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The Iron Lady

Page 73

by John Campbell


  Brittan, Leon; as Home Secretary; and Westland crisis; as European Commissioner

  Brittan, Samuel


  Brogan, Colm

  Brooke, Henry

  Brooke, Peter

  Brown, Gordon

  Bruce-Gardyne, Jock

  Bruges Group

  Buckingham University

  Budgets: (1979) ; (1980) (1981) ; (1984) (1985) ; (1986) (1987) ; (1988)

  Burgess, Guy

  Burnet, Alastair

  Bush, Barbara

  Bush, George H.W., as Vice-President; as President; and Gulf War

  Bush, George W.and n.

  Buthelezi, Chief Mangosuthu

  Butler, David

  Butler, Sir Michael

  Butler, R.A.

  Butler, Robin

  BX Plastics Ltd.


  Callaghan, James; as Prime Minister; and 1979 election

  Cameron, David

  Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)

  capital punishment

  Carey, Archbishop George

  Carlisle, Mark

  Carr, Robert

  Carrington, Peter; as Foreign Secretary,

  Carter, Jimmy

  Carver, Sir Michael

  Castle, Barbara

  Ceausescu, Nicolae

  Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB)

  Central Policy Review Staff (CPRS)

  Centre for Policy Studies (CPS)

  Chamberlain, Neville

  Channel tunnel

  Channon, Paul

  Charles, Eugenia

  Charles, Prince of Wales

  Chatham, Earl of

  Cheney, Dick


  Chernenko, Konstantin

  Cheysson, Claude

  Child Support Agency (CSA)


  Church of England

  Church of Scotland

  Churchill College, Cambridge

  Churchill, Winston

  civil service

  Clark, Alan

  Clarke, Kenneth

  Clarke, Peter

  Clinton, Bill

  Cockerell, Michael

  Cockfield, Lord


  Cole, John

  Coles, John

  Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)


  Community charge, see poll tax

  comprehensive schools

  Confederation of British Industry (CBI)

  Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE)

  Conquest, Robert

  Conservative Party: conferences: (1946) (1966) ; (1975) ; (1976) ; (1979) ; (1980) (1981) (1984) (1987) (1990) leadership contests: (1963) ; (1965); (1975) (1989) ; (1990); (1997) ; (2001)

  Conservative Political Centre (CPC)

  Conservative Research Department (CRD)

  Cooper, Sir Frank

  Corfield, Frederick

  Costa Mendes, Nicanor

  council house sales

  Cradock, Sir Percy

  Crawford, Cynthia

  Critchley, Julian

  Crowder, Sir John

  Cuckney, Sir John

  Cullen, Muriel (MT’s sister)


  Daily Express

  Daily Mail

  Daily Mirror

  Daily Star

  Daily Telegraph


  Dalyell, Tam

  Day, Robin

  defence policy

  de Gaulle, Charles

  de Klerk, F.W.

  de la Billière, Peter

  Dell, Edmund

  Delors, Jacques

  Dench, Judi

  Deng Xiaoping


  Dewey, Thomas

  Diana, Princess of Wales

  Dickens, Charles

  Dobbs, Michael

  Dodds, Norman

  Douglas-Home, Sir Alec (also Home, Earl of)

  du Cann, Edward

  Dukakis, Michael


  Duncan Smith, Iain


  economic policy


  Eden, Sir Anthony

  Edinburgh, Duke of


  Edwardes, Sir Michael

  Edwards, Nicholas

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  electricity privatisation

  Elgar, Edward

  Elizabeth I,

  Elizabeth II, MT and

  Elliot of Harwood, Lady

  Emery, Fred

  European Community (EEC/EC) ; MT supports British membership; 1975 referendum; British budget contribution; Economic and Monetary Union (EMU); European Monetary System (EMS)/ Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM); Single European Act (SEA); European elections (1989)

  Evans, Harold

  Evening News (London)

  Evening Standard (London)

  exchange controls, abolition of


  Fagan, Michael

  Fahd, King

  Faith in the City

  Falklands war

  Faraday, Michael

  Financial Times


  Finchley Press

  Finer, S.E.

  Fitzgerald, Dr Garret

  Foot, Michael; as Labour leader and n.

  football supporters

  Ford, Gerald

  Ford, Henry

  Forsyth, Frederick

  Fowler, Norman

  Francis of Assisi, Saint

  Franks, Lord

  Fraser, Hugh

  Fraser, Malcolm

  Friedman, Milton

  Frost, David

  Fry, Christopher


  G7 summits: Tokyo 1979: ; Ottawa 1981: Versailles 1982: Williamsburg 1983: Paris 1989:

  Gadaffi, Colonel Muammar

  Gainsborough, Thomas

  Gale, George

  Galtieri, General Leopoldo

  Gandhi, Indira

  Garel-Jones, Tristan

  General Belgrano

  General Elections: (1945) (1950) (1951) ; (1955) ; (1959) (1964) (1966) (1970) (February 1974) (October 1974)(1979)107 – 112; (1983) ; (1987): (1992) (1997) (2001)

