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Jessabelle's Beast (Shadows in Sanctuary Book 3)

Page 8

by Susan Trombley

  In truth, he’d never bothered with the accumulation of things. His tribe had been nomadic and so had kept very little that had to be packed up and carried with them. Thus, the majority of his wealth remained in the treasury, waiting for a concubine he’d never imagined he’d actually have.

  He could shower her with jewels and expensive metals. He could give her the finest adurian gold. He could cover her in the softest moonfloss dresses. According to her file, she didn’t seem to care for such things.

  Muted colors, supplies for painting and embroidery—which were listed as her hobbies—and a few glass baubles he hoped she’d like were all he’d been able to add to his quarters. Beyond those small changes, his quarters were dark and spare, lacking all but the most basic comforts: a bed with a single pillow—this was a concession to the city umbrose since Gorzo had spent most of his life sleeping upside down as their ancestors had—a chest with a couple of changes of clothes—mostly loincloths that kept him unfettered—a sink, tub, and a waste pot—all city luxuries he did appreciate. Other than that, only a few scattered furs adorned the marble floor. Gorzo didn’t even have a table, since he preferred to eat in the barracks with his warriors.

  With a concubine making this room an actual home, he had no intention of spending too much time away from it. He would take Jessa shopping for furniture as soon as possible to make up for the lack. Then he could learn more about her tastes.

  Thinking of taste, he well recalled the taste of her tongue in his mouth, the memory of which made him instantly hard. This was another problem he’d had to deal with in the last week. Any thought of Jessa’s scent, touch, or taste put him in an embarrassing condition regardless of where he happened to be at the moment. Fortunately, most of the other umbrose—particularly the unattached males—understood his predicament. Those who didn’t were too aware of his superior martial skill to mock him.

  Other than the nearly constant erection, Gorzo felt almost exactly like he had before his first hunt. Given how poorly that had gone, he hoped he didn’t manage to embarrass, or even endanger, himself this time. It had been so long since he’d been with a female. His last had been his true-mate—a concept the city umbrose had completely abandoned due in no small part to their near extinction and the shortage of females after targeted adurian attacks.

  Gorzo didn’t hope to find another true-mate. Most of those umbrose who were fortunate to even find one true-mate never found another after she was lost. Yet Jessa, despite being nearly a stranger, made him feel like he’d felt with Kasara when they’d first met. The anxiety and anticipation were all there.

  Gorzo. The shadows whispered his name as someone summoned him.

  They identified the summoner as Lady Lilith. That meant only one thing. His concubine was inbound. She’d be in Sanctuary before the hour was up.


  Jessa had the entire passenger-hold to herself in the spacious cruiser sent by the umbrose. It was a far more luxurious vehicle than she was accustomed to, but she had a difficult time enjoying it because of her nerves. Apparently, she was thus far the only one to accept a claim from an umbrose through the matchmaking company. No doubt the other women were taking things a bit slower. Or perhaps the males were. Either way, she was alone. For her, that actually made this trip easier.

  She would be one of the only three humans in Sanctuary. The thought terrified her. She’d be surrounded by those she’d once considered not only the enemy, but the most evil of enemies. Although she’d given up those prejudices and educated herself about the umbrose, what she’d learned was that they were very powerful—far more so than humans.

  So when her cruiser landed at the outskirts of the stunning cavern city of Sanctuary, she was trembling with fear and swallowing around a huge lump in her throat. She wondered if she’d be able to breathe as the doors of the hold slid open. She had no breather mask because the dangerous fungus and pollen did not survive in the volcano-formed environment around Sanctuary.

  A breather mask wouldn’t have saved her from her fear anyway. Umbrose guards flanked the ramp as she disembarked. She wanted to turn around and run back into the cruiser, demanding that she be taken home.

