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Jasmine Moon

Page 5

by Celia Breslin

  She gaped at him while he moved the car slowly down the street and scanned for a spot. “Are you for real right now? This is how you resolve problems? By ignoring them?”

  A couple blocks away from the bar, Evan pulled the car into a spot in front of a closed ice cream shop. “There’s no problem.”

  Ohmigod, could the man be any more insufferable? She climbed out of the SUV without his assistance, pausing to snap at him through the open doorway. “I beg to differ, you dominant dickhead. And I’m not bringing our baggage into your brother and future sister-in-law’s pre-wedding party. So man up and deal.”

  His brows rose up his forehead and his cheek twitched. “Dominant dickhead?” A bemused grin curled his lips. “I see my sister trained you well.” He exited the car. “Come on, Red.”

  Annoying command given, he stalked down the street, obviously expecting her to follow.

  She slammed her door. Of all the rude, irritating…. She hurried to catch up then fell into step beside him. “One, you forgot to lock the car.” The beep of the truck as the lock engaged echoed in the silent night. “Two, I don’t need any lessons in dealing with doofus dominants. I have two dominant brothers of my own.”

  Evan gripped her elbow to help her across the slick street and over a particularly icy patch of pavement. “As much as I’m enjoying your sass, fair warning, Red. My patience is nearing an end.”

  She ground to a halt and yanked her elbow free. “Oh, that’s rich. Your patience?” She stepped into him and poked him in the chest. “You kissed me first. Both times, in fact. You initiated it, not me. So you don’t get to be mad at me when you’re the one putting the kibosh on a weekend wedding fling.”

  She poked at him again, and he huffed, gathering her close.

  His amber eyes glowed bright. “Mad at you? Red, the only person I’m angry with is myself. I can’t fucking stay away from you. Damn it to hell, woman, what am I going to do with you?”

  Aw, hell. Now he’d done it. Mina looked so angry, she reminded him of a cartoon character, specifically sexy Jessica Rabbit with lightning bolts haloing her head.

  He should have known better than to engage the little spitfire in conversation. And he most certainly shouldn’t have pulled her into his arms. But, God damn, she had a way of wheedling away his self-control.

  “Let me go, you brute.” Her tone held bite to match the anger burning in her beautiful blue eyes, but her body melted against his, belying the truth of her words.

  She spread her pale fingers against his shirt, her touch making his pecs twitch. These clear signs of her attraction, coupled with the scent of her arousal, ripped a hungry growl from his throat.

  “God knows I keep trying to let you go. Yet, here we are. Again.” He lowered his head, let his lips linger near hers, making their breath mingle. The scent of her minty toothpaste wafted to him along with citrus from the bath gel in the guest room shower, and underneath it her alluring natural scent. “You smell so damn good.” He nipped her plump lower lip, pleased when she gasped. “And you taste as sweet.”

  “What do you want from me, Evan?” Her husky voice quivered.

  The sound speared lust straight to his cock. He swiveled his hips, biting back a groan of pleasure at the contact with her softness. He fucking loved the roundness of her hips. Those twin swells fit perfectly in his palms. Inside, his wolf howled. Right there with you, wolf. “What don’t I want?”

  Her hands slid down his chest to grip his waist. “Then what’s stopping you?”

  He leaned into her, nuzzling her neck, licking over her pounding pulse, more evidence of her desire. Yeah, what was the hold up? He wanted. She wanted. The stand-up guy portion of his brain reared up and kicked his lizard brain in the ass. It’s not fair to her. She’s special. Your sister’s friend. Your potential mate. She deserves more. Something he couldn’t provide.

  “I can’t give you forever, Mina.”

  “I never asked for forever,” she shot back, fingernails digging into his waist.

  “I know, but—”

  “There is no ‘but,’ Evan. There’s only you, getting in the way of our fun.”

  He stared down at her. “You mean it?”

  She tilted her chin upward. “I know you don’t know me very well, Evan, but I don’t say anything I don’t mean. So, let’s put the offer back on the table.”


  A small smile ghosted across her perfect bow mouth then disappeared. “Playing coy, Big Guy?”

