The Iron Altar Series Box Set One: Books 1 to 3

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The Iron Altar Series Box Set One: Books 1 to 3 Page 126

by Casey Lea

  She stepped closer, past a light strip, and the cloud of short hair framing her head caught fire. It was backlit to become a red halo edged in gold. She strode on, into the next pool of light and he saw that her face was tattooed. Flames licked along her hairline, weaving across her forehead, before curving down the side of her cheeks like wayward bangs. She was another creature of fire. Which would have been intriguing, at any other time.

  Free stepped to one side and waved for the strangers to move on. The female slipped warily past, followed by her larger companion, while the second male glided into the light. He had a bundle thrown over his shoulder - no, there were legs that swayed as he walked and Free heard a feminine sigh.

  “Your butt looks so great from here,” a familiar voice slurred and he had two swords drawn and one of them at the male’s throat without further thought.

  “Dee,” he asked roughly, “are you well?”

  He pointed his second sword at the pair of strangers on his flank. “Stay still, or your friend dies.”

  Unfortunately, they ignored him. His fronds watched them spread out to circle him and he risked a glance, which was unsettling. Their skin seemed darker than before and their body language oozed confidence.

  “Touch the Great Mother and we’ll kill you,” the female said.

  He couldn’t sense her mind, but he knew a promise when he heard one. It didn’t matter. He wouldn’t let them take Dee and if he helped her escape from the fighter carrying her, then managed to delay the others, that would be enough. She was resourceful and a chance was all she needed.

  “Free?” Darsey demanded unexpectedly and her legs started to kick. “Is that you? Put me down.”

  The lean man carrying her obeyed at once. He placed Dee carefully on her feet, while keeping himself between her and Free’s sword. Free turned his wrist to point the sword down, just in time as Dee spun away from her captor to throw herself at Free.

  She clutched him and her familiar smile was larger than he’d ever seen it, lighting up her face. Free’s heart unclenched in response. She was alive. Which meant he could finally stop dying inside.

  Darsey hugged Free so hard it almost hurt and he flicked his blades into storage to wrap his arms around her in response. He could have stood there all day, holding her close, but the strangers interrupted.

  “Is this kres your friend?” the female demanded.

  “My best friend,” Darsey answered dreamily, tipping her head back on Free’s shoulder to screw up her nose at him, which was unexpected and disturbing. “Free, meet Shayvia. The hottie is Jute and I’m not sure about Colossus. They’re some of my children.”

  “Your what?”

  Dee gave a happy sigh. “Why so surprised? I didn’t raise them and I probably won’t see them again, but that’s kids for you. Mine anyway.”

  “I still don’t understand. Are you well, Dee? Did they… has anyone hurt you?”

  Darsey smiled hugely again and patted Free’s cheek. “That’s sweet, love, but I’m fine. Really. Can we get out of here?”

  Best idea ever, Dax chimed in.

  Dee settled under Free’s arm and he turned toward the flame-faced strangers. They stood in a line blocking the passage, but he didn’t care. He had Darsey back and three chicks weren’t going to stop him. The Colossus lifted his fists, while a sword dropped into Shayvia’s hand. Jute remained unarmed, but his skin darkened. Ripples of flame which seemed to singe it ran up his arms and over his body. The three of them stepped closer at exactly the same time.

  However, Free grinned and hugged Dee closer. “Shoo.”

  The youngsters stopped and Shayvia frowned. “Return the Great Mother to us.”

  “Nope. Run. Shoo. I’ve got her.”

  “You certainly have,” Darsey said and pinched his butt.

  Free snapped straight, while Dax thought, Whoa.

  Shayvia glared at Free as if he was the one behaving inappropriately. “We suspect the Great Mother was drugged. She’ll be safer with us.”

  “Perhaps,” Darsey breathed in Free’s ear, “but it’ll be more fun with you.”

  “Mother,” Shayvia began to protest, until Darsey flapped at hand at her.

  “I’m going with Free. Be a good girl and walk us out.”

  Shayvia looked like she was about to burst a blood vessel, possibly one of Free’s, but after a tense second she nodded and stepped back.

