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Watch Out for the Big Girls 3

Page 20

by J. M. Benjamin

  * * *

  Shoes belonging to Agent McCarthy quickly rushed down a flight of stairs.

  “Freeze!” an officer shouted as he pointed his weapon at McCarthy.

  “Listen, the man you wanted is lying in a pool of his own blood upstairs. I’m not the one you’re looking for!” Agent McCarthy stated.

  The officer wasn’t buying it. “I was ordered to neutralize you. Now turn around! Hands where I can see them!” the officer stated.

  Agent McCarthy turned around slowly as the officer approached. “Screw that!” he barked. He grabbed hold of the officer. The officer shot his weapon at the top of the staircase, causing the bullet to ricochet and bounce back through his head. He instantly dropped dead, rolling down the rest of the stairs.

  Agent McCarthy quickly rushed down the rest of the stairs into the street. He spotted the parking facility a few streets over and quickly rushed toward the four-story parking lot.

  “I need another car, quick! You know how to hotwire one?” Agent McCarthy asked an agent he’d come across.

  “Right there!” the agent spat as he pointed in the direction of an Explorer SUV.

  The Double Gs lookout waited in the driver’s seat, shaking. She had became scared to death. When shots rang out, she didn’t know what was happening or about to happen. She stared at Agent McCarthy, whose stares were not nearly as startling as Edge’s, who turned her head and locked eyes with him also.

  Edge wanted the opportunity to kill Agent McCarthy. She knew he dreamed of taking down a Double Gs member and, because of that and a few other things, she wanted him dead.

  Both drew their weapons at the same. Edge fired at Agent McCarthy, and he returned the favor. They took cover, returning fire. Guns were blazing at full capacity. Other agents discovered the parking lot from across the way.

  “It doesn’t have to be this way, Edge!” Agent McCarthy shouted.

  Edge ran to the end of the parking lot. “Fuck you!” she spat.

  McCarthy raised his weapon and aimed it in Edge’s direction. Out of nowhere, he was hit in the arm. He ducked back behind a semi-destroyed concrete pillar as the bullet ripped through its outer surface.

  Edge got in the car. “Go!” Edge spat to the lookout.

  McCarthy attempted to stop the SUV, firing into the engine and dashboard. He missed. His eyes widened at the impact of it coming full force toward him. It passed him.

  Boom. He dropped lower to the ground. Edge and the lookout took the back way.

  McCarthy aimed and fired again. This time he aimed for the SUV’s tires but missed. He turned his head toward the other agent.

  “Help me. Fucking almost ran me over!” the agent begged.

  Agent McCarthy rushed over, grabbing hold of the agent. “I gotta go!” Agent McCarthy shouted after helping the agent up.

  He hit corner after corner as they attempted to escape. Finally discovering a vehicle pointed toward the office, McCarty galloped to the vehicle. A barrage of agents came out of the woodwork, spilling into the path with the barrels of their weapons pointed toward the direction in which Edge and the lookout fled. Officers came from behind, planting pistols to the back of McCarthy’s head.

  It was over, there was nowhere else to run and, even if Reddick wasn’t dead, they knew he could be arrested now for resisting arrest, assault, and possible murder. Agent McCarthy dropped his head down in disgrace. An officer roughly handled him as he slammed handcuffs on to his wrists.

  “You have the right to remain silent. . . .”

  Agent McCarthy tuned the man out as he was escorted to the back of a black Dodge Dart. McCarthy swallowed roughly as he mentally prepared himself for what was to come.

  Chapter 37

  A SUV came racing down the road. It quickly drifted down a narrow alley. The lookout was in the driver’s seat. Edge in the passenger’s seat. Her phone was pressed against her ear. Her face appeared anxious all across the board, not only because of the situation at hand, but at the several brushes with death she’d just had. The lookout couldn’t drive for shit and, what was worse, Diamond wasn’t answering her phone.

  “Come on, pick the fuck up!” Edge shouted into the receiver.

  She looked up as the lookout looked her way. For the split second she took her eyes off the road, she nearly ran into a brick wall. Had it not been for Edge grabbing hold of the wheel, swerving out of the way, that would’ve been the case.

