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DIANE D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 1

Page 11

by Doris Miller

The Punky Gurlz run down the street as the Dianettes chase after them! The Dianettes catch up to the Punky Gurlz! They kick the Punky Gurlz and knock the Punky Gurlz down to the ground! The Dianettes turn and hurry the other way!

  The Punky Gurlz get up off the ground! They chase after the Dianettes! They catch up to the Dianettes and kick them back. The Dianettes almost fall as the Punky Gurlz turn and hurry the other way! The Punky Gurlz run down the street as the Dianettes angrily chase after them!

  The Punky Gurlz run across the street towards a park! The Dianettes run across the street after the Punky Gurlz.

  The Punky Gurlz run in the park as the Dianettes run in the park after them. The Dianettes catch up to the Punky Gurlz and kick them! The Punky Gurlz fall down as the Dianettes turn and hurry off the other way!

  The Punky Gurlz get up off the ground again! They run to some garbage cans that are in the park! They grab the lids off the garbage cans and chase after the Dianettes! They catch up to the Dianettes and throw the garbage can lids right at the Dianettes! The objects hit the Dianettes! The Punky Gurlz turn and run the other way! The Dianettes pick up the garbage can lids! They turn around and angrily chase after the Punky Gurlz again with the garbage can lids!

  The Punky Gurlz continue to run through the park!

  The Dianettes run through the park with the garbage can lids as they chase after the Punky Gurlz!

  The Punky Gurlz suddenly turn and run another direction!

  The Dianetts suddenly turn and take a short cut another direction!

  The Dianettes catch up to the Punky Gurlz and throw the garbage can lids right at the Punky Gurlz! The garbage can lids hit the Punky Gurlz as the Dianettes turn and hurry the other way!

  Diane D and the rest of the crowd run through the park after the Dianettes! Everyone soon hear police sirens coming! The Punky Gurlz continue to run off as everyone else stop! Diane D catches up to the Dianettes! She shouts to them, “Girls! Girls! The police are coming! We gotto get outta here! Come on let's shoot!” Diane D and the Dianettes turn and race off in the other direction! The crowd follows off after them! Several police cars approach the crowd! The people in the crowd stop as other police cars hurry around a corner!

  The Punky Gurlz run fast across the park. They hear sirens coming around the corner! They quickly turn and run other direction!

  Diane D and the Dianettes are running on the other side of the park! They hear sirens coming around the corner! They turn their heads towards the sirens and quickly turn and run other direction!

  On the other side of the park, the police cars are hot on the Punky Gurlz' trail as the Punky Gurlz continue to run! The Punky Gurlz scream as they tumble over a log and continue to run on the other side.

  Diane D and the Dianettes continue to run on the other side of the park! Other police cars are on their trail!

  The Punky Gurlz continue to run as the police cars pull up along side them. The Punky Gurlz stop running as the police come out of their cars! The police rush to the Punky Gurlz and grab them! The Punky Gurlz start to struggle and fuss with the police.

  Lonna, Kelly and Nancy continue to run on the other side of the park as the police cars pull up along side of them. Lonna, Kelly and Nancy stop running as the police come out of their cars and run to them! The police grab Lonna, Kelly and Nancy! Lonna, Kelly and Nancy scream as the police become a little rough with them. One of the officers pull Lonna's arm behind her back a little hard as Lonna shouts, “Aaaaah! You're hurting me! Aaaaah!”

  “Where are the others?!” the male white police officer shouts.


  “I asked you, where are the others?!”


  Two other officers look behind the first officer towards the bushes and yell to him, “Watch out! She's trying to put a sneak attack on you!”

  The first officer turns around and looks towards the bushes as Diane D suddenly leaps from behind the bushes and angrily lunges at him! The other officers quickly grab Diane D and hold onto her! One of the officers holding Diane D, a male black around his late 30's, looks at Diane D and says, “Diane D?!” Diane D looks at the officer as he says to her, “You're in trouble again?!”

  The other officers got a hold of Miranda, Charlotte and Bernice. One of the other officers, a male black around his late 30's, looks at Miranda, Charlotte and Bernice and says, “Dianettes! What's going on?!”

