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The Predator: Part One (The Predator Series Book 1)

Page 10

by Brooke May

  He comes back, directs me where to stand, and then shows me how to hold the bat. “I’ll hit a few, and then it will be your turn.”

  “Okay.” I sit back and cross my legs as they stretch out in front of me. The first ball comes soaring out faster than I thought it would. Chamberlain nails it, sending it back toward the machine.

  That’s fast!

  Again and again, the balls come, and Chamberlain hits every single one of them. After six, my focus shifts from how he is standing and hitting the balls to the way his muscles control his swings as they roll and extend with the bat.

  He reminds me of a coiled machine with stretched and tightened jeans that shape perfectly to his firm butt. With every swing, his shirt rides up a little in the back, exposing tan flesh, which causes me to salivate. I’ve never felt so wanton before in my life. Never had desire shoot through me until I met him.

  I want his touch all the time, even if it is just holding his hand. I feel my lower places growing tight and slick while my breathing picks up. I’ve never thought about sex with anyone except when I thought about my future – well, past future when I would be married to Timothy. I thought it would be horrible and filled with nothing, especially not love. But Chamberlain makes me think otherwise, and I find myself, at different times through the day, thinking of his hands on other parts of me.

  I clench and squeeze my legs together to control myself, but I fail.

  For being a beast of a man, from what I’ve seen at the center, Chamberlain is as gentle and as kind as they come. The way he says my name even stirs my insides …

  “Katie.” Chamberlain’s face appears in front of me, and I nearly lose my seat and fall backward. “Where did you go?” he asks softly, a secret smile gracing his features under the helmet. I’m having a difficult time meeting his eyes, and a blush crawls across my cheeks. I look down and bite my lips together. “I don’t think I need to ask again.” I finally meet his eyes. The humor is gone, replaced by his dark predatory look.

  “Your eyes look so … predatory …” This makes him grin, but it’s different from the others, more wolfish. It enhances the look in his eyes.

  “Come on.” He takes my hand and stands me up. “Your turn.” He hands me my bat while mumbling to himself about control. “Do you want me to pitch a few to you first before you try the machine?” He walks into the cage with me. “Helmet, Katie.” He points at his head while jerking his chin back at the bench.

  “Right.” I grab it and return. “Yes, please.” I do my best to get my voice to sound normal, not filled with lust, but I’m failing. He shakes his head before picking up a few balls he has already hit.

  “Stand and get the bat ready like I showed you,” he mutters as he picks up a couple from his pile. I stand on the plate where he did and put the bat on my shoulder and look at him.

  “Like this?” I ask. He looks up and stumbles back with his head following. Staring up at the ceiling, he shakes his head before looking back at me with a laugh. “What?” He looks around at the occupied cages around us and throws a few glares.

  “Katie, as much as I would love to stare at that sexy ass of yours, will you please stand up a little straighter, please?” I frown, not understanding, and then stand up a little straighter, bringing my bottom back up to line up with my body. “Okay, looks like the machine will pitch to you.” He drops the balls he had just picked up and strides toward me.

  “But I’m fin …”All words, all thoughts leave my mind as Chamberlain comes to stand right behind me. My back flush to his front, molding us together. His arms come around me, and his hands cover mine over the bat. He leans into me. “Relax, Katie.” His hot breath is on my ear, causing a moan to bubble up, but I swallow it down. “Hold the bat just like this.” He continues to breathe into my ear and brings the bat up.

  The machine shoots a ball out, and I tense all over, missing the ball. “Relax, Katie.” Chamberlain’s calm voice is still behind me. “I won’t let it get you. Here comes the next one.”

  I really try my best to block out the fact that my bottom is perfectly lined up to a certain part of him that I feel through our clothes. The large, growing hard part of him.

  When the next ball comes out, I swing, hitting it and knocking it back a few feet. “I hit it!” I bounce, forgetting Chamberlain was right behind me for a second.

