The Iron Altar Series Box Set One: Books 1 to 3

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The Iron Altar Series Box Set One: Books 1 to 3 Page 127

by Casey Lea

  Free, Dax said in his head and the thought was tinged with panic, this is bad. Really bad. She’s Wing’s wife. Get her out of here before you do something you’ll regret. Again.

  Hush, it’s fine. I’ll handle her.

  That’s what I’m afraid of.

  Darsey moved closer and it sounded like she was purring. Free opened his mouth, waiting for his mind to supply a light-hearted reply, but nothing came. There was a feral intensity about his guest that seemed to be short-circuiting his brain. Other parts of his body were definitely trying to take charge.

  Dax, he thought firmly, go to sleep.

  He waited, but there was no protest, so at least one annoyance was under control.

  “This isn’t funny,” Free finally said to Darsey, but she didn't answer. She simply watched him, while circling closer. “Seriously, Dee-”

  “Oh yes, very seriously.” She reached him, but didn't stop until her body was pressed against his. She rose on her toes and tilted her head to breathe in his ear. “I want you so much. Right here. Right now.”

  Free did the hardest thing of his life and pushed Darsey firmly away.

  “I love you,” she protested, and something sharp twisted in his chest.

  “We both know that's not true.”

  Tears welled from her eyes and he felt her pain. “It is, I swear.”

  “Yes, it is, but you don't love me the way you love Wing. You never will. Which is the point here.”

  “I do,” she whispered. “I want you too. In my dreams, where it's safe.”

  “Then keep it there. Now get out of my chamber before I call my Senior to throw you out.”

  Darsey looked appalled and he gestured to the door, which made her shake her head wildly. She lifted her chin and then stepped forward, passaging straight out of her clothes, to leave a pile of silk on the floor behind her. She launched herself at Freefall. His jaw dropped when she arrived naked in his arms and clung to his neck.

  “Please,” she breathed against his mouth. “I need someone. Should I call for your Senior? No,” Darsey answered, before Free could protest, “because it's all about you. I need you, right now. I'm burning up without you inside me. I'll die, Free, I swear.”

  Free made a small, inarticulate noise, before his arms closed around Darsey. He tried to stop himself at that, but touching her completed his surrender. Their mouths collided and she gave a desperate sob of relief. He was just as eager. Too eager, and rougher than he intended, but she responded passionately.

  Free couldn’t believe he was kissing Darsey, but that was his last conscious thought. Their minds merged with the same abandon as their bodies. Free vaguely knew that the risk should have scared them both, but he could feel the drug singing through Dee's blood. His wildness thrilled her too. His hand circled her neck, brushing her hair gently aside, before tightening hard, while his other hand gripped her waist to hoist her against the wall. His body held her there, while his hands and mouth explored.

  Darsey groaned and grabbed a handful of Free's hair to pull his head up from her breasts. They stared at each other wide eyed, before she bit him on the jaw. He laughed, leaning into the bite and forced a knee between her thighs. She resisted with a teasing smile, clamping her legs together and he laughed again. It was his turn to grab her by the hair, pulling her head back so he could kiss her. He tasted his own blood, before their mouths merged, giving sensations beyond taste.

  It was the most glorious collision of Free's life. Sights and sounds flickered past, as disjointed as an old film. He was held to Dee by a flow of shared sensation that intensified with every second.

  The couple slid past each other while the room turned around them of its own accord. Free felt walls... the floor... and finally the bed, but they were incidental. The feedback from touching Darsey was so much more. She cried out at the end and he yelled too.

  Free collapsed in a world of sweat and gasping and racing heartbeats. He was distantly aware of smooth skin against his cheek, rising and falling along with Dee's breathing. His head was resting on her belly, while her fingers slid to tangle in his hair. Their gentle twisting slowly faded away, as he slipped into a deep and satisfied sleep.


  A distressed gasp woke Free and he struggled to clear his eyes.

  “Where am I?” a familiar voice demanded.