  “Don’t watch me; watch the fucking road!” Edge spat.

  The Double Gs lookout rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth.

  Realizing her words were a bit overboard, Edge lightened up. “Look, sorry, but you have to not worry about what happened back there. It’s done and over, nothing can change it, and we just have to deal with it. The same goes for life: we can’t spend all our time worrying about what happened; we have to look at what’s to come. You following, youngster?” Edge stated.

  The lookout was devastated. The hunter Double Gs goon was her friend, mentor, and secret lover. “They killed her! In cold blood!” the lookout spat as she began to swerve.

  “Hey! Relax, all right? Just stay focused. We just lost the feds. We don’t need to attract any more,” Edge stated right before her phone rang. The screen read Diamond.

  “Hey, I need you to slow down. Keep at the speed limit, okay?” Edge requested and then answered the call. “Hey, what the hell’s going on?” Edge asked.

  “Hey, this not Diamond; this Sparkle,” Sparkle announced.

  “Wassup?” The fact that another Double Gs member was calling her from Diamond’s phone alarmed Edge. “Is everything okay? Where’s Diamond?” Edge wanted to know.

  “Shit’s all fucked up. A lot of Double Gs died in a house fire. Diamond got burned bad on the leg,” Sparkle stated dramatically over the phone.

  Edge couldn’t believe the words she heard. Could this be the end of the Double Gs? How in the hell could they bounce back after something like this? Question after question popped up in her head. Like spam and malware on a computer screen, she couldn’t stop them from coming. Through all the thoughts, she kept a positive face for the young lookout to the side of her.

  “Where is she?” Edge requested.

  “Women and Children’s. We got an affiliation with the hospital down Freemont. All the other hospitals in the city would turn us over to the feds,” Sparkle explained.

  “I’m on my way,” Edge said as she closed the phone. She pointed to the side of the road. “Pull over. We need to change clothes, and I’ll drive from here on out,” Edge commanded.

  Chapter 38

  Esco cuddled his lover and soon-to-be wife, Chance. She was nine months pregnant. Any day or any moment now she could give birth to who would be Esco Jr. A boy was expected to pull through.

  Esco lifted her shirt. He gently rubbed and kissed her belly, and softly pressed his head against it. His face glowed, and so did hers. Esco’s hand went down to her maternity elastic sweatpants. He began fingering her. She moaned and gasped. Esco put his juicy fingers inside her mouth, then continued to kiss her. Their tongues danced in each other’s mouths. Chance’s nipples grew erect. So did Esco’s manhood. He begin pulling and tugging at not only his pants but hers as well.

  “Wait,” Chance requested.

  Esco looked as if he was figuring out a reason for them to stop. “What’s the matter, baby?” Esco responded.

  “Is this good for the baby? I don’t want him coming out jacked up or missing an arm or something from all the ongoing ejaculation.” She was concerned.

  Esco smiled, pulling his pants up. “It’s fine. He was made this way. More DNA means a stronger baby, just like his father,” Esco joked. He opened his mouth wide, filling it with Chance’s breast. She moaned when her pants became damp, then increasingly wet. They were soaked, dripping to the floor. Esco’s eyes widened.

  “Damn, I turned you own that much?” Esco playfully spat.

  Chance wasn’t playing anymore. She begin to breathe heavily. “My
water broke! He’s coming!” Chance shouted.

  Esco panicked, grabbing hold of a towel and other things he thought he might need. “Shit, okay, relax, just—”

  His sentence was cut short by Chance. “Just get me to the hospital!” Chance bellowed.

  At the car, Esco kicked the back door open and gently placed Chance across the seat. He quickly ran to the driver’s seat. At first struggling to fit the keys in the ignition, he finally managed, cranking it and putting it into drive.

  “Take me to Women and Children’s Hospital! It’s closer, ahh! They know what they’re doing!” Chance cried out.

  Esco nodded and sprang into action.