  He steps back, groaning. “Great job.” He does his best to adjust himself without being crude about it. “Want to try by yourself?” There is a strain in his face, and his neck tenses as he clenches his jaw. Looks like his restraint is holding on by a thread.

  “Sure.” I smile up at him and turn back around to stand like he just showed me.

  I affect him as much as he does me.

  He takes a seat on the bench, and I return my focus to the pitching machine.

  “Don’t get too carried away. You’ll get sore,” he warns me.

  I lose track of how many pitches I swing; some I hit, but most of them I miss. That doesn’t bother me, though, because I’m having a blast. After the first few, I start picturing my mother’s face and her voice belittling me. I hit those balls. When my focus turns to how alive I feel now and how being with Chamberlain makes me feel wanted, I start to miss more and more.

  “I think that’s good for now.” Chamberlain walks back in, shuts off the machine, and then takes my hand and bat, guiding me back to our bench. “Having fun?” He hands me a bottle of water.

  “Yes, this is amazing!” I beam up at him as he takes a seat on the backrest of the bench above me. “Thank you.”

  “Damn.” He takes a drink. “I can’t wait to see what you are like when I pull out the big stuff for our future dates.”

  “I like this kind of stuff. I grew up with wining and dining. I want the simple stuff where we can wear a pair of jeans and I don’t need to do anything fancy with my hair or wear loads of makeup.”

  “Seriously?” He looks perplexed.

  “Yes.” He slides down next to me. His outer thigh dragging against me makes me hypersensitive as he throws an arm around my shoulders.

  “How did I get so lucky to find a low-maintenance girl?”

  I feel his breath hot on my cheek. I look up into his eyes; mine hooded, his predatory. “I don’t know,” I whisper back, my gaze dropping to his lips while I lick my own.

  “Katie …” He slides his free hand up to my cheek, bringing my eyes back to his.

  “Chamberlain …” He leans down and kisses me gently on the corner of my mouth before taking possession of my lips completely. This time, I open my mouth free of any sigh or gasp. We savor the taste of one another, the coolness of his mouth against my heat. I feel a groan rumble in his chest through my hand. I hear the plastic water bottle fall, and his hand moves down my side, lifts my shirt, and starts to rub slow circles on my bare hip.

  “I’m trying really hard here, Katie.” He kisses me chastely before pulling my head to his chest where I bask in his warmth. “But you’re making it difficult.”

  “I’m glad you are though.” I trace circles on his shirt.

  “Why? Have you had bad experiences in the past? Because I can promise you, Katie …”

  “No.” I put my finger over his mouth to silence him. He kisses it. “Nothing like that … well, I’ve …”

  Oh, God. Why is this so hard?


  “I’ve never … done … anything …” I keep my gaze locked on his clavicle. “You are my real first kiss …” Chamberlain’s arms lock around me, and suddenly, he doesn’t feel as warm as he did a moment ago. I look up to his extremely wide blue eyes and his mouth hanging open.

  Great, I’ve scared him away. It wasn’t the other way around.

  I try to move off him, but he shakes out of it, tightening his hold on me.

  “Seriously? How the hell has no guy come along and stole you away yet?” Disbelief fills his voice. “You’re gorgeous.” He slumps back, taking me with him.

  “No one ever da
red … you know, because of my parents and my expected arrangement with Timothy.” He takes a deep breath and blows it out before looking at me again. “You’re really surprised, aren’t you?” My voice sounds hopeless.

  “Yes …”He pulls my hand to his lips and kisses the inside of my wrist. “But in a good way. I never thought hearing that from someone, especially you, would make me feel this happy. Overjoyed, really.”


  “Yeah, I mean, Katie, you scream sex appeal, and the best part is that you don’t seem to notice it. Most of the guys in here have had their eyes on you since we walked in. It pisses me off, but I’m relieved that you don’t pay them any mind. When you’re ready, you’ll be mine completely. I mean that. You will be untouched by any man but me, and I plan to keep it that way.”

  Oh, my.

