leg. She flirted with everyone, be they eighteen or eighty-one. Or ninety. Edgar had to be at least that old.

  “Did Mr. Duke tell you what we came to see you about?” Nina steered them back on course.

  “Yeah, yeah. Doi
ng some research on the rum-runners, on Ben Moore specifically.” Edgar sighed and shook his head. “Damn mess the feds made of that. I don’t remember my uncle, but no Moore man would ever betray the badge. All of us were lawmen, you know?” He tapped his chest and puffed it out. “Me included.”

  “We did, Mr. Moore. Quite the impressive family.” Vivian was the research queen. If there was anything to learn about Ben and what happened to him, she would ask the right questions to find out. “Can you tell us anything about the rum-runners then? Any particular case you might have known your uncle worked on?”

  “I suspect there was more than one case when it came to smuggling back then. Prohibition had its stranglehold on the people. Grace Cove was a good town. Mostly clean. ’Cept that it’s on the coast, you see. A perfect little post for the runners to do their dirty business.” Edgar leaned back and rested his arms along the top of the bench. His mouth worked as if he was chewing on something. “Ben did the best he could, I suppose. Had only one deputy. It wasn’t like they could patrol the waters regularly, and that’s how all the booze came in and out.

  “My father didn’t mention Ben much at all to us kids, but we’d hear stuff now and then. These big flappers are good for something.” He wiggled his ears. “All the family was angry ’bout that night. Pretty sure that Ben was murdered, betrayed by the fucking feds. Why else would they be covering their asses all these years? My language. Sorry, ladies.”

  “No worries, hon. What else do you remember?” Claire flashed him an encouraging smile.

  “I don’t know anything more about the runners or that night. Wish I could help more.” Edgar patted Claire’s bare knee. His fingers lingered and then his hand shot up. “Oh! There’s one more thing that no paper talked ’bout. Ben’s wife. You hear ’bout that?”

  Nina’s hopes fell when Edgar said he didn’t know any more. She’d been certain that he held the key to figuring out what happened to Ben. And now he wanted to talk about Ben’s wife? She was ready to shake her head when Vivian piped up.

  “We know she died not long after they were married.”

  “Yeah, the poor gal. Grace Cove’s got good folks, but those slime balls cling ’round the edges, you know.” Edgar’s jaw hardened. “Rosa was a woman of color. Times were rough for the colored folks then, even in the north. Most were kind to her, but there was one bad bunch. Bad to the bone. Ben defended her honor, chased off the bastards, but he couldn’t be there all the time. They took her and hanged her. Ben arrested them, but there’s no jailhouse in town, no court. And the big city judges, well, they weren’t as tough as they should’ve been. The bastards came home and were always trouble for Ben.”

  Nina’s chest tightened so that she could hardly breathe. This revelation only made her heart ache more for Ben. She wiped her eyes and her fingers came away wet.

  “Do you think you could remember any of their names?” Vivian removed a notepad from her bag and scribbled down the few names Edgar dug around in his mind to find.

  Nina didn’t hear any of them. No wonder Ben never remarried. What a horrendous way to lose a person you loved. She had no doubt he devoted his life to the law to make up for that. And then to die while dealing with smugglers, it was a double kick to his honor.

  She had to see him again, tell him it wasn’t his fault. He was a good man who couldn’t take on all the criminals in the world. No one man could stop every bad thing from happening.

  “We need to be going. Thank you for your time, Mr. Moore.” Vivian’s smooth tone broke into Nina’s thoughts and she stepped forward to shake his hand.

  “Yes, thank you so much. This helps a lot.” Nina managed a smile as she shook his hand and then started to walk back to the car.

  “I’m glad to be of service, ladies. I should have my grandson Gavin help me look up your show on the computer in there.” Edgar stood and grinned.

  “You do that. I guarantee you’ll like it.” Claire hopped up and hugged him. “Thanks, hon.”

  “No, thank you. You take care, ladies.” Edgar waved as the Paramours walked away. Nina glanced back to see he had dropped his hand to shift his pants. By the bulge, it was quite clear how grateful he truly was!

  Chapter Five

  Claire and Vivian coaxed Nina out to dinner, but she turned down their offer to take her to a club in Bangor. Meaning she had to fake exhaustion and a headache to stop them from dragging her out. They wanted a night away from the case, but Nina had to see Ben.

  Nina walked swiftly to the Sunset B&B. The grand old house was lit up with lanterns as she approached. Giant blooms adorned the immaculately trimmed bushes and complemented the pale turquoise of the siding. The waves lapped gently at the nearby beach, calming her with their rhythm. Was this what it looked like when Ben was alive? Did he watch the beautiful sunrises or the fog rolling in on cool mornings?