  “Where’s your ship?” she asked Free.


  Dax chuckled in his head. Busted.

  Shayvia’s expression gleamed sharper than her blade. “What sort of rescue is this? You came for our Mother without a way off world?”

  “My transport broke,” Free said. “Would you be willing to sell me a shuttle?”


  Dee sighed dramatically. “Don’t be difficult, Shayvia. Give the nice man a ship.”

  “He’s a kres, not a man,” Shayvia snapped, “and he’s not very nice.”

  “He’s lovely,” Darsey said happily and snuggled closer to Free.

  What’s she doing? Dax wondered and Free asked himself the same question. It was disconcerting, but irrelevant.

  “We needs must go,” he said and gave Shayvia his best admiral-glare. “To your ship. Get us off Hinterland and I’ll take Dee home in your shuttle. You can shadow us in your main vessel and run interference if the hunt gets too close. Agreed?”

  He made no effort to wait for a response, but pushed past the three chicks, dragging Dee behind him. She didn’t resist and neither did the youngsters. He led the escape and his unexpected tail followed quietly behind.


  Alone At Last

  The trip back to the youngster’s ship was quick and quiet. Only Dee seemed inclined to talk, until Free managed to hush her to a happy murmur. They boarded a nondescript hauler and were shown straight to the shuttle bay, where a small planet-hopper crouched like a brown beetle. It was just as dull on the inside, a plain beige with a large central seat and a smaller chair on either side – all crowded into a simple oval space.

  Free took the largest seat and Dee hummed happily as she danced into one of the smaller recliners. He spared her a frown and reached out to brush her tousled hair from her eyes in passing, but had more immediate things to worry about.

  A tap on the single arm of the main chair brought holograms to life around him and he watched the planet fall away below. The mother ship was allowed to lift to a holding orbit, while Free checked the shuttle’s systems and then his com. He’d fed it a strand of hair that he’d plucked from Dee when he tidied her red mane. The DNA ident was certain-sure. The woman beside him wasn’t a clone. She was the original.

  He sighed softly and glanced back to the main holo to look through the controls for a camouflage field. A glance was enough to find it floating there.

  Score, Dax chortled and Free had to agree.

  It looked like they wouldn’t need to shoot their way out. However, Shayvia’s ship was being tracked, so she was stuck in orbit and unable to sneak away from Hinterland with them.

  Will she still let us go? Dax wondered.

  “Let’s find out,” Free said, powering up the engines.

  “Let’s,” Dee sighed and offered him a dreamy smile.

  Free realized he was frowning back. He was thrilled to be with her, but something felt wrong. He glanced down at his com again and its data reassured him. She was definitely his Dee.

  “Cleared to launch,” a youthful voice snapped from the hologram above his head.

  Free looked up at Shayvia’s image and offered a respectful nod. “Thank you.”

  “If you have any trouble call and we’ll shoot our way out to save Darsey again. You’d best see our Mother to safety, kres.”

  “That’s what I intend to do.”

  Shayvia disappeared without farewell, but Free hardly noticed. He was too busy drifting the camouflaged shuttle forward to drop from the open hatch. There was no response to the small ship’s exi
t. No klaxons and no stabbing white scans.

  Free relaxed and turned to Dee with a relieved sigh. She smiled lazily back. The shuttle was bigger than his lost dart, but somehow she made it seem smaller. She rolled onto her side, watching him from under lowered lids and her eyes looked an even darker blue than usual. He gave a tentative smile and that was all the encouragement she needed. She crowded close to drape an arm and a leg over him, while her breath was sun-warmed honey on his cheek.

  He looked away to set course for Fairport, on the edge of the Hinterland system, and tried to ignore her, but Darsey purred while her lips rose to his ear.

  “How flatterin’,” she murmured. “That’s what a lady likes to feel.”

  She rubbed her thigh across his treacherous groin.

  Drak. Free squirmed sideways and pushed her firmly away, back onto her own seat. “No lady likes to feel anything of the sort. Now lie still.”

