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Beach Balls

Page 3

by Tara Lain

  “Heck, no. Show up if you get free.” His heart was beating fast.

  “Yeah. I might do that.” He handed Adam the glass, picked up his dive gear, and walked away down the beach. Tall and thin, with curls bouncing almost to his shoulders, Sky was sort of like Shirley Temple meets Clint Eastwood.

  Adam looked down at the empty glasses. So what the hell was that all about? He’d just invited a stranger to crash Carly’s party. Nobody crashed Carly’s parties. His host was going to think Adam had lost his mind. He agreed. But his half-hard cock did not want to hear about how crazy it was, so he’d better go face the music.

  He went onto the terrace. The two guys with Carly were new to him. “Hi. I’m James.” He stuck out his hand and met them both.



  Carly pointed his chin in the direction of the beach. “Who’s your friend, darling?”

  Adam sat in the extra chair at the iron table. “A guy I met diving. We had an altercation over an octopus.”

  George laughed. “What?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  Carly grinned. “Pretty as hell.” He never missed much.

  Adam grinned back. “Yeah.”

  “Does he play for our team?”

  “So he says.” Adam stared at the ocean. “I, uh, invited him to cocktails tonight.”

  “Here?” Carly asked.


  He breathed through the silence. He didn’t want to talk first. Make Carly object.

  “So. He’s real pretty.” Carly got it for sure.

  Adam laughed.

  SKY LOADED his gear in the back of the Prius, stalked to the driver’s side and got in. What exactly are you considering? That made him grin and frown at the same time.

  He started up and pulled out of the parking area, crossing the highway to head left toward home. Time to trade fish for a dog, a cat, and dinner and petting for all. Well, petting for Gore, his mutt, and Cousteau, the cat, but none for Sky.

  Maybe that’s why I didn’t shut that guy, James, down. Sky might like animals more than people, but his cock didn’t and he sure as hell wasn’t immune to dark hair and big brown eyes above an athlete’s hard body. James looked to be a major player, but for a night, Sky could use some playtime. Funny, he usually wouldn’t mess with a rich-bitch corporate type like James, but something in those wide eyes spoke of a longing for freedom. That desire Sky understood down to the ground.

  Chapter Two

  ICE TINKLED in glasses. Adam could hear that so clearly over the rumble and roar of waves breaking. The sun sat low on the horizon, shooting pretty streaks across the sky. He swirled his grapefruit juice and soda. Conversation buzzed around him while Carly kept giving him quick glances and little smiles.

  True, he was acting weird. For one thing, he wasn’t drinking booze. What was he thinking? That Sky would just show up at the front door? Hell, did the guy even know which house it was from the street? One crappy job of lining up a date, James! Still, a couple of the other guys seemed more than willing to stand in. He should take them up on it, but hope sprang eternal. If Sky showed, it would be some kind of victory.

  A hand clapped his shoulder. “Hiya, handsome.”

  Adam smiled back. Gary had done a good job of relaxing Adam yesterday, and he seemed interested in another go. Why resist? Hell, he’d been walking the beach, chatting with the guys, and reading on the sand all day when he could have been getting sucked into oblivion. It seemed like Sky had touched something rare, but Adam couldn’t explain what.

  Chemistry? Definitely. And the guy appeared to have a self-awareness Adam didn’t see in a lot of people, gay or straight.

  “Hey, look at that.”

  “Who’s that?”

  The guys nearest the beach started laughing and pointing. What’s going on?

  He looked at Gary, who shrugged.

  Adam pointed toward the commotion. “I’m going to go see.” He walked out onto the grassy verge that led to the sand where he’d been sitting earlier with Sky. The guys were still laughing. One asked, “What’s he gonna do?”

  Adam pushed into the line of men all facing the ocean and pointing. “What’s happening?”

  Ian said, “This crazy guy is standing there in the water like he’s headed for us, but he’s not moving. Looks like the Creature from the Black Lagoon.”

  One of the other men asked, “What’s he wearing?”

  Carly smiled at Adam. “It’s called a dry suit, and it looks to me like he’s waiting for someone. Wonder who that could be?” He laughed.

