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Rustled Page 18

by Natasha Stories

  There was one dish that remained covered on the cart, but Russ wouldn’t let me see what was in it. Instead, he put it on the table, loaded everything else, from the uneaten food to the dirty dishes, on the carts and rolled them outside. Then he led me over to the sofa and had me sit down. Pulling something from his pocket, he knelt in front of me. A little rush of adrenaline sent my senses tingling.

  Looking at me with the love shining from his eyes, he said, “Kitten, I love you with all of my heart, and I have since I carried you unconscious out of that ditch. I know we’re meant to be together. I want to marry you. Will you have me?”

  Time stopped. For a long moment I searched his face as it took on a look of anxiety when I didn’t answer. I thought of his care of me, and his commanding ways. I thought of the incredible sexual chemistry between us. I thought we still didn’t know each other well enough, and then I thought of my baby, who deserved a father as well as a mother.

  And what a father Russ would be for a little girl. Kind, protective, understanding. And wealthy. She would have everything, much more than I could give her on my own. Most of all, she’d have a daddy who loved her and her mom, and a mom who adored her dad. “Yes. Oh, god, Russ, yes!”

  My delayed answer allowed Russ to let out his breath in a whoosh, and then he seized me for a long kiss. When he broke it, I was glad I was sitting, because otherwise I would have fallen, so swiftly did he let me go. He opened the object he had taken from his pocket, a small black jewelry box, and showed me the most beautiful ring I’d ever seen. It had a marquise-cut diamond, surrounded by a ring of smaller diamonds, and delicate filigree vines with more diamonds detailing each side.

  Taking my hand, he slipped it onto my left ring finger, where it sparkled like heaven itself. I couldn’t believe such a beautiful thing belonged on my finger.

  “Of course it belongs on your finger,” Russ said, and I forgot to even be mad at him for reading my mind again.

  “Oh, Russ, my love, it’s beautiful.”

  “As are you, sweetheart. I love you.”

  I couldn’t stop admiring my ring, so I was surprised to realize Russ had left my side and was pouring champagne into two flutes, a full one for him, and just a swallow for me. Then he uncovered a chocolate dessert that looked like it could be fit for the last meal of a condemned queen. God, I loved this man!

  All thoughts of my mother, Russ’s parents, Janet, the RALDS girls and anything else were pushed out of my mind when Russ led me to bed that night. I was used to him undressing me, he’d been doing that since before I met him, technically. But tonight, he was more reverent than ever as he stood me at the bottom of the bed and untied the belt that held the robe together. As he pushed it off my shoulders and down my arms, uncovering my quivering flesh, he kissed and caressed every inch, paying special attention to my breasts.

  “I can’t wait to taste the milk from these,” he murmured, a little shockingly. We’d have to see about that, though I suspected he’d persuade me. His fingers lightly brushed my mound, causing me to sway toward him, and he held me in one arm while he had me step out of the jeans. I was wishing I had one of my beautiful nightgowns, so much more romantic than the thick robe I’d been wearing all day, but his busy hands soon made me forget what I’d been wearing and remember that now I was wearing nothing.

  “Get in bed,” Russ growled, and I hastened to comply, climbing up over the footboard and to the pillows, where I pulled the sheet and blankets from under my knees and crawled in. The perfume from the huge bouquet of roses mingled with the clean, fresh scent of the sheets, and wrapped me in the sensation of luxury.

  When I turned to settle, I was met by the sight of Russ’s body as I had first seen it, in profile, with his gorgeous erection jutting out from between strong legs and below a washboard torso that bespoke hard work. He was tossing his clothes on the chest of drawers beside the bed. When he felt my eyes on him, he turned, eyes glittering, and said in a low voice, “You’re mine now. All mine, forever.” A thrill went through my rapidly heating flesh as I realized that it meant he was also mine. All mine, forever. I held out my arms.

  Russ advanced on me, slowly, his eyes never leaving mine, until he had to either stop or climb into the bed with me. Lifting the sheet and blanket, he slid in smoothly, snuggling closely to me and taking me in his arms. “Never, ever forget that I love you more than my life. Do you believe me?”

