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The Predator: Part One (The Predator Series Book 1)

Page 22

by Brooke May

  “I’m trying, Chamberlain.” I look away and back at the road, ending that right there. He knows I’m trying. Yesterday, when I got home and at dinner, I tried to talk to my mother, but she wouldn’t budge on it.

  “Maybe you should fake being sick. They won’t question you then,” he states in a flat tone as he pulls into a restaurant parking lot.

  “It might come to that,” I add as he parks.

  “Come on. Let’s eat and get back on the road.” He cuts the engine and helps me out of the truck from the driver’s side, never once letting go of my hand as we walk into the restaurant.

  It’s a quiet, little restaurant with warm earth tone colors on the walls, furniture, and hardwood floors. “We seat ourselves.” Chamberlain tugs me to a booth and slides in next to me rather than across from me.

  A waitress, no older than Zoey, walks up with two glasses of water and menus. She fumbles a bit when she gets a good look at Chamberlain. “Umm … .welcome to Benjamin’s.” She flushes deeply as Chamberlain and I regard her, more on Chamberlain’s part.

  I huff and grab the menu to look through it. “Do you need a moment?” She fumbles again, but this time it is with her pen and paper. She’s far too busy batting her eyes at Chamberlain.

  Hello? I’m right here.

  “No.” Chamberlain snatches the menu from my hand and gives it back to her along with his. He didn’t even look at it. “We’ll have two orders of grilled chicken with barbecue sauce on the side and spinach salads, no dressing. Please.”

  “Oh, okay.” She quickly writes everything down and runs off.

  “I can’t figure out if she was taken with you or if you intimidated her,” I muse, tracing a random pattern on his hand.

  Chamberlain simply shrugs it off and pulls me under his arm. “If you’re taken with me, then I’m good.”

  “You know I am.”

  I love you.

  “Why do you want to train at your grandparents’ cabin?”

  “I wanted to get away from Boston for a while and wanted some real alone time with you. I thought it was a perfect combination.” He’s being smug, and I love it.

  “I’m okay with that.” I rest my head on the juncture of his arm and shoulder. “Why do you still have the cabin there? Why not sell it?”

  “It’s the one place I’ve always gone to escape.” He takes a drink of water. “There are too many memories there; I don’t have the heart to sell it now or ever.” His voice is absolute, meaning the discussion is closed.

  I look around the restaurant, and it is only us and one other couple at the other end. Our food gets to us quickly, and soon, I’m moaning and melting into the best chicken I’ve ever tasted.

  “Will you stop that?” Chamberlain hisses as he stands up and slides into the seat across from me, throwing a scowl at me. “Jesus, woman.” He sits up making me giggle as he discreetly adjust himself.

  “Sorry, but this is so good.” I take another bite, never taking my eyes off him.

  “I can’t take you anywhere,” he states as he goes back to his own food, tucking his head down to try to hide his smile.

  We finish our meal and get back on the road soon after. Chamberlain is more talkative when we hit the road again. We talk about how this fight will differ from the ones he participates in now; mainly, there are more rules. He talks about how he can get some great sponsors from professional fighting and make a good living from it. If he made it big, he would quit the garage. Even though he would miss it, he would need the time to focus on just training and fighting.

  What concerns me most is he would have to travel everywhere for fights. I wouldn’t be able to go with him most of the time because of my classes. The same goes for Scott unless he decides to drop out.

  Chamberlain asks me more about my schooling; what grade I would like to teach, what are my favorite subjects, and so on. I would prefer to teach younger kids, but I would take whatever I could get.

  “Here we are,” Chamberlain announces as we pull up a short driveway to a tiny wood paneled cottage. “Don’t worry, there’s a bathroom,” he teases as he parks and jumps out. “It only has one bedroom.” He unlocks the door as I slide out of the truck and follow him. “I’ll bring everything in if you don’t mind unloading the coolers?”