  “Officer,” an out of breath Miranda says. “We can explain!”

  “You can explain when we all go down to the station!”

  “Go down to the station?!” Diane D shouts. “Why we have to go to the station?!”

  “Yeah it was those Punky Gurlz that started it!” Lonna says.

  “Don't worry!” the officer says. “We're taking them to the station too! Let's go.” The police pull Diane D and the Dianettes away.

  Two hours later, Diane D's family sit in the office of the police station with Gordon. Two white male police officers come into the room and approach Diane D's family as Diane D's family approach them. “What's going on officers?” Mary asks.

  “Your daughter Diane D has an attempted assault charge against her,” one of the officers says.

  “What!” Diane D’s family shout.

  “Attempted assault charge?!” Margarita shouts.

  “Yes,” the officer says. “She tried to put a sneak attack on one of the other officers who was holding and grabbing onto one of the Dianettes! The other officers saw your daughter Diane D sneaking from behind the bushes getting ready to attack that officer! They warned that officer in time, so when your daughter Diane D leaped from behind the bushes, the other officers grabbed her in time and held on to her.”

  “What!” Diane D’s family shout. “Oh no!”

  “Now we had a talk with the Dianettes and the Punky Gurlz. Now both the Dianettes and the Punky Gurlz agree to not to press charges against each other.”

  “They did?” Barry asked.

  “Yes. So we're gonna let them all go.”

  “Thank you officers.”

  “Even though the Punky Gurlz agree not to press charges against the Dianettes, the Dianettes agree not to press charges against the Punky Gurlz on one condition.”

  “On one condition?” Diane D's family asks.

  “What condition is that?” Tomas asks.

  “That the Punky Gurlz have to agree and make sure that Diane D does not perform in Paris or anywhere else with them,” the officer says.

  “What?!” Diane D's family says.

  “If Diane performs in Paris or anywhere else with the Punky Gurlz, the girls say they will press charges against them?!” Mary asks.

  “That's what they said,” the officer says. “They said they will press charges AND file a lawsuit against the Punky Gurlz.”

  “File a lawsuit?!” Diane D's family asks.

  “Yes. Maybe even file kidnapping charges.”

  “What! Kidnapping charges?!”

  “Yes. The Dianettes said if the Punky Gurlz take Diane D to Europe with them, they‘re going to file kidnapping charges against them.”

  “Oh yeah?” Tomas asks. “How can they file kidnapping charges against the Punky Gurlz?”

  “The Dianettes claim they were in the hallway at the dance studio eavesdropping through the door while the Punky Gurlz were in the back office with Diane D. The Dianettes claim they overheard the Punky Gurlz trying to bribe Diane D with a whole lot of money if Diane D goes to Paris with them.”

  “What!” Diane D’s family say.

  “The girls claim they overheard the Punky Gurlz trying to bribe Diane with a whole lot of money if Diane goes to Paris with them?!” Margarita asks.


  “How much money?!” Tomas asks.

  “The Dianettes claim first in the hundreds then in the thousands then in the millions.”

  “In the hundreds then thousands then millions?!
” Barry asks.

  “Yeah. Not only that, the Dianettes claim they overheard the Punky Gurlz trying to book a flight out the airport tonight and include a seat for Diane D in their flight, even though Diane D told the Punky Gurlz no, that she’s not going to Paris with them.”

  “The girls overheard Diane telling the Punky Gurlz that she’s not going to Paris with them?”

  “Yes. The Dianettes said they overheard the Punky Gurlz tell Diane D that she IS going to go to Paris with them. The Dianettes said the Punky Gurlz were very persistent. They said it was like the Punky Gurlz were forcing Diane D to go to Paris with them whether Diane D wanted to go or not. That‘s when the Dianettes said they burst into the room to save Diane D from the Punky Gurlz and take her away from them. The Dianettes said when they took Diane D out into the hallway, the Punky Gurlz came after them to get Diane D back, but the Punky Gurlz said it’s not true, they didn’t come after the Dianettes to get Diane D back. They said they only came after the Dianettes because the Dianettes hit them first.”

  “Wow,” Barry says. “You know this is so absurd!”