  Then she saw him. As soon as her eyes met Gorzo’s, some of her tension eased. He didn’t wait for permission from the guards or Lady Lilith standing beside him. Perhaps sensing her fear and distress, he was at her side in a moment, holding his strong, solid hand out to help her down the ramp.

  His attention was solely for her, though she had no doubt he was aware of every potential threat surrounding them. Yet his eyes remained locked with hers, as if she was the only person who mattered in the Universe.

  A new feeling thickened the lump in her throat, and Jessa feared she might simply break down and start bawling right there in front of everyone. She’d never felt like this before. This was how she’d always imagined it would feel to come home.

  Gorzo’s hand was warm when it closed gently around hers, engulfing her much smaller hand. He led her off the ramp, tucking her close to his side and wrapping one wing around her shoulders to shield her from the view of the guards.

  His strength kept her on her feet as her shaky legs tried to give out on her. His scent—evocative of the grove of trees that adorned her favorite dome park—surrounded her, enclosing her in the cocoon of his protection.

  They stopped before the veiled Lady Lilith, who gave what had to be a prepared speech about uniting two people and two societies. It sounded like something the Common Counsel would dream up. When Lilith finished that speech, she winked. “Welcome to Sanctuary, Jessa. Stacia and I are looking forward to hanging out with you.” Her gaze flicked to Gorzo’s face. “After you settle in, of course.”

  And that was it. She was now officially a resident of Sanctuary. That realization was so much to take in that she barely noticed the shadow-city spreading out within the massive cavern of the extinct volcano it was built into. Though some sunlight poured through holes in the ceiling of the cavern, most of the illumination came from bioluminescence, which highlighted huge columnar buildings made of some cream-colored, sparkling, slightly translucent material.

  The sights blurred in front of her as Gorzo led her through the city, past gawking umbrose. She knew it would be like this, but expected that she would eventually grow accustomed to their staring. Then she remembered that she might not have much time here at all.

  That thought depressed her, so she pushed it away as Gorzo stopped before a trio of huge columns that extended so far above her that they disappeared into the shadows that concealed the ceiling of the cavern.

  “These are the Trilospires. The royal palace of Prince Balfor and Princess Stacia.” He gestured to the largest spire. “That’s the Grand Column. There won’t be much reason for you to go there.” He said the words as a promise, and Jessa guessed that for a human to be summoned to the Grand Column probably wasn’t a good thing. Then he pointed to the spire on the right. “This is the Right Anchor. My… our home is in here.”

  One thing Jessa had forgotten to consider was that Gorzo was a high-ranking umbrose. She hadn’t even dreamed that her new home—no matter how temporary—would be in a palace. Given that the Trilospires were grander than even the most opulent temple in Dome City, she had no idea how she’d ever grow accustomed to calling such a place home.

  Gorzo released her from his wing and turned to face her, taking both of her hands in his. “Are you ready to see our home?”

  Jessa understood the underlying question as clearly as if he’d said it aloud. He was asking her if she was truly agreeing to his claim. At this point, she might be able to back out and change her mind, walking away from Gorzo and everything he had to offer—everything she didn’t deserve. “Yes, I want to see our home.” Deserve it or not, she was selfish enough to want it, even if only for a brief time. This time, Micah was only a peripheral consideration.

  Chapter 10

  Gorzo’s home was actually a huge single room made to seem even larg
er by the absence of any furniture other than a bed and a chest. Attached to that room was a bathroom larger than Jessa’s entire apartment, outfitted with a tub carved of alabaster that was the size of her bed, a toilet that appeared to function in a very similar manner to the ones in DC—though it was probably a lower-tech version—and a sink made of black marble.

  “It’s beautiful.” It was austere, and though sconces on the wall provided the blue-green light of the bioluminescence that the umbrose called adura harac, it was shrouded in shadows. Jessa instantly felt at home here.

  “I waited to purchase furniture until you arrived. I’d like you to choose it.” Gorzo led her into the room, closer to the bed. “You can choose a different bed. This one was here when I was awarded this room.”

