Cowboy's Babysitter_An Older Man Younger Woman Romance
Page 4
I just wonder what I smell like. Poor girl has had to smell my musky, dusty, salt of the earth smell these last couple days. I probably smell like I need a shower, and speaking of which I can’t wait to take one with her. There’s just something about me and water and how good it feels. That’s only going to be amplified when I get her in my shower and we feel each other.
But not first. First I’m going to give her a time to remember. A time like no other. As much as I want her to stay the decision is hers, so I’ve prepared something so unique there’s just no way she’ll ever forget it, nor will I.
It took me most of yesterday and more of today to get it all set up and done too. It’s not easy sneaking around and not getting caught. Thankfully Mandy Sue has been a bit restless so Laura had her eyes focused there, and not so much on me.
But tonight they’ll be no Mandy Sue in sight. My sister, Dakota, who lives a few miles away came by and took her for the night…and maybe more.
When I dropped by her house and told her I wanted her to watch Mandy Sue she didn’t even have to ask why. She could see it in my face.
“What’s her name?” was the first question out of her mouth.
I didn’t even try and pretend like I didn’t know what she was talking about. Why would I? I’m so excited about Laura I had to tell someone and nobody better to tell than family.
“I can see she’s very special to you,” Dakota said. She sure is right. She teased me about all those girls I politely turned down over the years. It’s just that I don’t want to go on a date with a lady if I’m not absolutely thrilled to be doing so. I know sometimes things can develop over time, but I always wanted something instant. Something that just knocked my cowboy hat off for lack of a better word. Something that excited me like trying to ride a bucking bronc. I always wanted to be thrilled by a woman I’d be interested in seeing and Laura Lee was that. From that first moment I saw her getting off that bus.
I can’t even describe it. It was just a feeling, a knowing feeling deep within.
And although we’ve only known each other for a short time I know we’re ready to go to the next level. Why wait when you know with absolute certainty?
“That bath felt amazing,” Laura says stepping out from the bathroom dressed. “Just what I needed.”
“And just think. Next time you take a bath I’ll be there to massage your shoulders and make you melt right into the porcelain feeling completely weightless.”
“Oh. Now you’re talking my language.” She looks around the room. “Mandy Sue’s gone?”
“Dakota picked her up when you were rub a dub dubbin in the tub,” I say moving in closer putting my hands on her hips.
“So it’s just the two of us?” she says before winking.
“Just the two of us until I call. And that’s not happening any…time…soon,” I say.
His hands come off my hips and he takes my hand in his leading me towards the door.
We leave the house and start walking towards…the barn?
“Okay,” he says. “Close your eyes.”
I do as I’m told. I feel his other hand come up to my hip as he steadies and guides me like a ship in the night crossing the harbor.
And crossing is exactly what I know he has in mind. Crossing me into womanhood. I feel like an adult already in a lot of ways, but I want to make it official so to speak. And when I speak tonight it’s his name that I want on my lips.
“Okay. We’ve got to do a little climbing, but I’m right here.”
“Climbing? With my eyes closed?”
“Don’t worry. It’s not much and it’s just a standard ladder, just made out of wood. And I’ll be right here with you. Wait! I’ve got a better idea. Get on my back,” he says.
I hear the straw underneath our feet crinkle and his side press into my hip. “I got ya,” he says.
I pat his back a few times getting an idea of where he is and after I’m oriented I get on his back.
“Okay, hold on tight and up we goooo,” he says and I feel my feet swiftly come off the ground.
“Ohhh,” I say.
“Got a good grip?”
“I think so.”
“I think so too judging by the lack of oxygen going to my brain right now.”
“I’m so sorry. I—“
“Got ya! I was just teasing. I’m a big guy. You can grab on as tight as you want. As a matter of fact you can grab even tighter. I like the feeling of knowing I’m keeping you safe.”
“I like that feeling too.”
“Okay. We ready back there?”
“Ready!” I say.
I feel our bodies start to ascend the latter. It’s a weird feeling, the balance or should I say the lack thereof. It’s almost like you’re weightless because you’re basically being carried, requiring complete trust in the carrier. And trust him I do.
“Okay. We made it.”
“Easy huh? When we work together.”
“The perfect team,” I say.
I feel his grip tighten just a bit on my legs letting me know he appreciates my comment.
“Okay, I’m going to set you down slowly, but don’t open your eyes quite yet. Okay?”