  “I do. And I love you, too.” Nuzzling into his chest, I inhaled the spicy, uniquely Russ aroma that I loved.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “With my life, Russ.”

  “Do you remember our first time, when I told you I’d teach you how to enjoy your body?” Russ was stroking my hair and continuing down my back to my ass, where he would linger a moment, and then start over again. I wanted to simply enjoy the sensation, but knew I owed him an answer.

  “Yes, I remember.”

  “And do you remember I told you that there were things we’d do only when you trusted me completely?” Another thrill flashed through me when I understood what he meant, remembering the first time he’d touched me at the opening where he had never yet fucked me. Whether of apprehension or anticipation, I didn’t know. But I did know that he wouldn’t hurt me.

  “Yes,” I said, my voice pitched lower.

  “Are you ready for those lessons?”

  I nodded, unable to speak now, as the hand that had rested on my lower back came around to part my legs and dip a finger into the moisture that was already gathered there.

  “Good girl. You won’t have to do anything, let me do it. Just enjoy.” I closed my eyes, the better to focus on what his hands were doing, and felt his lips brush my erect nipples briefly, then nuzzle lower. Russ turned me further, until I was lying flat on my back, with a pillow under my head. He brushed his lips over my lower belly, blowing gently now and then.

  Each breath that touched my skin sent a shiver of anticipation straight to my core, where he was brushing me lightly with his fingertips. When his lips traveled further, and his tongue flicked out to touch the hood that concealed my clit, I moaned. He opened me further, urging me to allow him full access by spreading his big hands between my legs, and worked a finger between my outer lips, stroking upward to find the hidden bud where his tongue was questing. When he had found it, he lapped gently while pushing a finger all the way into me.

  “You taste different,” Russ murmured. Anxiety started to take me. Was it unpleasant? But after a few more moments, he paused again to say, “I like it. Even sweeter, I think. Still like nectar.” My body responded to his sensual words by letting down even more of the juices that he lapped luxuriously. His movements were slow and gentle, causing waves of sensation to pass through me, slowly building my passion until long minutes later I was humming with need.

  “God, Russ, please...” I begged.

  “Please what,” he whispered against my heated flesh. I couldn’t answer.

  When I thought I was going to die of frustration if he didn’t press harder into me, his mouth suddenly engulfed me and his tongue began an assault on my clit that made me gasp and claw the sheets beside me. A new sensation invaded me, distracting me from my building orgasm. A small object, his little finger? Had found its way to my virgin rosebud opening and pushed in just a bit. I shifted to dislodge it, wanting to feel only his tongue and finger inside me. Insistently, the object pushed further in, and Russ whispered, “Relax, Kitten. It feels good, I promise.”

  Instantly, I stilled, waiting for the rest. “Good girl.” Russ kept his finger there, pressing toward the front of me now, until I relaxed. I was just getting used to the sensation when he removed it. I felt strangely bereft, as if something else should have happened but didn’t. “It’s going to take a while before I can take you there, Kitten. I’ll tear you if we don’t take it slowly.”

  Before I could process that, recalling what I knew all too well, that he was endowed like a stallion, Russ sat up and changed positions, kneeling bet
ween my legs and pulling me toward him. He was rock hard, and thanks to his finger and tongue, I was more than ready when he thrust into me. The sudden coupling made me clench the muscles there, and he cried out. Holding me up with one arm, he shifted again, until he was suspended above me, my ass cradled in one strong arm, pumping into me steadily. Looking into his eyes, I saw lust and passion, but most of all pure love. All for me. I knew my purpose and my path at last.

  It was so…right, was the only word that came to mind. I wrapped my legs around his waist and thrust forward to drive him more deeply into me. I lost track of what he was doing when the last orgasm came, wave after wave of spasms that rolled my eyes back in my head and drove all thought from my mind except the word ‘yes’, echoing in my brain with each thrust he gave me. I don’t know whether I said it aloud.