  “That’s fine.” I glance around as I walk in. A chill hits me, and wrapping my arms around myself, I wander in farther. The kitchen, dining, and living rooms are all one big open space. There is a curtain closing off a room just by the door. I peek inside and see that it is the bathroom; all tile flooring with a showerhead and toilet with a drain in the middle of the floor and a raised edge to enter.


  The sink must be in the kitchen because I don’t find one in there. I turn back to the open space. Half of the living room area has a low ceiling with a ladder next to the far wall. I don’t see any bedroom doors anywhere. I smile as I walk over and look at all the pictures decorating it. Lots of a young couple - Chamberlain’s parents - him, and who I believe to be his grandparents when they were younger.

  Scott had told me once after class that Chamberlain is a perfect blend of his parents when it comes to his attitude and mannerisms. Rocky was rough and tough while Marissa was gentle and loving.

  “Here’s the food.” Chamberlain strides in, his biceps straining from the weight of both coolers in his arms.

  “Aren’t you a muscle man?” I tease, making my way over to the small kitchen and openning the first cooler to unload it.

  He flexes his arms, kisses me, and heads back out for our bags. “You know it, panda.”

  I open the refrigerator to start unloading everything, at the same time trying to put a meal plan together for tonight. Chamberlain comes back in and climbs the ladder with our bags. He sets them down up there. “Where’s the bed?” I openly gawk at his jeans-encased behind.

  “Up here.” He slides down the ladder and lands in front of me. “Is that okay?”

  “That’s fine, as long as I sleep on the inside.” I walk back over to finish the food. “You know how I move a lot in my sleep.”

  He cups himself and cringes just thinking about it. “Don’t remind me.” He heads back to the door. “I need to find a way to restrain your legs.”

  “Have fun with that. They’ll just move as one then.”

  He laughs. “I’m going to unload the gear I brought with us and then dig the rest out from the shed out back.”

  “Okay, I’ll be out once I’m done in here.” I wave him off as I close one cooler and start with the other that holds the mostly dry goods.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  CHAMBERLAIN AND I walk alongside one another on a path that started behind the cottage. We finished dinner a while ago and decided to do some exploring before we called it a night. He had declared that my food was to die for and that I am to cook the rest of his meals forever.

  We had shut off our phones after we sent messages to Fiona and Scott, letting them know we made it and have enjoyed the peace that only nature can bring. The air around us feels entirely different than it did back in Boston. I feel a little giddy about being here. He could have brought Scott up as well, someone to train with, but he decided to train on his own and spend the time with me.

  “I’m glad you’re here with me.” Chamberlain moves a branch out of my way, and I wait for him to take his hand since the trail has opened up.

  “I’m glad to be here. We’ve had alone time, but this is different.”



  We start to speak at the same time.

  “Go ahead.”

  “No, I want to hear you first.” A quickly reply

  I’ve seen that look in his eyes a few times already. I can’t really describe it, but it makes me feel something deep in my soul

  Is he about to say it?

  I’ve been waiting to finally tell Chamberlain how I really feel since he came to my house the other day. Every time I’m on the cusp of t
elling him, I chicken out.

  He takes a deep breath and pulls to a stop under an aging tree. He slides down the trunk, taking me with him, and nestles me between his open legs. “I … you …” He scratches his head and closes his eyes. When he opens them again, I see a look of determination. “You’ve come to mean a great deal to me, Katie. I know it hasn’t been long, but … I can’t see myself without you. It scares the ever-loving shit out of me.”

  That isn’t exactly what I wanted to hear, but it warms my heart and body just the same. “I feel the same way, Chamberlain.” I cup his stubble-covered jaw. He pulls back, kisses my palm, and then returns his jaw back to my hold. “It makes me nervous because you are my first real boyfriend, the first real relationship I’ve ever been in and want to be in.”

  I drop my hand and fall into his chest. “Why does it make you nervous?”

  “That you’ll leave me, break me, find someone different, the list goes on.” I’m full of insecurities still. “Why does it scare you?”