  * * *

  “Push!” the doctor shouted as he and several others stood in the delivery room of Women and Children’s Hospital. Esco wore scrubs, gloves, and a surgical mask. He was nervous yet excited that he actually created a being, someone who could breathe, someone who was a piece of him who, when he was gone, would be his legacy. He shed tears of joy as he leaned over and kissed Chance on the forehead. He grabbed her hand and held on tight. Chance slowly turned her head toward him. They gazed into each other’s eyes. It was a cherished moment neither would ever forget.

  A doctor propped Chance’s feet up, raising her gown up. “Can you give me a push? I need you to try as hard as you can, all right?” the doctor requested.

  Chance began huffing and puffing with each agonizing push. Esco held her hand tighter and tighter with each push. “You got this, sweetie. I’ve seen you get out of tougher shit. You got this!”

  Esco’s words were encouraging. She shouted, pulling through her greatest effort.

  “There we go! You’re doing it!” the doctor shouted.

  The nurses noticed the rise in blood pressure from the machines going off. It grabbed Esco’s attention. “What’s going on with the machine?” Esco asked, but he was not given an answer.

  “It’s crowning!” the doctor shouted as he and the nurses prepared for the baby’s arrival.

  What followed next was unexpected.

  The doctor’s gloves were filled with blood. The baby’s birth was turning into Esco and Chance’s nightmare. The doctor, his shirt now filled with blood, was fully aware of what was going on. He got up and stormed out of the delivery room into the hallway.

  “No, no. This can’t be happening. This can’t be fucking happening!” Esco shouted as he punched the walls, staining them with blood.

  “I’m sorry. He didn’t make it.” The rest of the doctor’s sentence was cut short as Esco stormed down the hallway. As he passed the burn center, he pushed a doctor to the floor, out of his path. In passing, he noticed a couple of familiar faces. Double Gs, he told himself. Instinctively, he reached for his weapon, but to no avail. He realized he had been so preoccupied with getting Chance to the hospital that he had forgotten to snatch up one. Fucking bitches.

  The way he felt, he wanted to kill them all.

  Esco made his way toward the room the Double Gs were huddled around. Just as he reached the entrance of the unit, he was stopped in his tracks by some approaching security guards.

  “We’re going to have to ask you to leave, sir,” one of the security guards informed him. “And you’re banned from stepping foot in here ever again, once your girlfriend has recovered,” he added.

  Esco nodded. He wasn’t giving up. When there’s a will, there’s a way. Even if it meant staking out the hospital, he was all for it.

  Chapter 39

  Diamond lay in bed. Her entire right leg, from her inner thigh to the lower part down to her ankle, was wrapped and bandaged as it hung from a sling. Her hands and parts of her face were bound as well. Edge sat to the side of her with a look of concern. Diamond gently reached her hand out, placing it in Edge’s palm.

  “Thank you for being here with me,” Diamond said.

  Edge smiled. She had always seemed to hide her emotions from Diamond, but now was not a time to be coldhearted. Edge realized life wasn’t something you should take for granted. It could end when you least expected. So from that daring escape, she swore to keep it real with everyone she met, rather being mean or nice across the board. It also meant no more hiding emotions. This was a new leaf for Edge. A new saga ready to be unfolded.

  “I had to come be with you and show some love, you know that,” Edge said as she leaned in and kissed Diamond on the lips.

  Diamond loved it. She was the perfect replacement for Starr. She wanted Edge to be by her side, forever. “I don’t know if you know, but the entire original clubhouse is gone.”

  Edge nodded. “I know. Sparkle told me shit’s all screwed; but everything happens for a reason, right?” Edge moved in closer to Diamond. “It was a bad thing to happen but, at the same time, if it didn’t we wouldn’t be connecting on the level we are,” Edge stated.

  Diamond nodded. She cleared her throat and took a swig of the bottled water on the sliding tray connected to her hospital bed.“Before Starr left, she put me in charge and, well, I want you to be my right-hand woman. This world’s too big to rule on my own. Just like kings, queens need a queen too,” Diamond stated.

  Edge smiled. “No doubt. I’d gladly take that position.”

  Diamond gestured for Edge to lean over.

  “What’s up?” Edge asked.

  “You’ve been here with me in this hospital. You’ve bought me ice cream, we’ve watched scary movies, et cetera. I want to continue doing that”—Diamond smiled—“well, until death do us part. What I’m asking is, will you marry me?” Diamond stated.