  Wake up, Dax urged in his head. She sounds unhappy. I hope she doesn’t cry. What did you do? I thought sex was supposed to be fun.

  Free shook his head and tried to pull his thoughts together. Sex?

  Memories returned, so hard and fast he had to slam down a mental wall to keep them from Dax.

  “Where-? What-?” the person sharing his bed rasped.

  He rolled over to see a blurred figure sitting up beside him. He blinked some more and Darsey came into focus. He lifted a hand to rest it on her bare back and sent reassurance. “It's kay, Dee. You're on my ship and we'll soon rendezvous with the Grace. I saved you.”

  Darsey's head swiveled and she looked dazedly round the room. “The last thing I remember was Malik. Then the Candyman.”

  She stopped and shuddered, while goosebumps roughened the soft skin under his hand. “He gave me a drug. Said it was so they could rape me and I wouldn't fight back.”

  She looked down at the sheet piled in her lap and then up at Free with a frown. Her eyes widened and she jerked the cover higher over her breasts. “Are you naked too?”

  Is she really? Dax asked, but this time it was easy for Free to ignore him.

  Darsey hadn’t waited for an answer. She slid backward, tugging the sheet with her when she fell from the bed. She jumped to her feet and wrapped the cover round her, staring at him in horror. “Free? Did you save me and then screw me? Instead of Malik?”

  Free felt the first touch of real terror and his mind went blank. “Yes. No. It wasn't like that.”

  Darsey's face crumpled and his heart did the same. “Did you know I was drugged? Did you? Freefall?”


  “And did you think for one second I'd be in your bed otherwise?”


  Darsey scrambled across the floor, snatching up her clothes. “I can't believe... how could you do this? You’re my friend. I trusted you. Hell, Wing trusts you. You b-betrayed us both.”

  Darsey bit her lip, stopping the flow of words. She looked up at Free and tears slipped down her cheeks.

  His own eyes were wet and there was a weight crushing his chest. Breathing was impossible, much less speech. She was right and he knew it. He'd always known it and he should have been stronger.

  “I'm sorry,” he croaked, but she jumped to her feet, clutching her clothes in front of her.

  “Don't. Sorry doesn't cover rape. Just stay away from me.”

  Darsey backed up, watching him warily as she went. As if she expected him to grab her, or tackle her, or something. A part of him wanted to – just to stop her leaving like this, before he could explain.

  Don’t, Dax warned and for once Free listened.

  He let Darsey slide sideways through the door field and watched her disappear. Out of his life.


  Darsey sat curled by the battered hatch of the small ship she’d woken in and tried not to shake. She realized she was holding her breath and managed to stop, though her diaphragm still felt tight. She tried to remember last night, but it was like looking back into fog. It didn’t make any sense. She would have trusted Free with her life. What had happened?

  Thoughts of Free vanished as the door cycled in front of her. It lifted slowly with a groan, before tilting shakily, to grind away into the wall. Wing was standing on the other side.

  Darsey’s breath escaped in a rush and she was up and moving just as fast. She met him before he could step on board. She threw herself into his arms, trusting him to catch her and he did. He hugged her close.

  “I’m sorry, Darsey.”

  What? What for?

  Not coming for you myself. It w
as so hard not to. I almost charged into the Rim and shot everything to pieces. Every drakking planet. I knew Malik might be watching me, but I didn’t care. I needed you safe. Thank the gods for Free.

  Darsey choked back a sob and her mind pushed Wing’s away. She could never tell him what Free had done. It would destroy them all. She expected him to chase her thoughts, but he pulled back mentally at once. He held her tighter though.

  “I’m here now,” he said and kissed her temple. “You can tell me anything you wish. Or not. It’s all good. Whatever you need.”

  It was hard to keep her voice steady, but Darsey managed. “Take me home.”

  “Of course.”

  Wing started to pull back and Darsey felt emptiness return. She jumped to wrap herself around him. He looked startled, but then a smile appeared, just before she leaned in to kiss him. He responded passionately and the last of the Candyman’s drug sang through her veins. She wrapped her legs round his waist and he stepped backward, still kissing her as he found his way into his ship.