  Waist-deep in the water stood a tall man in a full dry suit complete with hood and mask, his mouthpiece dangling. He had a little bottle of what must be oxygen on his chest.

  I’ve got a funny feeling about this. When Adam stepped off the lawn onto the sand, the figure in the suit began to pace out of the water with a slow and deliberate stride.

  The “creature” analogy was dead-on.

  When the creature got out of the surf, he stopped to peel off the mask and hood, revealing curly hair.

  Adam smiled. He’d know those curls anywhere.

  Sky came a few feet closer. Even in the fading light, Adam imagined he could just make out the blue-gray eyes.

  Sky stopped again and began to unfasten the dry suit. What kind of show were they in for?

  Slowly the puffy dry suit peeled down the tall body, fully dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts. A patter of applause started, and Sky kicked off the suit to reveal flip-flops. Jesus, he must think he was James Bond or something. By this time everyone was clapping, and Sky gave a little bow.

  Son of a bitch, the guy has a sense of humor. He’d rigged this whole elaborate entrance just to get a laugh. But looking at that lean, hard body in those shorts made another part of Adam’s anatomy very happy.

  Sky picked up the dry suit and walked the ten feet to Adam. “Hi. I believe I was invited for cocktails.”

  No recourse. He just laughed. “You do know how to make an entrance.”

  Sky grinned. “I wasn’t sure how to get into the house from the street, so I knew I had to come from the ocean side. Seemed only right I should dive in.”

  Adam pointed at the little breathing rig. “What’s that?”

  “It’s a pure oxygen rebreather. It’s lightweight.”

  Adam took the bulky suit over his arm. “C’mon, let’s stow this gear and get you a drink.”

  He escorted Sky onto the patio. Carly wore a wide grin, and Ian looked surprised. Not everyone had their date arrive underwater. Adam introduced Sky to Carly, Ian, and some of the other guys. Sky towered over most of them. He must be six three or a little more but probably weighed less than Adam.

  Bruce shook Sky’s hand. “That was great. How the hell did you pull it off?”

  Sky smiled. “I parked my car one cove over and dove in.”

  “So a dry suit really keeps you dry.”


  “Just like in the movies.”

  “I wouldn’t want to try it in a tux, but it might work.”

  Bruce grinned. “You live in Laguna?” Strictly speaking, that question was against the party rules, but it was hard to remember the boundaries when you were making conversation.

  “Yeah.” A short answer. Sky seemed to realize the general need for anonymity.

  Gary touched Adam’s arm. Shoot. Was this going to be awkward? The guy stuck out a hand to Sky. “I’m Gary. Good to meet a friend of Handsome’s here.” Gary claimed to be nonterritorial, but there was a little edge to the greeting.

  Glancing at Adam, Sky shook Gary’s hand and said, “You’ve got a point.”

  Gary cocked his head. “What?”

  “He is handsome.”

  Bruce and Carly went still, like a gauntlet had been tossed, but that declaration made Adam’s day. He forced down the shit-eating grin trying to press his lips upward. “That’s nice, fellas. Don’t fight.”

  Gary held up
his hands and laughed. “I’m a lover, not a fighter.” The other guys chuckled.

  Sky nailed Gary with the same steady gaze that had about felled Adam earlier. “I’ll bet you are.”

  Whew. Adam pulled on Sky’s arm. “I promised you that drink. C’mon.” He laid the dry suit and tank on a chaise, went to the bar, and turned to Sky. “What’ll you have?”

  Sky gave him a half smile. “I’m not much of a drinker.”

  “I kind of figured that out. Here, try this.” He offered the grapefruit and soda he had concocted.

  Sky took it and sipped. Watching his lips touch where Adam’s had been produced a little thrill. “Hey, that’s good,” Sky said.

  “Keep that. I just made it. I’ll get another one.” He took a glass from behind the bar, poured himself some juice, and added sparkling water.

  Sky drank some more. “I figured you for a drinker.”

  “I’ve been known to take a drink.”

  “Yeah, I’ll bet.” He sat on a barstool. “Is Gary your lover?”

  Adam shook his head. “You don’t mince words, do you?”

  “Not often.”

  “He and I have had sex.”

  The big eyes peered at Adam over the edge of the glass. “Planning on having more?”