  General Electric Company (GEC)

  Genscher, Hans-Dietrich

  George, Eddie

  Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire

  German reunification

  Gilmour, Sir Ian

  Gingrich, Newt

  Giscard d’Estaing,Valery

  Glazebrook, Col. Richard

  global warming

  Gorbachev, Mikhail; relationship with MT

  Gorbachev, Raisa

  Gordievsky, Oleg

  Gormley, Joe

  Gould, Diana

  Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)

  Gow, Ian; MT’s PPS

  Gow, Jane


  Grantham Journal

  Greater London Council (GLC)

  Green Party

  Greenham Common


  Gromyko, Andrei

  Guardian, The

  Gulf war (1991)

  Gummer, John Selwyn


  Haggard, Henry Rider

  Hague, William

  Haig, Alexander

  Hailsham, Lord; as Lord Chancellor

  Harris, Ralph

  Harris, Robin

  Harrison, Martin

  Hattersley, Roy

  Haughey, Charles

  Havel, Vaclav

  Havers, Sir Michael

  Hayek, Friedrich

  Healey, Denis; as Chancellor

  Heath, Edward ; Leader of the Opposition (1965 – 70); Prime Minister; Leader of the Opposition (1974 – 75); challenged by MT

  Hennessy, Peter

  Henderson, Sir Nicholas

  Heseltine, Michael; as Environment Secretary; as Defence Secretary; and Westland crisis; leadership challenge

Hitler, Adolf

  Hodgkin, Dorothy

  Hogg, Quintin, (see Hailsham, Lord)

  Home, Earl of (see Douglas-Home, Sir Alec)


  Hong Kong

  Hornsby-Smith, Patricia

  Hoskyns, John

  Houghton, Douglas

  House of Lords


  Howard, Michael

  Howard, Professor Sir Michael

  Howe, Elspeth

  Howe, Sir Geoffrey; as Shadow Chancellor; as Chancellor of the Exchequer; as Foreign Secretary; relationship with MT, ; and Europe; resignation

  Howell, David

  Hua Guo Feng

  Hubbard, Cissie

  Hume, John

  hunger strikes

  Hunt, Sir John

  Hurd, Douglas; as Home Secretary: as Foreign Secretary; in 1990 leadership contest

  Hussey, Marmaduke

  Hussein, King



  incomes policy


  Ingham, Bernard; and Westland

  Inner London Education Authority (ILEA)

  Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA)

  Institute for the Study of Conflict (ISC)

  interest rates

  International Monetary Fund (IMF)

  Iran-Iraq war

  Iranian Embassy siegeand n.


  Irish National Liberation Army (INLA)

  Irish Republican Army (IRA)



  Jakobovitz, Immanuel

  Jarulzelski, General Wojciech

  Jay, Peter

  Jenkin, Patrick; as DHSS Secretary; as Environment Secretary

  Jenkins, Roy; and SDP

  Jenkins, Simon

  Jopling, Michael

  Joseph, Sir Keith; as Industry Secretary:

  Josephson, Marvin


  Kadar, Janos

  Kaufman, Gerald

  Kaunda, Kenneth

  Kavanagh, Dennis

  Keegan, William

  Kempson, Margaret

  Kendall, Denis

  Kennedy, Edward

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kenyatta, Jomo

  Kesteven and Grantham Girls’ School (KGGS)

  Khomeini, Ayatollah

  King, Lord


  Kinnock, Neil; as Leader of the Opposition

  Kirkpatrick, Jeane

  Kissinger, Henry

  Kitchener, Lord

  Kohl, Helmut

  Kosygin, Alexei


  Kyoto Agreement


  Labour Party

  Laker, Freddie

  Lamont, Norman

  Lawley, Sue

  Lawson, Nigel; as Energy Secretary; as Chancellor of the Exchequer; relationship with MT; and ERM; resignation

  Leach, Sir Henry


  le Carré, John

  Lee, Jennie

  Leigh-Pemberton, Robin

  le Marchant, Spencer

  Levene, Peter

  Lever, Harold

  Lewin, Sir Terence

  Liberal party

  Liberal Democrats

  Liberal/SDP Alliance


  Li Peng

  Liverpool, Lord

  Livingstone, Ken

  Lloyd George, David

  local elections

  local government

  Lockerbie bombingand n

  Longley, Clifford

  Lubbers, Ruud

  Luce, Richard

  Lynch, Jack


  Maastricht Treaty

  McAlpine, Alistair

  Macaulay, Enid

  McCormick, Donald

  Macfarlane, Robert (‘Bud’)

  McGahey, Mick

  MacGregor, Ian

  MacGregor, John

  McGuire, Frank

  Machel, Samora

  Maclean, Donald

  Macleod, Iain

  Macmillan, Harold

  Macpherson, Niall

  McWhirter, Norris

  Major, John; as Chancellor of the Exchequer; in 1990 leadership contest; as Prime Minister; relationship with MT