  The orgasm waned, and then came on again as he gave a strangled groan and emptied himself into me and then slumped to cover me with his body. He started to roll to the side, but I wanted his weight on me, so with hands and murmurs of protest, I stilled his movement.

  “Don’t let me go, Russ.” My voice sounded small, needy, and I didn’t care. He was my rock, my protector, my man...the father of my baby. My everything.

  “Never, Kitten.”

  My last thought before going to sleep was that I’d make sure he never wore a condom with me again. The sensation of his hot seed filling me was too precious, too wonderful, to miss.


  The following morning, we enjoyed a room service breakfast while I finally brought up the question I hadn’t yet asked him. “Russ, what have you decided about the girls?”

  He looked at me in surprise, then realized that a month had passed since we spoke. “They’re at the house. Janet’s in seventh heaven, feeding all of them and the kids. The place has been a zoo since you left.”

  Delighted, I clapped my hands over my mouth and squealed with glee. “Oh, Russ, thank you! You’re the most generous man I ever met, and have I mentioned that I love you?”

  “Why no, I don’t believe you have,” Russ laughed, as I launched into his lap and began planting kisses all over his face.

  “Well, I do,” I said, biting his nose for good measure.

  “Ow! Show a little respect, woman!” But he was smiling, and when I tried to get up, I was trapped in his arms.

  My clean clothes were delivered an hour later, making it easier for me to leave the room where I had been cocooned since leaving Mom’s house the day before. Russ insisted on taking me to buy maternity clothes, though it would be a couple of months before I’d need them. I let him pamper me only because it gave him such pleasure, not only to buy things for me, but to be bossy about what I’d wear.

  Clothes had never interested me much, especially after arriving in Bethel City where the standard prairie-style long dress was all young girls were allowed to wear. I was equally disinterested in hairstyles and makeup, though I wanted to look pretty for Russ.

  He loved my long unruly curls, and claimed I needed no makeup, but I did experiment that morning by putting my hair up in a style that the other girls in the community and I had played around with while I was there. Of course, we didn’t ever appear in public with a different style. It was expected that we’d sweep our hair up from the sides and back from the brow, push it forward into a little pompadour, clip it there and then braid it in one long thick French braid, culminating in the pigtail hanging down our backs.

  As much as our polygamist sects wanted to maintain a low profile, I always wondered why the Prophet insisted on clothing and a hairstyle that marked us as polygs. Now I pulled it into a ponytail on top of my head and wound it around in a high bun. Russ took one look and pulled it out.

  “That makes you look forty years old,” he complained. I asked him then if we could go to a salon and have it cut and styled, so it wouldn’t always be flying around my head, unless he would let me braid it or pull it back into a ponytail. He said he wanted to think about it.

  “Are you ever going to let me make my own decisions?” I asked, a bit miffed at the refusal to take me to get my hair cut.

  “Only if your decisions suit me. Otherwise, no.” His grin was irresistible, but I feared there were some fights ahead for us. My previous habits hadn’t had obedience as their strong suit. I stuck my tongue out at him, and then ran for the bathroom, slammed and locked the door as he lunged to catch me. I was afraid if he caught me, he’d spank me, and then we’d be in bed the rest of the morning. At the thought, I almost came out and submitted to my punishment, but, since I wanted to get out of the room for a while, I stayed locked in the bathroom until he promised not to spank me.

  After our shopping trip, Russ wanted to talk to an obstetrician about whether I could wait another couple of days to see a doctor about the pregnancy. I just laughed at him, certain that two days wouldn’t make a bit of difference, which is what the OB clinic told him after refusing to let him speak to one of the doctors.

  To his credit, he didn’t play the ‘do you know who I am? I could buy and sell your little clinic ten times’ card. Instead he called Janet and asked her to inquire, discreetly, who was the best OB in Rawlins. I could hear her squeal from the other side of the room when Russ yanked the receiver away from his ear.

  “Yes, Janet, it means what you think it does. Do NOT tell anyone. Do you hear me?” He must have received the answer he wanted, as he hung up. “What shall we do now?”