  “I don’t play games.”

  “Nor do I.” She pushed on his chest until he relinquished his hold on her hips then she stepped back. “Here’s the deal. I’m 100 percent positive our chemistry is off the charts awesome. And I think you agree.”

  He gave her a curt nod. No doubt in his mind, between his wolf instincts shouting, she’s your mate and his own experience tasting her sweet lips.

  “So,” she continued. “You, me, the big bed in the guest room at Lexi’s.” She counted off on her fingers. “Tonight. Tomorrow night. And maybe one for the road, post-wedding, before I head home. No strings. No drama. Fun and done.” She held out her hand. “Deal?”

  His gaze flitted from her face with its serious, no-nonsense expression to her outstretched hand.

  He wanted to tell her she sounded certifiable, and one-night stands or even three-day flings weren’t his style. He wanted to tell her she’d be better off with someone else, even for the short-term. Instead, he gripped her hand and shook. “Deal.”

  God help him, he’d officially made the best or the worst decision of his life.

  She didn’t seem to share his concern. In fact, she seemed more relaxed than ever, curling herself against him. Hands clasped around his neck, she pulled his head down to hers. No sense in fighting her now. He’d agreed to her terms, and he kept his word. The businessman in him would have it no other way.

  She licked her lips. “I’d say it’s time to sign on the metaphorical dotted line, wouldn’t you?”

  “Whatever you say, Snarky.”

  “I like the sound of that.” She brushed her lips against his, once, twice, the sweetest of kisses.

  He didn’t want sweet.

  With a growl, he took control, parting her lips and delving inside with his tongue. Fuck, she tasted so damn good. She met him move for move, her tongue sliding over his, taking her pleasure. No meek mouse in his hands, she was all dominant wolf, his equal in every way. Inside, his wolf howled his pleasure. Mating energy roared to life surging through his veins, lighting him up like a Fourth of July sky. Fuck. Three nights with her might kill him. With ecstasy.

  Mina sagged against him with a groan. “Oh God. Feels so good.”

  “Not God. Evan.” He nibbled along her jawline, enjoying her taste.

  She slid her hands under his jacket and around to his back, nails digging into his spine, the small pricks of pain amping up his need to strip her bare and take her right the hell now. “Let’s get out of here, Red.” Screw the party. He had to have her ASAP.

  He scooped her up and headed back to his truck.

  Mina let out a cute shriek and clung to his shoulders. “Whoa there, He-Man. Aren’t you forgetting something?”


  “A certain wedding event? Your brother’s party?”

  “He’ll understand.”

  “Wait. Evan, stop.”

  He ground to a halt, but only because they’d arrived at his truck. He set her on her feet and dug his keys from his pants pocket.

  She tugged on the sleeve of his jacket. “I promised your sister I’d attend the party. And I don’t break my promises. Do you?”

  He cursed under his breath. “No, I don’t.”

  “Then let’s do this right. I’m glad we kissed and made up. Let’s make an appearance, have some fun with your family then bow out early and get our own party started.”

  He chuckled. “You’re a wise woman, Red.” He swept her int
o his arms again and strode back to the bar.

  “I can walk, you know.”

  “I know.” He refused to set her down until they arrived at The Den’s front door.

  Music vibrated the walls of the building, and warm light shone through the windows, highlighting the people inside. The place looked packed.

  He opened the door for Mina and stepped aside. “After you.”

  She smiled up at him. “Thanks for the ride, Wolf Man.”

  “Anytime, Red.” He liked the new ease between them.

  Despite the crowd, their arrival didn’t go unnoticed.

  “Mina!” Lexi pounced on her, drawing the shorter woman into a group hug with Darci. The three women giggled and stumbled in their awkward embrace. Evan reached out to steady them, and Ross stepped up to do the same with a hand on his fiancée’s back.

  “Jesus, Lexi. Chill. You trying to flatten them like pancakes?” Ross scolded their sister, but his tone softened his effort.

  Evan picked up the bat. “Yeah, sis. It’s like watching a mountain lion hugging two hummingbirds.”