“Okay,” I say. This is so fun. He’s building up the anticipation a lot, but something tells me this is a man who can deliver on his promises, whether they’re said or implied. And he’s implying this is going to be great.
I feel my feet gently touch more straw and then I’m completely standing. He takes my hand again.
“Two more steps forward.”
We take the steps and I can feel my heart beating furiously inside my rib cage. The smell of fresh straw and hay is intoxicating. Whatever he’s done out here, he’s certainly cleaned it.
“Okay, on three you can open. Ready?”
“I’m ready.”
“Not yet! On three,” he says and I feel him playfully pinch my side.
I open my eyes and my skin is immediately covered with goose bumps from head to toe.
“Oh my!” I say my hands coming up to my face. “This is…wow! Just wow!”
I turn to him and hug him tight before turning my head and looking back at…it.
It is a beautiful white bed on the far side with the headboard made of bales of hay. On the bails of hay sit beautiful antique lanterns illuminating just the right amount of light. There’s a window open in the distance allowing just a slight breeze which mixes perfectly with the fresh smell of the hay.
And I’m not even cold. I turn to the side and see he’s put a large heater about ten feet from the bed to keep us warm. Apparently we’re going to be out here all night long and I’m all for that.
“This is absolutely the most wonderful thing anyone has ever done for me,” I say.
“Well this is just the beginning,” he says.
“Just the beginning?”
“My mind has no limits when it comes to surprising you and pleasing you.”
“Wow. Just wow!” Then I pause. “I hate to ask this, but is this safe? The heaters and the lanterns around all this hay and all?”
“It would be extremely dangerous, but I took an unbelievable number of precautions to make sure it’s not. There are barriers and fire retardant materials, but I tried to arrange them so they weren’t visible.”
“It worked, because I don’t seem them at all.”
“Perfect, because I only wanted you to see the beautiful parts…just like all the beauty I see each and every time I look at you.”
I turn my head back towards him to find him looking down at me. I rise up on my tiptoes and before I’ve moved more than a fraction of an inch his lips have come down to meet mine and the absolutely blissful night that we’re about to experience together is officially underway.
Before I even know what’s happening I feel my feet come off
the ground as he swoops me up into his arms and begins carrying me towards that virginal white bed. People in big cities pay a lot of money to live in lofts. I’m in a hayloft in West Texas and it’s absolutely priceless.
He lays me down on the bed and stands there looking over me from above with hungry eyes and an expanding chest as his breaths deepen. Then he reaches down and grabs the base of his T-shirt, lifting it up and over his head exposing those abdominal muscles that I could use as a washboard if I wanted.
But it’s not just his abs I want. It’s all of him.
He tosses the shirt off to the side away from the lanterns and then unbuckles his big cowboy belt without removing his eyes from mine. I can’t wait to get a spanking from that, but not yet. Not my first time.
And he knows exactly what’s on my mind. This is all about the romance. Sure there’s a whole lot of pent up lust too and I know that’s going to come out, but what I’m really going for here is a connection with him. And equally as important I know he feels the same.
I sit up on the bed and slowly unbutton my blouse before sliding out of my jeans.
I watch as he steps out of one cowboy boot and then the other. The muffled sound of the spurs clinking as they hit the thin layer of hay lying above the wooden floor will be forever etched in my mind.
I go for my bra next.
“Wait. That’s my job.”
“Your job?”
“My present. I get to unwrap something don’t I?”
“Yes you do,” I say.
He motions for me to stand up. As I turn to get out of the bed I notice his hat lying there next to one of the lanterns.
“Is this for me?” I wink.
“I must have forgotten it there when I was putting everything together. You’re more than welcome to wear it though.”
I place it on my head. It’s much bigger and even heavier than I would have guessed. I feel taller, more powerful, and even more confident…not that he’s not making me feel confident already.
“How do I look?”
“Well look at you there you pretty little thing. I’ll be. Just when I didn’t think you could get any more beautiful you go and surprise me yet again.”
“Is this what they call a ten gallon hat?” I joke.
“What do you know about cowboy hats?” he teases.
“I know that according to you I look good in one.”
“That’s not true.”
“You look hot as hell in one.”
“Oh,” I say moving in closer to him, pressing my body against his. I can feel his hardness poking me through his underwear. The cotton’s straining to contain him and I’m straining myself from jumping on top of him right now and trying my own hand at riding a wild bronco.