  “It is. Well the Dianettes don’t have to worry about your daughter Diane D going to Europe with the Punky Gurlz because your daughter Diane D can't leave town anyway. Not with this attempted assault charge against her.”

  “So what are you planning do with her?” Margarita asks.

  “We're letting her go too, but she has to appear in court. I'll bring you all to Diane D and the Dianettes.”

  “Thank you officer.”

  The officer turns and walks away as Diane D's family follow behind him.

  A crowd of people and some organization members are standing in the lobby of the police station. Barry approaches the crowd as Alex says to him, “How is everything? How are Diane and the girls?”

  “They're all okay,” Barry says. “The girls are still pissed off. They're all talking about pressing charges, filing a lawsuit and filing kidnapping charges against the Punky Gurlz if the Punky Gurlz have Diane perform in Paris or anywhere else with them.”

  “Yeah we heard.”

  “Diane is not gonna go to Paris with the Punky Gurlz is she?” Stephanie asks.

  “No she's not gonna go,” Barry says. “She can't go to Paris or leave town anyway with the attempted assault charge against her.”

  “Yeah we heard,” Harvey says. “The other officer already came and told us that Diane has an attempted assault charge against her.”

  “He did?”


  “Well Diane is not going to Paris, that's dead.”

  “So what's gonna happen now?” Alex asks. “Are the police letting Diane and the girls go?”

  “Yes, the police are letting them all go, but Diane is gonna have a day to appear in court for the attempted assault charge.”

  “Oh no,” Stephanie says.

  “Well we're gonna bring Diane and the girls back to the dance studio now to change back to their clothes then we're gonna take them all home.” Barry turns away and heads towards the back of the police station as the staff members look on at him.

  An hour later, Diane D is in regular street clothes wearing a short corduroy black jacket with matching black pants and a short black shirt underneath her jacket as she adjusts some straps on her bag. Mary and Barry approach Diane D as Mary says, “Diane, how're you feeling baby?”

  Diane D looks at her parents and says, “I’m Okay. Listen Mom, Dad, I'm gonna bring all the girls home with me to Grandma Gracy and Grandpa Mike's house. I'll have them stay there with me for a couple of weeks again.”

  “You are?”


  “Okay Diane,” Barry says. “Just call Grandma Gracy and Grandpa Mike up and let them know you're bringing the girls there. We already called them up and told them about this incident. They and the rest of the family were all about to rush down to the police station, but I told them we're not at the police station anymore that we left the police station and will be home shortly.”

  “Oh yeah?”


  “Okay. I'll call Grandma Gracy and tell her I'm bring the girls home with me. I'll call her in the hallway.” A frowning Diane D leaves from her parents as her parents turn and worriedly look on at her.

  Diane D sits on a stool in the hallway with one knee up as she dials a number on her cell phone. She sighs as she puts the cell phone to her ear. She then speaks into the cell phone and says, “Hey Grandma.”

  “Diane!” Gracy says. “How are you baby!”

  “I'm okay. Listen Grandma, I'm getting ready to come home now and I'm bringing all the girls over there with me.”

  “You are?”

  “Yeah. I'm gonna have them spend two weeks with us again.”

  “Two weeks? Okay. I heard about the argument and fight they got into with the Punky Gurlz. And I heard about your attempt assault charge on a police officer again. I also heard the Punky Gurlz were interested in collaborating with you and the girls, but the feeling wasn't mutual. The girls didn't want to collaborate with the Punky Gurlz.”

  “No they didn't. They only want to collaborate with the guys from Africa. They said they're not interested in sharing the stage with any female singers or any female singing group.”

  “I heard. I heard they flipped out when they found out that the Punky Gurlz were gonna have you perform in Paris with them! I heard they started yelling, cursing and screaming at the Punky Gurlz then the Punky Gurlz fussed back and they all started arguing with each other. I heard the girls started protesting to your Mom and Dad that they didn't want you performing in Paris with the Punky Gurlz! I heard the girls and the Punky Gurlz started chasing after each other back forth at the dance studio, then in the street then at the park! Then I heard the police came and got involved then you were about to assault a police officer you saw got rough with Lonna! I heard it turned into a whole big mess! Are you and the girls alright Diane?”