  Lexi snorted. “Mountain lion? Birds?” She shook her head. “You both have lost your teasing touch. Best leave the snark to the expert. Me, of course.”

  “I think they should have their big brother cards revoked,” Darci added with a smirk at Ross.

  His brother barked a laugh. “Okay, Moonbeam, you’ve spent enough time with Lexi. I think you need a time-out from her influence.” He bent and hauled his petite, jean-clad fiancée over one shoulder.

  Her outraged squeal pulled a hearty laugh from Evan. Good to see his brother so settled and happy, though he had no such plans for himself. He gazed at Mina, who stared after the couple making their way through the crowd.

  Her words from earlier meandered through his mind, “Fun and done.” Would it be so simple? Would he want it to end? His wolf paced inside him, restless and snarling. Asking for more than Evan was willing to take.

  “Fun and done,” he muttered, quashing his wolf’s demands.

  “What did you say?” Jake handed him an ice-cold beer.

  “Nothing.” But he glanced at Mina.

  Jake followed the direction of his stare. “Doesn’t look like nothing from where I stand.”

  Damn the perceptive man. “Leave it alone, Jake.”

  Fortunately, his friend could take a hint. Jake jerked his head at the bar. “Come on, mate.”

  Evan followed him, waving hello to both sets of parents, Darci’s aunt, and Jake’s aunt and uncle. They’d taken up residence in the far corner of the establishment with a group of older members of the Tao pack. Two of the older women gave Evan a thorough once-over, their speculative, calculating expressions making him squirm like a school kid caught cheating on a test.

  “Make a hole, wolves,” a larger-than-life voice boomed, pulling his attention to the bar. Gee, the owner and barrel-chested giant bear shifter he hadn’t seen in years, loomed behind the bar and watched his approach. “Welcome back. Don’t mind the busybodies.”

  “Hey, Gee. Nice to see you, too. What busybodies?”

  Gee jerked his head in the direction of his parents and company. “The female elders. They consider themselves the pack matchmakers. They can spot an unmated male from miles away.”

  “I see.” He took a swig from his beer. “Not interested.”

  Jake raised his bottle. “Our bloke here is taken.”

  Evan choked on the liquid in his throat. Gee leaned over the bar and pounded him on the back, making him cough harder. Jake, the bastard, laughed.

  Of course, Drew, the Tao pack Alpha, took that moment to join them at the bar, along with his enforcer, Ryker. Evan had talked with both of them earlier in the evening, before he’d left the party to collect Mina. They’d shared some interesting info on the two men who’d messed with Mina and Evan on the highway. Both Michael and his father were currently exiled from pack land as punishment for an attack on Darci months earlier, when she’d first arrived seeking help from the pack. She was half human, half wolf, and they were prejudiced bastards.

  Attacking a woman epitomized the worst form of lowlife bullshit. Evan would love to get them both alone for a lesson in manners. When he’d said as much to Ryker, the man had replied, “The line forms behind me.” Given the stoic enforcer’s reputation, there would be no leftovers for the rest of the metaphorical line.

  Drew slid his empty bottle to Gee and accepted another from the werebear then said to Evan, “You made it back.”

  Evan cleared his throat. “Yes.”

  Ryker and Gee each extended a hand at Jake and Drew. The other two men scowled and slapped a twenty-dollar bill into Ryker and Gee’s upturned palms.

  Evan watched the exchange, bemused. “What’s the money for?”

  The alpha narrowed his eyes at him. “You made it back.”

  He frowned. “Meaning?”

  Jake raised his beer bottle. “What do you think it means?” He motioned at the crowded, makeshift dance floor, where Mina, Lexi, two obviously pregnant females—Drew’s mate Betty and Ryker’s mate Saja—danced with assorted other pack women to some upbeat country tunes.

  Right. Mina. Jesus Christ, does everyone in town know my business? He scowled at the men. “Assholes.”

  Ross sauntered over. “My bro looks ready to rumble. What did you do to rile him up?”

  Jake and Drew tossed two bills at Ross. His brother grinned. “Score.” He shoved the money into his jeans’ pocket. “Told you so. I know my brother.”

  “Et tu, dickhead?” Evan socked his brother’s arm.