  The hatch sealed behind them, but Darsey tangled her fingers in her husband’s hair, not letting him go. She heard him slap the panel to stop the inner hatch from opening, so they had the privacy of the airlock - a limbo stranded between the chill of space and the warmth of home.

  Their merging was every bit as intense as usual, but there was something more – a roughness that came from the fear and despair of separation. It was thrilling and… familiar?

  Too familiar. The dark hair in Darsey’s hands was exactly the same as Free’s and she started to remember. She remembered stroking it, pulling it, wrapping her hands in it. She groaned, but Wing took that as encouragement and she had to let him. He couldn’t know what had happened. Hell, she didn’t know either. Had Free forced her, or had she been the one pushing - demanding?

  “He… forced you?”

  The world became very still, until Wing pushed Darsey away. His mouth worked and he seemed to have to push the words out too, as if he couldn’t believe them. “Free raped you?”


  Darsey’s answer was automatic. Out before she could think about it and she realized it was true. “He wouldn’t do that. Not ever.”

  “Then what the hail are you remembering?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t want to know. I’m trying so hard to forget and I need your help. Please, Wing. It must have been an accident.”

  “An accident?”

  “A mistake of some sort. We can’t afford to think about it. I was all muddled up and drugged. Malik gave me something and I was out of control. I did terrible things. I stabbed this man, a horrible man, but I attacked him like I was crazy. And I don’t know what happened with Free. I’m confused.”

  “Because of the drugs?”

  Darsey could only nod. Her mind tried to explain further, but Wing kept his frond curled tight and his thoughts hidden. How could she get through to him?

  “Did Free know you were drugged?” he whispered.

  Oh no. She tried to think of a way to phrase her answer that would stop his questions and let them both find some peace, but Wing seized on her silence with a snarl.

  “He knew. He knew. He took advantage of you. He betrayed us both. I can’t trust him and I can’t see him again. Not ever.” He swung away and pounded on the door switch. The door flicked open, but he didn’t stride away. Not yet. He didn’t look back at her either.

  Darsey lunged after her husband to cling to his arm, while panic brought bile to her throat. “Wing, please. He messed up. He made a mistake. He must have and we need to forget it, until we figure out what to do. Please. Just act like everything’s okay.”

  Wing’s shoulders clenched and she felt the pain behind his anger. “No, I can’t. Don’t ask. I can’t see him either. I’d kill him. Let’s just… go home.”


  Under the Mountain

  The cave mouth looked as unwelcoming as the first time Zak had seen it. There were no cobwebs blocking the entrance this time, but that made sense. A trap had to stay open until the prey entered. He checked his wrist again, but the tracker was clear. Mac was somewhere inside the mountain ahead and this was the biggest door Zak could find.

  It seemed he wasn’t the only one out for a day on the slopes though. Three people were clustered in front of that dark opening, all of them focused on a scanning tripod set in front of them. They poked at the images it showed, heads nodding as they discussed their findings, and not one of them kept watch on the cave just beyond.

  Scientists. Zak tried not to be judgemental, but lack of fighting skill didn’t need to equate with lack of common sense. Either these guys were fools, or… they were careless because they had someone else watching their backs. He checked the area more closely, using his com to search for life signs, but there was no one to be seen. A number of ridges ran down from the cliff face, so there was plenty of cover, but he didn’t have time to drak around.

  Zak shrugged and loped up the slope to the oblivious scientists. They were arguing and he could have been riding a snow tiger and singing opera without being noticed.

  “It’s not a life sign,” an older male was insisting. “It can’t be. It’s just not strong enough.”

  “It could be camouflaged,” a tall man to his left suggested, but both of his companions laughed.

  “There’s no sentient life indigenous to this planet,” the first speaker said, “and animals can’t hide from full spectrum analysis.”

  “These ones can,” Zak called and the three males jerked as if shot.