  “I’ve lost almost everyone I’ve ever cared about. What if something happens to you, too?”

  We are pretty much scared for the same reasons. That should help me, but strangely, it doesn’t. “I think as long as we are honest with one another, we will be okay.” I try to convince myself of this as much as I do him.

  “I agree. This week will be great for us.”

  “It’s a nice first actual vacation for me.” I look up through the canopy of trees at the twilight sky. “I never went on trips to Europe or DC, or some other big city as a vacation. I never was given a chance to relax because we were ushered around everywhere on a schedule. I prefer this over any of that.” I cuddle into his chest and just listen to his even breathing.

  “I’ve never really been on vacation either, other than coming here, that is,” Chamberlain muses as he runs a hand through my ponytail. “My parents could never afford something big and fancy, and when they were gone, I got too busy trying to keep my head above water to think about one.”

  “So we are on our first real vacation together?” I smile to myself as I start to feel content and sleepy. “That’s wonderful.” I yawn.

  “It is.” Chamberlain pushes me off his chest to reach into his backpack for my camera. He fiddles with it and points it toward us after he pulls me back to him. “Let’s always remember it.” He snaps a picture just as he claims my lips. He brushes a lighter kiss before pulling back and taking another picture of us smiling at one another. “Let’s get back. I know you’re getting tired.”

  “Okay.” I yawn once more.

  We get back just after dark, and after a brief shower, Chamberlain helps me climb the ladder and folds me into bed before he curls up behind to hold me close. “Good night, Katie.”

  “Night.” I drift asleep, murmuring to myself how much I love him.


  THE SMELL OF bacon wakes me. I roll over to find Chamberlain’s side of the bed cold.

  How long has he been up?

  I stretch and continue to roll over to the ladder and climb down. Rubbing my eyes with the back of my right hand before putting my glasses on, and pulling down Chamberlain’s shirt, I yawn and find his back to me.

  He’s shirtless, leaving him only in his boxer briefs and moving around by the stove getting our breakfast ready. “Hmmm … barefoot and in the kitchen,” I muse as I pad over to join him, wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing his shoulder.

  “It’s supposed to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.” He beams a smile in my direction and then sweeps me into his arms. “Good morning, gorgeous.” He plants a sound kiss on me, one that takes my breath away.


  “Good morning,” I say, surprised as he walks over and places me in one of the three chairs at the tiny table. “You’re in a really good mood this morning.”

  “I should be.” He comes back over with our breakfast and sets mine down before he takes his seat. “I’m at my favorite place in the world, and I have the most beautiful woman in the world by my side.” I flush as I watch him cut his food. “How did you sleep?” His blue eyes are so clear this morning. I’m used to seeing them dark and clouded with thoughts, so this is so different. It’s as if a weight was lifted off him.

  “Great, thank you.” I look up at the loft. “The bed is pretty comfortable considering it’s just a mattress on the floor.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t get too cold.”

  “You’re a walking heater, Chamberlain. I never have to worry about being cold.” I giggle as I dig into my food while he gives me this over-the-top happy, slightly dopey smile. If he could wiggle his ears, I’m sure he would. “What are the plans after this?”

  “We’ll start with a warm-up run and then come back so I can do my stuff and you can lift if you want.”

  “Sounds good.” I drink my milk. I love how he knows that I need my morning to start with a run. “I brought some homework, so I may do that too.”


  “And proud of it.” When we finish, we clean up and get ready for our run. Chamberlain leans against the wall by the bathroom as I put my contacts in before we head out to stretch.

  “Why do you open your mouth when you do that?”

  “I’m not sure. I guess it helps pull my bottom lid down more.” I finish and close my case. “Ready!” Running my fingers through my ponytail, I follow him outside where we help one another with our deep stretches.

  We take off down the surprisingly even dirt road and go for a good five miles. I’ve discovered that Chamberlain, like me, prefers to run in silence or with some music. We don’t talk the whole time, just focus on our breathing. I know he’s had to slow his stride down since my legs are shorter than his are, so I do my best to pick up my pace for him to get more of a run. He needs this more than I do right now.