  “Yeah Grandma we're okay. We're on our way out of the dance studio then we’ll be on our way to your place. You'll see us when we get there.”

  “Alright Diane. Just bring the girls over. What room are you gonna put them all in?”

  “Well it's not too much room left in your house Grandma. I'll just have to have three of the girls squeeze in the room with me and Dana and put the other three girls in the room with Aunt Celeste.”

  “Oh yeah? So you want the extra beds put back into Dana's room?”


  “Okay Diane. I'll have Nicolas and Mickey bring the extra beds down from the attic again and put them in Dana's room and your Aunt Celeste‘s room.”

  “Thanks Grandma. Did Dana come home from work yet?”

  “Yeah she came in an hour ago. She's upstairs now.”

  “Okay. Well the girls and I will be there. It might take a while because it's rush-hour traffic on the highways right now.”

  “I know. Okay Diane. I'll be here waiting for you all.”

  “Okay Grandma thanks.”

  “See you when you get here.”

  “Okay.” Diane D closes her cell phone, gets off the stool and goes away.

  An hour later, Diane D comes into the front door of Gracy and Mike’s house as the upset looking Dianettes all dressed in short black jackets, short belly baring shirts, pants, bangs with hair flowing down their backs carrying some luggage follow in behind her. Michael, Mary and Barry follow them inside carrying some luggage also. Barry closes the door behind himself as Diane D looks up the staircase and shouts, “Grandma, Grandpa we're here!”

  Gracy and Grandpa Mike come down the stairs. “Hey everybody!” Gracy says.

  “Hey Mom, Dad,” Barry says. Gracy and Grandpa Mike reach the bottom of the stairs and approach Diane D and the Dianettes. They give them all warm hugs. Gracy and Grandpa Mike then give Michael, Mary and Barry warm hugs too. Grandpa Mike and Gracy step back as Grandpa Mike puzzled looks at
the Dianettes and says, “Now which one of you girls was mainly having a problem with the Punky Gurlz?”

  “I bet it was Lonna wasn't?” Gracy says.

  Lonna folds her arms and pokes her mouth to the side as Diane D says, “You're warm Grandma.”

  “I’m warm. Okay, then I bet it was Nancy.”

  “It wasn’t just Nancy! It was all of them Grandma!” Diane D looks at the Dianettes as they look back at her. Diane D looks back towards Gracy and says, “They ALL had a problem with the Punky Gurlz!”

  “Oh no! Well we're gonna have to get to the bottom of this whole thing later. But right now, why don't you all go upstairs and get settled. Dinner is just about ready. After dinner we'll talk about this whole Punky Gurlz thing.”

  “Okay Grandma.” Diane D turns her head to the Dianettes and says, “Come on girls.” Diane D turns her head back forward and goes up the stairs as the Dianettes follow up behind her. Gracy and Mary follow up behind the Dianettes. Michael and Barry carry some luggage and follow up behind Gracy and Mary as Grandpa Mike follows behind.

  Back at the dance studio, Margarita, Tomas and Gordon are sitting inside the office talking. The Punky Gurlz suddenly enter the office. “Hey,” Punky Gurl 1 says.

  Margarita, Tomas and Gordon look at the Punky Gurlz as Margarita says, “Hey.”

  The Punky Gurlz approach Margarita, Tomas and Gordon. Punky Gurl 1 then says, “We heard Diane D went home to her grandparents' house and brought all the Dianettes over there with her, but y'all here.”

  “No Diane went home to her other grandparents' house,” Margarita says. “Her father's parents' house out in Queens. She's staying over there.”

  “Yeah,” Tomas says. “Diane took all the girls home over there to stay with her other grandparents for two weeks.”

  “For two weeks?” Punky Gurl 1 says. “Really?”

  “Yeah,” Margarita says. “Listen ladies, we're very sorry about what happened between you all and the girls.”

  “Yeah,” Tomas says. “ We didn't expect that to happen.”

  “Yeah we're sorry too,” Punky Gurl 2 says. “We're sorry that the Dianettes are no fans of ours, even though we were big fans of theirs.”