  “I don’t know. Do you want to go and see the arch?”

  “Seen it.”

  “But have you been to the top?”

  “No, can’t say that I have. Do you really want to do that?” Russ seemed bored with the prospect.

  “Not particularly, but it would kill some time. What I really want to do is get back to the ranch.”

  “You know, we haven’t told your mom she’s going away. Do you think she’ll go along with it?”

  “I don’t know. I’m thinking we tell her right before we introduce her to her escort. What do you think?”

  “You’re probably right. Okay, let’s go see that arch, maybe take in a movie before we go out to dinner. Do you want to put on your new clothes?”

  “Russ, I won’t be showing for ages, so no, not yet.”

  I could tell he was disappointed, but he went along with it. I got the feeling he wanted to show me off as some kind of bragging: look at what I did—my woman is pregnant. When the time came, that would be okay with me.

  The hours until Tuesday seemed to drag, except when we were in bed, which was as much as possible, or when we talked to get to know each other better. I wanted to know everything about Russ, not just how he had grown up, but what he liked to do, whether he had friends, and especially how he had collected all of the men on his payroll.

  He talked of growing up running back and forth between the two ranches on a pony at first, and then the gelding his dad gave him for his twelfth birthday. How he had wanted to rodeo, but his mom was opposed to it, as well as to high school football, as too dangerous. Without boasting, he recounted his graduation from the local high school as the valedictorian, and going away to Harvard, the culture shock he had experienced.

  I got the impression that he had been a lonely kid, without many friends, and asked him about it. He shrugged.

  “Maybe. I didn’t have much in common with the other boys my age. For one thing, there was an income difference, and though my parents didn’t intend to emphasize it, keeping me from even the local rodeo circuit and football set me apart. Plus, I was kind of a nerd.”

  “No way!” I exclaimed. “How do you mean?”

  “Oh, I always had my nose in a book, mostly business and financial. It doesn’t pay to get a reputation as a ‘brain’ in a small town.”

  “Surely the girls befriended you.”

  “Ha! No, not so’s you’d notice. They all wanted the quarterback, and that wasn’t me.”

  Something was missing in Russ’s story, because he wasn’t telling me about
the commanding ranch owner and businessman that he was now. How had he turned into someone who would manhandle me one minute, and then be so tender the next? Not that I minded the manhandling. No, that man could handle me any time. But I would have time to learn his story in full. I looked at my hand again, wearing its gorgeous ring. Plenty of time.


  Eventually, after what seemed like a week, Tuesday came. We had a leisurely breakfast in the room, and then Russ took a call. When he was finished, he said, “Get dressed. We need to go over to your mom’s and let her know what’s happening.”

  I was instantly nervous, wondering if we were going to have to fight her to get her into the van the rehab center had sent, along with two drivers to switch off during the long trip. Russ had offered to fly everyone, but the center director told him that seldom worked well with someone as far gone into alcoholism as my mom.

  In the van, there was medical equipment and medicine that the fully-qualified EMTs who drove would be able to use if necessary. A sudden withdrawal from the amounts of alcohol she was used to drinking might throw my mom into DTs, and that definitely wouldn’t go over well on an airplane. The upside was that, between Russ and the two burly women who were to show up, Mom wouldn’t have a chance at resistance, no matter what she wanted. I asked Russ if we shouldn’t have some sort of court order, and he looked at me with new respect.

  “That would have been a good idea, Kitten, but it’s too late now. We’ll just have to leave quickly if she makes a fuss, and we will have papers from the clinic if we have to defend ourselves from kidnapping charges.”

  A lump formed in my throat. So many legal barriers to doing the right thing; first my potential car theft charges when I was only defending myself from an unwanted marriage, and now this. How was it fair that I was the only responsible adult in the family? Shouldn’t my parents have been looking out for me? But, now I had Russ, and he showed every intention of doing just that, whether I agreed or not. The thought made me smile at him, which in turn made him stride swiftly to me and kiss me, hard.


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