  Mandela, Nelson

  Mandelson, Peter

  Manley, Michael

  Manpower Services Commission (MSC)

  Marshall, Sir Walter

  Mates, Michael

  Matrix Churchill

  Maude, Angus

  Maudling, Reginald

  Mayhew, Patrick

  Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)

  Mellish, Robert

  Menzies, Sir Robert


  Meyer, Sir Anthony


  Middle East

  Millar, Ronald

  Miller, John

  miners’ strikes (1974); (1984 – 85)

  Mitterrand, Francois

  Molyneaux, James


  Monopolies Commission

  Monroe, Marilyn

  Montefiore, Hugh

  Moore, John

  Morrison, Peter

  Mountbatten, Lord

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick

  Mubarak, Hosni

  Mugabe, Robert

  Murdoch, Rupert

  Murray, Len

  Murray, Patricia

  Murrell, Hilda

  Muzorewa, Bishop Abel


  National Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies and Shotfirers (NACODS)

  National Association for Freedom (NAFF)

  National Coal Board (NCB)

  National Enterprise Board (NEB)

  National Freight Corporation (NFC)

  National Health Service (NHS)

  National Union of Mineworkers (NUM)

  National Union of Teachers (NUT)

  Neave, Airey

  Neil, Andrew

  Nelson, Horatio

  New York Post


  Newton, Isaac

  Newton, Tony

  Niehans, Prof Jurg

  Nkomo, Joshua

  Nkrumah, Kwame

  Norman, Montagu

  North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA)

  North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)

  Northern Ireland

  North Sea oil

  Nott, John; as Defence Secretary; in Falklands war

  nuclear power

  nuclear weaponsand n.


  Obama, Barack

  O’Brien, Conor Cruise

  Observer, The

  Official Secrets Act

  Olivier, Laurence

  O’Neill, ‘Tip’

  Onslow, Cranley

  Open University

  opinion polls


  Owen, Dr David

  Oxford University

  Oxford University Conservative Association (OUCA)


  Paisley, Rev. Ian

  Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO)


  Parkinson, Cecil; as Conservative party chairman

  Parris, Matthew

  Parsons, Sir Anthony

  Patten, Chris

  Peacock, Professor Alan

  Pergau dam

  Peres, Shimon

  Perks, Terry

  Perle, Richard

  permissive society

  Peyton, John

  Philby, Kim

  Pike, Mervyn

  Pile, Sir William

  Pinochet, General Augusto

  Plaid Cymru

  Poindexter, John


  poll tax

  Pompidou, Georges

  Portillo, Michael


  Powell, Carla

  Powell, Charles

  Powell, Enoch

  Price Commission

  Prior, James; as Employment Secretary; as Northern Ireland Secre

  Private Eye


  Profumo, John

  Pym, Francis; as Defence Secretary; as Foreign Secretary


  Quayle, Dan


  Ramphal, ‘Sonny’

  Raphael, Adam

  rates reform

  Rayner, Sir Derek

  Reagan, Nancy

  Reagan, Ronald; relationship with MT.; and the Falklands; and Grenada; and the Cold War

  Red Star

  Redwood, John

  Reece, Gordon

  Rees-Mogg, William

  Reid, John

  Renton, Tim

  Renwick, Robin

  Reynolds, David

  Rhodesia (see Zimbabwe)

  Richardson, Gordon

  Ridley, Adam

  Ridley, Nicholas; as Environment Secretary

  Rifkind, Malcolm

  Right Approach,The


  Roberts, Alfred (MT’s father); influence on MT

  Roberts, Beatrice (MT’s mother)

  Rodgers, William


  Rook, Jean

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  Rothschild, N.M.

  Rothschild, Victor

  Royal Mail

  Royal Society

  Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC)

  Runcie, Robert


  Ryder, Richard


  Saatchi and Saatchi

  Saddam Hussein

  Sakharov, Andrei

  Sakharov, Eleena

  Sands, Bobby

  Saudi Arabia

  Scargill, Arthur

  Schmidt, Helmut

  Schwarzkopf, Gen, Norman

  Scott Inquiry

  Scottish National Party (SNP)

  Scowcroft, Brent

  Sergeant, John

  Seitz, Raymond

  Seldon, Arthur

  Shamir, Yitzhak

  Sherman, Alfred

  Short, Edward

  Shultz, George

  Sinn Fein

  Skinner, Denis

  Sky TV

  Sleaford Gazette

  Smith, Adam

  Smith, Geoffrey

  Smith, Ian

  Soames, Christopher

  Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP)

  Social Democratic Party (SDP)

  social policy

  Social Trends

  Solzhenitsyn, Alexander

  Somerville College, Oxford

  South Africa

  South Georgia



  Stalin, Josef

  Steel, David

  steel strike (1980)

  Stephenson, Daniel (MT’s grandfather)

  Stephenson, Phoebe (MT’s grandmother)


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