  Before my body can respond, Chamberlain lifts me to my feet. “Let’s get going. It’s getting late. Here.” He hands me his hoodie. “Put it on, it’s cold out.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’m good.”

  During the ride back to his place, all I can think of are his words. Mine completely. Oh, I want that, but I’m not ready. I want to get to know him better. I’ve seen sex thrown around like the word ‘love’ a lot in my life. I want it to be meaningful.

  “So our next date?” Chamberlain pushes a loose tendril of hair behind my ear. While we were batting, I had put it up. We just pulled up to the pizzeria again.

  I cuddle down into his hoodie. “What are you doing not this weekend but the next?” I could live in this thing and be content.

  He sits back in his seat and gets lost in thought, counting on his fingers. “I fight this weekend …” He gets out his phone and looks through his calendar. “What do you have planned?”

  “My father is holding a gala. I would really like it if you would accompany me.” It might not be his scene. I know it isn’t mine, but I’d rather go with him by my side. “If not, I’ll try to find someone …”

  “No way in hell will I let someone else take my girlfriend anywhere.”


  I like that.

  “What day, time, and what do I need to wear?”

  I blink, realizing what he is asking me; he’s telling me he will go. “It’s that Saturday night, starts at five for cocktails, and then the dinner is at six followed by a silent auction.” He nods, adding it to his calendar. “It’s black tie, so a tuxedo.”

  “I’ll manage one.” He cuts me off with a reassuring grin and then leans over to kiss my cheek. “So can I pick you up? Say around four thirty?” He opens the car door.

  “Sure.” I want to pull him back in here and never let him go. I feel giddy as I crawl over to the warmed driver’s seat. I have a boyfriend, an insanely sweet one, who happens to be very handsome, and he is my date. For the first time since I was old enough to attend, I’m excited about the gala. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me, Katie. I want to be with you. So if I have to suffer being around a bunch of rich people with sticks up their asses, then so be it.” He smiles down at me. “Now, I have a question for you.”


  “I would really like you to be at my fight this Saturday night. Will you please come? You’ll be right there in my corner with Scott the whole time. It’s pretty late, so if you can, you can crash at my place. I don’t want you driving that late in this weather.”

  Stay overnight with him? Saying that makes me nervous, but he wouldn’t push anything on me, I hope. I try not to think about how it might push this relationship to move too fast, but it feels so natural, though.

  “Yes, I would love that.”

  “Great.” He leans down and sweetly kisses me goodnight. “Text or call me when you get home, please? I need to know you made it safely.”

  “I will.” I peck him once more before he closes my door and stands on the curb.

  I wave bye and drive off. When I get home, all the lights are already out. I quietly make my way through the kitchen entrance, careful not to wake Fiona, and head up to my room as quickly as I can. When I’m secure in my room, I realize I still have Chamberlain’s hoodie on.

  Me: Home safe, you forgot your hoodie.

  I get ready for bed, slipping on my shorts, tank, and socks, and pull his hoodie back on after I brush my teeth.

  Chamberlain: I want a piece of me with you when I can’t be. Had a great night 2nite. X

  Me: Me too. Good night, Chamberlain.

  I nestle into my sheets, pulling the collar of his hoodie up and inhaling his scent.

  Chamberlain: Good night, panda.

  Chapter Twelve

  ONE THING I actually truly hate in this world is being late. Being late means I have to rush, and when you rush, you are more likely to hurt yourself and others.

  My professor had kept us an extra twenty minutes after class just to hold a discussion about a topic from one of her other classes. I was antsy and not very patiently waiting for her to dismiss us, but my classmates kept talking, which encouraged her.

  When I finally grabbed her attention to inform her that I needed to leave, I was already late for my evening class at the center.

  I’m now rushing out to my car, managing not to slide on the ice, and come to a dead stop when I see a hooded figure leaning against it. At first glance, the figure looks like Scott, but as I get closer, I realize the person is much shorter and female.

  Oh, no.