  They swivelled in unison and all had identical outraged expressions. The two he’d heard speaking were human while the third was kres, but he looked just as affronted as the others. The oldest had a shock of grey hair, which seemed to puff up when he puffed up his chest.

  “You’re interrupting a vital analysis. Only a moron would compromise an obviously important scientific endeavour. Are you even aware that you’re trespassing on a sanctioned investigation? There have been reports of animal attacks in the vicinity, so you’d best retreat and stop delaying professionals trying to work. This is a dangerous place you know.”

  Zak’s eyes heated and he was in the scientist’s face a second later. Zak managed to keep his vision clear, but his voice was hoarse with outrage. “I know. I just watched one of the victims die. After spending three hours up to my elbows in her guts trying to save her. Which I could have done, except the drakking thing you’re hunting is venomous. Her cells shrivelled, despite the strongest support fields. Her flesh went black and peeled away. I had to watch necrosis take her life a piece at a time. She died after she was dragged into a cave just like this one.”

  The scientists swivelled to study the opening less than a pace away. It was as black as rot and a stale smell wafted from it.

  “Rrrrrggghhh,” Zak yelled and the threesome jumped as one. The kres gave a panicked whistle and took off. The humans hesitated for a moment and Zak finally let his eyes blaze. “Run away.”

  The pair scampered off, abandoning their expensive spectral scanner without a backward glance. That certainly made life easier.

  Zak peered into the waiting cavern, but it remained as impenetrable to light as before. He could see a dirty rock floor that ran into utter darkness within a single stride. He’d have to go carefully, or wait for backup. He was dealing with something that the best med-tek couldn’t cure. No one would blame him for being sensible.

  No one except himself. If Mac died…

  Zak sighed and checked his com’s armoury. Too bad he hadn’t picked up any heavy ordinance on his way from the bar. Still, everything hinged on speed. He needed to find Mac before he was poisoned by whatever had jumped him. Once that venom started work, there was no hope.

  A stone skittered down one of the ridges behind Zak and his fronds caught a touch of body heat. He ducked and spun to see a figure in black cresting the sharp hill. The newcomer’s silhouette was definitely female and as she slid lower he sa
w the gleam of multiple star bursts at her throat. An Alliance officer.

  The stranger skidded to a stop just above Zak and gave him an appraising look. She was dressed in black half-armor - plates of toughened carbon linked by flexible camo-cloth - and held herself like someone used to command. Her ebony skin glinted in the purple light and she looked like a shadow poised above him.

  Zak shook himself and dragged his mind back to the job. She must be overseeing the tek team. She jumped down to join him and he blinked when he realized she was tall enough to reach his shoulder. Unusual for a full-blood human, but she certain-sure looked like an Earthling. What he could see of her figure through the cloth-and-plate armor was statuesque, with plenty of curves that he’d like to explore… if he wasn’t working.

  “You’ve got to leave,” Zak said and gestured back up the slope.

  She looked at him calmly, from dark eyes, and he suddenly felt very young. “You the guy who made my little teks cry?”

  “Yes. This place is dangerous, so piss off.”

  Her lips pursed and she gave him a glance, before scanning their surroundings. “It doesn’t look so bad. I know Simmons my chief tek talks a lot. Did he give you a headache?”


  “So you’re naturally a douche?”

  Zak felt the first prickle of anger in his eyes. “Careful. I don’t get headaches, I give them.”

  The officer’s teeth flashed, white and perfect, as she laughed in his face. “A drama queen too, huh? Nice to meet you, kid. I’m Magreth.” She paused as if surprised. “That is, I’m Strike Leader Mashishanga.”

  “What are you doing here, Leader?”

  “And you are…?”

  “Drakked off.” Zak tried his best glower, but Magreth’s lips curved as if he amused her. How could he make her understand? “Something’s been killing people on Blizzard. I dragged a victim out of here less than a day past. She was a fully-specked hunter and now she’s compost. So move on. I’ve cleaned up enough entrails for one day.”


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