  The bed was huge—no doubt to accommodate the large umbrose with their wings—but it only had a single pillow on it that didn’t look used. “The bed looks fine to me. Although we might want some more pillows.”

  Gorzo glanced at the bed, then back at Jessa. He quickly released her hand and took several steps away from her. “Yes, pillows.” He swallowed as his hands dropped to his sides.

  Jessa followed their motion and saw his tented loincloth. The sight of it sent an answering heat to her core. Suddenly her legs felt shaky for a different reason. “I… uh… think an additional comforter would be good too.” Why am I still talking about the bed? I have to get our minds on something else!

  “Food!” Gorzo’s voice sounded ragged and desperate.

  “What?” Jessa had been so wrapped up in her attempts to avoid looking at his massive erection that she was startled that he’d spoken at all.

  “We should get some food. You’ve had a long trip and… yes, food! That’s what we need!”

  The last thing she was thinking about was food. The only thing she’d wanted to taste was him. She was twenty-six years old and had very little experience with men, but she’d certainly had her share of fantasies. She didn’t lack a libido—she’d only ever lacked trust.

  Gorzo made her feel not only desire, but certainty that he would never willingly harm her. Despite his size, he would be gentle. Despite the primitive part of him that behaved in an almost beastly fashion, his touch would be only as hard as she wanted it. She didn’t know why she was so certain of that, but she knew it on an instinctual level.

  From the moment she’d seen him, she’d felt a kinship. At first, she’d thought it was because they were both outcasts from their own societies, but now she wondered if it wasn’t something more. He was a complete stranger, but she felt like she’d known him forever.

  It was clear that he didn’t want to be the one pushing her into the physical side of their relationship. She wondered how long he would wait, knowing that she couldn’t wait much longer. In fact, there was no sense in waiting. They were both aroused and ready to do this. The nervousness they felt in each other’s company wouldn’t go away until they were more intimate. Otherwise, all their conversations would be stilted because of this tension.

  Jessa closed the distance between them as Gorzo watched her warily. “I’m not hungry for food at the moment.” She cautiously placed her hands on his chest, watching his reaction. It felt strange to touch him at first as his muscles twitched beneath her fingers. The last time she’d been physical with someone had been a different kind of touch, a nurturing touch.

  She’d been a caretaker but never a lover. Though she was eager, and her body was responding to the feeling of his hard muscle and velvet skin beneath her palms, she didn’t really know how to proceed.

  Fortunately, Gorzo took that dilemma off her hands as his control appeared to finally snap. Growling, he pulled her into a hard embrace, lowering his head to bump her forehead. Then he began to nibble carefully on her ear, trailing nips and licks down her neck.

  His hands slid down her back, his claws shredding the fabric of her dress—the same dress she’d worn on their last date. His movements were jerky as he tugged the dress down to her waist, abandoning her neck to lick her exposed breasts, first one peaked nipple, and then the other, as one of his callused hands closed around the globe of flesh.

  Jessa moaned, tilting her head back as he tasted her. She gripped a handful of his braids, pressing his head harder against her as his tongue flicked her nipple. His unoccupied hand trailed lower.

  He didn’t bother to remove her skirt; he simply lifted it and shredded the thin panties beneath it before dipping a finger into her molten heat. She was so wet for him that a second finger slipped easily inside her.

  Gorzo groaned against her skin, his huge body shuddering beneath Jessa’s hand clutching his bicep. “Jessa, I want to taste you.” His voice was so guttural the translator stuttered over the interpretation of his words.

  “Yes!” She wanted him to do everything to her. Whatever he had to do to make this feeling continue, she wanted from him. If he stopped, she would die. She was certain of it.

  Suddenly she was in the air. The room spun around her as he scooped her up and laid her on her back atop the bed. Without preamble, he knelt between her legs, lowered his head, and tasted her with his hard tongue.