  A couple sat cuddling on the porch swing. They smiled at her as she went by. A weight fell on her shoulders. To have someone to snuggle and whisper hopes and dreams in their ears. Someone to grow old with but never to grow tired of.

  Ben wasn’t the one. He couldn’t be that man, but it didn’t stop her from wanting to be with him.

  Nina had arranged earlier via phone to have the room for the night. She explained that she was going to sleep there as if she were a customer and see what sort of phenomena she experienced. The enthusiastic owner was happy to oblige.

  A fancy chocolate sat on her pillow and a complimentary bar of homemade soap snuggled on top of a fluffy towel in the bathroom. Cool sea air drifted in through the open windows, making the curtains flutter like rolling clouds.

  Setting down her bag, Nina closed and locked the door. She removed her shoes before turning off the lights and sought out her handsome spirit with her paranormal senses.

  Nothing. Not a hint.

  She sighed and sat on the end of the bed. Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly as she focused on the beat of her heart. The drums imitated this rhythm of life and the silences between. The cycle everlasting. Death and life forever entwined.


  Should she apologize for the other night? No. She hadn’t done anything wrong. It was his own guilt eating at him. Guilt that she desperately wanted to help ease.

  Minutes ticked by, turning a half-hour into an hour. Nina scooted up the bed and unwrapped the candy, popping it into her mouth. She didn’t chew. The sweetness melted and stuck to her tongue. Ah, to share a kiss with a lover now.

  Ben’s full lips. They were made for kissing.

  Nina circled a finger around her breast. Yes, to have his mouth on her. Everywhere.

  She lifted her upper half enough to take off her shirt and bra. Next came her shorts and panties. Let her fingers be his, memorizing every inch of her body.

  Lying back and spreading her legs, Nina drew her hands along her inner thighs and brushed along the sides of her mound. She did this again and again, varying the speed and pressure of her caresses. Sometimes she stopped to fondle her breasts and pinch the hard nubs.

  Images of Ben, his sexy smile and dazzling blue eyes, flashed through her mind. How would he feel nestled inside her? Her inner muscles clenched with the thought.

  The ache within her grew as her breathing grew heavier. She stroked her nether lips and tugged on her downy bush. The scent of her rich musk tantalized her nose. Tapping her clit, she gasped at how swollen and sensitive it already was.

  Oh Nina.

  Ben’s gruff voice made her tremble. Inserting a finger into her pussy, she moaned. Was he really here or did she imagine it?

  She withdrew her slick digit and thrust her hips up, plunging it deeper within. Her abdomen tightened as she coated her palm with her juices and rubbed against her clit.

  Masturbation she had down to a science, but it was the fantasy of Ben’s hard body on top of hers that brought it up to another blazing level.

  Nina. The bed creaked and dipped as another body climbed upon it.

  The heat of him
hit her suddenly. Ben was here. He’d come back. Her heart raced as she opened her eyes and reached for him.

  The masculine glory of this man. Shirtless and prowling toward her like a hungry lion. His face, arms and torso were clear, and as he touched her calf, the rest of him magnificently formed. He wore no clothes whatsoever. His cock hung long and hard between his legs.

  “Ben.” So many things she wanted to say. Desire reined them in.

  I couldn’t stay away from you. I have to have you. Ben forced her hand away from her pussy and fast replaced it with his hot mouth.

  Nina cried out and arched her back. She gripped the duvet in her fisted hands as her head flopped back. Fire raged through her as all sense of the rest of world faded. Ben was all there was. Ben and his hungry licks and fervent sucks. Even a few nips in the ferocity of his feasting.

  He opened her wider with his fingers and tunneled deep with his tongue. In and out and around, flicking her clit repeatedly.

  “Oh yes!” Nina’s toes curled as she tumbled fast toward orgasm. She lifted a leg into the air, kicking, as she dug the other heel into the mattress. Her body had a mind of its own, twisting as if it didn’t know what to do with itself under this barrage of fervid passion.

  She lost her voice when she came and shuddered as he continued to lap at her with his tongue. Only when her legs fell limply to each side of him did he kiss his way up to her breasts. He groaned as he took one nipple into his mouth and groped her other big orb. She ran her fingers through his hair and murmured his name.

  I’m not done with you yet. His mouth covered hers and cut off any reply. She hoped wrapping her arms and legs around him was a clear enough yes.

  Nina twined her tongue with his and gasped for air. His chest rose and fell, but he did not breathe. A brief step outside of the moment reminded her he was a spirit. She was in bed with the ghost of a man who died decades ago.


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