  It’s a nice morning for March weather. The air is a little brisk, making our breaths form steam as we exhale. We pass one other couple as we run down the road and no one on the way back. This is a nice change from running in a gym; the birds sing in the trees lining the road, and squirrels run around collecting food.

  We get back to the cottage and stretch again. “I’m going to start my stuff, Katie.” Chamberlain nods over to the outdoor fitness center he set up yesterday. He has heavy ropes set up by the tree where a speed bag hangs off one thick branch and a heavy bag on another. There are free weights and a bench press by the cottage with a jump rope hanging on the side, and he has one of those giant truck tires in the middle of the yard.

  “Okay.” I make my way over to the stereo he also set up and turn it on, cranking it up while Adele sings “Rolling in the Deep.” I set myself up with the twenty-pound free weights and do some lifting before I decide to go get my homework. I may like to exercise, but there is no way I could keep up with Chamberlain’s training.

  I come back out with my books and two bottles of water - one for myself and the other for Chamberlain. “Here.” I hand him one as he sets down the ropes.

  “Thanks.” He wipes his forehead with the front of his shirt before guzzling down half of the bottle. “You get enough of a workout?”

  “With what you have here? Yes, I did. I’m going to sit and do some homework. And enjoy the warm sun.” I close my eyes and smile up toward the sky; it feels so good. I’m glad winter is finally retreating.

  “Okay.” Grabbing my chin, he pulls me into a kiss. “When I’m done, I want to take you somewhere.”

  “All right.” I try and fail to contain my lust; he needs to do his stuff right now. I can’t be distracting him. If he isn’t sore tonight, then I will make him all mine.

  I start working on my paper that is due in a few weeks on a disorder of my own choice for my introduction to special education class when he starts on the speed bag. There is no better time than the present to get something done, especially when one’s boyfriend is in his own head, working out and focusing on his own goals.

  I finished reading the b
ook I need for my course the other night, so I flip it open to the quotes I want and start to write. I’ve always written everything out by hand before I type it. It takes twice as long, but then I only have to ever do one re-read to check for errors.

  Halfway through my paper, I tap my pencil to my lips and glance up at Chamberlain. I really shouldn’t have. My eyes follow the line of the right side of his body as he bends to lift the tire. His abs tense up, and he strains to get his arms under the bottom of the tire. He rests his cheek on the side of it; his eyes are closed, but he is facing me.

  My mouth drops open as my pencil falls to my notebook as Chamberlain lets out a mighty yell as he gets the tire up on its side and stops for a moment before dropping it onto the other side with a push.

  He grunts as he rolls his head and shoulders while walking up to the tire to do it all over. I’m transfixed. He is a powerhouse of muscle with a charming and adorable personality who can also go alpha male like no other.

  “Baby, you’d better finish your writing and quit looking at me like that.” He draws me out of my wonderment. “When I’m done, we are leaving.” He bends down once more. “Go get your swimsuit on.” He starts to lift again and repeats what he previously did. “Now, Katie,” he growls. I jump into action, collecting my things. There is no way I can focus on writing now. I head inside, change into my bikini, and then cover it up with shorts, shoes, and a shirt. It might be a little too cold to swim, but the cold water will probably feel wonderful on Chamberlain’s muscles.

  I decide to make us lunch when Chamberlain finally comes in. “Pack it in my backpack.” He refills his water bottle and slams it down.

  “Okay. Where are we going?”

  “Bash Bish Falls.” He grabs the backpack once I have it filled, takes my hand, and we are gone. “Hope you’re up for a hike.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “ALMOST THERE.” Chamberlain is ahead of me as we walk up the path. “I used to come here with my parents all the time. We can swim above the falls and then hike down to see them.” He reaches for my hand as we come to a stop. I’m surprised to see quite a few people already swimming here. The sight before me is beautiful, and so is the distant noise of the falls.


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