  Their brief flight back through the outer security-satellites seemed to take twice as long as eternity. Spense had already retreated back to Fairport and Free easily found his docking slip. He could set the shuttle down in the outer curve of the same port. One quick walk from there and Darsey would finally be on her way back to Wing.

  Free used one arm to lay in a course through a small local singularity, while he fended off Darsey with the other. Her skin felt merely warm, but her mind was on fire as she wrapped herself around him like a nest of mating eels. He managed to wrestle her hands away from his belt, but she made a lunge to fasten her teeth in his ear. He started to swear, but the bite was gentle and he felt fresh heat in areas he was trying hard to ignore.

  “Malik was drugging you, clear enough,” Free gulped and Darsey stopped nibbling his ear to consider that.

  “Course he was. What sort of drug?”

  “Not one I know, but from your behavior he wasn't trying to cure a cold.”

  Darsey's frond sent genuine indignation at Free's comment. “What's wrong with my behavior?”

  That made him smile. “Nothing at all. If we were in a brothel. Since we're not you probably shouldn't be quite so plastered to me.”

  “I'm not plastered and I'm just being honest. I want to tell everything, all the time, to the who-ole universe. And I want to have sex with you. That's all.”

  This time Freefall snorted. “Sex with me would never be 'that's all',” he promised, but Darsey didn't finish their usual banter with another joke.

  “I know that,” she agreed sweetly and seriously, before trying to kiss him again.

  Free threw back his head and pushed the shuttle into a wormhole passage without being able to see where he was going. Fortunately, it was an easy jump. They shot into Fairport’s orbit with the ship pinging as it cooled around them and everything still in one piece.

  Sadly, Dee was trying to melt the two of them into one piece as well and Free finished the flight to the nearest dock by fumbling at the controls, while using his elbows and knees to fend her off. The shuttle landed with a crash of belly plates and skidded into the walkway at the end of its berth. He pushed Dee away from his face and came up for air to see that he’d parked at an angle.

  Out, Dax suggested. She tickles. Is this what a clingy female’s like?

  “This is what someone under the influence is like,” Free muttered and Dee pulled back from kissing his throat.


  “Nothing,” he said and took the opportunity to hoist her through the opening hatch.

  Dee disappeared into the harsh blue light of the space dock and Free stepped after her. He dropped down onto the rusted grid of a twisted walkway and Darsey buckled to fall at his feet. He almost stood on her slumped form and had to half-turn to avoid her. Panic returned, at her collapse. Malik could have used anything on her.

  He called up her com scan and dropped to crouch beside her while he studied the result. There was an unidentified drug in her system alright, but it was breaking down fast. Shayvia had given Dee a powerful com and in less than a day her body would be clean.

  “Good,” Free said and Darsey smiled up at him from where she lay sprawled on her back.

  “Life is good,” she agreed. “Let’s watch the ships land, Free. The lights are so pretty.”

  “They are, but it’s bedtime.”

  Her grin widened. “Oh, good.”

  “For you. Spense has a smugglers’ ship docked in the closest merchanter-sized berth. One short walk and you’ll be safe.”

  “Don’t wanna be safe,” Dee murmured and arched her back.

  Wow, Dax thought in response and Free tried hard to ignore him. To ignore them both, but Gods above and below, this was getting difficult.

  “Can you stand?” he asked and Dee gave him a mischievous smile.

  “Maybe, but lying down is more fun. Try it.”

  Darsey patted the flaked metal beside her and Free shot to his feet. Every part of his body wanted to move in the opposite direction, but thank the gods his mind was still in charge. He gripped her by the hands and hauled her upright so he could sling her over his shoulders.

  However, Dee jumped as he pulled her up, to tuck her legs over one of his arms while she hugged him round the neck. Free stood there awkwardly, holding her in his arms, her breath very warm in his ear. He shuddered, but started walking anyway, then lifted his pace to trot along the main dock.

  He looked around to find their ride and her lips brushed along his face. He started and managed to pull back before her mouth could settle over his.