  Edge’s eyes lit up. She couldn’t believe her ears nor could she find words to express how she felt about the question. “Yes, oh, God, yes!” Edge beamed.

  They hugged with passion, kissing and sucking each other’s lips intensely. The ball was in motion. Edge and Diamond were now an unbreakable bond. Together, they would build Double Gs back from the ground up if they had to.

  Later, outside of Women and Children’s Hospital, they held hands as Diamond walked on a crutch to her car. Edge opened the door for Diamond, lifting her into the passenger’s seat. A cheerful smile appeared on her face as she climbed into the driver’s seat and pulled off.

  From across the street. Esco’s eyes were filled with pure hatred. He was thirsty and the only way to quench it was with blood. He scooted down low and watched as the car drove away. He then pulled out his phone and called Prime to let him know what he’d heard.

  Chapter 40

  Bells echoed against the backdrop of the Mandarin Oriental, a lavish, unique wedding venue. Nearly every single aspect of the building was of exquisite beauty. In the banquet and cocktail reception area, an array of glowing diamonds and jewels hung high from the ceiling. It was the most expensive wedding venue in all of Las Vegas, as it sat mere blocks away from the Strip’s primary attractions. Excellent wines dating back to as far as 1965 sat untouched for the Double Gs.

  “Double Gs!” they all chanted.

  Diamond was excited beyond words. Though her leg was burned, she felt no pain. She wasn’t on painkillers, nor anything of the like, but she was high on love and happiness. Edge was the one to tie the knot with. Although Starr still stood in the back of her mind, she’d gradually faded. When the name Starr was mentioned, it caused her to look into the night sky.

  “Cheers to the Double Gs!” Diamond responded with joy. “We’ve lost some sisters, we’ve gained some sisters, but the remainder of us, either dead, departed, or standing right next to you, we’re internally and externally sisters, in the spiritual form, always and forever,” Diamond preached.

  They shifted their bodies in unison from side to side, bowing them while keeping their glasses raised. “Always and forever!” the Double Gs sisters repeated. Most of them didn’t see Diamond as a leader; they just respected her. Some downright distrusted her after the house fire, which killed a few of them and a few dancers. Once Diamond was out of the hospital, she visited the graves of nearly all of the Double Gs who’d been k
illed by the burning house and the street soldiers who’d been caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. The members respected that.

  Sparkle and Glitter pressed and curled Diamond’s hair as other Double Gs pampered her fingernails and toenails. She sat in her bra and panties as one of the Double Gs rubbed a special oil on her burned ankle and calf muscle.

  “Look at you. You’re fabulous.” Sparkle playfully gestured.

  “Thanks, sis.” Diamond lit up. She was in an extremely good mood. In just ten minutes her life was turning over a new leaf. A new beginning.

  Bubbles walked in, sniffling. “Aww, look at my big sis,” she sang. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you more beautiful than today.”

  Diamond smiled from ear to ear. “Appreciate you.”

  “You’re welcome, sis.”

  “Did you see Starr while you were out there?” Diamond asked.

  “I haven’t seen her all day since I’ve been here,” Bubbles stated. “I’ll take a look,” she offered.

  “Thanks, sis.” Diamond began to put on her wedding dress. She wondered if Starr would even come or if she’d rip the invitation up that was sent to her home address. Although she still loved Starr, she was in love with Edge and wanted to spend the rest of her life with her. But Starr was still her friend and to see her would mean a lot to Diamond on her big day.

  The traditional wedding starter song echoed throughout the church, reaching the back part where Diamond was preparing with the help of the Double Gs.

  “It’s that time,” Bubbles announced.

  Diamond smiled with her eyes.

  * * *

  “Today, we join these two beautiful women as they step into a union, a bond that a sword couldn’t cut and acid couldn’t melt. The sun was setting in the east, as our love in the west rose every single day,” the pastor announced.

  Edge was decked out in a traditional fitted tux as she stood across from Diamond, who wore a Vera Wang original. They stared into each other’s eyes as they gripped each other’s hands semi-tightly.


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