  “Well Diane seemed to be a fan of yours. She seemed real excited about you all.”

  “Well we're excited about her too,” Punky Gurl 3 says. “We want to get in touch with her. We want to know if we could change her mind about performing in Paris with us.”

  “Oh ladies Diane can't leave town anyway. She has an attempted assault charge against her and you heard what the girls said. They said if Diane performs with you all in Paris, they're gonna file kidnapping charges against you and file a lawsuit if Diane happens to go to Paris with you anytime in the future.”

  “Kidnapping charges,” Punky Gurl 1 says. “For real? You think we would stoop that low to try to kidnap Diane D or anybody else?”

  “Well the girls claimed they overheard you trying to bribe Diane with millions of dollars if she performs in Paris with you and said you all were planning to book a seat for Diane on a flight tonight,” Margarita says.

  “We were only trying to persuade Diane D to come to Paris with us because we knew she wanted to go, but the only reason she’s not going is because of the Dianettes.”

  “The Dianettes are putting this kidnapping thing on us just to make us look bad,” Punky Gurl 2 says.

  “Yeah,” Punky Gurl 3 says. “We were only persuading Diane D and nothing else. Now we are hoping we can get Diane D to perform with us in Paris without the Dianettes knowing about it.”

  “Yeah we were hoping the Dianettes would find out about it later after the event in Paris was all over,” Punky Gurl 5 says.

  “Find out about it later?” Tomas says. “The girls might still want to file kidnapping charges and a lawsuit against you guys even after the event is over and they find out about it later. I think you girls should just give it up. If Diane is missing for a while, believe me, the girls will know about it. Then they're gonna start to ask questions.”

  “That's right,” Margarita says. “I think it would be best to just let it go. But I'll let you speak to Diane about it yourself. Let me call her other grandparents' number and let you speak to her, because Tomas and I are on our way out the door. We have to hurry and head back to the organization.”

  “Okay,” Punky Gurl 5 says.

  Margarita picks up the phone receiver off the telephone on the desk and dials a number. She listens in the receiver. “It's ringing,” she says. She turns to the Punky Gurlz and says, “Here you guys take the phone and speak to Diane about it yourself, cause we have to go.”

  “Okay,” Punky Gurl 1 says.

  Margarita hands the phone receiver to Punky Gurl 1. Punky Gurl 1 puts the phone receiver to her ear. Margarita turns to Gordon and says, “I’ll see you later.”

  “Okay,” Gordon says.

  Margarita and Tomas walk towards the door. They walk out the door and leave the office.

  Punky Gurl 1 has the phone receiver to her ears and hears a few rings from the other end. She turns to the other Punky Gurlz and whispers, “Gee I hope none of the Dianettes answer the telephone.” Punky Gurl 1 continues to listen in the receiver. She suddenly hears someone pick up the other end of the telephone.

  “Hellooo?” a deep hoarse voice on the other end of the phone says.

  “Uh hello,” Punky Gurl 1 nervously says. “Um, can I speak to Diane D please?”

  Dana, who is on the other end of the phone, dressed in a short jacket and matching pants says, “Hold on.” Dana is about to leave the phone. She pauses a little then puzzled asks, “Who's calling by the way?”

  “Who's calling? Um, a friend.”

  “A friend? What friend?”

  “A new friend of hers. I just met her today.”

  “Do you have a name?”

  “My name? Well I'm one of the Punky Gurlz.”

  “One of the Punky Gurlz?”


  “What do you want with Diane?!”

  “Well I want to speak to her.”

  “What do you want to speak to her about?”

  “It's personal. Can I speak to her?”

  “Oh I'm sorry Diane is busy right now, she won't be able to come to the phone. Can I give her a message?”

  “She won't be able to come to the phone? What do you mean she won't be able to come to the phone?”

  “She's busy right now.”

  “Busy? Well it's real important. Could you put her on the phone please?”

  “She can't come to the phone.”

  “Why not? I have to speak to her.”

  “She's busy right now. Do you have a message you would like for me to give her?”

  “Can't you just put her on the phone real quick?”