  Freefall walked awkwardly on as fast as he could, with his head swung to one side. Darsey sighed, but started kissing his throat instead and then the base of his neck. By the time they reached the smugglers’ ship she was struggling with the ties of his tunic and he was in the most serious turmoil of his life.

  Free banged his head jumping through the still opening hatch of the smugglers’ ship and leapt for the link. He pulsed them both along it and then sprinted down a corridor to the nearest empty quarters. Darsey gasped when he dropped her on a sofa and made for the door, but she was instantly on her feet to chase him. He backed up, unable to look away, and she caught him well short of the door.

  “Free,” she said, so sadly that he stopped. “Why’re you so cold to me? You’re pulling away like I’m disgusting. Do I disgust you?”

  Dee’s pupils were very large and tears blurred their shape, making Free feel guilty. He knew that didn’t make any sense, but since when did dealing with females make sense?

  Amen, Dax agreed.

  “I don’t find you disgusting, Dee.”

  “Then you must hate me. Why? Why do you hate me so much you can’t even touch me?”

  Dee’s face creased and Free couldn’t help himself. “I love you.”

  Darsey breathed in with a sob, but it was followed by a tentative smile and she reached out slowly, as if scared of startling him, to grasp fistfuls of his tunic. “Love you too.”

  “No. Listen. I love you.” He sent the message with everything he had, including his fronds, and it was as if he’d doused her in snow melt. She went stiff and relaxed her grip, so it was easy to push her away. Or should have been.

  “I won’t betray Wing,” he reminded himself and finally managed to pull back.

  Free left before Darsey could complain, or do something worse. Something physical. He slammed the door field of her room into place and stood there shaking for a long moment, before he could lock it from the outside. He gulped a breath and took off for the link, fleeing at combat speed. He launched himself into it and shot straight into the far wall.

  The impact snapped his mind free from Darsey’s and he floated there panting, his heart hammering in his ears. Gods. Now he'd truly been tested, but at least he'd run. Something quivered deep inside and he knew he hadn't run far enough. Not yet. He accelerated down the link - away from temptation.

  Free blasted into the nest, hitting the arm of the command chair to flip over it and claim his seat.

  “Lucky I don't
sit down when I'm in command,” Spense observed and offered a crisp salute. “Congrats, sar. The package is secure.”

  The Ship’s Senior paused to check his com again. “Very secure. You locked Lady Darsey in?”

  “Indeed. They must have been drugging her for interrogation and she's still sky high. Have you informed Admiral IceFlight we have his wife?”

  His Data Senior answered crisply. “Ye, sar. The code was sent when you boarded.”

  “Excellent work all. Let's go. Nice and slow - we don't wish to draw attention.”

  “As ordered, sar,” Spense confirmed, then pulsed his com to waft to Free's side. He bent over the command chair to talk privately. “Are you okay? You look a little rattled.”

  “At least,” Free confirmed with a tight smile, “but the worst is past now.”

  “We hope,” his subordinate murmured, “but things could get bad once they realize she's long gone. The hunt will spread from Hinterland. Go and grab some rest, sar. We might need you later.”

  “But not now?” Free asked and Spense grinned back.

  “Not so much.”

  Free sent gratitude to Spense and sensed appreciation in response. That was still unnerving, but Free assumed he’d adapt. “My thanks, Senior Chen. You command the nest.”

  “Aye, sar, Senior has your back.”

  Free left much more sedately than he’d arrived. He crossed the nest slowly, with a word for each crew member he passed. By the time he reached his cabin he felt infinitely more relaxed. He stepped into its muted light and raised a hand to greet Pertwing. “Hey, honey.”

  “Hey honey, yourself,” a soft voice replied and he almost jumped through the fake window. The answer had come from his link-access door and he knew exactly who the intruder was. She stepped away from the entry and shifted from a silhouette to the most beautiful woman he knew.

  “Dee! How did you...?” He stopped and shook his head at such a stupid question. “I guess you're drugged, not dead, and my attempt to lock you in was stupid. How are you feeling?”

  Darsey strolled further into the light, trailing her hand along the back of a sofa as she came. “Very, very, very horny.”


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