  Jesus, this guy would make his head explode. He didn’t follow any rules. “Look, I spent most of the day having my friends think I lost my mind because I was sitting around hoping you might show up tonight.”

  Sky took a drink of juice. “I thought a lot about you too.”

  Well, hot damn. Adam’s grin spread all the way to Sky’s face.

  Sky set down his glass. “Want to take a walk?”

  Walking wasn’t exactly what he wanted, but… okay. “I guess I remember how to do that.”

  They meandered around other partiers to the patio’s edge and stepped onto the grass, accompanied by a few mild catcalls from the guys. When they reached the sand, Sky stuck out his hand. Adam looked at it. The sun was nearly down, but if they were holding hands and ran into someone he knew, he couldn’t say he was just with a friend.

  He sucked in a deep breath and took Sky’s hand anyway.

  Sky glanced at him. “That seemed harder than it should have been.”

  “It’s complicated.”

  His hand stiffened. “Are you partnered?”

  “Hell, no. I play the field, and I’m not a cheater.”

  He relaxed. They walked a few more steps.

  “Just a coward,” he added. “I’m pretty far in the closet.”



  God, he actually wanted to tell this guy why. Adam wanted to pour out his whole story. The work, the clients. Even the family. But that was a crappy idea.

  The narrow sand beach walled by high rocks opened to a small cove. Two runners jogged past near the water, but the area at the back of the cove was vacant with just the evidence of earlier sunbathers—flattened areas—on the sand. Sky led Adam there, then released his hand and sat.

  Adam gave a quick thought to his very expensive slacks, then sat beside Sky, who nodded back toward Carly’s. “That’s why you’re at the party. Only chance you have to be gay?”

  Adam nodded. He was chickenshit, and this guy saw it all. “Carly’s a good friend. He understands. Most of the guys are in similar positions. Not all. Some of them just like Carly’s mai tais. He’s kind of the lonely-hearts club for closeted business executives. He does it because he loves to party, and it gives him a lot of clout when the chips are down.”

  “He knows where the bodies are buried?”

  “Literally, but he never seems to take advantage of his knowledge.”

  “So you get to be gay once a month.”

  “Something like that. I guess you’re out and proud?”

  The curls bounced. “It doesn’t come up much. I’m just gay.” Silence. “I appreciate you spending some of your precious gay time with me.”

  Adam laughed, but Sky’s face was serious. He meant it.

  Adam shrugged. “I don’t know why, I just like you.” He shook his head. “That didn’t come out well. I mean, there are lots of reasons to like you, but this isn’t quite my usual scene. Long walks on the beach. World peace. You know?”

  Sky smiled. “I’m into world peace too.”

  Adam grinned. “I was afraid of that.”

  The waves pounded, birds chirped, gulls squawked, breezes blew, the sun set. He barely paid attention to these things normally, but right now they seemed a part of Sky. Like his curls were one with the wind, and his eyes a part of the darkening horizon.

  Poetry? What the hell did this guy do to him?

  Sky looked at him. Adam felt the heat of his gaze and turned toward the angel face. Sky’s lips were barely parted. Full and wet. So beautiful.

  He leaned toward Adam. Adam closed the rest of the distance.

  Their lips touched.

  Soft. Very soft. What did he expect from angel lips? An even softer tongue caressed his mouth and then pushed inside. Oh shit. Sweet velvet.

  Sky scooted closer and rested those long fingers against Adam’s cheek. The tongue got more demanding, pressing deep. Every soft caress kicked sparks directly to his cock. He heard himself moan. More. God, more.

  Sky pushed Adam back. He let go, hit the sand, and the long body came down on top of him. Hard chest to hard chest. Hard cock to hard cock. Heat and fire. His hips pushed up, and Sky pressed down on Adam’s throbbing erection. So good…. He wrapped his arms tight around that impossibly lean, muscled back.

  A rock pushed into his right shoulder. Sand grated on his hair. Wait. They were on a beach, and night hadn’t fallen. Shit. What the hell was he doing?

  Sky responded instantly to the tension in Adam’s body by rolling off. “Sorry.”

  Adam’s heart throbbed way too hard, but not as hard as his cock. He sat up. “Not your fault. I wanted it.”