  “I can't, she's busy!”

  “I need to speak to her personally. It's real urgent.”

  “Diane is busy right now, she can't come to the phone! Do you have a message for me to give her?!”

  “Please put her on the phone. I really need to speak to her personally!”

  “Are you hard of hearing?! I said Diane is busy right now, she can't come to the phone, now do you have a message for me to give her or not?!”

  “No, nevermind! Forget it!”

  “Fine! Don't you ever call this number or any other number for Diane again! Stay the hell away from my cousin!” Dana slams the phone receiver down and walks away.

  Punky Gurl 1 puzzled looks at the phone receiver on her end and says, “Well excuuuuse me!” She angrily hangs up the phone receiver.

  “Who was that?” Gordon asks.

  “I don't know, but whoever that was on the other end of the phone, that person was certainly rude! They refused to bring Diane D to the phone! After a while, they started hollering at me!”

  “Really? Was it one of the Dianettes?”

  “Didn't sound
like any of them. This person who answered the phone had a deep hoarse Jamaican accent.”

  “A deep hoarse Jamaican accent? Was it a man or woman?”

  “It sounded like it could be a man or a woman with a deep voice.”

  “It was probably Diane D's cousin Dana, you know, the one who was suspected of shooting down all those traffic cameras and the one who beat up and car chased that newspaper reporter on the highway and shot at his vehicle three times and the one who beat up those two female police officers, because Dana stays with Diane D's other grandparents at times.”

  “She does?”

  “Yeah. It's her room Diane D is staying in.”

  “Oh yeah? It probably was her on the phone because she just sounded like she wanted to beat me up! She told me not to ever call their number or any other number for Diane D again then told me to stay the hell away from her cousin!”

  “What?!” the other Punky Gurlz say.

  “She told you to stay the hell away from Diane D?!” Gordon asks.

  “Yeah,” Punky Gurl 1 says. “Then she slammed the phone down in my ear!“

  “She slammed the phone on you?”

  “She sure did.”

  “Gordon, isn’t Diane D’s cousin Dana on parole?” Punky Gurl 5 asks.

  “That’s what I heard,” Gordon says. “I try not to get involved with anything that has to do with Dana, she’s dangerous, I want nothing to do with her! I wish I would have known that there’s a possibility that Dana might pick up that other end of the phone because if I knew that, I wouldn’t have let Miss Margarita called Diane D‘s other grandparents‘ house.”

  “Well I don't think we're gonna be able to get in touch with Diane D at all.”

  “Me neither,” Punky Gurl 3 says.

  “Hey wait a minute,” Punky Gurl 2 says. “Doesn't Diane D have a cell phone? Maybe we can try to contact her through her cell phone!”

  “And how are we going to do that?” Punky Gurl 1 says. “Her cousin Dana just warned me on the phone not to ever call their house number or any other number for Diane D again! When she said that, I’m sure she meant not to call Diane D’s cell phone either!”

  “Who the hell is she to tell other people not to call Diane D’s cell phone?! She doesn’t own Diane D’s cell phone!”

  “I know. It would have been best if Miss Margarita had dialed Diane D’s cell phone in the first place instead of dialing Diane D’s other grandparents’ house number. That way, we wouldn‘t have had to deal with her cousin Dana!”

  “Ladies,” Gordon says. “It’s best to just forget about trying to contact Diane D or try to get her to go to Paris with you, because now you‘re not just dealing with the Dianettes, you’re dealing with her cousin Dana as well.” The Punky Gurlz worriedly look at Gordon.

  The next day, a woman in a cafe is reading an article in the newspaper with a headline that reads: THE DIANETTES VS. THE PUNKY GURLZ! CATFIGHT ERUPTS BETWEEN THE DIANETTES AND THE PUNKY GURLZ AT DANCE STUDIO AS DIANE D GETS CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE! The woman turns to several other people and says, “Hey. Did y'all read this article about the Dianettes and the Punky Gurlz going at it at a dance studio yesterday?”