  Ross laughed. “Easy money, man. Couldn’t pass it up.” He leaned against the bar next to Evan. “Seriously, though, are you good? And more importantly, is Mina all right? Because you know our little sister will rip you a new one if you mess with her best girlfriend.”

  “Fucking hell, can you both leave it alone? We’re adults. It’s none of your or Lexi’s business.” He wouldn’t admit he’d had the same concerns from the onset. But now that he’d started down the no-strings-attached sex road, per his agreement with Mina, he intended to see it through. And his nosy family could stay out of it.

  Ross raised his hands. “Hey, just saying.”

  “I hear you. Now shut the hell up.” He rose to his full height and glared at his brother, though the few inches he had over his younger sibling didn’t matter much. They were evenly matched in the muscle department.

  Ross snorted. “Lighten up, Ev.” He accepted two shot glasses from Gee, handed one to Evan, and lifted his high. “To Darci. Thank the fuck she loves me and intends to make an honest man of me. Cheers.”

  All the males in earshot along the bar raised their glasses and bottles and shouted their cheers. With the focus off Evan and his love life, the men’s conversation slid into sports and business tech talk, two topics he could discuss all day. More beer arrived along with platters of food catered by Jake’s aunt.

  The women joined them for a quick bite before heading out to dance again. He’d enjoyed the kiss Mina had bestowed on his cheek as well as her surreptitious squeezing of his ass before she bounced back to the dance floor with his sister and crew.

  The older party attendees retired for the evening, and Jake wandered over to a DJ set up to perform, replacing the country music with the signature dance music that had made him famous worldwide as DJ Lone Wolf. The crowd cheered and the energy in the room intensified even as the lights dimmed.

  A waitress wandered by with a tray of whiskey shots, and Ross bumped his shoulder against Evan’s. “Bet I know where the booze is headed.”

  Evan shook his head. “Not taking the bet, man. I know our sister.”

  Sure enough, the shots stopped at Lexi, Darci, and Mina.

  Mina helped the waitress pass out the shots. In the sea of jeans and colorful country shirts and cowboy boots, she stood out like an exotic flower in her pretty blue dress and sleek black boots. Her dre
ss displayed her mouthwatering cleavage, and those spindly-heeled boots made him want to carry her off somewhere private, wrap those legs around his waist and….

  The sway of her hips and the bounce of her full breasts as she downed her shot and then moved to the music had him taking a step in her direction. Her face glowed with happiness. He could get used to the sight. Those curves. Her soft lips, parted for him in pleasure. Her husky moans as he blazed a trail of kisses down her neck and over her breasts…. His cock hardened.

  Fuck, time to dial down the sex thoughts before he blew his load right here like some horny teenager. But damn, since he’d agreed to her crazy plan, he couldn’t wait to get her alone tonight and accomplish every fucking thing his creative brain yearned to do to her hot little body. To give her pleasure and make her forget any other man she had ever been with. The thought of other men taking his woman pulled a low growl from his throat. Down wolf, not your woman. This is temporary. Sex only. Fun and done, remember?

  On the dance floor, a young wolf sauntered up to Mina and twirled her out and into his body. Mina tossed her head back and laughed, her gorgeous red hair flying around her. Fuck, no. Evan growled. He slammed his beer bottle onto the bar top and took one step toward the dance floor then stopped. He had no right to interfere with her fun. Even if he wanted to eviscerate the young wolf holding her, he had no right. No claim. She wasn’t his mate. No strings. No attachment at all. Fuck.

  His brother gripped his arm. “You can do it, you know.”

  “What?” he snarled, eyes on his redheaded prize.

  “Change your life. Make room for her.”

  Jesus, was his brother psychic? “It’s not like that.” He accepted the shot his brother handed him and tossed it back, relishing the burn. “It’s not what she wants, either.”

  His brother arched a brow. “You sure, bro?”

  He planted his empty shot glass next to the others littering the bar top. “One hundred percent. She doesn’t play games. Says exactly what’s on her mind.”

  “Sounds like Lexi.”

  “I know, right?” He gestured at the women. “I said as much to her when I met her.”


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