I feel one of his hands slide around my back and my breath quickens. I breathe out quickly in rapid succession as he unhooks my bra with one scissor of his fingers.
“I thought you weren’t around women much.”
“I’m not. But when it comes to you everything just comes natural.”
It almost sounds like a line, but I believe him because I feel the same.
I pull my body back from his slightly allowing my bra to fall to the floor.
“Good lord, look at you,” he says taking me by the hand and pirouetting me. When I spin back around his eyes are practically popping out of his head as he takes in the sight of my breasts before his gaze shifts up and down my body.
“You really are perfect, aren’t you.”
“I don’t think so,” I say quietly.
“I know so,” he retorts quickly and confidently.
He spins me again and I feel like a princess at the ball. A topless cowboy barn ball, but a unique on that’s all my own. What an incredible way to have my first experience and what a perfect man who understands me and is making me feel so wonderful about it.
He spins me a third time, but this time as I come around I feel his big hands easily take my body pulling me in close.
Then those hands of his slide down my sides finding the sides of my underwear, hooking the sides, and then slowly sliding them down mid-thigh. The part that’s making contact with my pussy comes down last as it’s gotten a little sticky amidst all the excitement.
Which he quickly discovers when he runs a finger up my slit. “You’re already ready,” he says.
“I’ve been ready.”
“In the kitchen?”
“Yes. I wanted you then and I want you even more now.”
“And tonight you’ll have me and I’ll have you.”
He kneels down putting his face eye level to my groin allowing me to step out of my panties.
I’m not sure if I feel dirty with his face right up in my business, but I sure feel turned on by it when I see his face and the hunger in his eyes.
Suddenly his arms shoot out though my legs and he stands, lifting me high in the air. His arms are acting like a makeshift chair as he’s face to face with my pussy as I’m well over six feet in the air.
I reach for a horizontal beam to steady myself and pull my hips back slightly allowing him a closer look which he uses as an opportunity to kiss my lips before working his tongue around the outside and then right up the middle splitting my lips and causing me to moan for him.
“You taste so damn good, woman,” he says. “Sweeter than honey and as pure as the stream.”
“I do?”
“Do you ever. I wish you could taste it yourself but I’m way too greedy. I’ll never share this with anyone, not even you,” he says in-between licks, sucks, and flicks of his tongue.
My heart is really racing now and I feel like I’m already close.
“I might have to come soon,” I say, giving him a head’s up.
“You don’t have to tell me,” he says before sliding his tongue in even deeper, pushing me even closer. He slides his tongue back. “If you enjoy yourself even close to as much as I’m enjoying you just let yourself go, let the night take you, and when that time comes I’ll be right here to enjoy it myself. And I’ll eat it up, every last minute and every last drop.”
His words are dirty and hot and I want him inside me, but it’s too late.
My hands clench the beam with white knuckles and my stomach tightens. His tongue dives deeper and his flicks find my spot, where he just lingers while I feel the explosion arriving.
“Uhhh,” I whimper and my hands go numb. I would fall backwards but his human arm chair firms up and supports my back while I climax in his mouth. I feel his tongue moving in and out and across every part of my pussy as he drinks in every last drop of me.
I’m practically in and out of consciousness as my body convulses and I experience my first out-of-body experience. And of course it’s with him. He’s the only one who could have made such a thing happen and did he ever.
I feel my body lowering and I open my eyes just in time to seem him sit me down on the bed.
He reaches for his underwear and I reach for my hat.
“You can leave your hat on,” he says as he slides his drawers down exposing his throbbing rod which is pointing skyward and seems about as thick as my wrist…or more.
I’m not sure if it’s the light or the angle, but I have no idea where he’s going to put that thing, at least not all of it.
“Don’t worry,” he says noticing me looking at him. “I promise to be gentle.”
“Thank you!” I say taking another look and we both laugh.
But our smiles quickly dissipate and we’re right back in the heat of the moment.
He takes a step over to the bed and mounts me.
“I’ve got another idea,” I say. I’m feeling randy and am not going to look back on this moment and regret my decision. If the fantasy is here I’m definitely going to take it.
“And what might that be?”
“On your back, cowboy.”
He lies down with his torso propped up by the
pillows. He smiling in a way that tells me he’s curious and excited about my idea, but also a bit amused at the same time. I’m amused myself and it’s my idea.