  “Yeah,” a second woman says. “It says that the Punky Gurlz wanted to collaborate and perform with Diane D and the Dianettes at Diane D and the Dianettes' next show or concert and in Paris, but the Dianettes didn't want to collaborate with the Punky Gurlz. When the Punky Gurlz suggested that maybe just Diane D can collaborate with them alone in Paris, that's when hell broke loose.”

  “Yeah I heard,” one of the men say. “I heard the Dianettes didn't even want Diane D to collaborate with the Punky Gurlz by herself. I heard Diane D and her family tried to stop the fight at the dance studio, then I heard the Dianettes protested to Diane D's parents against Diane D performing in Paris with the Punky Gurlz! Then I heard the Dianettes and the Punky Gurlz started chasing after each other outside in the street then in the park, then the police came after them and they were all taking to the police station, including Diane D.”

  “Wow,” a second man says. “So is Diane D still gonna collaborate with the Punky Gurlz in Paris or what?”

  “I don't think so,” the first woman says. “Because first of all, she's not allowed to leave town because she has an attempted assault charge against her. Second of all, the Dianettes threatened kidnapping charges against the Punky Gurlz if Diane D goes to Paris with the Punky Gurlz and third, it says the Punky Gurlz tried to get in touch with Diane D last night by calling her other grandparents' house, but couldn't reach her. They said a family member of Diane D's who they believed might have been her cousin Dana answered the telephone and refused to bring Diane D to the phone. It says then Dana hollered at the Punky Gurl who was on the telephone and told the Punky Gurl not to ever call for Diane D again and to stay the hell away from her cousin. Then Dana slammed the phone down in the Punky Gurl's ear.”

  “She did?” the second man asks.

  “Yeah! So the Punky Gurlz decided to give up trying to collaborate with Diane D because of the Dianettes and Diane D's cousin Dana. They claim they don't need the pressure or attitudes.”

  “Wow I don't blame them.” The woman continues to look at the article.

  A man is sitting on the subway reading an article in the newspaper with a headline that reads: THE DIANETTES VS. THE PUNKY GURLZ!.

  Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry and Nicolas are inside the organization office looking at the newspaper article with a headline that reads: THE DIANETTES VS. THE PUNKY GURLZ! Tomas turns to Mary and asks, “Dana never said a word to Diane about the Punky Gurlz calling Gracy and Mike’s house last night?”

  “No!” Mary says.

  “Did Diane see this article yet?” Margarita asks.

  “Yeah she saw the article already. I spoke to her on the phone this morning.”

  “Did Dana see the article?” Barry asks.

  “Yeah Dana saw the article. Diane said she showed the article to Dana while they were all eating breakfast. She said Dana looked at the article and had nothing to say about it. Diane said she asked Dana why she didn't bring her to the telephone when the Punky Gurlz called for her. Diane said Dana told her she forgot. Diane didn't believe Dana so she yelled at Dana and chewed Dana out.”

  “She did?” Margarita says.


  “I can't believe Dana would not get Diane to the telephone to speak to the Punky Gurlz.”

  “I can believe it,” Nicolas says. “Knowing Dana.”

  “Dana should have gotten Diane to the telephone. I should have waited on the phone myself to make sure Diane came to the telephone.”

  “Well it's too late now Ma,” Mary says. “I mean Diane was trying to give it another shot to collaborate with the Punky Gurlz.”

  “She was,” Barry says. “She and Mom were working on the girls late last night, trying to change the girls' minds to get them to perform in Paris with the Punky Gurlz. Mom and Diane said the girls seem like they were about to come around to it. Then I spoke to Gordon on the phone this morning. He told me the Punky Gurlz already gave up trying to collaborate with Diane because of the argument and fight with the girls and the way Dana treated them on the telephone! Gordon said the Punky Gurlz already called another singing group late last night and decided to collaborate with that singing group in Paris instead of with Diane.”

  “Man that's a shame,” Margarita says. “Are Diane and the girls coming in today?”

  “No,” Mary says. “Diane said she and the girls are just gonna stay home for the whole next two weeks.”

  “For the whole next two weeks? You mean they're not gonna come to the organization at all?”

  “No I guess not.” They all sadly look at each other. They then look back at the article again.


  Chapter 11

  Dana Throws Contractors Out


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