  Sky sat with his head hanging. His boner pushed out his shorts as if his cock had taken up camping.

  Adam stared at that erection. All for me. He grabbed Sky’s hand. “No past tense. I do want it. Now. Come back to Carly’s with me.”

  Sky seemed calm, if Adam didn’t count the massive erection. That pup tent looked really promising. “World peace isn’t your scene. That place back there isn’t mine. All those rich guys pretending to be someone they’re not.”

  Adam dropped his hand. “Yeah, well, I’m one of those rich guys pretending.”

  “I know, but I don’t want to fuck the rest of them.”

  Adam grinned. “You want to fuck me?”

  Sky pointed toward his pants. “This ain’t Cirque du Soleil.”

  Adam fell on the sand laughing. “Hell, I’m so desperate, I’ll fuck you right here.”

  Sky took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Any way to get into that den of iniquity without advertising the length of my dick?”

  Adam nodded. “We can go around the side and sneak in the kitchen. I can’t guarantee we won’t run into any of them, though.”

  “That’s okay. As long as I don’t have to walk straight through the terrace.” He pointed down again. “Because I’m not expecting this to go away anytime soon. Not if I’m around you.”

  “You are so damned sexy, you know that?”

  Sky smiled. “God knows I try.”

  Adam jumped up and extended his hand. “Come on. I’m about to ride your cock right here, and that mother with her seven kids may not want them to get that kind of education so early.”

  Sky glanced at the empty beach and then gave Adam a sideways look with narrowed eyes.

  Adam laughed. “Gotcha. Come on.”

  Man, he felt like a kid figuring out how to play hooky. Or better yet, the horny teenager he’d been, sneaking out to have sex with the football player down the street who had just as much to lose by being discovered as Adam. But that was another story.

  Pulling Sky by the hand, he ran down by the waterline.
Behind him, Sky loped like a gazelle. They raced to the other side of the house, came up the beach, through the bushes, and into the kitchen door. Some of the guys on the terrace may have seen them running, but they wouldn’t necessarily know where to. He grinned.

  A startled Waldo took a step back as they flew in the door.

  “Sorry. Just passing through.” Adam laughed. He hadn’t laughed this much for a while. Out of the kitchen, down the hall, and into the suite undetected. Home free! He slammed the door, ran across the room, and collapsed on the bed laughing.

  PANTING, SKY looked around the big suite. “This is quite a place. No wonder you like visiting.” The terrace doors were open onto a small deck with a fountain, its splash barely heard over the pound of the surf. Even with the noise, he could clearly make out the men’s voices coming from the big patio. No way. No intrusion. He walked over and closed the terrace doors, then pulled the curtains over them. Instant cozy.

  He turned and looked at James. God, what a handsome man. Dark hair, almost black. Beautiful brown eyes. Chiseled face—all carved jaw and cheekbones and shit. Hell, no wonder the guy could hide in the closet. He was the last person Sky would ever have marked as gay. “I’ll bet you played sports in college.”

  James nodded, lying flat out on the mattress looking like perfectly heated temptation. “Yeah. I played soccer, some football, but my real sport was water polo. I loved it. I was captain of the team.”

  Sky grinned. “Playing grabass under the water.”

  That got a small frown. “Actually, I was still fighting my desire to grab those guys’ balls.”

  “In college? You still weren’t sure you were gay?”

  James shook his head. “I was pretty sure but hiding it from everybody, including myself.” Then he smiled. “But I’m sure now, and if you don’t get onto this bed soon, I’m going to come grab your ass.”

  Oh, baby. Sky hauled his Hawaiian shirt over his head without unbuttoning it. He kicked off his flip-flops, then slowly unzipped the cargo shorts.

  James’s eyes widened.


  “I guess it was too warm in that dry suit to wear underwear?”

  “Yep.” He nudged the zipper a couple more inches over the big bulge pushing out the front of the fabric. Sprong. Out popped the happy camper—and he was happy. James did it for him. Even when they were fighting underwater, he’d noticed that hard-muscled ass and long, lean limbs. Jesus, James was hot. Sky could take most guys or leave them, but this one he planned to take.


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