  She’d never felt anything like it before. As he licked her between her legs her mind nearly shattered. It felt so incredible that she arched on the bed, gripping the thin furs simply to anchor herself to the real world instead of the blissful haven he was guiding her to with his mouth.

  His tongue darted inside her, learning her in a way that no one ever had, forging the path that he would follow with his manhood. She writhed against the onslaught until he pinned her hips to the mattress, focusing his attention on her sensitive clit now that he’d tasted her nectar.

  Jessa screamed as her orgasm peaked. Powerful convulsions shook her body as Gorzo stroked her thighs soothingly. Tears crowded in the corners of her eyes from the sheer power of her climax.

  She barely had time to recover before Gorzo released her legs to rise to his feet. Towering over her like a monolith, he removed his loincloth, revealing his rigid phallus.

  Jessa swallowed, staring at the erection that was different than a human male’s in that it had no foreskin and was nearly flat on the head. In scale, Gorzo was as large as she’d feared. Unsurprising, given how much bigger overall he was than a human man. “Gorzo?” She was nervous. Her body still tingled in the aftermath of her climax, and her inner muscles clenched in eager anticipation of receiving him, but she worried that it would hurt, though after what she’d been through in the past, it shouldn’t.

  His eyes were feral, distant. As he leaned over her, sliding his hands up her body while he fitted his hips between her legs, he growled in a way that raised the hair on her body. Pressing against her opening with the tip of his erection, he lowered his head and licked whatever skin he could reach.

  “Wait, Gorzo! I’m not sure—”

  Another growl silenced her. His head was now above hers, and he pressed his nose against her hair, sucking in a deep breath that ended on a growl. Though he sounded like an animal, he pressed his thick length into her slow and deliberately, showing that he still had awareness of her tension and her body’s automatic resistance.

  Jessa forgot her brief attack of nerves as her muscles closed around his shaft, drawing him further inside her. As she relaxed, he was able to slide in smoothly.

  Then he was buried to the hilt, pressing against her womb. The intimacy of their position nearly overwhelmed her.

  Gorzo braced himself on the bed as he pulled out almost to the tip and then plunged back into her willing body.

  Jessa cried out with each thrust as the ridge just below the flat head of his phallus rubbed against a spot inside her that brought her back to the edge of climax.

  His movements grew more frantic and rough as she approached another orgasm. Then she climaxed again, and as her muscles convulsed around his shaft, Gorzo pounded into her, his hips slapping her thighs with each hard thrust.

  She clung to him, locking her thighs arou
nd his waist as he chased his own climax. Then his entire body stiffened, and his shaft twitched inside her as he spent his seed.

  He folded her into his arms and rolled them both so he was lying on his back with her straddling him, his shaft still inside her and still hard, though they were both slick from his seed.

  He framed her face with his hands, pushing back a strand of her hair that had escaped her braid. “I’m sorry, Jessa. I’d hoped to wait until you were more comfortable here. My primal took precedence in this. I hope you can forgive me.”

  She couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped her. “You’re kidding, right? I was right there with you, and I don’t even have a primal to blame.”

  He grinned, revealing sharp teeth that no longer made her nervous. “I guess it does sound like a convenient excuse, doesn’t it.”

  Jessa loved his smile. It transformed his normally fierce expression, revealing the good humor and kindness that lived beneath his intimidating exterior. She leaned over, trying to reach his lips, but found it difficult with him still inside her. Wriggling her hips elicited a groan from him, followed by a strong upward thrust that reminded her he was still hard.

  “You keep doing that, and it will be a while before we get any food.”

  “What’s your obsession with food?” She grinned and lowered her head to nip at his chest. “I’m not even hungry.” She wriggled again, licking at the skin she’d bitten.

  His chuckle bounced her on his hips as his shaft twitched inside her. “In that case,” he rolled, flipping her onto her back again, “let me satisfy both our appetites.”


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