  I stop in my tracks, skidding to an icy stop.

  How did she find me?

  I still can’t completely make out who it is, but I have a feeling it is my mother or even my sister.

  “See something that scared you, princess?” A snide voice carries through the deserted parking lot, and it doesn’t belong to my mother or Zoey. I take a cautious step forward, followed by another, and another until the figure has more light, and I see it is that Amber girl from my and Scott’s ethics class.

  “May I help you?” I turn my head slightly, watching her closely. Scott had told me that she’s mean, so I’m a little hesitant. I’ve dealt with mean Zoey, so I know how to approach it.

  “Yeah …” She kicks off my car, literally kicking it.

  What have I done to you?

  “You can back off Chamberlain.” She pokes me in the shoulder. “Why are you with him anyway? What, no rich boys to go after?”

  “Excuse me?” I straighten my back and stand to my full height, which is a few inches taller than she is. I will not back down. I am a coward no more. “I don’t see how any of it is your business. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m running late.” I push past her, but she grabs my arm.

  “He was mine first. We were working through our shit before you came in and stole him. Back off!” She shoves me into the side of my car and storms off before I can say another word.

  How rude.

  From what I’ve gathered from Scott, Amber and Lizzy are both crazy, and now, it seems to be true. She had her chance with Chamberlain, from what I’ve been told, and lost it. Whatever she did, it must have been bad. Chamberlain is so sweet even when he has a temper, which is pretty sexy.

  He wouldn’t have pursued me and be with me now if they were working on their own relationship, which means she has no say and no right to be near either of us. But something has me unsettled about the whole thing; something deep in my gut is telling me to be cautious.

  What if Chamberlain isn’t who he appears?

  Shaking off Amber’s threat, if you want to call it that, I get in my car, bypass the heater and the radio since I’m already late, and hurry to the center for my class. I’m now thirty minutes late, leaving only another thirty for my class.


  I SPRING DOWN the back hallway after parking in the back. I manage my hair in a bun as I run and skid to a stop when I round the corner, finding Chamberlain sitting in the corner doctoring his fists while Scott is chatting with my students. My fourteen-year-old and a few older female students
love the attention of an older, good-looking guy.

  I toss my bag down next to Chamberlain, give him a quick, chaste kiss on the cheek, and then shove Scott out of the way playfully so I can get my class started. With only fifteen minutes left, I feel bad for rushing through warm-ups and cutting their time short.

  Scott joins Chamberlain on the floor. Instead of leaving, they both sit back, out of harm’s way, and watch. It’s a little unnerving, but I manage to focus. If only the girls would.

  The girls continue to giggle and pay more attention to the muscle-bound men in the corner than to what they are supposed to be doing, making me a little angrier than when I first came in.

  I also feel a hot pair of blue eyes follow my every move, and as much as I try to ignore it, it doesn’t help. I don’t want to look giggly like my students or wanton in front of them and Scott.

  The time goes by rapidly, and I dismiss my students just as fast. Once the room clears out, all I have left are Chamberlain and Scott. I stand in the middle of the room, drop my head to my chest, and center myself.

  I really hate being late.

  I take a couple of minutes to just stand there, regaining my composure. I’m not sure where it started - whether it was my class running late or Amber’s attack. Chamberlain’s hands finally come to rest on the top of my shoulders.

  “You okay?” Chamberlain’s voice purrs and vibrates into my ear. With my eyes still closed, I lean my head against his and shrug.

  I really don’t know, but I am now.

  I stay still for a few minutes, just feeling our connection. This rush of nerve endings going crazy sends delicious shivers and heat through my body. This makes me feel alive, he makes me feel wanted.

  “I am now.” I turn in his arms, which drop to my lower back. I raise mine up around his neck to hold him to me. “What were you two doing here?” I thought Scott would be at work and Chamberlain at home. They are starting to invade every part of my life. Aside from Fiona, no one has ever cared, but the foreign feeling doesn’t scare me.


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